You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

53 lines
26 KiB

/*global systemDictionary:true */
'use strict';
systemDictionary = {
"Sonoff adapter settings": { "en": "Sonoff adapter settings", "de": "Sonoff Adapter-Einstellungen", "ru": "Настройки драйвера Sonoff", "pt": "Configurações do adaptador Sonoff", "nl": "Configurações do adaptador Sonoff", "fr": "Paramètres de l'adaptateur Sonoff", "it": "Impostazioni dell'adattatore Sonoff", "es": "Configuraciones del adaptador Sonoff", "pl": "Ustawienia adaptera Sonoff"},
"Type:": { "en": "Type", "de": "Typ", "ru": "Тип", "pt": "Tipo", "nl": "Tipo", "fr": "Type", "it": "genere", "es": "Tipo", "pl": "Rodzaj"},
"Port:": { "en": "Port", "de": "Port", "ru": "Порт", "pt": "Porta", "nl": "Porta", "fr": "Port", "it": "Porta", "es": "Puerto", "pl": "Port"},
"User:": { "en": "User", "de": "Username", "ru": "Имя пользователя", "pt": "Do utilizador", "nl": "Do utilizador", "fr": "Utilisateur", "it": "Utente", "es": "Usuario", "pl": "Użytkownik"},
"Password:": { "en": "Password", "de": "Kennwort", "ru": "Пароль", "pt": "Senha", "nl": "Senha", "fr": "Mot de passe", "it": "Parola d'ordine", "es": "Contraseña", "pl": "Hasło"},
"Password confirmation:": { "en": "Password confirmation", "de": "Kennwort-Wiederholung", "ru": "Подтверждение пароля", "pt": "ConfirmaÇão Da Senha", "nl": "ConfirmaÇão Da Senha", "fr": "Confirmation mot de passe", "it": "conferma password", "es": "confirmación de contraseña", "pl": "Potwierdzenie hasła"},
"URL:": { "en": "URL", "de": "URL", "ru": "URL", "pt": "URL", "nl": "URL", "fr": "URL", "it": "URL", "es": "URL", "pl": "URL"},
"Secure:": { "en": "Secure", "de": "SSL", "ru": "SSL", "pt": "Seguro", "nl": "Seguro", "fr": "Garantir", "it": "Sicuro", "es": "Seguro", "pl": "Bezpieczne"},
"Public certificate:": { "en": "Public certificate", "de": "Publikzertifikat", "ru": "'Public' сертификат", "pt": "Certificado público", "nl": "Certificado público", "fr": "Certificat public", "it": "Certificato pubblico", "es": "Certificado público", "pl": "Certyfikat publiczny"},
"Private certificate:": { "en": "Private certificate", "de": "Privatzertifikat", "ru": "'Private' сертификат", "pt": "Certificado privado", "nl": "Certificado privado", "fr": "Certificat privé", "it": "Certificato privato", "es": "Certificado privado", "pl": "Prywatny certyfikat"},
"Chained certificate:": { "en": "Chained certificate", "de": "Kettenzertifikat", "ru": "'Chained' сертификат", "pt": "Certificado acorrentado", "nl": "Certificado acorrentado", "fr": "Certificat chaîné", "it": "Certificato incatenato", "es": "Certificado encadenado", "pl": "Przykuty certyfikat"},
"Patterns:": { "en": "Subscribe patterns", "de": "Subscribe patterns", "ru": "Patterns", "pt": "Assinar padrões", "nl": "Assinar padrões", "fr": "Modèles de souscription", "it": "Iscriviti modelli", "es": "Suscribir patrones", "pl": "Wzorce subskrypcji"},
"Use WebSockets:": { "en": "Use WebSockets too", "de": "Benutze auch WebSockets", "ru": "Сервер WebSockets тоже", "pt": "Use também WebSockets", "nl": "Use também WebSockets", "fr": "Utilisez aussi WebSockets", "it": "Utilizza anche WebSockets", "es": "Use WebSockets también", "pl": "Użyj także WebSockets"},
"Connection": { "en": "Connection", "de": "Verbindung", "ru": "Соединение", "pt": "Conexão", "nl": "Conexão", "fr": "Connexion", "it": "Connessione", "es": "Conexión", "pl": "Połączenie"},
"Sonoff Settings": { "en": "Sonoff Settings", "de": "Sonoff Einstellungen", "ru": "Настройки Sonoff", "pt": "Configurações de Sonoff", "nl": "Configurações de Sonoff", "fr": "Paramètres Sonoff", "it": "Impostazioni Sonoff", "es": "Configuraciones Sonoff", "pl": "Ustawienia Sonoff"},
"Client ID:": { "en": "Client ID", "de": "Client ID", "ru": "ID Клиента", "pt": "ID do Cliente", "nl": "ID do Cliente", "fr": "identité du client", "it": "Identificativo cliente", "es": "Identificación del cliente", "pl": "Identyfikator klienta"},
