require 'carto/mapcapped_visualization_updater' namespace :carto do namespace :db do desc "get modified layers" task :get_modified_layers => :environment do if ENV['DATE_AFTER'].blank? raise "Missing DATE_AFTER var" else date_after = ENV['DATE_AFTER'] end if ENV['DATE_BEFORE'].blank? raise "Missing DATE_BEFORE var" else date_before = ENV['DATE_BEFORE'] end layers = Layer.where("updated_at BETWEEN timestamp with time zone '#{date_after}' and timestamp with time zone '#{date_before}'").all final_layers = do |l| options = JSON.parse(l[:options]) options["tile_style_custom"] == false && ["category", "bubble", "torque", "choropleth"].include?(options["wizard_properties"]["type"]) end affected_visualizations = [] final_layers.each do |l| end affected_visualizations.uniq! puts "Affected layers" puts "---------------" final_layers.each do |l| begin v = l.maps.first.visualizations.first owner = l.maps.first.user affected_visualizations << "#{} | #{} | updated: #{v.updated_at} | user: #{owner.username} | type: #{v.type}" puts "id: #{} | visualization: #{} | vis_type: #{v.type} | updated_at: #{l.updated_at} | user: #{owner.username}" rescue StandardError puts "Ignoring orphan layer #{}" end end puts "TOTAL: #{final_layers.length}" puts "" puts "Affected visualizations" puts "-----------------------" affected_visualizations.each do |v| puts v end puts "TOTAL: #{affected_visualizations.length}" end desc "CARTO rebranding attribution change" task set_carto_attribution: :environment do puts "Updating layer attributions" ActiveRecord::Base.logger = nil total = Carto::Layer.count acc = 0 errors = 0 Carto::Layer.find_each do |layer| acc += 1 puts "#{acc} / #{total}" if acc % 100 == 0 begin attribution = layer.options['attribution'] if attribution.present? attribution.gsub!('CartoDB', 'CARTO') attribution.gsub!('', '') attribution.gsub!('http://carto', 'https://carto') attribution.gsub!( 'OpenStreetMap contributors © CARTO', 'OpenStreetMap contributors') end category = layer.options['category'] if category.present? && category == 'CartoDB' layer.options['category'] = 'CARTO' end rescue StandardError => e errors += 1 STDERR.puts "Error updating layer #{}: #{e.inspect}. #{e.backtrace.join(',')}" end end puts "Finished. Total: #{total}. Errors: #{errors}" unless Rails.env.test? end desc "Nokia -> HERE layer update (platform #2815)" task update_nokia_layers: :environment do include Carto::MapcappedVisualizationUpdater basemaps = Cartodb.get_config(:basemaps, 'Here') puts "Updating base layer urls" layer_dataset = Carto::Layer.where(kind: 'tiled') .where("options LIKE '{%' AND options::json->>'className' IN (?)", basemaps.keys) total = layer_dataset.count acc = 0 errors = 0 puts "Updating #{total} layers" layer_dataset.find_each do |layer| acc += 1 puts "#{acc} / #{total}" if (acc % 100).zero? begin visualization = layer.visualization next unless visualization success = update_visualization_and_mapcap(visualization) do |vis, persisted| vis.user_layers.each do |l| layer_class = l.options[:className] if basemaps.keys.include?(layer_class) l.options[:urlTemplate] = basemaps[layer_class.to_s]['url'] l.options[:name] = basemaps[layer_class.to_s]['name'] if persisted end end end raise 'MapcappedVisualizationUpdater returned false' unless success rescue StandardError => e errors += 1 STDERR.puts "Error updating layer #{}: #{e.inspect}. #{e.backtrace.join(',')}" end end puts "Finished. Total: #{total}. Errors: #{errors}" unless Rails.env.test? end module LayersRake def self.update_layer(layer, options, persisted) layer.options = options layer.user.viewer = false # To avoid validation issues! if persisted end end desc "Syncs all layers with the configuration from app_config" task sync_basemaps_from_app_config: :environment do include Carto::MapcappedVisualizationUpdater basemaps = Cartodb.get_config(:basemaps) basemaps_by_class_name = basemaps.flat_map { |category, classes| if category != 'GMaps' { |_, attributes| class_name = attributes['className'] [class_name, attributes] if class_name.present? }.compact else [] end }.compact.to_h puts "Updating base layer urls" viz_dataset = Carto::Visualization.where(type: ['table', 'derived']) total = viz_dataset.count acc = 0 updated = 0 errors = 0 puts "Updating #{total} visualizations" viz_dataset.eager_load(map: :layers).eager_load(:user).find_each do |visualization| acc += 1 puts "#{acc} / #{total}" if (acc % 100).zero? next unless visualization.user begin success = update_visualization_and_mapcap(visualization) do |vis, persisted| # Find visualization tiled base layers base_layers = next true unless base_layers.count.between?(1, 2) # Other kind of basemaps (e.g: plain color), skip bottom_layer, labels_layer = base_layers.sort_by(&:order) # Find basemap in configuration class_name = bottom_layer.options['className'] attributes = basemaps_by_class_name[class_name] next true unless attributes # Unknown basemap class: do nothing (e.g: custom basemap) # Update bottom layer LayersRake.update_layer(bottom_layer, attributes.except('default'), persisted) # Update top layer (if present) if labels_layer && attributes['labels'] default_labels_layer = Carto::LayerFactory.build_default_labels_layer(bottom_layer) LayersRake.update_layer(labels_layer, default_labels_layer.options, persisted) elsif labels_layer STDERR.puts "WARN: Visualization #{} has label but basemap class #{class_name} does not" elsif attributes['labels'] STDERR.puts "WARN: Basemap class #{class_name} has label but visualization #{} does not" end updated += 1 true end raise 'MapcappedVisualizationUpdater returned false' unless success rescue StandardError => e errors += 1 STDERR.puts "Error updating visualization #{}: #{e.inspect}. #{e.backtrace.join(',')}" end end puts "Finished. Total: #{total}. Updated: #{updated}. Errors: #{errors}" unless Rails.env.test? end end end