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142 lines
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var timer = require("grunt-timer");
* CartoDB UI assets generation
module.exports = function(grunt) {
if (timer) timer.init(grunt);
var ROOT_ASSETS_DIR = './public/assets/';
var ASSETS_DIR = './public/assets/<%= pkg.version %>';
var BROWSERIFIED_MODULES_DIR = '.grunt/browserified_modules/';
// use grunt --environment production
var env = grunt.option('environment') || 'development';
var aws = {};
if (grunt.file.exists('grunt-aws.json')) {
aws = grunt.file.readJSON('grunt-aws.json');
// Project configuration.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
aws: aws,
env: grunt.file.readJSON("./lib/build/config/" + env + ".json"),
gitrev: exec('git rev-parse HEAD', { silent:true }).output.replace('\n', ''),
assets_dir: ASSETS_DIR,
root_assets_dir: ROOT_ASSETS_DIR,
browserified_modules_dir: BROWSERIFIED_MODULES_DIR,
// Concat task
concat: require('./lib/build/tasks/concat').task(),
// JST generation task
jst: require('./lib/build/tasks/jst').task(),
// Compass files generation
compass: require('./lib/build/tasks/compass').task(),
// Copy assets (stylesheets, javascripts, images...)
copy: require('./lib/build/tasks/copy').task(grunt),
// Watch actions
watch: require('./lib/build/tasks/watch.js').task(),
// Clean folders before other tasks
clean: require('./lib/build/tasks/clean').task(),
// Jasmine tests
jasmine: require('./lib/build/tasks/jasmine.js').task(),
s3: require('./lib/build/tasks/s3.js').task(),
uglify: require('./lib/build/tasks/uglify.js').task(),
browserify: require('./lib/build/tasks/browserify.js').task()
// Load Grunt tasks
require('./lib/build/tasks/manifest').register(grunt, ASSETS_DIR);
// builds cdb
grunt.registerTask('cdb', "builds cartodb.js", function() {
var done = this.async();
require("child_process").exec('make update_cdb', function (error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error) {'cartodb.js not updated (due to '+ stdout +", "+ stderr +")");
} else {
grunt.log.ok('cartodb.js updated');
grunt.registerTask('invalidate', "invalidate cache", function() {
var done = this.async();
var cmd = grunt.template.process("curl -H 'Fastly-Key: <%= aws.FASTLY_API_KEY %>' -X POST '<%= aws.FASTLY_CARTODB_SERVICE %>/purge_all'");
require("child_process").exec(cmd, function(error, stdout, stderr) {
if (!error) {
grunt.log.ok('CDN invalidated (fastly) -> ' + stdout);
} else {
grunt.log.error('CDN not invalidated (fastly)');
grunt.registerTask('config', "generates assets config for current configuration", function() {
// Set assets url for static assets in our app
var config = grunt.template.process("cdb.config.set('assets_url', '<%= env.http_path_prefix %>/assets/<%= pkg.version %>');");
config += grunt.template.process("\nconsole.log('cartodbui v<%= pkg.version %> sha1: <%= gitrev %>');");
grunt.file.write("lib/build/app_config.js", config);
grunt.registerTask('check_release', "checks release can be done", function() {
if (env === 'development') {
grunt.log.error("you can't release running development enviorment");
return false;
grunt.log.ok(" you are going to deploy to " + env );
grunt.event.on('watch', function(action, filepath) {
// configure copy vendor to only run on changed file
var cfg = grunt.config.get('copy.vendor');
if (filepath.indexOf(cfg.cwd) !== -1) {
grunt.config('copy.vendor.src', filepath.replace(cfg.cwd, ''));
} else {
grunt.config('copy.vendor.src', []);
// configure copy app to only run on changed file
var files = grunt.config.get('');
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) {
var cfg = grunt.config.get('' + i);
if (filepath.indexOf(cfg.cwd) !== -1) {
grunt.config('' + i + '.src', filepath.replace(cfg.cwd, ''));
} else {
grunt.config('' + i + '.src', []);
grunt.registerTask('test', ['config', 'concat:js', 'jst', 'jasmine']);
grunt.registerTask('css', ['copy:vendor', 'copy:app', 'compass', 'concat:css']);
grunt.registerTask('js', ['cdb', 'concat:js', 'jst']);
grunt.registerTask('default', ['clean', 'config', 'cdb', 'concat:js', 'css', 'jst', 'manifest']);
grunt.registerTask('minimize', ['default', 'copy:js', 'uglify']);
grunt.registerTask('release', ['check_release', 'default', 'copy:js', 'uglify', 's3', 'invalidate']);