zhongjin 6 years ago
parent 292655cc52
commit d97f40c305

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
"WWW Web Server adapter settings": "WWW Web Server adapter settings",
"Run as:": "Запустить от пользователя",
"IP:": "IP",
"Port:": "Порт",
"Secure(HTTPS):": "Шифрование(HTTPS)",
"Authentication:": "Аутентификация",
"Cache:": "Кэш",
"Warning!": "Предупреждение!",
"Background": "Фон",
"Background color of the login screen": "Цвет фона экрана входа в систему",
"Background image": "Фоновое изображение",
"Upload image": "Загрузить изображение",
"Enabled:": "Включено",
"Unsecure_Auth": "Пароль будет отправлен через незащищенное соединение. Для защиты ваших паролей активируйте безопасное соединение (HTTPS)!",
"Login timeout(sec):": "Тайм-аут входа (сек)",
"IP": "IP",
"none": "none",
"Ignore warning": "Игнорировать предупреждение",
"place here": "разместите файлы здесь",
"Disable authentication": "Отключить аутентификацию",
"Authentication was deactivated": "Аутентификация была отключена",
"integrated": "встроенный",
"Public certificate:": "'Public' сертификат",
"Private certificate:": "'Private' сертификат",
"Chained certificate:": "'Chained' сертификат",
"Force Web-Sockets:": "Только Web-Sockets",
"Internal 'Simple API':": "Встроенный 'Simple-API'",
"Listen on all IPs": "Открыть для всех IP адресов",
"Let's Encrypt settings": "Настройкт Let's Encrypt",
"Use Lets Encrypt certificates:": "Использовать сертификаты Let's Encrypt",
"Use this instance for automatic update:": "Обновлять сертификаты в этом драйвере",
"Port to check the domain:": "Порт для проверки доменного имени",
"Set certificates or load it first in the system settings (right top).": "Нужно выбрать сертификаты или сначала загрузить их в системных настройках (вверху справа).",
"socket_help": "Используется для Rickshaw или Vis",
"Web Server adapter settings": "Настройки драйвера Web-Сервер",
"Socket.IO Instance (Optional):": "Socket.IO (опционально)",
"The provided IP is not valid": "Неверный IP-адрес",
"General": "Общие",
"White List": "Белый список",
"User": "Пользователь",
"object": "объект",
"state": "статус",
"file": "файл",
"read": "читать",
"list": "список",
"write": "писать",
"create": "создать",
"remove": "удалить"

@ -3,52 +3,52 @@
'use strict'; 'use strict';
systemDictionary = { systemDictionary = {
"WWW Web Server adapter settings": { "en": "WWW Web Server adapter settings", "de": "WWW Web Server adapter settings", "ru": "WWW Web Server adapter settings", "pt": "Configurações do adaptador do servidor WWW", "nl": "WWW Web Server-adapterinstellingen", "fr": "Paramètres de l'adaptateur de serveur Web WWW", "it": "Impostazioni dell'adattatore del server Web WWW", "es": "Configuración del adaptador del servidor web WWW", "pl": "Ustawienia WWW serwera WWW"}, "WWW Web Server adapter settings": { "cn": "WWW Web Server adapter settings", "en": "WWW Web Server adapter settings"},
"Run as:": { "en": "Run as", "de": "Laufen unter Anwender", "ru": "Запустить от пользователя", "pt": "Correr como", "nl": "Rennen als", "fr": "Courir comme", "it": "Correre come", "es": "Correr como", "pl": "Uruchom jako"}, "Run as:": { "cn": "Run as", "en": "Run as"},
"IP:": { "en": "IP", "de": "IP", "ru": "IP", "pt": "IP", "nl": "IK P", "fr": "IP", "it": "IP", "es": "IP", "pl": "IP"}, "IP:": { "cn": "IP", "en": "IP"},
"Port:": { "en": "Port", "de": "Port", "ru": "Порт", "pt": "Porta", "nl": "Haven", "fr": "Port", "it": "Porta", "es": "Puerto", "pl": "Port"}, "Port:": { "cn": "Port", "en": "Port"},
