/* jshint -W097 */ /* jshint strict:true */ /* jslint node: true */ /* jslint esversion: 6 */ 'use strict'; const mqtt = require('mqtt-connection'); const net = require('net'); const types = require(__dirname + '/datapoints'); //const memwatch = require('memwatch-next'); //const heapdump = require('heapdump'); const hueCalc = true; //var heapTest = 0; const FORBIDDEN_CHARS = /[\]\[*,;'"`<>\\?]/g; const mappingClients = {}; /* * HSV to RGB color conversion * * H runs from 0 to 360 degrees * S and V run from 0 to 100 * * Ported from the excellent java algorithm by Eugene Vishnevsky at: * http://www.cs.rit.edu/~ncs/color/t_convert.html */ function hsvToRgb(h, s, v) { let r, g, b; let i; let f, p, q, t; // Make sure our arguments stay in-range h = Math.max(0, Math.min(360, h)); s = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, s)); v = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, v)); // We accept saturation and value arguments from 0 to 100 because that's // how Photoshop represents those values. Internally, however, the // saturation and value are calculated from a range of 0 to 1. We make // That conversion here. s /= 100; v /= 100; if (s === 0) { // Achromatic (grey) r = g = b = v; return [ Math.round(r * 255), Math.round(g * 255), Math.round(b * 255) ]; } h /= 60; // sector 0 to 5 i = Math.floor(h); f = h - i; // factorial part of h p = v * (1 - s); q = v * (1 - s * f); t = v * (1 - s * (1 - f)); switch (i) { case 0: r = v; g = t; b = p; break; case 1: r = q; g = v; b = p; break; case 2: r = p; g = v; b = t; break; case 3: r = p; g = q; b = v; break; case 4: r = t; g = p; b = v; break; default: // case 5: r = v; g = p; b = q; } return [ Math.round(r * 255), Math.round(g * 255), Math.round(b * 255) ]; } function componentToHex(c) { const hex = c.toString(16); return hex.length === 1 ? '0' + hex : hex; } function toPaddedHexString(num, len) { if (len === 2) { if (num > 255) { num = 255; } } const str = num.toString(16); return '0'.repeat(len - str.length) + str; } function MQTTServer(adapter) { if (!(this instanceof MQTTServer)) return new MQTTServer(adapter); const NO_PREFIX = ''; let server = new net.Server(); const clients = {}; const tasks = []; let messageId = 1; let persistentSessions = {}; let resending = false; let resendTimer = null; const cacheAddedObjects = {}; const cachedModeExor = {}; const cachedReadColors = {}; this.destroy = cb => { if (resendTimer) { clearInterval(resendTimer); resendTimer = null; } if (server) { let cnt = 0; for (let id in clients) { if (clients.hasOwnProperty(id)) { cnt++; adapter.setForeignState(adapter.namespace + '.' + clients[id].iobId + '.alive', false, true, () => { if (!--cnt) { // to release all resources server.close(() => cb && cb()); server = null; } }); } } if (!cnt) { // to release all resources server.close(() => cb && cb()); server = null; } } }; /* memwatch.on('leak', (info) => { //console.error('Memory leak detected:\n', info); adapter.log.info('Memory leak detected:\n', info); var filename='/opt/iobroker/dumps/' + Date.now() + '.heapsnapshot'; heapdump.writeSnapshot((err,filename) => { if (err) { console.error(err); } else console.error('Wrote snapshot: ' + filename); }); }); */ /* memwatch.on('stats', function(stats) { adapter.log.info("stats:",stats); }); */ function setColor(channelId, val) { //adapter.log.info('color write: '+ val); const stateId = 'Color'; if (clients[channelId]._map && clients[channelId]._map[stateId]) { setImmediate(sendState2Client, clients[channelId], clients[channelId]._map[stateId] || 'cmnd/sonoff/Color', val, adapter.config.defaultQoS); } else if (clients[channelId]._fallBackName) { setImmediate(sendState2Client, clients[channelId], 'cmnd/' + clients[channelId]._fallBackName + '/' + stateId, val, adapter.config.defaultQoS); } else { adapter.log.warn('Unknown mapping for "' + stateId + '"'); } } function setPower(channelId, val) { const stateId = 'POWER'; if (clients[channelId]._map && clients[channelId]._map[stateId]) { setImmediate(sendState2Client, clients[channelId], clients[channelId]._map[stateId] || 'cmnd/sonoff/POWER', val ? 'ON' : 'OFF', adapter.config.defaultQoS); } else if (clients[channelId]._fallBackName) { setImmediate(sendState2Client, clients[channelId], 'cmnd/' + clients[channelId]._fallBackName + '/' + stateId, val, adapter.config.defaultQoS); } else { adapter.log.warn('Unknown mapping for "' + stateId + '"'); } } function setStateImmediate(channelId,stateId,val) { if (clients[channelId]._map && clients[channelId]._map[stateId]) { setImmediate(sendState2Client, clients[channelId], clients[channelId]._map[stateId] || ('cmnd/sonoff/' + stateId), val, adapter.config.defaultQoS); } else if (clients[channelId]._fallBackName) { setImmediate(sendState2Client, clients[channelId], 'cmnd/' + clients[channelId]._fallBackName + '/' + stateId, val, adapter.config.defaultQoS); } else { adapter.log.warn('Unknown mapping for "' + stateId + '"'); } } function _setState(id, val) { adapter.setForeignState(id, val, true, () => { setImmediate(processTasks); }); } function updateState(task, val) { if (val !