"chars": { "en": "chars", "de": "Symbolen", "ru": "символов", "pt": "caracteres", "nl": "caracteres", "fr": "chars", "it": "caratteri", "es": "caracteres", "pl": "znaki"},
"ms": { "en": "ms", "de": "ms", "ru": "мс", "pt": "Senhora", "nl": "Senhora", "fr": "Mme", "it": "Signorina", "es": "Sra", "pl": "ms"},
"Interval before send topics by connection:": { "en": "Interval before send topics by connection", "de": "Interval vom Senden von allen Topics bei der verbindung", "ru": "Интервал перед отсылкой всей топиков после соединения", "pt": "Intervalo antes de enviar tópicos por conexão", "nl": "Intervalo antes de enviar tópicos por conexão", "fr": "Intervalle avant d'envoyer des sujets par connexion", "it": "Intervallo prima di inviare argomenti per connessione", "es": "Intervalo antes de enviar temas por conexión", "pl": "Interwał przed wysłaniem tematów według połączenia"},
"Send interval:": { "en": "Send interval", "de": "Sendeintervall", "ru": "Интервал между пакетами", "pt": "Intervalo de envio", "nl": "Intervalo de envio", "fr": "Envoyer un intervalle", "it": "Invia intervallo", "es": "Intervalo de envío", "pl": "Interwał wysyłania"},
"Use chunk patch:": { "en": "Use chunk patch", "de": "Benutze Patch für Chunking", "ru": "Использовать заплатку для Chunking", "pt": "Use patch de pedaços", "nl": "Use patch de pedaços", "fr": "Utiliser un patch de morceau", "it": "Usa patch pezzo", "es": "Use el fragmento de fragmento", "pl": "Użyj poprawki kawałka"},
"Divided by comma": { "en": "Divided by comma, e.g. 'mqtt/0/#,javascript/#'", "de": "Mit Komma getrennt, z.B 'mqtt/0/#,javascript/#'", "ru": "Использовать запятую, как разделитеть. Например 'mqtt/0/#,javascript/#'", "pt": "Dividido por vírgula, e. 'mqtt / 0 / #, javascript / #'", "nl": "Dividido por vírgula, e. 'mqtt/0/#, javascript/#'", "fr": "Divisé par une virgule, par ex. 'mqtt/0/#, javascript/#'", "it": "Diviso in virgola, ad es. 'MQTT/0/#, JavaScript/#'", "es": "Dividido por coma, p. 'mqtt/0/#, javascript/#'", "pl": "Podzielone przecinkiem, np. \"mqtt / 0 / #, javascript / # '"},
"Mask to publish": { "en": "e.g. 'mqtt.0.*,javascript.*'", "de": "z.B 'mqtt.0.*,javascript.*'", "ru": "Использовать запятую, как разделитеть. Например 'mqtt.0.*,javascript.*'", "pt": "por exemplo. 'mqtt.0. *, javascript. *'", "nl": "por exemplo. 'mqtt.0.*, javascript.*'", "fr": "par exemple. 'mqtt.0.*, javascript.*'", "it": "per esempio. 'Mqtt.0. *, Javascript. *'", "es": "p.ej. 'mqtt.0.*, javascript.*'", "pl": "na przykład \"mqtt.0. *, javascript. *\""},
"Store only on change:": { "en": "Publish only on change", "de": "Publish nur bei Änderung", "ru": "Отсылать только изменения", "pt": "Publique apenas na mudança", "nl": "Publique apenas na mudança", "fr": "Publier uniquement en cas de modification", "it": "Pubblica solo sul cambiamento", "es": "Publicar solo en el cambio", "pl": "Opublikuj tylko w przypadku zmiany"},
"Trace output for every message:": { "en": "Trace output for every message", "de": "Trace Ausgabe für jede Meldung", "ru": "Вывод лога для каждого изменения", "pt": "Saída de rastreamento para cada mensagem", "nl": "Saída de rastreamento para cada mensagem", "fr": "Trace de sortie pour chaque message", "it": "Traccia l'output per ogni messaggio", "es": "Salida de seguimiento para cada mensaje", "pl": "Dane wyjściowe śledzenia dla każdej wiadomości"},
"Test connection": { "en": "Test connection with Server", "de": "Teste Verbindung zum Server", "ru": "Проверить настройки", "pt": "Teste a conexão com o Servidor", "nl": "Teste a conexão com o Servidor", "fr": "Tester la connexion avec le serveur", "it": "Verifica la connessione con il server", "es": "Prueba de conexión con el servidor", "pl": "Sprawdź połączenie z serwerem"},
