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CartoDB is a tool for analyzzing, vizzualising and sharing your geospatial data in PostGIS.

Each CartoDB is owned by its user, and is composed of:

  • User Interface: create and manipulate tables and their data, import new ones, or export them to files
  • PostGIS 2 database: a geospatial database with the full range of Postgres and PostGIS functionality
  • Pure SQL API endpoint: run SQL queries and get responses in JSON, geojson and KML format
  • Map tiler: A SQL configurable map tile generator for quick feedback on your data, allowing you to style and embed maps
  • Authentication: Read/Write access to datasets over OAuth with user definable public access if required

Watch some videos of CartoDB in action or try our hosted service,


  • Mapnik 2.0
  • PostGIS 2.0
  • Postgres 9.1.x
  • Redis 2.2+
  • NodeJS 0.4.10+
  • Ruby 1.9.2+

Components of CartoDB

Setting-up the environment for developers

  • Install Ruby 1.9.2

  • Install Node.JS and Npm, following these steps: (alternatively you can use brew instrall node``, but npm has to be installed following the wiki instructions)

  • Install PostgreSQL, PostGIS, GDAL, and Geo.

  • Install Redis from or using brew install redis.

  • Python dependencies:

    easy_install pip # in MacOs X pip install -r python_requirements.txt

    Note: If compilation fails (it did for gdal module raising a Broken pipe error) try doing "export ARCHFLAGS='-arch i386 -arch x86_64'" first

  • Setup new hosts in /etc/hosts:

    # CartoDB admin.localhost.lan admin.testhost.lan
    # # # # #
  • Clone the Node SQL API in your projects folder:

    git clone
  • Install nodejs dependencies

    npm install
  • Clone the map tiler in your projects folder:

    git clone
  • Install nodejs dependencies

    npm install
  • Clone the main repository in your projects folder:

    git clone
  • Change to cartdb/ folder and rvm will require to create a new gemset. Say yes. If not, you must create a gemset for Ruby 1.9.2:

    rvm use 1.9.2@cartodb --create
  • Run bundle:

    bundle install --binstubs
  • Run Redis:

    cd /tmp
  • Run rake db:create db:migrate cartodb:db:create_publicuser cartodb:db:create_admin in cartodb folder

Every day usage

  • Check if Redis is running, if not cd /tmp; redis-server

  • Change to CartoDB directory

  • Run bin/rake db:reset if you want to reset your data and load the database from seeds.rb file

  • Run a Rails server in port 3000: rails s

  • In a separate tab change to Node SQL API and Tiler directories and run node.js: node app.js developement

  • Open your browser and go to http://admin.localhost.lan:3000

  • Enjoy!

Coming soon

  • Better installation instructions
  • Simple AMI/Linode images
  • Examples and usecases