== undefined) { task.cb = _setState; task.cbArg = val; } tasks.push(task); if (tasks.length === 1) { setImmediate(processTasks); } } const specVars = ['Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'WW', 'CW', 'Color', 'RGB_POWER', 'WW_POWER', 'CW_POWER', 'Hue', 'Saturation']; function onStateChangedColors(id, state, channelId, stateId) { if (!channelId) { let parts = id.split('.'); stateId = parts.pop(); if (stateId === 'level' || stateId === 'state' || stateId === 'red' || stateId === 'blue' || stateId === 'green') { stateId = parts.pop() + '.' + stateId; } channelId = parts.splice(2, parts.length).join('.'); } const ledModeIdExor = adapter.namespace + '.' + channelId + '.modeLedExor'; if (cachedModeExor[ledModeIdExor] === undefined) { return adapter.getForeignState(ledModeIdExor, (err, _state) => { cachedModeExor[ledModeIdExor] = _state ? _state.val || false : true; setImmediate(() => onStateChangedColors(id, state, channelId, stateId)); }); } // ledstripe objects const exorWhiteLeds = cachedModeExor[ledModeIdExor]; // exor for white leds and color leds => if white leds are switched on, color leds are switched off and vice versa (default on) // now evaluate ledstripe vars // adaptions for magichome tasmota if (stateId.match(/Color\d?/)) { //adapter.log.info('sending color'); // id = sonoff.0.DVES_96ABFA.Color // statid=Color // state = {"val":"#faadcf","ack":false,"ts":1520146102580,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.web.0","lc":1520146102580} // set white to rgb or rgbww adapter.getObject(id, (err, obj) => { if (!obj) { adapter.log.warn('ill rgbww obj'); } else { const role = obj.common.role; let color; //adapter.log.info(state.val); if (role === 'level.color.rgbww') { // rgbww if (state.val.toUpperCase() === '#FFFFFF') { // transform white to WW //color='000000FF'; color = state.val.substring(1) + '00'; } else { // strip # char and add ww color = state.val.substring(1) + '00'; } } else if (role === 'level.color.rgbcwww') { color = state.val.substring(1) + '0000'; } else { // rgb, strip # char color = state.val.substring(1); } //adapter.log.info('color :' + color + ' : ' + role); // strip # char //color=state.val.substring(1); setColor(channelId, color); // set rgb too const hidE = id.split('.'); const deviceDesc = hidE[0] + '.' + hidE[1] + '.' + hidE[2]; let idAlive = deviceDesc + '.Red'; adapter.setState(idAlive, 100 * parseInt(color.substring(0, 2), 16) / 255, true); idAlive = deviceDesc + '.Green'; adapter.setState(idAlive, 100 * parseInt(color.substring(2, 4), 16) / 255, true); idAlive = deviceDesc + '.Blue'; adapter.setState(idAlive, 100 * parseInt(color.substring(4, 6), 16) / 255, true); } }); } else { const hidE = id.split('.'); const deviceDesc = hidE[0] + '.' + hidE[1] + '.' + hidE[2]; if (stateId.match(/Red\d?/)) { // set red component if (state.val > 100) state.val = 100; const red = toPaddedHexString(Math.floor(255 * state.val / 100), 2); const idAlive = deviceDesc + '.Color'; adapter.getForeignState(idAlive, (err, state) => { if (!state) { adapter.setState(idAlive, '#000000', false); return; } const color = state.val.substring(1); // replace red component const out = red + color.substring(2, 10); adapter.setState(idAlive, '#' + out, false); setColor(channelId, out); }); } else if (stateId.match(/Green\d?/)) { // set green component if (state.val > 100) state.val = 100; const green = toPaddedHexString(Math.floor(255 * state.val / 100), 2); const idAlive = deviceDesc + '.Color'; adapter.getForeignState(idAlive, (err, state) => { if (!state) { adapter.setState(idAlive, '#000000', false); return; } const color = state.val.substring(1); // replace green component const out = color.substring(0, 2) + green + color.substring(4, 10); adapter.setState(idAlive, '#' + out, false); setColor(channelId, out); }); } else if (stateId.match(/Blue\d?/)) { // set blue component if (state.val > 100) state.val = 100; const blue = toPaddedHexString(Math.floor(255 * state.val / 100), 2); const idAlive = deviceDesc + '.Color'; adapter.getForeignState(idAlive, (err, state) => { if (!state) { adapter.setState(idAlive, '#000000', false); return; } const color = state.val.substring(1); // replace blue component const out = color.substring(0, 4) + blue + color.substring(6, 10); adapter.setState(idAlive, '#' + out, false); setColor(channelId, out); }); } else if (stateId.match(/RGB_POWER\d?