"Secure(HTTPS):": { "en": "Secure(HTTPS)", "de": "Verschlüsselung(HTTPS)", "ru": "Шифрование(HTTPS)", "pt": "Seguro (HTTPS)", "nl": "Secure (HTTPS)", "fr": "Sécurisé (HTTPS)", "it": "Sicuro (HTTPS)", "es": "Seguro (HTTPS)", "pl": "Bezpieczne (HTTPS)"}, "Secure(HTTPS):": { "cn": "Secure(HTTPS)", "en": "Secure(HTTPS)"},
"Authentication:": { "en": "Authentication", "de": "Authentifikation", "ru": "Аутентификация", "pt": "Autenticação", "nl": "authenticatie", "fr": "Authentification", "it": "Autenticazione", "es": "Autenticación", "pl": "Poświadczenie"}, "Authentication:": { "cn": "Authentication", "en": "Authentication"},
"Cache:": { "en": "Cache", "de": "Puffer", "ru": "Кэш", "pt": "Cache", "nl": "Cache", "fr": "Cache", "it": "nascondiglio", "es": "Cache", "pl": "Pamięć podręczna"}, "Cache:": { "cn": "Cache", "en": "Cache"},
"Warning!": { "en": "Warning!", "de": "Warnung!", "ru": "Предупреждение!", "pt": "Atenção!", "nl": "Waarschuwing!", "fr": "Attention!", "it": "Avvertimento!", "es": "¡Advertencia!", "pl": "Ostrzeżenie!"}, "Warning!": { "cn": "Warning!", "en": "Warning!"},
"Background": { "en": "Background", "de": "Hintergrund", "ru": "Фон", "pt": "Fundo", "nl": "Achtergrond", "fr": "Contexte", "it": "Sfondo", "es": "Fondo", "pl": "Tło"}, "Background": { "cn": "Background", "en": "Background"},
"Background color of the login screen": { "en": "Background color of the login screen", "de": "Hintergrundfarbe des Anmeldebildschirms", "ru": "Цвет фона экрана входа в систему", "pt": "Cor de fundo da tela de login", "nl": "Achtergrondkleur van het inlogscherm", "fr": "Couleur d'arrière-plan de l'écran de connexion", "it": "Colore di sfondo della schermata di accesso", "es": "Color de fondo de la pantalla de inicio de sesión", "pl": "Kolor tła ekranu logowania"}, "Background color of the login screen": { "cn": "Background color of the login screen", "en": "Background color of the login screen"},
"Background image": { "en": "Background image", "de": "Hintergrundbild", "ru": "Фоновое изображение", "pt": "Imagem de fundo", "nl": "Achtergrond afbeelding", "fr": "Image de fond", "it": "Immagine di sfondo", "es": "Imagen de fondo", "pl": "Zdjęcie w tle"}, "Background image": { "cn": "Background image", "en": "Background image"},
"Upload image": { "en": "Upload image", "de": "Bild hochladen", "ru": "Загрузить изображение", "pt": "Enviar Imagem", "nl": "Afbeelding uploaden", "fr": "Importer une image", "it": "Carica immagine", "es": "Cargar imagen", "pl": "Załaduj obrazek"}, "Upload image": { "cn": "Upload image", "en": "Upload image"},
"Enabled:": { "en": "Enabled", "de": "Aktiviert", "ru": "Включено", "pt": "Ativado", "nl": "Ingeschakeld", "fr": "Activée", "it": "Abilitato", "es": "Habilitado", "pl": "Włączone"}, "Enabled:": { "cn": "Enabled", "en": "Enabled"},
"Unsecure_Auth": { "en": "The password will be sent via unsecure connection. To protect your passwords enable the secure connection (HTTPS)!", "de": "Das Passwort wird über unsichere Verbindung gesendet. Um Ihre Passwörter zu schützen, aktivieren Sie die sichere Verbindung (HTTPS)!", "ru": "Пароль будет отправлен через незащищенное соединение. Для защиты ваших паролей активируйте безопасное соединение (HTTPS)!", "pt": "A senha será enviada por meio de conexão não segura. Para proteger suas senhas, ative a conexão segura (HTTPS)!", "nl": "Het wachtwoord wordt verzonden via