0.9.9 (29/06/12) ----- * Added module to send some statistics to a StatsD server 0.9.8 (26/06/12) ----- * Fixes when DROP table on the SQL API * Change the ESPG service used for finding projection to a more stable one provided by cloudfoundry. * Make clicks on features more reliable on maps * Improved testing, faster and and easier to run * Check file size before uploading on client side 0.9.7 (12/06/12) ----- * Allow .geojson imports * UI tweaks * Fix support for 3D shapefiles (force 2D) * upload failed imports to S3 for offline inspection * improvements to import (encoding, geom checks) * warnings for table rename collisions 0.9.6 (05/06/12) ----- * Improvements on import file type checking * Better encoding detection across all import types * UI bugfixes * Improved navigation when lots of tabs open * testing review and refactoring * Improve the mapping of geometry at N/S extremes 0.9.5 ----- * CDB_RectangleGrid function, for simpler grids * CDB_QueryTables accept concatenated statements and removes dupes * improved speed, robustness and file type handling for imports * documentation fixes * bugfixes for oauth authentication 0.9.4 ----- * Update CDB_TransformToWebmercator to return NULL for geoms fully outside the valid webmercator boundary * Add CDB_RandomTids function, for fast pseudo-random TID scans * Add an hexagon builder functions CDB_Hexagon and CDB_HexagonGrid * CDB_TransformToWebmercator 10x speed improvement * Improve timeout in import stages * Improved Shapefile importing * Dashboard optimizations for large datasets * Optimisations in embedded map * Improved bounds handling on map * move geocoder to Yahoo * Various GUI fixes * HTTP API Key access from API Keys page * Add an CDB_QueryTables function to find tables used by a query * Improve granularity of caching invalidation to the table level 0.9.3 ----- * new styles for login etc * table search * core CartoDB SQL functions added (CDB_*) 0.9.2 ----- * .OSM import * show top 100 tags * ?q=search_term to dashboard url 0.9.1 ----- * public tables (share the url with anyone) * download public table datasets * session issues begone - allows you to login to multiple cartodbs * free users cannot make private tables (but if they have them already they can keep them) * import error codes and reporting * upload file via API from ruby gem * bubble maps for polygon layers * bug fixes including map style invalidation