/)) { // set ww component const rgbpow = state.val === 'true' || state.val === true || state.val === 1 || state.val === '1'; const idAlive = deviceDesc + '.Color'; adapter.getForeignState(idAlive, (err, state) => { if (!state) { //adapter.log.warn('ill state Color'); adapter.setState(idAlive, '#000000', false); return; } const color = state.val.substring(1); let rgb = '000000'; if (rgbpow === true) { rgb = 'FFFFFF'; } // replace rgb component let out = rgb + color.substring(6, 10); if (rgbpow && exorWhiteLeds) { //adapter.log.info('reset white'); out = rgb + '0000'; let idAlive = deviceDesc + '.WW_POWER'; adapter.setState(idAlive, false, false); idAlive = deviceDesc + '.WW'; adapter.setState(idAlive, 0, false); idAlive = deviceDesc + '.CW_POWER'; adapter.setState(idAlive, false, false); idAlive = deviceDesc + '.CW'; adapter.setState(idAlive, 0, false); } setColor(channelId, out); adapter.setState(idAlive, '#' + out, false); if (rgbpow) { setPower(channelId, true) } // if led_mode&1, exor white leds }); } else // calc hue + saturation params to rgb if (hueCalc && stateId.match(/Hue\d?/)) { let hue = state.val; if (hue > 359) hue = 359; // recalc color by hue const idAlive = deviceDesc + '.Dimmer'; adapter.getForeignState(idAlive, (err, state) => { if (!state) { const dim = 100; adapter.setState(idAlive, dim, true); //adapter.log.warn('ill state Dimmer'); } else { const dim = state.val; let idAlive = deviceDesc + '.Saturation'; adapter.getForeignState(idAlive, (err, state) => { if (!state) { const sat = 100; adapter.setState(idAlive, sat, true); } else { const sat = state.val; const rgb = hsvToRgb(hue, sat, dim); const hexval = componentToHex(rgb[0]) + componentToHex(rgb[1]) + componentToHex(rgb[2]); let idAlive = deviceDesc + '.Color'; adapter.setState(idAlive, '#' + hexval, false); } }); } }); } else if (hueCalc && stateId.match(/Saturation\d?/)) { let sat = state.val; if (sat > 100) sat = 100; // recalc color by saturation const idAlive = deviceDesc + '.Dimmer'; adapter.getForeignState(idAlive, (err, state) => { if (!state) { const dim = 100; adapter.setState(idAlive, dim, true); //adapter.log.warn('ill state Dimmer'); } else { const dim = state.val; const idAlive = deviceDesc + '.Hue'; adapter.getForeignState(idAlive, (err, state) => { if (!state) { const hue = 100; adapter.setState(idAlive, hue, true); } else { const hue = state.val; const rgb = hsvToRgb(hue, sat, dim); const hexval = componentToHex(rgb[0]) + componentToHex(rgb[1]) + componentToHex(rgb[2]); const idAlive = deviceDesc + '.Color'; adapter.setState(idAlive, '#' + hexval, false); } }); } }); } else { // get color attributes to check other ledstripe vars const idAlive = deviceDesc + '.Color'; adapter.getForeignObject(idAlive, (err, obj) => { if (!obj) { // no color object adapter.log.warn(`unknown object: ${id}: ${state}`); } else { const role = obj.common.role; //if (role='level.color.rgb') return; let wwindex; if (role === 'level.color.rgbww') { wwindex = 6; } else { wwindex = 8; } if (stateId.match(/WW_POWER\d?/)) { // set ww component const wwpow = state.val === 'true' || state.val === true || state.val === 1 || state.val === '1'; const idAlive = deviceDesc + '.Color'; adapter.getForeignState(idAlive, (err, state) => { if (!state) { adapter.log.warn('ill state Color'); return; } const color = state.val.substring(1); let ww = '00'; if (wwpow) { ww = 'FF'; } // replace ww component let out = color.substring(0, wwindex) + ww; if (wwpow && exorWhiteLeds) { //adapter.log.info('reset white'); out = '000000' + ww; let idAlive = deviceDesc + '.RGB_POWER'; adapter.setState(idAlive,false, false); } let idAlive = deviceDesc + '.Color'; adapter.setState(idAlive,'#' + out, false); setColor(channelId, out); // set ww channel idAlive = deviceDesc + '.WW'; adapter.setState(idAlive, 100 * parseInt(out.substring(6, 8), 16) / 255, true); // in case POWER is off, switch it on wwpow && setPower(channelId, true) }); } else if (stateId.match(/CW_POWER\d?/)) { // set ww component const cwpow = state.val === 'true' || state.val === true || state.val === 1 || state.val === '1'; const idAlive = deviceDesc + '.Color'; adapter.getForeignState(idAlive, (err, state) => { if (!state) { adapter.log.warn('ill state Color'); return; } const color = state.val.substring(1); let cw = '00'; if (cwpow) { cw = 'FF'; } // replace cw component let out = color.substring(0, 6) + cw + color.substring(8, 10); if (cwpow && exorWhiteLeds) { //adapter.log.info('reset white'); out = '000000' + cw + color.substring(8, 10); let idAlive = deviceDesc + '.RGB_POWER'; adapter.setState(idAlive, false, false); } let idAlive = deviceDesc + '.Color'; adapter.setState(idAlive, '#' + out, false); setColor(channelId, out); // set cw channel idAlive = deviceDesc + '.CW'; adapter.setState(idAlive, 100 * parseInt(out.substring(6, 8), 16) / 255, true); // in case POWER is off, switch it on if (cwpow) { let idAlive = deviceDesc + '.POWER'; adapter.setState(idAlive, true, false); } }); } else if (stateId.match(/WW\d?/)) { // set ww component const ww = toPaddedHexString(Math.floor(255 * state.val / 100), 2); const idAlive = deviceDesc + '.Color'; adapter.getForeignState(idAlive, (err, state) => { if (!state) { adapter.setState(idAlive, '#000000', false); return; } const color = state.val.substring(1); // replace ww component const out = color.substring(0, wwindex) + ww; setColor(channelId, out); }); } else if (stateId.match(/CW\d?