onbeveiligde verbinding. Ter beveiliging van uw wachtwoorden schakelt u de beveiligde verbinding (HTTPS) in!", "fr": "Le mot de passe sera envoyé via une connexion non sécurisée. Pour protéger vos mots de passe, activez la connexion sécurisée (HTTPS)!", "it": "La password verrà inviata tramite connessione non protetta. Per proteggere le tue password abilita la connessione sicura (HTTPS)!", "es": "La contraseña se enviará a través de una conexión no segura. Para proteger sus contraseñas, ¡habilite la conexión segura (HTTPS)!", "pl": "Hasło zostanie wysłane przez połączenie bez zabezpieczeń. Aby chronić swoje hasła, włącz bezpieczne połączenie (HTTPS)!"}, "Unsecure_Auth": { "cn": "The password will be sent via unsecure connection. To protect your passwords enable the secure connection (HTTPS)!", "en": "The password will be sent via unsecure connection. To protect your passwords enable the secure connection (HTTPS)!"},
"Login timeout(sec):": { "en": "Login timeout(sec)", "de": "Anmelde-Timeout (Sek.)", "ru": "Тайм-аут входа (сек)", "pt": "Tempo limite de login (seg)", "nl": "Aanmeld-time-out (sec)", "fr": "Délai d'attente de connexion (sec)", "it": "Timeout di accesso (sec)", "es": "Tiempo de espera de inicio de sesión (sec)", "pl": "Limit czasu logowania (s)"}, "Login timeout(sec):": { "cn": "Login timeout(sec)", "en": "Login timeout(sec)"},
"IP": { "en": "IP", "de": "IP", "ru": "IP", "pt": "IP", "nl": "IP", "fr": "IP", "it": "IP", "es": "IP", "pl": "IP"}, "IP": { "cn": "IP", "en": "IP"},
"none": { "en": "none", "de": "keins", "ru": "none", "pt": "Nenhum", "nl": "geen", "fr": "aucun", "it": "nessuna", "es": "ninguna", "pl": "Żaden"}, "none": { "cn": "none", "en": "none"},
"Ignore warning": { "en": "Ignore warning", "de": "Warnung ignorieren", "ru": "Игнорировать предупреждение", "pt": "Ignorar aviso", "nl": "Negeer waarschuwing", "fr": "Ignorer l'avertissement", "it": "Ignora l'avviso", "es": "Ignorar advertencia", "pl": "Zignoruj ostrzeżenie"}, "Ignore warning": { "cn": "Ignore warning", "en": "Ignore warning"},
"place here": { "en": "place the files here", "de": "Platziere die Dateien hier", "ru": "разместите файлы здесь", "pt": "coloque os arquivos aqui", "nl": "plaats de bestanden hier", "fr": "Placez les fichiers ici", "it": "posiziona i file qui", "es": "coloca los archivos aquí", "pl": "umieść pliki tutaj"}, "place here": { "cn": "place the files here", "en": "place the files here"},
"Disable authentication": { "en": "Disable authentication", "de": "Authentifizierung deaktivieren", "ru": "Отключить аутентификацию", "pt": "Desativar autenticação", "nl": "Schakel verificatie uit", "fr": "Désactiver l'authentification", "it": "Disabilitare l'autenticazione", "es": "Deshabilitar autenticación", "pl": "Wyłącz uwierzytelnianie"}, "Disable authentication": { "cn": "Disable authentication", "en": "Disable authentication"},
"Authentication was deactivated": { "en": "Authentication was deactivated", "de": "Die Authentifizierung wurde deaktiviert", "ru": "Аутентификация была отключена", "pt": "A autenticação foi desativada", "nl": "Verificatie was gedeactiveerd", "fr": "L'authentification a été désactivée", "it": "L'autenticazione è stata disattivata", "es": "La autenticación fue desactivada", "pl": "Uwierzytelnianie zostało dezaktywowane"}, "Authentication was deactivated": { "cn": "Authentication was deactivated", "en": "Authentication was deactivated"},
