Update Import API doc for new connector changes

Javier Goizueta 4 years ago
parent 756353ea32
commit 94aaad2ffe

@ -1107,8 +1107,7 @@ You can also use the BigQuery connector directly from your dashboard using the "
#### BigQuery pricing and expenses
This service is subject to charges in your BigQuery project, according to your pricing settings. Please check https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/pricing for more information.
When using the [BigQuery Storage API](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/storage/) (activated with the `storage_api` parameter) pricing may differ; see "BigQuery Storage API Pricing" in the Google BigQuery documentation: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/pricing#storage-api.
Note that this connector uses the [BigQuery Storage API](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/storage/) to transfer the data; see "BigQuery Storage API Pricing" in the Google BigQuery documentation: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/pricing#storage-api.
##### The billing project
@ -1143,55 +1142,6 @@ In case your BigQuery table specifies geographic locations using longitude and l
SELECT my_othercolumn, ST_GEOGPOINT(my_long_column, my_lat_column) AS the_geom FROM my_project.my_dataset.my_table
#### BigQuery Storage API
The [BigQuery Storage API](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/storage/) allows higher data throughput
than the standard REST API used otherwise to import the data. It can be enabled with the `storage_api` parameter.
When the `storage_api` is enabled, it will be used if possible and depending on the size of the imported data.
To use it, the BigQuery billing project that you use must have the BigQuery Storage API enabled. For more information, see "Enabling the API" in the Google BigQuery documentation: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/storage/#enabling_the_api.
**Warning:** Pricing for the BigQuery Storage API is different than pricing for the standard API. For more information, see "BigQuery Storage API Pricing" in the Google BigQuery documentation: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/pricing#storage-api.
#### Location
To use Storage API with data in locations other than `US` you'll need to set the `location` parameter to the
[location](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/locations) of the BigQuery dataset being queried.
This is required because, to download query data using the Storage API we need first to save the data into
a temporary table. In order to do so, an anonimous dataset will be created in the same location as the data.
By default an anonymous dataset in the US location will be used if Storage API used; if the data is in a different
location an error will occur.
#### Known Problems
We're still in beta and intently enhancing this connector, so expect fast changes and improvements, but we also have some rough edges at the moment.
Rest assured well work hard to solve these problems and make the connector as capable and convenient to use as possible.
##### Project Permissions
If the account used to authorize CARTO (via OAuth) gives access to your BigQuery projects but some of the
[necessary permissions](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/access-control) to execute the queries in the billing
query are not granted to the account you won't get any error, but the imported datasets will be empty.
Please, make sure for the time being that you have permissions to admin BigQuery and use its APIS on the billing
project, and check the imported results if in doubt.
**Tip:** The permissions that we are aware can cause this problem (when missing) are `bigquery.jobs.create` (which allows
execution of queries in the billing project) and, if Storage API is used, `bigquery.readsessions.create` (required to read table data).
##### Column Names
Currently imported data from BigQuery follows a normalization process that adapts the column names
to [CARTO conventions](https://carto.com/developers/import-api/guides/column-names-normalization/).
This process eliminates uppercase letters and special characters from the column names, which can lead
to altered and hard to understand names. If this affects you datasets, please assign lowercase names to your
columns in the imported query (using `sql_query`) like this:
SELECT ID AS id, Name AS name, Value as value FROM my_project.my_dataset.my_table
#### Parameters and Usage
To use the BigQuery Connector with the Import API, you must include a `connector` parameter with the following attributes:
@ -1201,12 +1151,10 @@ To use the BigQuery Connector with the Import API, you must include a `connector
"connector": {
"provider": "bigquery",
"dataset": "mybigquerydataset",
"table": "mytable",
"import_as": "mycartodataset",
"storage_api": true
"import_as": "mycartodataset"
@ -1217,12 +1165,10 @@ Param | Description
--- | ---
provider | Required. This value **MUST** be set to *bigquery*.
billing_project | Required. Defines the Google Cloud project where the queries will be executed (charges will apply here).
location | Location of the dataset to import data from (optional).
project | Defines the Google Cloud project that contains the data to be imported (optional).
dataset | Name of the dataset to import data from (optional).
table \| sql_query | Required. Either identify the BigQuery table to be imported or use a SQL query to fetch data.
import_as | Can be used to specifiy the name of the imported dataset (optional)
storage_api | (true/false) specifies if BigQuery Storage API will be used or not. (optional; false by default)
Note that you could either import from a query using `sql_query` or from a table using `table`.
Note also that by default the Storage API is not used.
@ -1231,7 +1177,7 @@ Note also that by default the Storage API is not used.
In order to connect to an external BigQuery table, the following rules apply:
- The name of the remote BigQuery project can be passed in the `project` parameter. It default to the billing project.
- The name of the remote BigQuery project can be passed in the `project` parameter. It defaults to the billing project.
- The name of the remote BigQuery dataset must be passed in the `dataset` parameter.
- The name of the remote BigQuery table must be passed in the `table` parameter.
- The `sql_query` parameter **MUST NOT** be present.
@ -1275,9 +1221,8 @@ The `item_queue_id` value is a unique identifier that references the connection
The query must be passed in the `sql_query` parameter as [BigQuery Standard SQL](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/query-syntax).
Note that this quey will be processed by your BigQuery billing project.
If importing a query, `project` and `dataset` are optional since they query can include them
in the table name (using the form `project.dataset.table`). They are use to define the _default_
project and dataset if the query doesn't specifies them explicitly.
If importing a query, `project` and `dataset` will be ignored; the query should include
refer to tables including the project and dataset using the form `project.dataset.table`).
In this case, the parameter `import_as` is mandatory to name the imported data.
@ -1410,7 +1355,7 @@ from_external_source | Has the value **false** for all connector-based synchroni
**Warning:** This connector is in **BETA** stage and the API might change or have limited support-
Note that **this connector is disabled by default** in the CARTO importer options.Please request access to the beta trhough the CARTO dashboard.
The Redshift Connector allows you to import data into a CARTO account as tables from a Redshift database.
The Redshift Connector allows you to import data into a CARTO account as tables from a Redshift database.
You can use the Redshift Connector to:
