require 'base64' require_dependency 'carto/user_authenticator' require_dependency 'carto/email_cleaner' Rails.configuration.middleware.use RailsWarden::Manager do |manager| manager.default_strategies :password, :api_authentication manager.failure_app = SessionsController end # All strategies should: # - Include this module # - Override the methods as needed module CartoStrategy def affected_by_password_expiration? true end def check_password_expired(user) if affected_by_password_expiration? && user.password_expired? throw(:warden, action: :password_change, username: user.username) end end def trigger_login_event(user) check_password_expired(user) CartoGearsApi::Events::EventManager.instance.notify( # From the very beginning it's been assumed that after login you go to the dashboard, and # we're using that event as a synonymous to "last logged in date". Now you can skip dashboard # after login (see #11946), so marking that event on authentication is more accurate with the # meaning (although not with the name). user.view_dashboard end end # Setup Session Serialization class Warden::SessionSerializer def serialize(user) user.username end def deserialize(username) ::User.filter(username: username).first end end Warden::Strategies.add(:password) do include Carto::UserAuthenticator include Carto::EmailCleaner include CartoStrategy def valid_password_strategy_for_user(user) user.organization.nil? || user.organization.auth_username_password_enabled end def authenticate! if params[:email] && params[:password] if (user = authenticate(clean_email(params[:email]), params[:password])) if user.enabled? && valid_password_strategy_for_user(user) trigger_login_event(user) success!(user, :message => "Success") request.flash['logged'] = true elsif !user.enable_account_token.nil? throw(:warden, :action => 'account_token_authentication_error', :user_id => else fail! end else fail! end else fail! end end end Warden::Strategies.add(:enable_account_token) do include CartoStrategy def authenticate! if params[:id] user = ::User.where(enable_account_token: params[:id]).first if user user.enable_account_token = nil trigger_login_event(user) success!(user) else fail! end else fail! end end end Warden::Strategies.add(:oauth) do include CartoStrategy def valid_oauth_strategy_for_user(user) user.organization.nil? || user.organization.auth_github_enabled end def authenticate! fail! unless params[:oauth_api] oauth_api = params[:oauth_api] user = oauth_api.user if user && oauth_api.config.valid_method_for?(user) trigger_login_event(user) success!(user) else fail! end end end Warden::Strategies.add(:ldap) do include CartoStrategy def affected_by_password_expiration? false end def authenticate! (fail! and return) if (params[:email].blank? || params[:password].blank?) user = nil begin user =[:email], params[:password]) rescue Carto::Ldap::LDAPUserNotPresentAtCartoDBError => exception throw(:warden, action: 'ldap_user_not_at_cartodb', cartodb_username: exception.cartodb_username, organization_id: exception.organization_id, ldap_username: exception.ldap_username, ldap_email: exception.ldap_email) end # Fails, but do not stop processin other strategies (allows fallbacks) return unless user trigger_login_event(user) success!(user, :message => "Success") request.flash['logged'] = true end end Warden::Strategies.add(:api_authentication) do include CartoStrategy def affected_by_password_expiration? false end def authenticate! # WARNING: The following code is a modified copy of the oauth10_token method from # oauth-plugin-0.4.0.pre4/lib/oauth/controllers/application_controller_methods.rb # It also checks token class like does the oauth10_access_token method of that same file if ClientApplication.verify_request(request) do |request_proxy| @oauth_token = ClientApplication.find_token(request_proxy.token) if @oauth_token.respond_to?(:provided_oauth_verifier=) @oauth_token.provided_oauth_verifier=request_proxy.oauth_verifier end # return the token secret and the consumer secret [(@oauth_token.nil? ? nil : @oauth_token.secret), (@oauth_token.nil? || @oauth_token.client_application.nil? ? nil : @oauth_token.client_application.secret)] end if @oauth_token && @oauth_token.is_a?(::AccessToken) user = ::User.find_with_custom_fields(@oauth_token.user_id) if user.enable_account_token.nil? success!