"integrated": { "en": "integrated", "de": "integriert", "ru": "встроенный", "pt": "integrado", "nl": "geïntegreerde", "fr": "intégré", "it": "integrato", "es": "integrado", "pl": "zintegrowany"}, "integrated": { "cn": "integrated", "en": "integrated"},
"Public certificate:": { "en": "Public certificate", "de": "Publikzertifikat", "ru": "'Public' сертификат", "pt": "Certificado público", "nl": "Openbaar certificaat", "fr": "Certificat public", "it": "Certificato pubblico", "es": "Certificado público", "pl": "Certyfikat publiczny"}, "Public certificate:": { "cn": "Public certificate", "en": "Public certificate"},
"Private certificate:": { "en": "Private certificate", "de": "Privatzertifikat", "ru": "'Private' сертификат", "pt": "Certificado privado", "nl": "Privé certificaat", "fr": "Certificat privé", "it": "Certificato privato", "es": "Certificado privado", "pl": "Prywatny certyfikat"}, "Private certificate:": { "cn": "Private certificate", "en": "Private certificate"},
"Chained certificate:": { "en": "Chained certificate", "de": "Kettenzertifikat", "ru": "'Chained' сертификат", "pt": "Certificado acorrentado", "nl": "Geketend certificaat", "fr": "Certificat chaîné", "it": "Certificato incatenato", "es": "Certificado encadenado", "pl": "Przykuty certyfikat"}, "Chained certificate:": { "cn": "Chained certificate", "en": "Chained certificate"},
"Force Web-Sockets:": { "en": "Force Web-Sockets", "de": "Nur Web-Sockets", "ru": "Только Web-Sockets", "pt": "Forçar Web-Sockets", "nl": "Force Web-Sockets", "fr": "Forcer les Web-Sockets", "it": "Force Web-Sockets", "es": "Force Web-Sockets", "pl": "Wymuszaj gniazda internetowe"}, "Force Web-Sockets:": { "cn": "Force Web-Sockets", "en": "Force Web-Sockets"},
"Internal 'Simple API':": { "en": "Build-in 'Simple-API'", "de": "Eingebautes 'Simple-API'", "ru": "Встроенный 'Simple-API'", "pt": "Build-in 'Simple-API'", "nl": "Ingebouwde 'Simple-API'", "fr": "Construire 'Simple-API'", "it": "Build-in 'Simple-API'", "es": "Build-in 'Simple-API'", "pl": "Wbuduj \"Proste API\""}, "Internal 'Simple API':": { "cn": "Build-in 'Simple-API'", "en": "Build-in 'Simple-API'"},
"Listen on all IPs": { "en": "Listen on all IPs", "de": "Alle IPs zulassen", "ru": "Открыть для всех IP адресов", "pt": "Ouça todos os IPs", "nl": "Luister op alle IP's", "fr": "Écoutez sur toutes les adresses IP", "it": "Ascolta su tutti gli IP", "es": "Escuchar en todas las direcciones IP", "pl": "Posłuchaj na wszystkich IP"}, "Listen on all IPs": { "cn": "Listen on all IPs", "en": "Listen on all IPs"},
"Let's Encrypt settings": { "en": "Let's Encrypt settings", "de": "Einstellungen Let's Encrypt", "ru": "Настройкт Let's Encrypt", "pt": "Vamos criptografar configurações", "nl": "Laten we de instellingen versleutelen", "fr": "Cryptons les paramètres", "it": "Let's Encrypt settings", "es": "Vamos a cifrar la configuración", "pl": "Zakodujmy ustawienia"}, "Let's Encrypt settings": { "cn": "Let's Encrypt settings", "en": "Let's Encrypt settings"},
"Use Lets Encrypt certificates:": { "en": "Use Let's Encrypt certificates", "de": "Benutzen Let's Encrypt Zertifikate", "ru": "Использовать сертификаты Let's Encrypt", "pt": "Use Vamos criptografar certificados", "nl": "Gebruik Let's Encrypt-certificaten", "fr": "Utiliser les certificats Let's Encrypt", "it": "Utilizza Let's Encrypt certificates", "es": "Utilice los certificados Let's Encrypt", "pl": "Użyj Let's Encrypt certificates"}, "Use Lets Encrypt certificates:": { "cn": "Use Let's Encrypt certificates", "en": "Use Let's Encrypt certificates"},
