var _ = require('underscore'); var timer = require('grunt-timer'); var semver = require('semver'); var jasmineCfg = require('./lib/build/tasks/jasmine.js'); var shrinkwrapDependencies = require('./lib/build/tasks/shrinkwrap-dependencies.js'); var webpackTask = null; var REQUIRED_NODE_VERSION = '6.9.2'; var REQUIRED_NPM_VERSION = '3.10.9'; var DEVELOPMENT = 'development'; var SHRINKWRAP_MODULES_TO_VALIDATE = [ 'backbone', 'camshaft-reference', 'carto', 'cartodb.js', 'cartocolor', 'd3', 'jquery', 'leaflet', 'perfect-scrollbar', 'torque.js', 'turbo-carto' ]; function requireWebpackTask () { if (webpackTask === null) { webpackTask = require('./lib/build/tasks/webpack/webpack.js'); } return webpackTask; } function logVersionsError (err, requiredNodeVersion, requiredNpmVersion) { if (err) {'############### /!\\ CAUTION /!\\ #################');'PLEASE installed required versions to build CARTO:\n- node: ' + requiredNodeVersion + '\n- node: ' + requiredNpmVersion);'#################################################'); process.exit(1); } } function getTargetDiff () { var target = require('child_process').execSync('(git diff --name-only --relative || true;' + 'git diff origin/master.. --name-only --relative || true;)' + '| grep \'\\.js\\?$\' || true').toString(); if (target.length === 0) { target = ['.']; } else { target = target.split('\n'); target.splice(-1, 1); } return target; } /** * CartoDB UI assets generation */ module.exports = function (grunt) { if (timer) timer.init(grunt); var environment = grunt.option('environment') || DEVELOPMENT; grunt.log.writeln('Environment: ' + environment); var runningTasks = grunt.cli.tasks; if (runningTasks.length === 0) { grunt.log.writeln('Running default task.'); } else { grunt.log.writeln('Running tasks: ' + runningTasks); } function preFlight (requiredNodeVersion, requiredNpmVersion, logFn) { function checkVersion (cmd, versionRange, name, logFn) { grunt.log.writeln('Required ' + name + ' version: ' + versionRange); require('child_process').exec(cmd, function (error, stdout, stderr) { var err = null; if (error) { err = 'failed to check version for ' + name; } else { var installed = semver.clean(stdout); if (!semver.satisfies(installed, versionRange)) { err = 'Installed ' + name + ' version does not match with required [' + versionRange + '] Installed: ' + installed; } } if (err) {; } logFn && logFn(err ? new Error(err) : null); }); } checkVersion('node -v', requiredNodeVersion, 'node', logFn); checkVersion('npm -v', requiredNpmVersion, 'npm', logFn); } var mustCheckNodeVersion = grunt.option('no-node-checker'); if (!mustCheckNodeVersion) { preFlight(REQUIRED_NODE_VERSION, REQUIRED_NPM_VERSION, logVersionsError); grunt.log.writeln(''); } var duplicatedModules = shrinkwrapDependencies.checkDuplicatedDependencies(require('./npm-shrinkwrap.json'), SHRINKWRAP_MODULES_TO_VALIDATE); if (duplicatedModules.length > 0) {'############### /!\\ CAUTION /!\\ #################');'Duplicated dependencies found in npm-shrinkwrap.json file.');, null, 4));'#################################################'); process.exit(1); } var ROOT_ASSETS_DIR = './public/assets/'; var ASSETS_DIR = './public/assets/<%= pkg.version %>'; /** * this is being used by `grunt --environment=production release` */ var env = './config/grunt_' + environment + '.json'; grunt.log.writeln('env: ' + env); if (grunt.file.exists(env)) { env = grunt.file.readJSON(env); } else { throw grunt.util.error(env + ' file is missing! See ' + env + '.sample for how it should look like'); } var aws = {}; if (grunt.file.exists('./lib/build/grunt-aws.json')) { aws = grunt.file.readJSON('./lib/build/grunt-aws.json'); } var targetDiff = getTargetDiff(); // Project configuration. grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), aws: aws, env: env, assets_dir: ASSETS_DIR, root_assets_dir: ROOT_ASSETS_DIR, // Concat task concat: require('./lib/build/tasks/concat').task(), // JST generation task jst: require('./lib/build/tasks/jst').task(), // Compass files generation compass: require('./lib/build/tasks/compass').task(), // Copy assets (stylesheets, javascripts, images...) copy: require('./lib/build/tasks/copy').task(grunt), // Watch actions watch: require('./lib/build/tasks/watch.js').task(), // Clean folders before other tasks clean: require('./lib/build/tasks/clean').task(), jasmine: jasmineCfg, s3: require('./lib/build/tasks/s3.js').task(), exorcise: require('./lib/build/tasks/exorcise.js').task(), uglify: require('./lib/build/tasks/uglify.js').task(), browserify: require('./lib/build/tasks/browserify.js').task(), connect: require('./lib/build/tasks/connect.js').task(), availabletasks: require('./lib/build/tasks/availabletasks.js').task(), sass: require('./lib/build/tasks/sass.js').task(), eslint: { target: targetDiff } }); /** * `grunt availabletasks` */ grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-available-tasks'); // Load Grunt tasks require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt, { pattern: ['grunt-*', '@*/grunt-*', '!grunt-timer'] }); require('./lib/build/tasks/manifest').register(grunt, ASSETS_DIR); grunt.registerTask('invalidate', 'invalidate cache', function () { var done = this.async(); var url = require('url'); var https = require('https'); var options = url.parse(grunt.template.process('<%= aws.FASTLY_CARTODB_SERVICE %>/purge_all')); options['method'] = 'POST'; options['headers'] = { 'Fastly-Key': aws.FASTLY_API_KEY, 'Content-Length': '0' // Disables chunked encoding }; console.log(options); https.request(options, function (response) { if (response.statusCode === 200) { grunt.log.ok('CDN invalidated (fastly)'); } else { grunt.log.error('CDN not invalidated (fastly), code: ' + response.statusCode); } done(); }).on('error', function () { grunt.log.error('CDN not invalidated (fastly)'); done(); }).end(); }); grunt.registerTask('config', 'generates assets config for current configuration', function () { // Set assets url for static assets in our app var config = grunt.template.process('cdb.config.set(\'assets_url\', \'<%= env.http_path_prefix %>/assets/<%= pkg.version %>\');'); config += grunt.template.process('\nconsole.log(\'cartodbui v<%= pkg.version %>\');'); grunt.file.write('lib/build/app_config.js', config); }); grunt.registerTask('check_release', 'checks release can be done', function () { if (environment === DEVELOPMENT) { grunt.log.error('you can\'t release running development environment'); return false; } grunt.log.ok('************************************************'); grunt.log.ok(' you are going to deploy to ' + env); grunt.log.ok('************************************************'); }); grunt.event.on('watch', function (action, filepath, subtask) { // Configure copy vendor to only run on changed file var vendorFile = 'copy.vendor'; var vendorFileCfg = grunt.config.get(vendorFile); if (filepath.indexOf(vendorFileCfg.cwd) !== -1) { grunt.config(vendorFile + '.src', filepath.replace(vendorFileCfg.cwd, '')); } else { grunt.config(vendorFile + 'src', []); } // Configure copy app to only run on changed files var files = ''; var filesCfg = grunt.config.get(files); for (var i = 0, l = filesCfg.length; i < l; ++i) { var file = files + '.' + i; var fileCfg = grunt.config.get(file); if (filepath.indexOf(fileCfg.cwd) !== -1) { grunt.config(file + '.src', filepath.replace(fileCfg.cwd, '')); } else { grunt.config(file + '.src', []); } } }); // TODO: migrate mixins to postcss grunt.registerTask('css', [ 'copy:vendor', 'copy:app', 'copy:css_cartodb', 'compass', 'copy:css_vendor_builder', 'copy:css_builder', 'sass', 'concat:css' ]); grunt.registerTask('run_browserify', 'Browserify task with options', function (option) { var skipAllSpecs = false; if (environment !== DEVELOPMENT) { grunt.log.writeln('Skipping all specs generation by browserify because not in development environment.'); skipAllSpecs = true; } if (skipAllSpecs) { delete['test_specs_for_browserify_modules']; }'browserify'); }); grunt.registerTask('cdb', 'build Cartodb.js', function () { var done = this.async(); require('child_process').exec('make update_cdb', function (error, stdout, stderr) { if (error) {'cartodb.js not updated (due to ' + stdout + ', ' + stderr + ')'); } else { grunt.log.ok('cartodb.js updated'); } done(); }); }); grunt.registerTask('js_editor', [ 'cdb', 'setConfig:env.browserify_watch:true', 'npm-carto-node', 'run_browserify', 'concat:js', 'jst' ]); grunt.registerTask('beforeDefault', [ 'clean', 'config' ]); grunt.registerTask('pre', [ 'beforeDefault', 'js_editor', 'css', 'manifest' ]); registerCmdTask('npm-dev', {cmd: 'npm', args: ['run', 'dev']}); registerCmdTask('npm-start', {cmd: 'npm', args: ['run', 'start']}); registerCmdTask('npm-build', {cmd: 'npm', args: ['run', 'build']}); registerCmdTask('npm-build-dashboard', {cmd: 'npm', args: ['run', 'build:dashboard']}); registerCmdTask('npm-build-static', {cmd: 'npm', args: ['run', 'build:static']}); registerCmdTask('npm-carto-node', {cmd: 'npm', args: ['run', 'carto-node']}); registerCmdTask('npm-dashboard', {cmd: 'npm', args: ['run', 'dashboard']}); /** * `grunt dev` */ grunt.registerTask('dev', [ 'npm-carto-node', 'pre', 'npm-start' ]); grunt.registerTask('dashboard', [ 'beforeDefault', 'css', 'manifest', 'npm-dashboard' ]); grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'pre', 'npm-dev' ]); grunt.registerTask('lint', [ 'eslint' ]); grunt.registerTask('sourcemaps', 'generate sourcemaps, to be used w/ for bughunting', [ 'setConfig:assets_dir:./tmp/sourcemaps', 'config', 'js', 'copy:js', 'exorcise', 'uglify' ]); grunt.registerTask('build', [ 'npm-carto-node', 'pre', 'copy:js', 'exorcise', 'uglify', 'npm-build', 'npm-build-dashboard' ]); grunt.registerTask('build-static', 'generate static files and needed vendor scripts', [ 'npm-carto-node', 'npm-build-static' ]); /** * `grunt release` * `grunt release --environment=production` */ grunt.registerTask('release', [ 'check_release', 'build', 's3', 'invalidate' ]); grunt.registerTask('affected', 'Generate only affected specs', function (option) { requireWebpackTask(), option, grunt); }); grunt.registerTask('generate_dashboard_specs', 'Generate only dashboard specs', function (option) { requireWebpackTask(), option, grunt); }); grunt.registerTask('bootstrap_webpack_builder_specs', 'Create the webpack compiler', function () { requireWebpackTask(), 'builder_specs', grunt); }); grunt.registerTask('bootstrap_webpack_dashboard_specs', 'Create the webpack compiler', function () { requireWebpackTask(), 'dashboard_specs', grunt); }); grunt.registerTask('webpack:builder_specs', 'Webpack compilation task for builder specs', function () { requireWebpackTask(), 'builder_specs'); }); grunt.registerTask('webpack:dashboard_specs', 'Webpack compilation task for dashboard specs', function () { requireWebpackTask(), 'dashboard_specs'); }); /** * `grunt test` */ grunt.registerTask('test', '(CI env) Re-build JS files and run all tests. For manual testing use `grunt jasmine` directly', [ 'connect:test', 'beforeDefault', 'js_editor', 'jasmine:cartodbui', 'affected', 'bootstrap_webpack_builder_specs', 'webpack:builder_specs', 'jasmine:affected', 'generate_dashboard_specs', 'bootstrap_webpack_builder_specs', 'webpack:builder_specs', 'jasmine:affected', 'lint' ]); /** * `grunt test:browser` compile all Builder specs and launch a webpage in the browser. */ grunt.registerTask('test:browser', 'Build all Builder specs', [ 'affected', 'bootstrap_webpack_builder_specs', 'webpack:builder_specs', 'jasmine:affected:build', 'connect:specs', 'watch:js_affected' ]); /** * `grunt dashboard_specs` compile dashboard specs */ grunt.registerTask('dashboard_specs', 'Build only dashboard specs', [ 'generate_dashboard_specs', 'bootstrap_webpack_builder_specs', 'webpack:builder_specs', 'jasmine:affected:build', 'connect:specs', 'watch:dashboard_specs' ]); grunt.registerTask('setConfig', 'Set a config property', function (name, val) { grunt.config.set(name, val); }); /** * `grunt affected_editor_specs` compile all Editor specs and launch a webpage in the browser. */ grunt.registerTask('affected_editor_specs', 'Build Editor specs', [ 'jasmine:cartodbui:build', 'connect:server', 'watch:js_affected_editor' ]); /** * Delegate task to command line. * @param {String} name - If taskname starts with npm it's run a npm script (i.e. `npm run foobar` * @param {Object} d - d as in data * @param {Array} d.args - arguments to pass to the d.cmd * @param {String} [d.cmd = process.execPath] * @param {String} [d.desc = ''] - description * @param {...string} args space-separated arguments passed to the cmd */ function registerCmdTask (name, opts) { opts = _.extend({ cmd: process.execPath, desc: '', args: [] }, opts); grunt.registerTask(name, opts.desc, function () { // adapted from var done = this.async(); grunt.util.spawn({ cmd: opts.cmd, args: opts.args, opts: { stdio: 'inherit' } }, done); }); } };