diff --git a/io-package.json b/io-package.json index ba01bd5..28d3f7f 100644 --- a/io-package.json +++ b/io-package.json @@ -4,102 +4,31 @@ "version": "1.0.12", "news": { "1.0.12": { - "en": "Custom10-Widget and Light-Widget are repaired if the icon color used", - "de": "Custom10-Widget und Light-Widget werden repariert, wenn die Symbolfarbe verwendet wird", - "ru": "Custom10-Widget и Light-Widget восстанавливаются, если используется цвет значка", - "pt": "Custom10-Widget e Light-Widget são reparados se a cor do ícone for usada", - "nl": "Custom10-Widget en Light-Widget worden gerepareerd als de gebruikte pictogramkleur", - "fr": "Custom10-Widget et Light-Widget sont réparés si la couleur de l'icône utilisée", - "it": "Custom10-Widget e Light-Widget vengono riparati se si utilizza il colore dell'icona", - "es": "Custom10-Widget y Light-Widget se reparan si el color del icono utilizado", - "pl": "Custom10-Widget i Light-Widget są naprawiane, jeśli używany jest kolor ikony" + "en": "Custom10-Widget and Light-Widget are repaired if the icon color used" }, "1.0.11": { - "en": "The heating widget was extended", - "de": "Das Heizungs-Widget wurde erweitert", - "ru": "Виджет отопления был расширен", - "pt": "O widget de aquecimento foi estendido", - "nl": "De verwarmingswidget is uitgebreid", - "fr": "Le widget de chauffage a été étendu", - "it": "Il widget di riscaldamento è stato esteso", - "es": "El widget de calentamiento se extendió", - "pl": "Widżet grzewczy został przedłużony" + "en": "The heating widget was extended" }, "1.0.9": { - "en": "Fix iframes", - "de": "Korrigiere iframes", - "ru": "Поправлены iframes" + "en": "Fix iframes" }, "1.0.8": { - "en": "Fix of ShutterDialog Labels", - "de": "Fix of ShutterDialog Labels", - "ru": "Fix of ShutterDialog Labels" - }, - "1.0.7": { - "en": "Fix size of lamp-off-svg", - "de": "Größe der Lampe-Aus-SVG-Grafik korrigiert", - "ru": "Fix size of lamp-off-svg" - }, - "1.0.6": { - "en": "Add to all dialogs autoclose", - "de": "Autoclose für alle Dialogen hinzugefügt", - "ru": "Добавлено автозакрытие для всех диалоговых окон" - }, - "1.0.5": { - "en": "add blind widget", - "de": "Markisen-Widget hinzugefügt", - "ru": "Добавлен виджет для маркизы" - }, - "1.0.4": { - "en": "fix custom 10 dialog", - "de": "fix custom 10 dialog", - "ru": "fix custom 10 dialog" - }, - "1.0.3": { - "en": "removed left over debugger statement", - "de": "removed left over debugger statement", - "ru": "removed left over debugger statement" - }, - "1.0.2": { - "en": "implemented color support for each separate state of the jqui-mfd wigets", - "de": "implemented color support for each separate state of the jqui-mfd wigets", - "ru": "implemented color support for each separate state of the jqui-mfd wigets" - }, - "1.0.0": { - "en": "increase default width of popup windows", - "de": "increase default width of popup windows", - "ru": "increase default width of popup windows" + "en": "Fix of ShutterDialog Labels" } }, "title": "jQuery-UI style Widgets", "titleLang": { - "en": "jQuery-UI style Widgets", - "de": "jQuery-UI-Stil Widgets", - "ru": "Виджеты в стиле jQuery-UI", - "pt": "Widgets estilo jQuery-UI", - "nl": "jQuery-UI-stijl Widgets", - "fr": "Widgets de style jQuery-UI", - "it": "Widget di stile jQuery-UI", - "es": "Widgets de estilo jQuery-UI", - "pl": "Widżety w stylu jQuery-UI" + "en": "jQuery-UI style Widgets" }, "desc": { - "en": "jQuery-UI Widgets for yunkong2.vis with OpenAutomationProject icons", - "de": "jQuery-UI Widgets für yunkong2.vis mit OpenAutomationProject Bilder", - "ru": "jQuery-UI Widgets для yunkong2.vis с иконками OpenAutomationProject", - "pt": "Widgets jQuery-UI para yunkong2.vis com ícones OpenAutomationProject", - "nl": "jQuery-UI Widgets voor yunkong2.vis met OpenAutomationProject-pictogrammen", - "fr": "Widgets jQuery-UI pour yunkong2.vis avec des icônes OpenAutomationProject", - "it": "jQuery-UI Widget per yunkong2.vis con icone OpenAutomationProject", - "es": "jQuery-UI Widgets para yunkong2.vis con iconos de OpenAutomationProject", - "pl": "Widgety jQuery-UI dla yunkong2.vis z ikonami OpenAutomationProject" + "en": "jQuery-UI Widgets for yunkong2.vis with OpenAutomationProject icons" }, - "platform": "Javascript/Node.js", + "platform": "Node.js", "loglevel": "info", "icon": "jqui-mfd.png", "enabled": true, "mode": "once", - "extIcon": "https://git.spacen.net/yunkong2/yunkong2.vis-jqui-mfd/master/admin/jqui-mfd.png", + "extIcon": "https://git.spacen.net/yunkong2/yunkong2.vis-jqui-mfd/raw/master/admin/jqui-mfd.png", "keywords": [ "jqui-mfd", "vis",