/)) { // set ww component const cw = toPaddedHexString(Math.floor(255 * state.val / 100), 2); const idAlive = deviceDesc + '.Color'; adapter.getForeignState(idAlive, (err, state) => { if (!state) { adapter.setState(idAlive, '#000000', false); return; } const color = state.val.substring(1); // replace cw component const out = color.substring(0, 6) + cw + color.substring(8, 10); setColor(channelId, out); }); } } }); } } } this.onStateChange = (id, state) => { adapter.log.debug('onStateChange ' + id + ': ' + JSON.stringify(state)); if (server && state && !state.ack) { // find client.id let parts = id.split('.'); const stateId = parts.pop(); const channelId = parts.splice(2, parts.length).join('.'); if (clients[mappingClients[channelId]]) { // check for special ledstripe vars if (specVars.indexOf(stateId) === -1) { // other objects adapter.getObject(id, (err, obj) => { if (!obj) { adapter.log.warn(`invalid obj ${id}`); } else { const type = obj.common.type; switch (type) { case 'boolean': setStateImmediate(mappingClients[channelId], stateId, state.val ? 'ON' : 'OFF'); break; case 'number': setStateImmediate(mappingClients[channelId], stateId, state.val.toString()); break; case 'string': setStateImmediate(mappingClients[channelId], stateId, state.val); break; } } }); } else { onStateChangedColors(id, state, channelId, stateId); } } else { //Client:"DVES_96ABFA : MagicHome" not connected => State: sonoff.0.myState - Value: 0, ack: false, time stamp: 1520369614189, last changed: 1520369614189 // if (server && state && !state.ack) { // server = false // or state = false // or state.ack = true // or clients[channelId] = false adapter.log.warn(`Client "${channelId}" not connected`); /* if (!clients[channelId]) { var idAlive='sonoff.0.'+channelId+'.INFO.IPAddress'; adapter.getForeignState(idAlive, function (err, state) { if (!state) { adapter.log.warn('Client "' + channelId + '" could not get ip adress'); } else { var ip=state.val; adapter.log.warn('Clients ip "' + ip); request('http://'+ip+'/cm?cmnd=Restart 1', function(error, response, body) { if (error || response.statusCode !== 200) { log('Fehler beim Neustart von Sonoff: ' + channelId + ' (StatusCode = ' + response.statusCode + ')'); } }); } }); }*/ } } }; function processTasks() { if (tasks && tasks.length) { let task = tasks[0]; if (task.type === 'addObject') { if (!cacheAddedObjects[task.id]) { cacheAddedObjects[task.id] = true; adapter.getForeignObject(task.id, (err, obj) => { if (!obj) { adapter.setForeignObject(task.id, task.data, (/* err */) => { adapter.log.info('new object created: ' + task.id); tasks.shift(); if (task.cb) { task.cb(task.id, task.cbArg); } else { setImmediate(processTasks); } }); } else { tasks.shift(); if (task.cb) { task.cb(task.id, task.cbArg); } else { setImmediate(processTasks); } } }); } else { tasks.shift(); if (task.cb) { task.cb(task.id, task.cbArg); } else { setImmediate(processTasks); } } } else if (task.type === 'extendObject') { adapter.extendObject(task.id, task.data, (/* err */) => { tasks.shift(); if (task.cb) { task.cb(task.id, task.cbArg); } else { setImmediate(processTasks); } }); } else if (task.type === 'deleteState') { adapter.deleteState('', '', task.id, (/* err */) => { tasks.shift(); if (task.cb) { task.cb(task.id, task.cbArg); } else { setImmediate(processTasks); } }); } else { adapter.log.error('Unknown task name: ' + JSON.stringify(task)); tasks.shift(); if (task.cb) { task.cb(task.id, task.cbArg); } else { setImmediate(processTasks); } } } } function createClient(client) { // mqtt.0.cmnd.sonoff.POWER // mqtt.0.stat.sonoff.POWER let isStart = !tasks.length; let id = adapter.namespace + '.' + client.iobId; let obj = { _id: id, common: { name: client.id, desc: '' }, native: { clientId: client.id }, type: 'channel' }; tasks.push({type: 'addObject', id: obj._id, data: obj}); obj = { _id: id + '.alive', common: { type: 'boolean', role: 'indicator.connected', read: true, write: false, name: client.id + ' alive' }, type: 'state' }; tasks.push({type: 'addObject', id: obj._id, data: obj}); if (isStart) { processTasks(tasks); } } function updateClients() { let text = ''; if (clients) { for (let id in clients) { text += (text ? ',' : '') + id; } } adapter.setState('info.connection', {val: text, ack: true}); } function updateAlive(client, alive) { let idAlive = adapter.namespace + '.' + client.iobId + '.alive'; adapter.getForeignState(idAlive, (err, state) => { if (!state || state.val !