def mocked_record(data) methods, attributes = data.partition { |k, v| v.kind_of?(Proc) }.map { |h| Hash[h] } record =*attributes.keys).new(*attributes.values) methods.each do |name, proc| record.define_singleton_method(name, proc) end record end def replace_connector_providers(*args) options = args.extract_options! original_providers = Carto::Connector::PROVIDERS.dup Carto::Connector::PROVIDERS.clear unless options[:incremental] Carto::Connector::PROVIDERS.push(*args) Carto::Connector.providers.keys.each do |provider_name| create(:connector_provider, name: provider_name) unless Carto::ConnectorProvider.where(name: provider_name).exists? end original_providers end def restore_connector_providers(providers) Carto::Connector::PROVIDERS.replace(providers) end def with_connector_providers(*args) original_providers = replace_connector_providers(*args) yield ensure restore_connector_providers(original_providers) end def purgue_databases User.each do |user| begin # puts "Closing DB connections: #{user.database_name}" user.db_service.reset_pooled_connections rescue Sequel::DatabaseConnectionError, Sequel::DatabaseError nil end begin # puts "Removing DB: #{user.database_name}" user.db_service.drop_database_and_user rescue Sequel::DatabaseConnectionError, Sequel::DatabaseError nil end end Carto::FeatureFlagsUser.delete_all Carto::FeatureFlag.delete_all Carto::OauthToken.delete_all Carto::OauthAppUser.delete_all Carto::OauthApp.delete_all Carto::Map.delete_all Carto::ExternalDataImport.delete_all Carto::ExternalSource.delete_all Carto::Synchronization.delete_all Carto::Visualization.delete_all Carto::UserTable.delete_all Carto::User.delete_all Carto::SearchTweet.delete_all Carto::AccountType.delete_all Carto::RateLimit.delete_all Carto::ClientApplication.delete_all Carto::Asset.delete_all Carto::Organization.delete_all end ## # This is a really NASTY HACK for stubbing these methods in the specs. # Regular stubs are being impossible to setup because we need the stub to be executed before any user creation. # For that we need to make sure this runs before any before(:all) hook, which is really hard because of the general # disorder regarding tests setup. # Also, RSpec hooks don't seem to be evaluated in the order they should. I've seen a bugfix regarding this in the # CHANGELOG, but bumping RSpec it's not trivial and not feasible right now. # Sorry for the headaches this may give you in the future :( Carto::ApiKey.class_eval do def create_remote_do_api_key; end def regenerate_remote_do_api_key; end def destroy_remote_do_api_key; end end