#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'pg' require 'redis' # RAILS_ENV=development DBNAME=carto_db_development DBHOST= DBUSER=postgres REDIS_HOST= def execution_summary() wait_time = 30 puts <<-EOH ### # # You are running the action '#{ACTION}' which performs the next actions: # # #{@actions[ACTION]} # # It's highly recommended to have a database backup of the PostgreSQL databases, mainly the metadata one and Redis. # # # Params used within the execution of the script # # DB Connection # ------------- # Database host: #{DBHOST} # Database port: #{DBPORT} # Database name: #{DBNAME} # Database user: #{DBUSER} # # Redis Connection # ---------------- # Redis host: #{REDIS_HOST} # ### EOH puts "###" puts "If there is anything wrong or you are not sure about what you are doing, you have #{wait_time} secs to cancel before the process starts" counter(wait_time) end def usage(message = nil) if !message.nil? puts "" puts "ERROR: #{message}" puts "" end puts "Usage:" puts " export RAILS_ENV=" puts " export DBNAME=" puts " export DBHOST=" puts " export DBPORT=" puts " export DBUSER=" puts " export REDIS_HOST=" puts "" puts "# Notice that you probably want to use the same values found in your database.yml and app_config.yml" puts "" puts " #{__FILE__} " puts "" puts "Actions:" @actions.each {|k,v| puts " %10s %s" % [k, v]; puts "" } exit 1 end def counter(max) (0..max).each do |n| print n sleep 1 print "\r" end end ## MAIN # @actions = { 'schema' => 'Creates a UUID column in every table with a id. Also creates a\nll the UUID dependency columns between tables. You can still rollback after this step', 'meta' => 'Update every dependency UUID column with the proper one based on the id integer relations. This is the last step that you can rollback', 'rollback' => 'Try to rollback previous steps', 'data' => 'Migrate all postgresql database and users names to UUID format. Also update the user model database_name attribute. Update all redis info with UUIDs. IMPORTANT: You cannot rollback this step', 'clean' => 'Drop old id columns. Rename new uuid colums to id. Rename all uuid dependency columns to id. Create new primary keys from UUID attributes. IMPORTANT: You cannot rollback this step' } usage "You need to initialize a environment with RAILS_ENV" if (ENV['RAILS_ENV'].nil? || ENV['RAILS_ENV'].empty?) usage "You need to set a DBNAME env" if (ENV['DBNAME'].nil? || ENV['DBNAME'].empty?) usage "You need to set a DBHOST env" if (ENV['DBHOST'].nil? || ENV['DBHOST'].empty?) usage "You need to set a DBPORT env" if (ENV['DBPORT'].nil? || ENV['DBPORT'].empty?) usage "You need to set a DBUSER env" if (ENV['DBUSER'].nil? || ENV['DBUSER'].empty?) usage "You need to set a REDIS_HOST env" if (ENV['REDIS_HOST'].nil? || ENV['REDIS_HOST'].empty?) ENVIRONMENT = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] DBHOST = ENV['DBHOST'] DBPORT = ENV['DBPORT'] DBUSER = ENV['DBUSER'] DBNAME = ENV['DBNAME'] REDIS_HOST = ENV['REDIS_HOST'] ACTION = ARGV[0] if ACTION.nil? || !@actions.keys.include?(ACTION) usage "Missing action" end @logs = Hash.new tables = { :assets => { :related => [], :singular => 'asset' }, :client_applications => { :related => ['oauth_tokens'], :singular => 'client_application' }, :data_imports => { :related => ['user_tables'], :singular => 'data_import' }, :geocodings => { :related => [], :singular => 'geocoding' }, :layers => { :related => ['layers_maps', 'layers_users', 'layers_user_tables', 'visualizations'], :singular => 'layer', :relation_for => {'visualizations' => 'active_layer'} }, :layers_maps => { :related => [], :singular => 'layer_map' }, :layers_user_tables => { :related => [], :singular => 'layer_user_table' }, :layers_users => { :related => [], :singular => 'layer_user' }, :maps => { :related => ['user_tables', 'layers_maps', 'visualizations'], :singular => 'map' }, :oauth_nonces => { :related => [], :singular => 'oauth_nonce' }, :oauth_tokens => { :related => [], :singular => 'oauth_token' }, :overlays => { :related => [], :singular => 'overlay' }, :tags => { :related => [], :singular => 'tag' }, :user_tables => { :related => ['data_imports', 'layers_user_tables', 'tags', 'geocodings'], :singular => 'table', :relation_for => {'layers_user_tables' => 'user_table'} }, :users => { :related => ['user_tables', 'maps', 'layers_users', 'assets', 'client_applications', 'oauth_tokens', 'tags', 'data_imports', 'synchronizations', 'geocodings'], :singular => 'user' }, #:visualizations => { # :related => ['overlays'], # :singular => 'visualization' #} } redis_keys = { :map_style => { :template => "map_style|USERDB|*", :var_position => 1, :separator => '|', :db => 0, :type => 'string' }, :table => { :template => "rails:USERDB:*", :var_position => 1, :separator => ':', :db => 0, :type => 'hash', :attributes => { :user_id => 'USERID' } }, :user => { :template => "rails:users:USERNAME", :no_clone => true, :var_position => 2, :separator => ':', :db => 5, :type => 'hash', :attributes => { :database_name => 'USERDB', :id => 'USERID' } } } def redis_replace_from_template(template, id, username) if template.include?