source '' gem 'rails', '3.2.2' gem 'rake', '' gem 'pg', '0.13.2' gem 'sequel', '3.42.0' gem 'sequel_pg', '1.6.3', require: 'sequel' gem 'activerecord-postgresql-adapter' gem 'activerecord-postgres-array' gem 'vizzuality-sequel-rails', '0.3.7', git: '' gem 'rails_warden', '0.5.2' # Auth via the Warden Rack framework gem 'oauth', '0.4.5' gem 'oauth-plugin', '0.4.0.pre4' gem 'redis', '3.2.1' gem 'hiredis', '0.6.0' gem 'nokogiri', '~>' gem 'statsd-client', '0.0.7', require: 'statsd' gem 'aws-sdk', '1.8.5' gem 'ruby-prof', '0.15.1' gem 'request_store', '1.1.0' # It's used in the dataimport and arcgis. # It's a replacement for the ruby uri that it's supposed to perform better parsing of a URI gem 'addressable', '2.3.2', require: 'addressable/uri' gem 'ejs', '~> 1.1.1' gem 'execjs', '~> 0.4' # Required by ejs gem 'therubyracer', '0.12.1' # Required by ejs group :production, :staging do gem 'unicorn', '4.8.2' gem 'raindrops', '0.12.0' end group :assets do gem "compass", "0.12.3" end # Importer & sync tables gem 'roo', '1.13.2' gem 'state_machine', '1.1.2' gem 'typhoeus', '0.6.7' gem 'charlock_holmes', '0.7.2' gem 'dbf', '2.0.6' gem 'faraday', '0.9.0' gem 'retriable', '1.4.1' # google-api-client needs this gem 'google-api-client', '0.7.0' gem 'dropbox-sdk', '1.6.3' gem 'instagram', '1.1.3' gem 'gibbon', '1.1.4' # Geocoder (synchronizer doesn't needs it anymore) gem 'eventmachine', '1.0.3' gem 'em-pg-client', '0.2.1' # Service components (/services) gem 'virtus', '1.0.0.beta3' #, git: '' gem 'aequitas', '0.0.2' gem 'uuidtools', '2.1.5' # Markdown gem 'redcarpet', '3.2.2' # TODO we should be able to remove this using the new # Rails routes DSL gem 'bartt-ssl_requirement', '~>1.4.0', require: 'ssl_requirement' # TODO Production gems, put them in :production group gem 'mixpanel', '4.0.2' gem 'rollbar', '0.12.14' gem 'resque', '1.25.2' gem 'resque-metrics', '0.1.1' group :test do gem 'db-query-matchers' gem 'rack-test', '0.6.2', require: 'rack/test' gem 'factory_girl_rails', '~> 4.0.0' gem 'selenium-webdriver', '>= 2.5.0' gem 'capybara', '1.1.2' gem 'delorean' gem 'webrick', '1.3.1' gem 'mocha', '0.10.5' gem 'ci_reporter', '1.8.4' gem 'rspec-rails', '2.10.1' gem 'poltergeist', '>= 1.0.0' end group :development, :test do gem 'rb-readline' gem 'debugger', '1.6.8' gem 'rack', '1.4.1' # Server gem 'thin', require: false end # Load optional engines # TODO activate when CartoDB plugins are finally included # Dir['engines' + '/*/*.gemspec'].each do |gemspec_file| # dir_name = File.dirname(gemspec_file) # gem_name = File.basename(gemspec_file, File.extname(gemspec_file)) # gem gem_name, :path => dir_name, :require => false # end