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class OrganizationMailer < ActionMailer::Base
include MailerConfig
default from: Cartodb.get_config(:mailer, 'from')
layout 'mail'
def quota_limit_reached(organization)
@organization = organization
@subject = "Your organization #{} has reached its quota"
@link = support_link
@app_name = app_name
@app_link = app_link
mail to:,
subject: @subject
def invitation(invitation, email)
@invitation = invitation
@organization = invitation.organization
@app_name = app_name
@subject = "You are invited to join the #{} organization at #{app_name} #{@invitation.viewer? ? 'as a viewer' : ''}"
base_url = CartoDB.base_url(
token = invitation.token(email)
@invitation_signup_link = "#{base_url}#{CartoDB.path(self, 'signup', invitation_token: token, email: email)}"
mail to: email, subject: @subject
def seat_limit_reached(organization)
@organization = organization
@subject = "Your organization #{} has reached its seat limit"
@link = support_link
@app_name = app_name
@app_link = app_link
mail to:,
subject: @subject