diff --git a/io-package.json b/io-package.json index 108cd97..0c6b2ba 100644 --- a/io-package.json +++ b/io-package.json @@ -3,68 +3,15 @@ "name": "vis-history", "version": "0.2.7", "title": "yunkong2 Visualisation - history Widgets", - "news": { - "0.2.7": { - "en": "small fixes", - "de": "Kleine Fixes", - "ru": "small fixes" - }, - "0.2.6": { - "en": "small fix for empty values", - "de": "Kleines Fix für null Werte", - "ru": "Патч для null значений" - }, - "0.2.5": { - "en": "make http links clickable in the list", - "de": "Erlaube http links als Werte", - "ru": "Возможность иметь HTTP линки, как значения" - }, - "0.2.4": { - "en": "support of new custom schema", - "de": "Unterstützung von Custom-Schema", - "ru": "Поддержка новой Custom-cхемы" - }, - "0.2.3": { - "en": "fix JS error", - "de": "JS Fehler korrigiert", - "ru": "Исправлена JS ошибка" - }, - "0.2.2": { - "en": "add units and suffix", - "de": "add units and suffix", - "ru": "add units and suffix" - }, - "0.2.1": { - "en": "fix typo", - "de": "fix typo", - "ru": "fix typo" - }, - "0.2.0": { - "en": "fix max line settings\nadd 'none' time selector", - "de": "fix max line settings\nadd 'none' time selector", - "ru": "fix max line settings\nadd 'none' time selector" - }, - "0.1.1": { - "en": "change default style to vis-style-green-gray", - "de": "change default style to vis-style-green-gray", - "ru": "change default style to vis-style-green-gray" - }, - "0.1.0": { - "en": "initial commit", - "de": "initial commit", - "ru": "initial commit" - } - }, "desc": { "en": "history Widgets for yunkong2.vis", - "de": "history Widgets für yunkong2.vis", - "ru": "history Widgets для yunkong2.vis" + "cn": "可视化历史数据" }, "platform": "Javascript/Node.js", "icon": "vis-history.png", "enabled": true, "mode": "once", - "extIcon": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yunkong2/yunkong2.vis-history/master/admin/vis-history.png", + "extIcon": "https://git.spacen.net/yunkong2/yunkong2.vis-history/raw/master/admin/vis-history.png", "keywords": [ "history", "vis",