== alive) { adapter.setForeignState(idAlive, alive, true); } }); } function sendState2Client(client, topic, state, qos, retain, cb) { if (typeof qos === 'function') { cb = qos; qos = undefined; } if (typeof retain === 'function') { cb = retain; retain = undefined; } adapter.log.debug('Send to "' + client.id + '": ' + topic + ' = ' + state); client.publish({topic: topic, payload: state, qos: qos, retain: retain, messageId: messageId++}, cb); messageId &= 0xFFFFFFFF; } function resendMessages2Client(client, messages, i) { i = i || 0; if (messages && i < messages.length) { try { messages[i].ts = Date.now(); messages[i].count++; adapter.log.debug(`Client [${client.id}] Resend messages on connect: ${messages[i].topic} = ${messages[i].payload}`); if (messages[i].cmd === 'publish') { client.publish(messages[i]); } } catch (e) { adapter.log.warn(`Client [${client.id}] Cannot resend message: ${e}`); } if (adapter.config.sendInterval) { setTimeout(() => resendMessages2Client(client, messages, i + 1), adapter.config.sendInterval); } else { setImmediate(() => resendMessages2Client(client, messages, i + 1)); } } else { //return; } } function addObject(attr, client, prefix, path) { let replaceAttr = types[attr].replace || attr; let id = adapter.namespace + '.' + client.iobId + '.' + (prefix ? prefix + '.' : '') + (path.length ? path.join('_') + '_' : '') + replaceAttr.replace(FORBIDDEN_CHARS, '_'); let obj = { type: 'addObject', id: id, data: { _id: id, common: Object.assign({}, types[attr]), native: {}, type: 'state' } }; obj.data.common.name = client.id + ' ' + (prefix ? prefix + ' ' : '') + (path.length ? path.join(' ') + ' ' : '') + ' ' + replaceAttr; return obj; } function checkData(client, topic, prefix, data, unit, path) { if (!data || typeof data !== 'object') return; const ledModeReadColorsID = adapter.namespace + '.' + client.iobId + '.modeReadColors'; if (cachedReadColors[ledModeReadColorsID] === undefined) { return adapter.getForeignState(ledModeReadColorsID, (err, state) => { cachedReadColors[ledModeReadColorsID] = (state && state.val) || false; setImmediate(() => checkData(client, topic, prefix, data, unit, path)); }); } path = path || []; prefix = prefix || ''; // first get the units if (data.TempUnit) { unit = data.TempUnit; if (unit.indexOf('°') !== 0) { unit = '°' + unit.replace('°'); } } for (let attr in data) { if (!data.hasOwnProperty(attr)) { adapter.log.warn('[' + client.id + '] attr error: ' + attr + '' + data[attr]); continue; } if (typeof data[attr] === 'object') { // check for arrays if (types[attr]) { if (types[attr].type === 'array') { // transform to array of attributes for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { let val = data[attr][i - 1]; if (typeof val === 'undefined') break; // define new object let replaceAttr = attr.replace(FORBIDDEN_CHARS, '_') + i.toString(); let id = adapter.namespace + '.' + client.iobId + '.' + (prefix ? prefix + '.' : '') + (path.length ? path.join('_') + '_' : '') + replaceAttr; let obj = { type: 'addObject', id: id, data: { _id: id, common: Object.assign({}, types[attr]), native: {}, type: 'state' } }; obj.data.common.name = client.id + ' ' + (prefix ? prefix + ' ' : '') + (path.length ? path.join(' ') + ' ' : '') + ' ' + replaceAttr; obj.data.common.type = 'number'; updateState(obj, val); } } else { let nPath = Object.assign([], path); nPath.push(attr.replace(FORBIDDEN_CHARS, '_')); checkData(client, topic, prefix, data[attr], unit, nPath); nPath = undefined; } } else { let nPath = Object.assign([], path); nPath.push(attr.replace(FORBIDDEN_CHARS, '_')); checkData(client, topic, prefix, data[attr], unit, nPath); nPath = undefined; } } else if (types[attr]) { const allowReadColors = cachedReadColors[ledModeReadColorsID]; // allow for color read from MQTT (default off) // create object const obj = addObject(attr, client, prefix, path); let replaceAttr = types[attr].replace || attr; if (attr === 'Temperature') { obj.data.common.unit = unit || obj.data.common.unit || '°C'; } if (attr === 'Humidity') { obj.data.common.unit = unit || obj.data.common.unit || '%'; } if (obj.data.common.storeMap) { delete obj.data.common.storeMap; client._map[replaceAttr] = topic.replace(/$\w+\//, 'cmnd/').replace(/\/\w+$/, '/' + replaceAttr); } console.log(attr); // adaptions for magichome tasmota if (attr === 'Color') { // read vars // if ledFlags bit 2, read color from tasmota, else ignore if (data[attr].length === 10) { obj.data.common.role = 'level.color.rgbcwww'; // RGB + cold white + white??? } else if (data[attr].length === 8) { obj.data.common.role = 'level.color.rgbww'; // RGB + White } else { obj.data.common.role = 'level.color.rgb'; } if (hueCalc) { // Create LEDs modes if required let xObj = addObject('modeReadColors', client, prefix, path); updateState(xObj); xObj = addObject('modeLedExor', client, prefix, path); updateState(xObj); xObj = addObject('Hue', client, prefix, path); updateState(xObj); xObj = addObject('Saturation', client, prefix, path); updateState(xObj); xObj = addObject('Red', client, prefix, path); xObj.data.common.read = allowReadColors; updateState(xObj, allowReadColors ? 100 * parseInt(data[attr].substring(0, 2), 16) / 255 : undefined); xObj = addObject('Green', client, prefix, path); xObj.data.common.read = allowReadColors; updateState(xObj, allowReadColors ? 100 * parseInt(data[attr].substring(2, 4), 16) / 255 : undefined); xObj = addObject('Blue', client, prefix, path); xObj.data.common.read = allowReadColors; updateState(xObj, allowReadColors ? 