"Result: ": { "en": "Result ", "de": "Ergebnis ", "ru": "Результат ", "pt": "Resultado", "nl": "Resultado", "fr": "Résultat", "it": "Risultato", "es": "Resultado", "pl": "Wynik"},
"connected": { "en": "connected", "de": "verbunden", "ru": "успешно", "pt": "conectado", "nl": "conectado", "fr": "connecté", "it": "collegato", "es": "conectado", "pl": "połączony"},
"Main settings": { "en": "Main settings", "de": "Allgemeine Einstellungen", "ru": "Основные настройки", "pt": "Configurações principais", "nl": "Configurações principais", "fr": "Réglages principaux", "it": "Impostazioni principali", "es": "Ajustes principales", "pl": "Ustawienia główne"},
"Connection settings": { "en": "Connection settings", "de": "Verbindungseinstellungen", "ru": "Настройки соединения", "pt": "Configurações de conexão", "nl": "Configurações de conexão", "fr": "Paramètres de connexion", "it": "Impostazioni di connessione", "es": "Configuración de conexión", "pl": "Ustawienia połączenia"},
"Authentication settings": { "en": "Authentication settings", "de": "Authentication Einstellungen", "ru": "Настройки аутентификации", "pt": "Configurações de autenticação", "nl": "Configurações de autenticação", "fr": "Paramètres d'authentification", "it": "Impostazioni di autenticazione", "es": "Configuraciones de autenticación", "pl": "Ustawienia uwierzytelniania"},
"Adapter settings": { "en": "Sonoff settings", "de": "Sonoff Einstellungen", "ru": "Настройки Sonoff", "pt": "Configurações de Sonoff", "nl": "Configurações de Sonoff", "fr": "Paramètres Sonoff", "it": "Impostazioni Sonoff", "es": "Configuraciones Sonoff", "pl": "Ustawienia Sonoff"},
"Mask to publish own states:": { "en": "Mask to publish own states", "de": "Maske für Bekanntgeben von eigenen States", "ru": "Маска для собственных значений", "pt": "Máscara para publicar estados próprios", "nl": "Máscara para publicar estados próprios", "fr": "Masque pour publier ses propres états", "it": "Maschera per pubblicare i propri stati", "es": "Máscara para publicar estados propios", "pl": "Maskuj, aby publikować własne stany"},
"Send states (ack=true) too:": { "en": "Send states (ack=true) too", "de": "Sende auch Zustände (ack=true)", "ru": "Посылать не только команды, но и состояния (ack=true)", "pt": "Enviar estados (ack = true) também", "nl": "Enviar estados (ack = true) também", "fr": "Envoyer des états (ack = true) aussi", "it": "Invia stati (ack = true) anche", "es": "Enviar estados (ack = true) también", "pl": "Wyślij także stany (ack = true)"},
"Publish all states at start:": { "en": "Publish own states on connect", "de": "Bekanntgeben eigene States beim Verbinden", "ru": "Выдавать собственные значения при старте", "pt": "Publique seus próprios estados na conexão", "nl": "Publique seus próprios estados na conexão", "fr": "Publier ses propres états sur se connecter", "it": "Pubblica i tuoi stati sulla connessione", "es": "Publicar estados propios al conectar", "pl": "Opublikuj własne stany przy połączeniu"},
"Use different topic names for set and get:": { "en": "Use different topic names for set and get", "de": "Unterschiedliche Namen für setzten und lesen", "ru": "Использовать разные имена для чтения и записи", "pt": "Use nomes de tópicos diferentes para definir e obter", "nl": "Use nomes de tópicos diferentes para definir e obter", "fr": "Utilisez différents noms de sujet pour définir et obtenir", "it": "Usa diversi nomi di argomenti per impostare e ottenere", "es": "Use diferentes nombres de tema para establecer y obtener", "pl": "Używaj różnych nazw tematów do ustawiania i pobierania"},
"Publish states on subscribe:": { "en": "Publish states on subscribe", "de": "Bekanntgeben von States bei Subscribe", "ru": "Публиковать состояния при подписке", "pt": "Publique estados na assinatura", "nl": "Publique estados na assinatura", "fr": "Publier les états sur l'abonnement", "it": "Pubblica stati su iscriviti", "es": "Publicar estados al suscribirse", "pl": "Opublikuj stany w subskrypcji"},
