require_relative 'bolt.rb' module Carto class GhostTablesManager include ::LoggerHelper extend ::LoggerHelper MUTEX_REDIS_KEY = 'ghost_tables_working'.freeze MUTEX_TTL_MS = 600000 MAX_TABLES_FOR_SYNC_RUN = 8 MAX_USERTABLES_FOR_SYNC_CHECK = 128 attr_reader :carto_user def initialize(user_id) @user_id = user_id @carto_user = Carto::User.find_by(id: user_id) end def user @user ||= ::User[@user_id] end def link_ghost_tables user_tables = fetch_user_tables if (user_tables.length > MAX_USERTABLES_FOR_SYNC_CHECK) # When the user has a big amount of tables, we don't even attempt to check if we # need to run ghost tables, and instead we request an async link. # We do this because doing comparisons with the arrays scales pretty badly link_ghost_tables_asynchronously else regenerated_tables, renamed_tables, new_tables, dropped_tables = fetch_altered_tables return if user_tables_synced_with_db?(regenerated_tables, renamed_tables, new_tables, dropped_tables) if should_run_synchronously?(regenerated_tables, renamed_tables, new_tables, dropped_tables) link_ghost_tables_synchronously else link_ghost_tables_asynchronously end end end def link_ghost_tables_synchronously sync_user_tables_with_db end def link_ghost_tables_asynchronously ::Resque.dequeue(::Resque::UserDBJobs::UserDBMaintenance::LinkGhostTablesByUsername, user.username) ::Resque.enqueue(::Resque::UserDBJobs::UserDBMaintenance::LinkGhostTablesByUsername, user.username) end # determine linked tables vs cartodbfied tables consistency; that is, check whether it needs to run def user_tables_synced_with_db?(*tables) tables.all?(&:blank?) end # Helper for tests that will fetch the tables and do the checks def fetch_user_tables_synced_with_db? regenerated_tables, renamed_tables, new_tables, dropped_tables = fetch_altered_tables user_tables_synced_with_db?(regenerated_tables, renamed_tables, new_tables, dropped_tables) end def get_bolt"#{user.username}:#{MUTEX_REDIS_KEY}", ttl_ms: MUTEX_TTL_MS) end # run a block of code exclusively with GhostTablesManager (using Bolt lock) # if warning_params is provided (with paramters for Logger.warning) then # the code is executed even if the lock is not acquired (in which case # a warning is emmitted) def self.run_synchronized(user_id, attempts: 10, timeout: 30000, **warning_params) gtm = new(user_id) bolt = gtm.get_bolt lock_acquired = bolt.run_locked(attempts: attempts, timeout: timeout) do yield end if !lock_acquired && warning_params.present? # run even if lock wasn't aquired log_warning(warning_params) yield end end private # It's nice to run sync if any unsafe stale (dropped or renamed) tables will be shown to the user but we can't block # the workers for more that 180 seconds def should_run_synchronously?(regenerated_tables, renamed_tables, new_tables, dropped_tables) (regenerated_tables.count + renamed_tables.count + new_tables.count + dropped_tables.count) < MAX_TABLES_FOR_SYNC_RUN end def sync_user_tables_with_db got_locked = get_bolt.run_locked(fail_function: lambda { link_ghost_tables_asynchronously }) { sync } end def fetch_altered_tables cartodbfied_tables = fetch_cartodbfied_tables.sort_by(&:id) user_tables = fetch_user_tables.sort_by(&:id) cartodb_table_it = 0 user_tables_it = 0 new_cartodbfied_ids = [] missing_user_tables_ids = [] renamed_tables = [] # Find which ids are new, which existed but have changed names, and which one have dissapeared while (cartodb_table_it < cartodbfied_tables.size && user_tables_it < user_tables.size) cdb_table = cartodbfied_tables[cartodb_table_it] user_table = user_tables[user_tables_it] if ( < new_cartodbfied_ids << cdb_table cartodb_table_it += 1 elsif ( == if ( != renamed_tables << cdb_table end cartodb_table_it += 1 user_tables_it += 1 else missing_user_tables_ids << user_table user_tables_it += 1 end end new_cartodbfied_ids += cartodbfied_tables[cartodb_table_it, cartodbfied_tables.size - cartodb_table_it] if cartodb_table_it < cartodbfied_tables.size missing_user_tables_ids += user_tables[user_tables_it, user_tables.size - user_tables_it] if user_tables_it < user_tables.size # Out of the extracted ids we need to know which one are truly new tables, which ones are # regenerated tables (the underlying ids have changed, but the name remains) and which ones # have been completely deleted regenerated_tables = do |cartodbfied_table| missing_user_tables_ids.any?