('USERDB') user_database(id) elsif template.include?('DBUSER') database_username(id) elsif template.include?('USERNAME') username elsif template.include?('USERID') id else '' end end def redis_template_user_gsub(template, id, username) replacement = redis_replace_from_template(template, id, username) if template.include?('USERDB') template.gsub('USERDB', replacement) elsif template.include?('DBUSER') template.gsub('DBUSER', replacement) elsif template.include?('USERNAME') template.gsub('USERNAME', replacement) else '' end end def copy_redis_keys(redis_keys, id, uuid, username) redis = Redis.new(:host => REDIS_HOST) redis_keys.each do |k,v| redis.select(v[:db]) these_redis_keys = redis.keys(redis_template_user_gsub(v[:template], id, username)) these_redis_keys.each do |trd| original_value = redis.dump(trd) new_array = trd.split(v[:separator]) new_array[v[:var_position]] = redis_replace_from_template(v[:template], uuid, username) new_key = new_array.join(v[:separator]) unless v[:no_clone] redis.restore(new_key, 0, original_value) end if v[:type] == 'hash' v[:attributes].each do |a,av| redis.hset(new_key, a.to_s, redis_replace_from_template(av, uuid, username)) end end end end redis.quit end def alter_redis_hash(redis_key, redis_attribute, redis_value, options = {}) redis_db = options['db'].nil? ? 0 : options['db'] redis = Redis.new(:host => REDIS_HOST) redis.select(redis_db) redis.hset(redis_key, user_id, redis_value) redis.quit end def relation_column_name_for(tables, table, related) if tables[table][:related].include?(related) && tables[table][:relation_for] && tables[table][:relation_for][related] tables[table][:relation_for][related] else tables[table][:singular] end end def log(severity, type, msg) puts " #{msg}. Ignoring.." @logs.merge({:severity => severity, :type => type, :msg => msg}) end def database_username(user_id) "#{db_username_prefix}#{user_id}" end #database_username def user_database(user_id) "#{database_name_prefix}#{user_id}_db" end #user_database def db_username_prefix return "cartodb_user_" if ENVIRONMENT == 'production' return "development_cartodb_user_" if ENVIRONMENT == 'development' "cartodb_user_#{ENVIRONMENT}_" end #username_prefix def database_name_prefix return "cartodb_user_" if ENVIRONMENT == 'production' return "cartodb_dev_user_" if ENVIRONMENT == 'development' "cartodb_#{ENVIRONMENT}_user_" end #database_prefix def alter_schema(tables) tables.each do |tname, tinfo| # Create main uuid column in every table puts "Creating uuid column in #{tname}" begin @conn.exec("ALTER TABLE #{tname} ADD uuid uuid UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4()") rescue StandardError => e log('C', "Creating uuid column in #{tname}", e.error.strip) end tinfo[:related].each do |rtable| # Create relation uuid column in a dependent table puts "Creating #{relation_column_name_for(tables, tname, rtable)}_uuid column in related table #{rtable}" begin @conn.exec("ALTER TABLE #{rtable} ADD #{relation_column_name_for(tables, tname, rtable)}_uuid uuid") rescue StandardError => e log('C', "Creating #{relation_column_name_for(tables, tname, rtable)}_uuid column in related table #{rtable}", e.error.strip) end end end end def rollback_schema(tables) tables.each do |tname, tinfo| tinfo[:related].each do |rtable| # Create relation uuid column in a dependent table puts "Dropping #{relation_column_name_for(tables, tname, rtable)}_uuid column in related table #{rtable}" begin @conn.exec("ALTER TABLE #{rtable} DROP IF EXISTS #{relation_column_name_for(tables, tname, rtable)}_uuid") rescue StandardError => e log('C', "Dropping #{relation_column_name_for(tables, tname, rtable)}_uuid column in related table #{rtable}", e.error.strip) end end # Destroy main uuid column in every table puts "Dropping uuid column in #{tname}" begin @conn.exec("ALTER TABLE #{tname} DROP IF EXISTS uuid") rescue StandardError => e log('C', "Dropping uuid column in #{tname}", e.error.strip) end end end def migrate_meta(tables) tables.each do |tname, tinfo| @conn.exec("SELECT id,uuid FROM #{tname}") do |result| result.each do |row| tinfo[:related].each do |rtable| puts "Setting #{relation_column_name_for(tables, tname, rtable)}_uuid in #{rtable}" begin @conn.exec("UPDATE #{rtable} SET #{relation_column_name_for(tables, tname, rtable)}_uuid='#{row['uuid']}' WHERE #{relation_column_name_for(tables, tname, rtable)}_id='#{row['id']}'") rescue StandardError => e log('C', "Setting #{relation_column_name_for(tables, tname, rtable)}_uuid in #{rtable}", e.error.strip) end end end end end end def migrate_data(redis_keys) sconn = PGconn.connect( host: DBHOST, port: DBPORT, user: DBUSER, dbname: 'postgres' ) @conn.exec("SELECT id,uuid,database_name,username FROM users") do |result| result.each do |row| puts "Renaming pg user and db for id #{row['id']}" begin sconn.exec("ALTER DATABASE \"#{row['database_name']}\" RENAME TO \"#{user_database(row['uuid'])}\"") sconn.exec("ALTER ROLE \"#{database_username(row['id'])}\" RENAME TO \"#{database_username(row['uuid'])}\"") @conn.exec("UPDATE users SET database_name='#{user_database(row['uuid'])}' WHERE id=#{row['id']} AND uuid='#{row['uuid']}'") @conn.exec("UPDATE user_tables SET database_name='#{user_database(row['uuid'])}' WHERE user_id='#{row['id']}' AND user_uuid='#{row['uuid']}'") rescue StandardError => e log('C', "Renaming pg user and db for id #{row['id']}", e.error.strip) end puts "Copying redis keys with uuid for id #{row['id']}" #begin copy_redis_keys(redis_keys, row['id'], row['uuid'], row['username']) #rescue StandardError => e # log('C', "Copying redis keys with uuid for id #{row['id']}", e.error.strip) #end end end @conn.exec("SELECT token,user_id FROM oauth_tokens WHERE type='AccessToken'") do |result| result.each do |row| puts "Chaing user_id for oauth token '#{row['token']}'" begin alter_redis_hash("rails:oauth_access_tokens:#{row['token']}", 'user_id', row['user_id'], {'db' => 3}) rescue StandardError => e log('C', "Changing user id to uuid in oauth token #{row['token']}", e.error.strip) end end end end def clean_db(tables) tables.each do |tname, tinfo| tinfo[:related].each do |rtable| # Drop old id relation column in every table puts "Dropping #{relation_column_name_for(tables, tname, rtable)}_id from #{rtable}" begin @conn.exec("ALTER TABLE #{rtable} DROP IF EXISTS #{relation_column_name_for(tables, tname, rtable)}_id") rescue StandardError => e log('C', "Dropping #{relation_column_name_for(tables, tname, rtable)}_id from #{rtable}", e.error.strip) end # Rename new uuid relation column to id puts "Renaming #{relation_column_name_for(tables, tname, rtable)}_uuid to #{relation_column_name_for(tables, tname, rtable)}_id in #{rtable}" begin @conn.exec("ALTER TABLE #{rtable} RENAME #{relation_column_name_for(tables, tname, rtable)}_uuid TO #{relation_column_name_for(tables, tname, rtable)}_id") rescue StandardError => e log('C', "Renaming #{relation_column_name_for(tables, tname, rtable)}_uuid to #{relation_column_name_for(tables, tname, rtable)}_id in #{rtable}", e.error.strip) end end # Drop old id column in every table puts "Dropping old id from #{tname}" begin @conn.exec("ALTER TABLE #{tname} DROP IF EXISTS id") rescue StandardError => e log('C', "Dropping old id from #{rtable}", e.error.strip) end # Rename new uuid relation column to id puts "Renaming uuid to id in #{tname}" begin @conn.exec("ALTER TABLE #{tname} RENAME uuid TO id") rescue StandardError => e log('C', "Renaming uuid to id in #{tname}", e.error.strip) end # Set new id as primary key puts "Setting new id as primary key on #{tname}" begin @conn.exec("ALTER TABLE #{tname} ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)") rescue StandardError => e log('C', "Setting new id as primary key on #{tname}", e.error.strip) end end end execution_summary @conn = PGconn.connect( host: DBHOST, port: DBPORT, user: DBUSER, dbname: DBNAME ) @conn.exec("CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS \"uuid-ossp\"") if ACTION == 'schema' alter_schema(tables) elsif ACTION == 'rollback' rollback_schema(tables) elsif ACTION == 'meta' migrate_meta(tables) elsif ACTION == 'data' migrate_data(redis_keys) elsif ACTION == 'clean' clean_db(tables) end puts "" puts "#############" puts "#{@logs.length} errors" puts "#############"