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The development tracker for CartoDB is on GitHub:
9 years ago
Bug fixes are best reported as pull requests over there.
Features are best discussed on the mailing list:
1. [General](#general)
2. [Documentation](#documentation)
3. [Frontend](#frontend)
4. [Submitting contributions](#submitting-contributions)
# General
Every new feature (as well as bugfixes) should come with a test case. Depending on context different guidelines might
apply, see following sections.
Unless you plan to develop frontend code you can serve assets from our CDN instead, make sure the following is set in
the `config/app_config.yml`:
asset_host: '//'
_Don't forget to restart Rails after you have modified `config/app_config.yml`._
# Documentation
Documentation that don't fit well inline (e.g. high-level stuff) should be placed in the [/doc directory](doc/
# Frontend
The frontend is really standalone code, but is integrated with/served by the Rails application.
## CSS
We use [SASS](,
with [`.scss`]( format.
Source files are located at `app/assets/stylesheets`. We used to use Rails sprockets pipeline,
but nowadays migrated to [Grunt](#grunt) (see that section for details).
See [doc/frontend/](doc/frontend/ for more in-depth documentation.
Also CartoDB makes use of a linter machine for checking possible errors in those stylesheets.
Rules are specified in the [scss-style.yml](scss-style.yml) file. Once a new Pull Request is started,
[Hound]( application will check those SCSS changes for warnings.
## JS
CartoDB is built on top of [CartoDB.js](,
which in turns depends on some common libraries, in particular worth mentioning:
- [BackboneJS 0.9.2](
- [jQuery 1.7.2](
- [underscore.js 1.4.4](
Source code is located at `lib/assets/javascripts`, dependencies at `vendor/assets/javascripts`.
See [doc/frontend/](doc/frontend/ for more in-depth documentation.
Until our guidelines are publically available follow the existing file/directory and style structure.
### Update CartoDB.js
Follow these steps to update to get latest changes:
- go to `lib/assets/javascripts/cdb/`
- `git checkout develop && git pull`
- go back to root and run `grunt cdb`
- commit both the new revision of the submodule and the generated file `vendor/assets/javascripts/cartodb.uncompressed.js`
### Writing & running tests
Tests reside in the `lib/assets/test` directory. We use
- [Jasmine 2.1]( as test framework
- [SinonJS 1.3.4]( for test spies/stubs/mocks when Jasmine spies isn't good enough
When adding new files make sure they exist in an appropriate file located in `lib/build/js_files` (will depends
if you're writing tests for current code or the newer browserify modules).
Until our guidelines are publically available follow the existing file/directory and style structure.
All tests can be run by:
grunt jasmine
# or if you want to run tests in browser it's preferrable to use:
grunt jasmine-server
If you only want to run a subset of tests the easiest and fastest way is to use [focused tests](, but you can also append `?spec=str-matching-a-describe` to test URL, or use [--filter flag]( if running tests in a terminal.
## Grunt
We use [Grunt]( to automate build tasks related to both CSS and JS.
We use v0.10.x of [node]( (we recommend to use [NVM](
Install dependencies using a normal npm install as such:
npm install
npm install -g grunt-cli
Run `grunt availabletasks` to see available tasks.
First time starting to work you need to run `grunt`, to build all static assets (will be written to `public/assets/:version`).
10 years ago
After that, for typical frontend work, it's recommended to run once:
This will generate all necessary frontend assets, and then:
10 years ago
grunt dev
That enables CSS and JS watchers for rebuilding bundles automatically upon changes.
**Note!** Make sure `config/app_config.yml` don't contain the `app_assets` configuration, i.e.:
# Make sure the following lines are removed, or commented like this:
# asset_host: '//'
_Don't forget to restart Rails after you have modified `config/app_config.yml`._
## Submitting contributions
9 years ago
Before opening a pull request (or submitting a contribution) you will need to sign a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) before making a submission, [learn more here](
After that, there are several rules you should follow when a new pull request is created:
- Title has to be descriptive. If you are fixing a bug don't use the ticket title or number.
- Explain what you have achieved in the description and choose a **REVIEWER** of your code. If you have doubts, just ask for one.
- If you change something related with the UI of the application:
- Add an image or an animation ([LiceCap]( is your friend) about the feature you have just implemented. Or show the change against what it is already done.
- Change UI assets version, present in [package.json](package.json) file. Minor if it is a bugfixing or a small feature, major when it is a big change.
- Our linter machine, [Hound](, should not trigger any warnings about your changes.
- All tests should pass, both for JS and Ruby.