{|t| ==} end new_tables = new_cartodbfied_ids - regenerated_tables dropped_tables = missing_user_tables_ids.reject do |dropped_table| regenerated_tables.any?{|t| ==} end return regenerated_tables, renamed_tables, new_tables, dropped_tables end def sync regenerated_tables, renamed_tables, new_tables, dropped_tables = fetch_altered_tables # Update table_id on UserTables with physical tables with changed oid. Should go first. regenerated_tables.each(&:regenerate_user_table) # Relink tables that have been renamed through the SQL API renamed_tables.each(&:rename_user_table_vis) # Create UserTables for non linked Tables new_tables.each(&:create_user_table) # Unlink tables that have been created through the SQL API. Should go last. dropped_tables.each(&:drop_user_table) end # Fetches all currently linked user tables def fetch_user_tables[:name, :table_id]).where(user_id: @user_id).map do |record|[:table_id], record[:name], @user_id) end end # Fetches all linkable tables: non raster cartodbfied + raster def fetch_cartodbfied_tables sql = %{ WITH tables_with_proper_owner_and_schema AS ( SELECT c.oid, c.relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relowner IN (#{{ |r| "to_regrole(\'#{r}\')" }.join(',')}) AND c.relkind = 'r' AND n.nspname = '#{user.database_schema}' ), tables_with_columns AS #{force_cte_materialization_keyword} ( SELECT attrelid FROM ( SELECT attrelid, SUM( CASE WHEN attname = 'cartodb_id' THEN 100 WHEN attname = 'the_geom' THEN 1 WHEN attname = 'the_geom_webmercator' THEN 1 WHEN attname = 'the_raster_webmercator' THEN 10 ELSE 0 END) as ncolumns FROM pg_attribute WHERE attname IN ('cartodb_id','the_geom','the_geom_webmercator', 'the_raster_webmercator') AND attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped GROUP BY attrelid ) all_tables WHERE ncolumns = 102 OR ncolumns >= 110 ), tables_with_trigger AS ( SELECT tgrelid FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgname = 'test_quota_per_row' ) SELECT t1.relname as table_name, t1.oid as reloid FROM tables_with_proper_owner_and_schema t1 INNER JOIN tables_with_columns t2 ON (t1.oid = t2.attrelid) INNER JOIN tables_with_trigger t3 ON (t1.oid = t3.tgrelid) } user.in_database(as: :superuser)[sql] do |record|[:reloid], record[:table_name], @user_id) end end # Forces CTE query to be executed inline to improve performance. # CTEs were materialized by default until PG11, but PG12 changed it. # def force_cte_materialization_keyword # rubocop:disable Style/NumericLiterals 'MATERIALIZED' if carto_user.db_service.pg_server_version > 12_00_00 # rubocop:enable Style/NumericLiterals end end class TableFacade include ::LoggerHelper attr_reader :id, :name, :user_id def initialize(id, name, user_id) @id = id @name = name @user_id = user_id end def user @user ||= ::User[@user_id] end def user_table_with_matching_id user.tables.where(table_id: id).first end def user_table_with_matching_name user.tables.where(name: name).first end def create_user_table user_table = user_table.user_id = user_table.table_id = id = name new_table = user_table) new_table.register_table_only = true new_table.keep_user_database_table = true rescue StandardError => exception log_error(message: 'Ghost tables: Error creating UserTable', exception: exception) end def rename_user_table_vis user_table_vis = user_table_with_matching_id.table_visualization user_table_vis.register_table_only = true = name rescue StandardError => exception log_error(message: 'Ghost tables: Error renaming Visualization', exception: exception) end def drop_user_table user_table_to_drop = user.tables.where(table_id: id, name: name).first return unless user_table_to_drop # The table has already been deleted table_to_drop = user_table_to_drop) table_to_drop.keep_user_database_table = true table_to_drop.destroy rescue StandardError => exception log_error(message: 'Ghost tables: Error dropping Table', exception: exception) end def regenerate_user_table user_table_to_regenerate = user_table_with_matching_name user_table_to_regenerate.table_id = id rescue StandardError => exception log_error(message: 'Ghost tables: Error syncing table_id for UserTable', exception: exception) end def eql?(other) id.eql?( && name.eql?( && end def ==(other) eql?(other) end def hash [id, name, user_id].hash end private def log_context super.merge(target_user: user, table: { id: id, name: name }) end end end