"Use this instance for automatic update:": { "en": "Use this instance for automatic update", "de": "Benutze diese Instanz für automatische Updates", "ru": "Обновлять сертификаты в этом драйвере", "pt": "Use esta instância para atualização automática", "nl": "Gebruik deze instantie voor automatische update", "fr": "Utilisez cette instance pour la mise à jour automatique", "it": "Utilizza questa istanza per l'aggiornamento automatico", "es": "Use esta instancia para la actualización automática", "pl": "Użyj tej instancji do automatycznej aktualizacji"}, "Use this instance for automatic update:": { "cn": "Use this instance for automatic update", "en": "Use this instance for automatic update"},
"Port to check the domain:": { "en": "Port to check the domain", "de": "Port um die Domain zu prüfen", "ru": "Порт для проверки доменного имени", "pt": "Porta para verificar o domínio", "nl": "Poort om het domein te controleren", "fr": "Port pour vérifier le domaine", "it": "Porta per controllare il dominio", "es": "Puerto para verificar el dominio", "pl": "Port do sprawdzenia domeny"}, "Port to check the domain:": { "cn": "Port to check the domain", "en": "Port to check the domain"},
"Set certificates or load it first in the system settings (right top).": {"en": "Set certificates or load it first in the system settings (right top).", "de": "Setze Zertificate oder lade die erst unter System/Einstellungen (oben rechts).", "ru": "Нужно выбрать сертификаты или сначала загрузить их в системных настройках (вверху справа).", "pt": "Defina certificados ou carregue primeiro nas configurações do sistema (parte superior direita).", "nl": "Stel certificaten in of laad het eerst in de systeeminstellingen (rechtsboven).", "fr": "Définissez des certificats ou chargez-les d'abord dans les paramètres du système (en haut à droite).", "it": "Imposta i certificati o caricali prima nelle impostazioni di sistema (in alto a destra).", "es": "Establezca certificados o cárguelos primero en la configuración del sistema (arriba a la derecha).", "pl": "Ustaw certyfikaty lub załaduj najpierw w ustawieniach systemu (prawy górny)."}, "Set certificates or load it first in the system settings (right top).": {"cn": "Set certificates or load it first in the system settings (right top).", "en": "Set certificates or load it first in the system settings (right top)."},
"socket_help": { "en": "Used by adapters like rickshaw or vis", "de": "Wird von Rickshaw oder Vis benutzt", "ru": "Используется для Rickshaw или Vis", "pt": "Usado por adaptadores como rickshaw ou vis", "nl": "Gebruikt door adapters zoals riksja of vis", "fr": "Utilisé par des adaptateurs comme le pousse-pousse ou vis", "it": "Utilizzato da adattatori come risciò o vis", "es": "Utilizado por adaptadores como rickshaw o vis", "pl": "Używany przez adaptery takie jak riksza lub vis"}, "socket_help": { "cn": "Used by adapters like rickshaw or vis", "en": "Used by adapters like rickshaw or vis"},
"Web Server adapter settings": { "en": "Web Server adapter settings", "de": "Web Server Adapter Einstellungen", "ru": "Настройки драйвера Web-Сервер", "pt": "Configurações do adaptador do servidor Web", "nl": "Web Server-adapterinstellingen", "fr": "Paramètres de l'adaptateur de serveur Web", "it": "Impostazioni dell'adattatore server Web", "es": "Configuración del adaptador del servidor web", "pl": "Ustawienia adaptera sieci Web"}, "Web Server adapter settings": { "cn": "Web Server adapter settings", "en": "Web Server adapter settings"},
