require 'fileutils' require_relative '../../app/helpers/file_upload' namespace :cartodb do desc 'Import a file to CartoDB. "times" parameter is there for load test purposes. Defaults to 1.' task :import, [:username, :filepath, :times] => [:environment] do |_task, args| times = (args[:times] || 1).to_i user = ::User.where(username: args[:username]).first filepath = File.expand_path(args[:filepath]) data_import = DataImport.create( :user_id =>, :data_source => filepath, :updated_at =>, :append => false ) data_import.values[:data_source] = filepath (1..times).each do data_import.run_import! puts data_import.log end end desc 'Uploads a single data import enqueued file to S3, triggering the normal flow afterwards' task upload_to_s3: [:environment] do data_import_item = DataImport.where(state: DataImport::STATE_ENQUEUED) .where(upload_host: Socket.gethostname) .order(:created_at) .first file_upload_helper =, 'uploads_path')) unless data_import_item.nil? # be 100% safe in rescue blocks when trying to log the failed id data_import_item_id = rescue nil begin puts "Retrieved #{}" data_import_item.state = DataImport::STATE_PENDING filepath = File.realpath data_import_item.data_source filename = File.basename data_import_item.data_source uploads_path = File.realpath file_upload_helper.get_uploads_path # Files are temp stored in "/%{uploads_path}/token/basename.ext" token = File.basename File.dirname filepath file_uri = file_upload_helper.upload_file_to_s3(filepath, filename, token, Cartodb.get_config(:importer, 's3')) begin File.delete(filepath) folder = filepath.slice(0, filepath.rindex('/')).gsub('..', '') FileUtils.rm_rf(folder) unless folder.length < uploads_path.to_s.length rescue StandardError => exception puts "Errored #{data_import_item_id} : #{exception}" CartoDB::notify_error( exception, task: 'cartodb:upload_to_s3 Rake', import_id: data_import_item_id, item: data_import_item.inspect ) end data_import_item.data_source = file_uri Resque.enqueue(Resque::ImporterJobs, job_id: puts "Uploaded #{}" rescue StandardError => exception puts "Errored #{data_import_item_id} : #{exception}" CartoDB::notify_error( exception, task: 'cartodb:upload_to_s3 Rake', import_id: data_import_item_id, item: data_import_item.inspect ) data_import_item.state = DataImport::STATE_FAILURE File.delete(filepath) folder = filepath.slice(0, filepath.rindex('/')).gsub('..', '') FileUtils.rm_rf(folder) unless folder.length < file_upload_helper.get_uploads_path.to_s.length end end end end