Add details about running.

Aaron Steele 13 years ago
parent 072e27c8d9
commit 293aad3af3

@ -90,78 +90,95 @@ psql -d template_postgis -c "GRANT ALL ON geometry_columns TO PUBLIC;"
psql -d template_postgis -c "GRANT ALL ON spatial_ref_sys TO PUBLIC;"
- Install Redis from <> or using `brew install redis`.
- Python dependencies:
easy_install pip # in MacOs X
pip install -r python_requirements.txt
Note: If compilation fails (it did for gdal module raising a Broken pipe error) try doing "export ARCHFLAGS='-arch i386 -arch x86_64'" first
- Setup new hosts in `/etc/hosts`:
# CartoDB admin.localhost.lan admin.testhost.lan my_subdomain.localhost.lan
# # # # #
- Clone the [Node SQL API]( in your projects folder:
## Install Redis ##
Components of CartoDB, like Windshaft, depend on [Redis]( Basically it's a really fast key-value datastore used for caching.
To install Redis 2.2+, You can [download it here]( or you can use `brew install redis`.
git clone
## Install Python dependencies ##
To install the Python modules that CartoDB depends on, you can use `easy_install`, which is easy!
easy_install pip
pip install -r python_requirements.txt
If this fails, try doing `export ARCHFLAGS='-arch i386 -arch x86_64'` beforehand.
## Setup hosts ##
For development and testing, edit `/etc/hosts` with the following lines:
``` admin.localhost.lan admin.testhost.lan my_subdomain.localhost.lan
## Install CartoDB SQL API ##
- Install nodejs dependencies
The CartoDB SQL API component powers the SQL queries over HTTP. To install it:
npm install
git clone
cd CartoDB-SQL-API
npm install
- Clone the [map tiler]( in your projects folder:
To run CartoDB SQL API in development mode, simply type:
git clone
node app.js development
- Install nodejs dependencies
## Install Windshaft-cartodb ##
npm install
- Clone the CartoDB repository in your projects folder:
git clone
- Change to cartodb/ folder and `rvm` will require to create a new gemset. Say **yes**. If not, you must create a `gemset` for Ruby 1.9.2:
rvm use 1.9.2@cartodb --create
- Run `bundle`:
bundle install --binstubs
- Run Redis:
cd /tmp
- Run `rake cartodb:db:setup SUBDOMAIN=my_subdomain PASSWORD=my_pass ADMIN_PASSWORD=my_pass` in cartodb folder
- This will configure 2 users. The admin user (admin) and a user of your own. After spinning up all your processes (cartodb, sql api, tiler), you should be able to login.
The Windshaft-cartodb component powers the CartoDB Maps API. To install it:
### Every day usage ###
- Check if Redis is running, if not `cd /tmp; redis-server`
git clone
cd Windshaft-cartodb
npm install
To run Windshaft-cartodb in development mode, simply type:
- Change to CartoDB directory
- Run `bin/rake db:reset` if you want to reset your data and load the database from `seeds.rb` file
- Run a Rails server in port 3000: `rails s`
- In a separate tab change to Node SQL API and Tiler directories and run node.js: `node app.js developement`
node app.js development
- Open your browser and go to `http://admin.localhost.lan:3000` or `http://my_subdomain.localhost.lan:3000`_
- Enjoy!
## Install local instance of cold beer ##
Congratulations! Everything you need should now be installed. Celebrate by drinking a cold beer before continuing. :)
# Running CartoDB #
Time to run your development version of CartoDB.
First, there are a couple of one-time setups:
- Go into the `cartodb` directory.
- Type `rvm` and say "yes" to create a new gemset or just type `rvm use 1.9.2@cartodb --create`
- Type `bundle install --binstubs`
- Rename `config/app_config.yml.sample` to `config/app_config.yml`
- Rename `config/database.yml.sample` to `config/database.yml`
After that, just make sure CartoDB-SQL-API, Windshaft-cartodb, and Redis are all running.
Next, setup your first user account:
bundle exec rake cartodb:db:setup SUBDOMAIN=my_subdomain PASSWORD=my_pass ADMIN_PASSWORD=my_pass
bundle exec rake cartodb:db:set_user_quota['me',1000] # 1 GB quota
That's it!
You should now be able to access `my_subdomain.localhost.lan` in your browser and login with your email and password!
Note: Look at the `public/javascripts/environments/development.js` file which configures Windshaft-cartodb tile server URLs.
### Contributors by commits###
- Fernando Blat (@ferblape)
