'use strict'; var systemLang = 'en'; var systemDictionary = {}; function translateWord(text, lang, dictionary) { if (!text) return ''; lang = lang || systemLang; dictionary = dictionary || systemDictionary; text = text.toString(); if (dictionary[text]) { var newText = dictionary[text][lang]; if (newText) { return newText; } else if (lang !== 'en') { newText = dictionary[text].en; if (newText) { return newText; } } } else if (typeof text === 'string' && !text.match(/_tooltip$/)) { console.log('"' + text + '": {"en": "' + text + '", "de": "' + text + '", "ru": "' + text + '", "pt": "' + text + '", "nl": "' + text + '", "fr": "' + text + '"},'); } else if (typeof text !== 'string') { console.warn('Trying to translate non-text:' + text); } return text; } function translateAll(lang, dictionary) { lang = lang || systemLang; dictionary = dictionary || systemDictionary; // translate
$('.translate').each(function (idx) { var text = $(this).attr('data-lang'); if (!text) { text = $(this).html(); $(this).attr('data-lang', text); } var transText = translateWord(text, lang, dictionary); if (transText) { $(this).html(transText); } }); // translate $('.translateV').each(function (idx) { var text = $(this).attr('data-lang'); if (!text) { text = $(this).attr('value'); $(this).attr('data-lang', text); } var transText = translateWord(text, lang, dictionary); if (transText) { $(this).attr('value', transText); } }); $('.translateB').each(function (idx) { //Save var text = $(this).attr('data-lang'); if (!text) { text = $(this).html().match(/\>([\w ]+)\ 1) { text = text[1]; } else { text = $(this).html(); $(this).attr('data-lang-pure', true); } $(this).attr('data-lang', text); } var transText = translateWord(text, lang, dictionary); if (transText) { if ($(this).attr('data-lang-pure')) { $(this).html(transText); } else { $(this).html($(this).html().replace(/>[\w ]+' + transText + '<')); } } }); $('.translateT').each(function (idx) { //Save var text = $(this).attr('data-lang'); if (!text) { text = $(this).attr('title'); $(this).attr('data-lang', text); } var transText = translateWord(text, lang, dictionary); if (transText) { $(this).attr('title', transText); } }); } // make possible _('words to translate') var _ = function (text, arg1, arg2, arg3) { text = translateWord(text); var pos = text.indexOf('%s'); if (pos !== -1) { text = text.replace('%s', arg1); } else { return text; } pos = text.indexOf('%s'); if (pos !== -1) { text = text.replace('%s', arg2); } else { return text; } pos = text.indexOf('%s'); if (pos !== -1) { text = text.replace('%s', arg3); } return text; };