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require 'carto/db/migration_helper'
# rubocop:disable Style/MixinUsage
include Carto::Db::MigrationHelper
# rubocop:enable Style/MixinUsage
proc do
create_table :connections do
Uuid :id, primary_key: true, default: Sequel.lit('uuid_generate_v4()')
foreign_key :user_id, :users, type: :uuid, null: false, index: true, on_delete: :cascade
String :connection_type, null: false
String :connector, null: false
String :name, null: false
String :parameters, null: true, type: 'json'
String :token, null: true
DateTime :created_at, null: false
DateTime :updated_at, null: false
run %{
INSERT INTO connections(user_id, connection_type, connector, name, token, created_at, updated_at)
SELECT user_id, 'oauth-service', service, service, token, created_at, updated_at
FROM synchronization_oauths
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT id FROM users WHERE id=synchronization_oauths.user_id);
proc do
drop_table :connections