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Simon Tokumine 58d5b86935
Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
13 years ago
app Merge branch 'develop' of into develop 13 years ago
config working base state 13 years ago
db removed data_import_id column from first user_tables migration file. it will cause conflict with the newer add column migration 13 years ago
doc add infowindow getter and setters 13 years ago
lib Merge branch 'develop' of into develop 13 years ago
misc Typo fix: EmtpyTable > EmptyTable 13 years ago
public improve english 13 years ago
script Adds resque gem and first mailer jobs 14 years ago
spec working migration specs 13 years ago
tmp Add tmp folder to the repo and fix wrong javascript filenames in asset_packages 14 years ago
vendor/plugins Externalized cartodb-importer 13 years ago
.gitignore ignore pip src, and idiot proof the varnish trigger. 13 years ago
.rvmrc .rvmrc 14 years ago
Gemfile added state_machine to gem 13 years ago
Gemfile.lock added state_machine to gem 13 years ago
LICENSE dashboard bugs fixed, year changed, edit cell in query mode edited,... 13 years ago testing CIA 13 years ago
Rakefile added possible fix for deploy issue 13 years ago
Termfile closes #48 13 years ago
Vagrantfile added vagrant file 13 years ago Moving from ProtoCartodb to CartoDB 14 years ago to run ci tests 13 years ago
pip-log.txt added importer machine placeholder 13 years ago
python_requirements.txt update basic requirements 13 years ago

What is CartoDB?

CartoDB is an open source tool that allows for the storage and visualization of geospatial data on the web.

It was built to make it easier for people to tell their stories by providing them with flexible and intuitive ways to create maps and design geospatial applications. CartoDB can be installed on your own server and we also offer a hosted service at

If you would like to see some live demos, check out our videos on Vimeo. We hope you like it!

What can I do with CartoDB?

With CartoDB, you can upload your geospatial data (Shapefiles, GeoJSON, etc) using a web form and then make it public or private.

After it is uploaded, you can visualize it in a table or on a map, search it using SQL, and apply map styles using CartoCSS. You can even access it using the CartoDB Maps API and SQL API, or export it to a file.

In other words, with CartoDB you can make awesome maps and build powerful geospatial applications! Definitely check out the CartoDB Gallery for interactive examples and code.

What are the components of CartoDB?

  • A User Interface for uploading, creating, editing, visualizing, and exporting geospatial data.
  • A geospatial database built on PostgreSQL and PostGIS 2.0
  • An SQL API for running SQL queries over HTTP with results formatted using GeoJSON and KML
  • A Map tiler that supports SQL and tile styling using CartoCSS
  • Authentication using OAuth if required

What does CartoDB depend on?

  • CartoDB-SQL-API
  • Mapnik 2.0
  • NodeJS 0.4.10+
  • PostGIS 2.0
  • Postgres 9.1.x
  • Redis 2.2+
  • Varnish 3.0+
  • Ruby 1.9.2+
  • Windshaft-cartodb

How do I install CartoDB?

The installation process is fairly painless, and we have successful installations running on Amazon EC2, Linode, and development machines with OS X and Ubuntu.

Before getting started, go ahead and download CartoDB by cloning this repository:

$ git clone

Or you can just download the CartoDB zip file.

Install Ruby

We implemented CartoDB in the Ruby programming language, so you'll need to install Ruby 1.9.2+.

Install Node.js

Components of CartoDB, like Windshaft, depend on Node.js (version greater than or equal to 0.4.1 but less than version 0.5.0). Basically it's a highly-scalable web server that leverages Google's V8 JavaScript engine.

You can install Node.js and NPM (the Node.js package manager) by following these instructions on Node's GitHub wiki site.

Alternatively, you can install Node.js using brew install node, but NPM has to be installed using the wiki instructions above.

You may run into a few annoying NPM version issuess. If so, don't worry! Just run:

$ curl | sh

And you will be good to GO.

Install PostgreSQL and PostGIS

PostgreSQL is the relational database that powers CartoDB. PostGIS is the geospatial extension that allows PostgreSQL to support geospatial queries. This is the heart of CartoDB!

First you'll need to install a few dependencies.

  • GDAL is requires for raster support.
  • GEOS is required for geometry function support.
  • JSON-C is required for GeoJSON support.
  • PROJ4 is required for reprojection support.
  • plpython is required for Python support (e.g., sudo apt-get install postgresql-plpython-9.1)

Next install PostgreSQL 9.1.x and PostGIS 2.0.x.