"Set certificates or load it first in the system settings (right top).": {"en": "Set certificates or load it first in the system settings (right top).", "de": "Setze Zertificate oder lade die erst unter System/Einstellungen (oben rechts).", "ru": "Нужно выбрать сертификаты или сначала загрузить их в системных настройках (вверху справа).", "pt": "Defina certificados ou carregue primeiro nas configurações do sistema (parte superior direita).", "nl": "Defina certificados ou carregue primeiro nas configurações do sistema (parte superior direita).", "fr": "Définissez des certificats ou chargez-les d'abord dans les paramètres du système (en haut à droite).", "it": "Imposta i certificati o caricali prima nelle impostazioni di sistema (in alto a destra).", "es": "Establezca certificados o cárguelos primero en la configuración del sistema (arriba a la derecha).", "pl": "Ustaw certyfikaty lub załaduj najpierw w ustawieniach systemu (prawy górny)."},
"Prefix for topics:": { "en": "Prefix for all topics", "de": "Prefix für alle Topics", "ru": "Префикс для всех значений", "pt": "Prefix para todos os tópicos", "nl": "Prefix para todos os tópicos", "fr": "Préfixe pour tous les sujets", "it": "Prefisso per tutti gli argomenti", "es": "Prefijo para todos los temas", "pl": "Prefiks dla wszystkich tematów"},
"Max topic length:": { "en": "Max topic name length", "de": "Maximale Topicnamelänge", "ru": "Максимальная длина имени топика", "pt": "Nome máximo do nome do tópico", "nl": "Nome máximo do nome do tópico", "fr": "Longueur maximale du nom de la rubrique", "it": "Lunghezza massima del nome dell'argomento", "es": "Longitud máxima del nombre del tema", "pl": "Maksymalna długość nazwy tematu"},
"Server": { "en": "Server/broker", "de": "Server/broker", "ru": "Сервер/брокер", "pt": "Servidor / corretor", "nl": "Servidor/corretor", "fr": "Serveur/courtier", "it": "Server/mediatore", "es": "Servidor/intermediario", "pl": "Serwer / broker"},
"Client": { "en": "Client/subscriber", "de": "Client/subscriber", "ru": "Клиент/подписчик", "pt": "Cliente / assinante", "nl": "Cliente/assinante", "fr": "Client/abonné", "it": "Client/abbonato", "es": "Cliente/suscriptor", "pl": "Klient / subskrybent"},
"For tele/SENSOR": { "en": "For tele/SENSOR", "de": "Für tele/SENSOR", "ru": "Для tele/SENSOR", "pt": "Para tele/SENSOR", "nl": "Voor tele/SENSOR", "fr": "Pour tele/SENSOR", "it": "Per tele/SENSOR", "es": "Por tele/SENSOR", "pl": "Dla tele/SENSOR"},
"For tele/STATE": { "en": "For tele/STATE", "de": "Für tele/STATE", "ru": "Для tele/STATE", "pt": "Para tele/STATE", "nl": "Voor tele/STATE", "fr": "Pour tele/STATE", "it": "Per tele/STATE", "es": "Por tele/STATE", "pl": "Dla tele/STATE"},
"For stat/RESULT": { "en": "For stat/RESULT", "de": "Für stat/RESULT", "ru": "Для stat/RESULT", "pt": "Para stat/RESULT", "nl": "Voor stat/RESULT", "fr": "Pour stat/RESULT", "it": "Per stat/RESULT", "es": "Por stat/RESULT", "pl": "Dla stat/RESULT"},
"Client timeout (sec):": { "en": "Client timeout (sec)", "de": "Client-Zeitüberschreitung (Sek.)", "ru": "Client timeout (sec):", "pt": "Tempo limite do cliente (seg)", "nl": "Clienttimeout (sec)", "fr": "Délai d'expiration du client (sec)", "it": "Timeout del client (sec)", "es": "Tiempo de espera del cliente (seg)", "pl": "Limit czasu klienta (s)"},
"Auto creation of states": { "en": "Auto creation of states", "de": "Automatische Erstellung von Zuständen", "ru": "Auto creation of states", "pt": "Criação automática de estados", "nl": "Automatisch creëren van staten", "fr": "Création automatique d'états", "it": "Creazione automatica di stati", "es": "Creación automática de estados", "pl": "Automatyczne tworzenie stanów"}