100 * parseInt(data[attr].substring(4, 6), 16) / 255 : undefined); xObj = addObject('RGB_POWER', client, prefix, path); xObj.data.common.read = allowReadColors; let val = parseInt(data[attr].substring(0, 6), 16); updateState(xObj, allowReadColors ? (val > 0) : undefined); if (obj.data.common.role === 'level.color.rgbww') { // rgbww xObj = addObject('WW', client, prefix, path); xObj.data.common.read = allowReadColors; updateState(xObj, allowReadColors ? 100 * parseInt(data[attr].substring(6, 8), 16) / 255 : undefined); xObj = addObject('WW_POWER', client, prefix, path); xObj.data.common.read = allowReadColors; updateState(xObj, allowReadColors ? (val > 0) : undefined); } else if (obj.data.common.role === 'level.color.rgbcwww') { // rgbcwww xObj = addObject('CW', client, prefix, path); xObj.data.common.read = allowReadColors; updateState(xObj, allowReadColors ? 100 * parseInt(data[attr].substring(6, 8), 16) / 255 : undefined); xObj = addObject('CW_POWER', client, prefix, path); xObj.data.common.read = allowReadColors; updateState(xObj, allowReadColors ? (val > 0) : undefined); xObj = addObject('WW', client, prefix, path); xObj.data.common.read = allowReadColors; updateState(xObj, allowReadColors ? 100 * parseInt(data[attr].substring(8, 10), 16) / 255 : undefined); xObj = addObject('WW_POWER', client, prefix, path); xObj.data.common.read = allowReadColors; val = parseInt(data[attr].substring(8, 10), 16); updateState(xObj, allowReadColors ? (val > 0) : undefined); } } } let val; if (obj.data.common.type === 'number') { val = parseFloat(data[attr]); } else if (obj.data.common.type === 'boolean') { val = (data[attr] || '').toUpperCase() === 'ON'; } else { if (attr === 'Color') { // add # char if (allowReadColors) { val = '#' + data[attr]; } } else { val = data[attr]; } } updateState(obj, val); } else { // not in list, auto insert //if (client.id=='DVES_008ADB') { // adapter.log.warn('[' + client.id + '] Received attr not in list: ' + attr + '' + data[attr]); //} // tele/sonoff/SENSOR tele/sonoff/STATE => read only // stat/sonoff/RESULT => read,write let parts = topic.split('/'); // auto generate objects if ((parts[0] === 'tele' && ( (adapter.config.TELE_SENSOR && parts[2] === 'SENSOR') || (adapter.config.TELE_STATE && parts[2] === 'STATE'))) || (parts[0] === 'stat' && (adapter.config.STAT_RESULT && parts[2] === 'RESULT')) ) { //adapter.log.info('[' + client.id + '] auto insert object: ' + attr + ' ' + data[attr] + ' flags: ' + autoFlags); //if (data[attr]) { const xdata = data[attr]; //adapter.log.info('[' + client.id + '] auto insert object: ' + attr + ' ' + data[attr]); let attributes; if (parts[2] === 'RESULT') { if (xdata.isNaN) { // string attributes = {type: 'string', role:'value', read: true, write: true}; } else { // number attributes = {type: 'number', role:'value', read: true, write: true}; } } else { if (xdata.isNaN) { // string attributes = {type: 'string', role: 'value', read: true, write: false}; } else { // number attributes = {type: 'number', role: 'value', read: true, write: false}; } } let replaceAttr = attr ; let id = adapter.namespace + '.' + client.iobId + '.' + (prefix ? prefix + '.' : '') + (path.length ? path.join('_') + '_' : '') + replaceAttr; let obj = { type: 'addObject', id: id, data: { _id: id, common: Object.assign({}, attributes), native: {}, type: 'state' } }; obj.data.common.name = client.id + ' ' + (prefix ? prefix + ' ' : '') + (path.length ? path.join(' ') + ' ' : '') + ' ' + replaceAttr; updateState(obj, xdata); } } } } function receivedTopic(packet, client) { client.states = client.states || {}; client.states[packet.topic] = { message: packet.payload, retain: packet.retain, qos: packet.qos }; // update alive state updateAlive(client, true); if (client._will && client._will.topic && packet.topic === client._will.topic) { client._will.payload = packet.payload; return; } let val = packet.payload.toString('utf8'); adapter.log.debug('[' + client.id + '] Received: ' + packet.topic + ' = ' + val); /* adapter.getForeignState('system.adapter.sonoff.0.memRss', (err, state) => { adapter.log.info('mem: ' + state.val + ' MB'); if (heapTest==0 || (heapTest==1 && state.val>37.5)) { heapTest+=1; heapdump.writeSnapshot('/opt/iobroker/' + Date.now() + '.heapsnapshot'); adapter.log.info('Wrote snapshot: '); var filename='/opt/iobroker/' + Date.now() + '.heapsnapshot'; heapdump.writeSnapshot((err,filename) => { if (err) { adapter.log.info('heap: ' + err); } else { adapter.log.info('Wrote snapshot: ' + filename); } }); } }); */ // [DVES_BD3B4D] Received: tele/sonoff2/STATE = { // "Time":"2017-10-01T12:37:18", // "Uptime":0, // "Vcc":3.224, // "POWER":"ON", // "POWER1":"OFF", // "POWER2":"ON" // "Wifi":{ // "AP":1, // "SSId":"FuckOff", // "RSSI":62, // "APMac":"E0:28:6D:EC:21:EA" // } // } // [DVES_BD3B4D] Received: tele/sonoff2/SENSOR = { // "Time":"2017-10-01T12:37:18", // "Switch1":"ON", // "DS18B20":{"Temperature":20.6}, // "TempUnit":"C" // } client._map = client._map || {}; const parts = packet.topic.split('/'); if (!client._fallBackName) { client._fallBackName = parts[1]; } const stateId = parts.pop(); if (stateId === 'LWT') { return; } if (stateId === 'RESULT') { // ignore: stat/Sonoff/RESULT = {"POWER":"ON"} // testserver.js reports error, so reject above cmd const str = val.replace(/\s+/g, ''); if (str.startsWith('{"POWER":"ON"}')) return; if (str.startsWith('{"POWER":"OFF"}')) return; if (parts[0] === 'stat') { try { checkData(client, packet.topic, NO_PREFIX, JSON.parse(val)); } catch (e) { adapter.log.warn('Cannot parse data "' + stateId + '": _' + val + '_ - ' + e); } return; } if (parts[0] === 'tele') { try { checkData(client, packet.topic, NO_PREFIX, JSON.parse(val)); } catch (e) { adapter.log.warn('Cannot parse data "' + stateId + '": _' + val + '_ - ' + e); } } return; } // tele/sonoff_4ch/STATE = {"Time":"2017-10-02T19:26:06", "Uptime":0, "Vcc":3.226, "POWER1":"OFF", "POWER2":"OFF", "POWER3":"OFF", "POWER4":"OFF", "Wifi":{"AP":1, "SSId":"AAA", "RSSI": 15}} // tele/sonoff/SENSOR = {"Time":"2017-10-05T17:43:19", "DS18x20":{"DS1":{"Type":"DS18B20", "Address":"28FF9A9876815022A", "Temperature":12.2}}, "TempUnit":"C"} // tele/sonoff5/SENSOR = {"Time":"2017-10-03T14:02:25", "AM2301-14":{"Temperature":21.6, "Humidity":54.7}, "TempUnit":"C"} // tele/sonoff/SENSOR = {"Time":"2018-02-23T17:36:59", "Analog0":298} if (parts[0] === 'tele' && stateId.match(/^(STATE|SENSOR|WAKEUP)\d?$/)) { try { checkData(client, packet.topic, NO_PREFIX, JSON.parse(val)); //adapter.log.warn('log sensor parse"' + stateId + '": _' + val); } catch (e) { adapter.log.warn('Cannot parse data "' + stateId + '": _' + val + '_ - ' + e); } } else if (parts[0] === 'tele' && stateId.match(/^INFO\d?$/)) { // tele/SonoffPOW/INFO1 = {"Module":"Sonoff Pow", "Version":"5.8.0", "FallbackTopic":"SonoffPOW", "GroupTopic":"sonoffs"} // tele/SonoffPOW/INFO2 = {"WebServerMode":"Admin", "Hostname":"Sonoffpow", "IPAddress":""} // tele/SonoffPOW/INFO3 = {"RestartReason":"Software/System restart"} try { checkData(client, packet.topic, 'INFO', JSON.parse(val)); } catch (e) { adapter.log.warn('Cannot parse data"' + stateId + '": _' + val + '_ - ' + e); } } else if (parts[0] === 'tele' && stateId.match(/^(ENERGY)\d?$/)) { // tele/sonoff_4ch/ENERGY = {"Time":"2017-10-02T19:24:32", "Total":1.753, "Yesterday":0.308, "Today":0.205, "Period":0, "Power":3, "Factor":0.12, "Voltage":221, "Current":0.097} try { checkData(client, packet.topic, 'ENERGY', JSON.parse(val)); } catch (e) { adapter.log.warn('Cannot parse data"' + stateId + '": _' + val + '_ - ' + e); } } else if (types[stateId]) { // /ESP_BOX/BM280/Pressure = 1010.09 // /ESP_BOX/BM280/Humidity = 42.39 // /ESP_BOX/BM280/Temperature = 25.86 // /ESP_BOX/BM280/Approx. Altitude = 24 // cmnd/sonoff/POWER // stat/sonoff/POWER if (types[stateId]) { let id = adapter.namespace + '.' + client.iobId + '.' + stateId.replace(/[-.+\s]+/g, '_'); let obj = { type: 'addObject', id: id, data: { _id: id, common: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(types[stateId])), native: {}, type: 'state' } }; obj.data.common.name = client.id + ' ' + stateId; // push only new objects updateState(obj); if (parts[0] === 'cmnd') { // Set Object fix if (obj.data.common.type === 'number') { adapter.setState(id, parseFloat(val), true); } else if (obj.data.common.type === 'boolean') { adapter.setState(id, val === 'ON' || val === '1' || val === 'true' || val === 'on', true); } else { adapter.setState(id, val, true); } // remember POWER topic client._map[stateId] = packet.topic; } else { if (obj.data.common.type === 'number') { adapter.setState(id, parseFloat(val), true); } else if (obj.data.common.type === 'boolean') { adapter.setState(id, val === 'ON' || val === '1' || val === 'true' || val === 'on', true); } else { adapter.setState(id, val, true); } } } else { adapter.log.debug('Cannot process: ' + packet.topic); } } } function clientClose(client, reason) { if (!client) return; if (persistentSessions[client.id]) { persistentSessions[client.id].connected = false; } if (client._resendonStart) { clearTimeout(client._resendonStart); client._resendonStart = null; } try { if (clients[client.id] && (client.__secret === clients[client.id].__secret)) { adapter.log.info(`Client [${client.id}] connection closed: ${reason}`); delete clients[client.id]; updateClients(); if (client._will) { receivedTopic(client._will, client, () => client.destroy()); } else { client.destroy(); } } else { client.destroy(); } } catch (e) { adapter.log.warn(`Client [${client.id}] Cannot close client: ${e}`); } } function checkResends() { const now = Date.now(); resending = true; for (const clientId in clients) { if (clients.hasOwnProperty(clientId) && clients[clientId] && clients[clientId]._messages) { for (let m = clients[clientId]._messages.length - 1; m >= 0; m--) { const message = clients[clientId]._messages[m]; if (now - message.ts >= adapter.config.retransmitInterval) { if (message.count > adapter.config.retransmitCount) { adapter.log.warn(`Client [${clientId}] Message ${message.messageId} deleted after ${message.count} retries`); clients[clientId]._messages.splice(m, 1); continue; } // resend this message message.count++; message.ts = now; try { adapter.log.debug(`Client [${clientId}] Resend message topic: ${message.topic}, payload: ${message.payload}`); if (message.cmd === 'publish') { clients[clientId].publish(message); } } catch (e) { adapter.log.warn(`Client [${clientId}] Cannot publish message: ${e}`); } if (adapter.config.sendInterval) { setTimeout(checkResends, adapter.config.sendInterval); } else { setImmediate(checkResends); } return; } } } } // delete old sessions if (adapter.config.storeClientsTime !