(user) and return else throw(:warden, :action => 'account_token_authentication_error', :user_id => end end end fail! end end Warden::Strategies.add(:http_header_authentication) do include CartoStrategy def affected_by_password_expiration? false end def valid? end def authenticate! user = return fail! unless user.present? trigger_login_event(user) success!(user) rescue => e CartoDB.report_exception(e, "Authenticating with http_header_authentication", user: user) return fail! end end Warden::Strategies.add(:saml) do include CartoStrategy include Carto::EmailCleaner def affected_by_password_expiration? false end def organization_from_request subdomain = CartoDB.extract_subdomain(request) Carto::Organization.where(name: subdomain).first if subdomain end def saml_service(organization = organization_from_request) if organization end def valid? params[:SAMLResponse].present? && saml_service.try(:enabled?) end def authenticate! organization = organization_from_request saml_service = email = clean_email(saml_service.get_user_email(params[:SAMLResponse])) user = organization.users.where(email: email).first if user if user.try(:enabled?) trigger_login_event(user) success!(user, message: "Success") request.flash['logged'] = true else fail! end else throw(:warden, action: 'saml_user_not_in_carto', organization_id:, saml_email: email) end rescue => e CartoDB::Logger.error(message: "Authenticating with SAML", exception: e) return fail! end end # @see ApplicationController.update_session_security_token Warden::Manager.after_set_user except: :fetch do |user, auth, opts| auth.session(opts[:scope])[:sec_token] = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(user.crypted_password) # Only at the editor, and only after new authentications, destroy other sessions # @see #4656 warden_proxy = auth.env['warden'] # On testing there is no warden global so we cannot run this logic if warden_proxy warden_sessions = auth.env['rack.session'] do |key, _| key.start_with?("warden.user") && !key.end_with?(".session") end warden_sessions.each do |_, value| unless value == user.username warden_proxy.logout(value) if warden_proxy.authenticated?(value) end end end end Warden::Manager.after_set_user do |user, auth, opts| # Without winning strategy (loading cookie from session) assume we want to respect expired passwords should_check_expiration = !auth.winning_strategy || auth.winning_strategy.affected_by_password_expiration? throw(:warden, action: :password_expired) if should_check_expiration && user.password_expired? end Warden::Strategies.add(:user_creation) do include CartoStrategy def authenticate! username = params[:username] user = ::User.where(username: username).first return fail! unless user user_creation = Carto::UserCreation.where(user_id: return fail! unless user_creation if user_creation.autologin? trigger_login_event(user) success!(user, :message => "Success") else fail! end end end module Carto::Api::AuthApiAuthentication include CartoStrategy # We don't want to store a session and send a response cookie def store? false end def affected_by_password_expiration? false end def valid? base64_auth.present? || params[:api_key].present? end def base64_auth match = AUTH_HEADER_RE.match(request.headers['Authorization']) match && match[:auth] end def authenticate_user(require_master_key) user, token = user_and_token_from_request return fail! unless user && token api_key = user.api_keys.where(token: token) api_key = require_master_key ? api_key.master : api_key return fail! unless api_key.exists? success!(user) rescue fail! end def request_api_key return @request_api_key if @request_api_key user, token = user_and_token_from_request @request_api_key = user.api_keys.where(token: token).first if user && token # If user is logged in though other means, assume a master key @request_api_key = current_user.api_keys.master.first if !@request_api_key && current_user @request_api_key end private AUTH_HEADER_RE = /basic\s(?\w+)/i def user_and_token_from_request return unless valid? if base64_auth.present? username, token = split_auth return unless username == CartoDB.extract_subdomain(request) elsif params[:api_key] token = params[:api_key] username = CartoDB.extract_subdomain(request) end [User[username: username], token] end def split_auth decoded_auth = Base64.decode64(base64_auth) decoded_auth.split(':') end end Warden::Strategies.add(:auth_api) do include Carto::Api::AuthApiAuthentication def authenticate! authenticate_user(true) end end Warden::Strategies.add(:any_auth_api) do include Carto::Api::AuthApiAuthentication def authenticate! authenticate_user(false) end end