Finally, CartoDB depends on a geospatial database template named template_postgis. In the example script below, make sure that the path to each SQL file is correct. As of PostGIS r8242 for example, spatial_ref_sys.sql is now located in the root installation directory, instead of in the ./postgis directory:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
POSTGIS_SQL_PATH='pg_config --sharedir'/contrib/postgis-2.0
createdb -E UTF8 template_postgis 
createlang -d template_postgis plpgsql 
psql -d postgres -c "UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate='true' WHERE datname='template_postgis';"
psql -d template_postgis -f $POSTGIS_SQL_PATH/postgis.sql 
psql -d template_postgis -f $POSTGIS_SQL_PATH/spatial_ref_sys.sql
psql -d template_postgis -f $POSTGIS_SQL_PATH/legacy.sql
psql -d template_postgis -f $POSTGIS_SQL_PATH/legacy_compatibility_layer.sql
psql -d template_postgis -c "GRANT ALL ON geometry_columns TO PUBLIC;" 
psql -d template_postgis -c "GRANT ALL ON spatial_ref_sys TO PUBLIC;"

Install Redis

Components of CartoDB, like Windshaft, depend on Redis. Basically it's a really fast key-value datastore used for caching.

To install Redis 2.2+, You can download it here or you can use brew install redis.

Install Python dependencies

To install the Python modules that CartoDB depends on, you can use easy_install, which is easy!

$ easy_install pip 
$ pip install -r python_requirements.txt

If this fails, try doing export ARCHFLAGS='-arch i386 -arch x86_64' beforehand.

Install Varnish

Varish is a web application accelerator. Components like Windshaft use it to speed up serving tiles via the Maps API. Installing it is speedy too!

$ pip install -e
$ git+

Install Mapnik

Mapnik is an API for creating beautiful maps. CartoDB uses Mapnik 2.0.x for creating and syling map tiles.

To install it using Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential curl wget python-software-properties
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mapnik/nightly-trunk
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install libmapnik libmapnik-dev mapnik-utils

To install it using OS X, here is a nice Homebrew recipe.

Install CartoDB SQL API

The CartoDB SQL API component powers the SQL queries over HTTP. To install it:

$ git clone
$ cd CartoDB-SQL-API
$ npm install

To run CartoDB SQL API in development mode, simply type:

$ node app.js development

Install Windshaft-cartodb

The Windshaft-cartodb component powers the CartoDB Maps API. To install it:

$ git clone
$ cd Windshaft-cartodb
$ npm install

To run Windshaft-cartodb in development mode, simply type:

$ node app.js development

Install local instance of cold beer

Congratulations! Everything you need should now be installed. Celebrate by drinking a cold beer before continuing. :)

Running CartoDB

Time to run your development version of CartoDB.

First, there are a couple of one-time setups:

  • Go into the cartodb directory.
  • Type rvm and say "yes" to create a new gemset or just type rvm use 1.9.2@cartodb --create
  • Type bundle install --binstubs
  • Rename config/app_config.yml.sample to config/app_config.yml
  • Rename config/database.yml.sample to config/database.yml
  • Edit /etc/hosts and add admin.localhost.lan admin.testhost.lan and my_subdomain.localhost.lan

After that, just make sure CartoDB-SQL-API, Windshaft-cartodb, and Redis are all running.

Ok, let's start CartoDB on the rails development server:

$ rails s

And finally, setup your first user account:

$ bundle exec rake cartodb:db:setup SUBDOMAIN=mysubdomain PASSWORD=mypass ADMIN_PASSWORD=mypass
$ bundle exec rake cartodb:db:set_user_quota['me',1000] # 1 GB quota

That's it!

You should now be able to access my_subdomain.localhost.lan in your browser and login with your email and password.

Note: Look at the public/javascripts/environments/development.js file which configures Windshaft-cartodb tile server URLs.


  • Fernando Blat (@ferblape)
  • Javier Álvarez Medina (@xavijam)
  • Simon Tokumine (@tokumine)
  • Alvaro Bautista (@batu)
  • Fernando Espinosa (@ferdev)
  • Sergio Alvarez Leiva (@saleiva)
  • Javier de la Torre (@jatorre)
  • Andrew W Hill (@andrewxhill)
  • Javier Santana (@javisantana)
  • Javier Arce (@javierarce)
  • Aaron Steele (@eightysteele)
  • Luis Bosque (@luisico)
  • test