require_relative '../../lib/carto/table_utils' require_dependency 'carto/bounding_box_utils' class Carto::BoundingBoxService include Carto::TableUtils include ::LoggerHelper def initialize(user, table_name) @user = user @table_name = table_name end def table_bounds # (lon,lat) as comes out from postgis result = current_bbox_using_stats return nil unless result { maxx: Carto::BoundingBoxUtils.bound_for(result[:max][0].to_f, :minx, :maxx), maxy: Carto::BoundingBoxUtils.bound_for(result[:max][1].to_f, :miny, :maxy), minx: Carto::BoundingBoxUtils.bound_for(result[:min][0].to_f, :minx, :maxx), miny: Carto::BoundingBoxUtils.bound_for(result[:min][1].to_f, :miny, :maxy) } end private # Postgis stats-based calculation of bounds. Much faster but not always present, so needs a fallback def current_bbox_using_stats # Less ugly (for tests at least) than letting an exception generate not having any table name return nil unless @table_name.present? # (lon,lat) as comes from postgis JSON.parse(@user.db_service.execute_in_user_database(%{ SELECT _postgis_stats ('#{@table_name}', 'the_geom'); }).first['_postgis_stats'])['extent'].symbolize_keys rescue PG::Error => e if e.message =~ /stats for (.*) do not exist/i begin current_bbox rescue StandardError nil end end end def current_bbox # (lon, lat) as comes from postgis (ST_X = Longitude, ST_Y = Latitude) # map has no geometries result = get_bbox_values if result.all? { |_, value| value.nil? } nil else # still (lon,lat) to be consistent with current_bbox_using_stats() { max: [result['maxx'].to_f, result['maxy'].to_f], min: [result['minx'].to_f, result['miny'].to_f] } end rescue PG::Error => exception log_error(exception: exception, table: { name: @table_name }) raise"Can't calculate the bounding box for table #{@table_name}. ERROR: #{exception}") end def get_bbox_values result = @user.db_service.execute_in_user_database(%{ SELECT ST_XMin(ST_Extent(the_geom)) AS minx, ST_YMin(ST_Extent(the_geom)) AS miny, ST_XMax(ST_Extent(the_geom)) AS maxx, ST_YMax(ST_Extent(the_geom)) AS maxy FROM #{safe_table_name_quoting(@table_name)} AS subq }).first result end end