"Socket.IO Instance (Optional):": { "en": "Socket.IO Instance (Optional)", "de": "Socket.IO Instanz (Optional)", "ru": "Socket.IO (опционально)", "pt": "Instância Socket.IO (Opcional)", "nl": "Socket.IO-instantie (optioneel)", "fr": "Socket.IO Instance (facultatif)", "it": "Istanza Socket.IO (opzionale)", "es": "Instancia Socket.IO (Opcional)", "pl": "Instancja Socket.IO (opcjonalnie)"}, "Socket.IO Instance (Optional):": { "cn": "Socket.IO Instance (Optional)", "en": "Socket.IO Instance (Optional)"},
"The provided IP is not valid": { "en": "The provided IP is not valid", "de": "Die angegebene IP-Adresse ist ungültig", "ru": "Неверный IP-адрес", "pt": "O IP fornecido não é válido", "nl": "Het opgegeven IP-adres is niet geldig", "fr": "L'adresse IP fournie n'est pas valide", "it": "L'IP fornito non è valido", "es": "El IP proporcionado no es válido", "pl": "Podany adres IP jest nieprawidłowy"}, "The provided IP is not valid": { "cn": "The provided IP is not valid", "en": "The provided IP is not valid"},
"General": { "en": "General", "de": "Allgemein", "ru": "Общие", "pt": "Geral", "nl": "Algemeen", "fr": "Général", "it": "Generale", "es": "General", "pl": "Generał"}, "General": { "cn": "General", "en": "General"},
"White List": { "en": "White List", "de": "Weisse Liste", "ru": "Белый список", "pt": "Lista Branca", "nl": "Witte lijst", "fr": "Liste blanche", "it": "Lista bianca", "es": "Lista blanca", "pl": "Biała lista"}, "White List": { "cn": "White List", "en": "White List"},
"User": { "en": "User", "de": "Benutzer", "ru": "Пользователь", "pt": "Do utilizador", "nl": "Gebruiker", "fr": "Utilisateur", "it": "Utente", "es": "Usuario", "pl": "Użytkownik"}, "User": { "cn": "User", "en": "User"},
"object": { "en": "object", "de": "Objekt", "ru": "объект", "pt": "objeto", "nl": "voorwerp", "fr": "objet", "it": "oggetto", "es": "objeto", "pl": "obiekt"}, "object": { "cn": "object", "en": "object"},
"state": { "en": "state", "de": "Status", "ru": "статус", "pt": "Estado", "nl": "staat", "fr": "Etat", "it": "stato", "es": "estado", "pl": "stan"}, "state": { "cn": "state", "en": "state"},
"file": { "en": "file", "de": "Datei", "ru": "файл", "pt": "Arquivo", "nl": "het dossier", "fr": "fichier", "it": "file", "es": "archivo", "pl": "plik"}, "file": { "cn": "file", "en": "file"},
"read": { "en": "read", "de": "lesen", "ru": "читать", "pt": "ler", "nl": "lezen", "fr": "lis", "it": "leggere", "es": "leer", "pl": "czytać"}, "read": { "cn": "read", "en": "read"},
"list": { "en": "list", "de": "auflisten", "ru": "список", "pt": "Lista", "nl": "lijst", "fr": "liste", "it": "elenco", "es": "lista", "pl": "lista"}, "list": { "cn": "list", "en": "list"},
"write": { "en": "wrire", "de": "schreiben", "ru": "писать", "pt": "wrire", "nl": "wrire", "fr": "écrire", "it": "wrire", "es": "wrire", "pl": "wrire"}, "write": { "cn": "wrire", "en": "wrire"},
"create": { "en": "create", "de": "anlegen", "ru": "создать", "pt": "crio", "nl": "creëren", "fr": "créer", "it": "creare", "es": "crear", "pl": "Stwórz"}, "create": { "cn": "create", "en": "create"},
"remove": { "en": "delete", "de": "löschen", "ru": "удалить", "pt": "excluir", "nl": "verwijderen", "fr": "effacer", "it": "Elimina", "es": "borrar", "pl": "kasować"} "remove": { "cn": "delete", "en": "delete"}
}; };