== -1) { for (const id in persistentSessions) { if (persistentSessions.hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (now - persistentSessions[id].lastSeen > adapter.config.storeClientsTime * 60000) { delete persistentSessions[id]; } } } } resending = false; } (function _constructor(config) { if (config.timeout === undefined) { config.timeout = 300; } else { config.timeout = parseInt(config.timeout, 10); } server.on('connection', stream => { let client = mqtt(stream); // Store unique connection identifier client.__secret = Date.now() + '_' + Math.round(Math.random() * 10000); // client connected client.on('connect', options => { // acknowledge the connect packet client.id = options.clientId; client.iobId = client.id.replace(FORBIDDEN_CHARS, '_'); mappingClients[client.iobId] = client.id; // get possible old client let oldClient = clients[client.id]; if (config.user) { if (config.user !== options.username || config.pass !== options.password.toString()) { adapter.log.warn(`Client [${client.id}] has invalid password(${options.password}) or username(${options.username})`); client.connack({returnCode: 4}); if (oldClient) { // delete existing client delete clients[client.id]; updateAlive(oldClient, false); updateClients(); oldClient.destroy(); } client.destroy(); return; } } if (oldClient) { adapter.log.info(`Client [${client.id}] reconnected. Old secret ${clients[client.id].__secret}. New secret ${client.__secret}`); // need to destroy the old client if (client.__secret !== clients[client.id].__secret) { // it is another socket!! // It was following situation: // - old connection was active // - new connection is on the same TCP // Just forget him // oldClient.destroy(); } } else { adapter.log.info(`Client [${client.id}] connected with secret ${client.__secret}`); } let sessionPresent = false; if (!client.cleanSession && adapter.config.storeClientsTime !== 0) { if (persistentSessions[client.id]) { sessionPresent = true; persistentSessions[client.id].lastSeen = Date.now(); } else { persistentSessions[client.id] = { _subsID: {}, _subs: {}, messages: [], lastSeen: Date.now() }; } client._messages = persistentSessions[client.id].messages; persistentSessions[client.id].connected = true; } else if (client.cleanSession && persistentSessions[client.id]) { delete persistentSessions[client.id]; } client._messages = client._messages || []; client.connack({returnCode: 0, sessionPresent}); clients[client.id] = client; updateClients(); client._will = options.will; createClient(client); if (persistentSessions[client.id]) { client._subsID = persistentSessions[client.id]._subsID; client._subs = persistentSessions[client.id]._subs; if (persistentSessions[client.id].messages.length) { // give to the client a little bit time client._resendonStart = setTimeout(clientId => { client._resendonStart = null; resendMessages2Client(client, persistentSessions[clientId].messages); }, 100, client.id); } } }); // timeout idle streams after 5 minutes if (config.timeout) { stream.setTimeout(config.timeout * 1000); } // connection error handling client.on('close', had_error => clientClose(client, had_error ? 'closed because of error' : 'closed')); client.on('error', e => clientClose(client, e)); client.on('disconnect', () => clientClose(client, 'disconnected')); // stream timeout stream.on('timeout', () => clientClose(client, 'timeout')); client.on('publish', packet => { if (clients[client.id] && client.__secret !== clients[client.id].__secret) { return adapter.log.warn(`Old client ${client.id} with secret ${client.__secret} sends publish. Ignore! Actual secret is ${clients[client.id].__secret}`); } if (persistentSessions[client.id]) { persistentSessions[client.id].lastSeen = Date.now(); } if (packet.qos === 1) { // send PUBACK to client client.puback({ messageId: packet.messageId }); } else if (packet.qos === 2) { const pack = client._messages.find(e => { return e.messageId === packet.messageId; }); if (pack) { // duplicate message => ignore adapter.log.warn(`Client [${client.id}] Ignored duplicate message with ID: ${packet.messageId}`); return; } else { packet.ts = Date.now(); packet.cmd = 'pubrel'; packet.count = 0; client._messages.push(packet); client.pubrec({messageId: packet.messageId}); return; } } receivedTopic(packet, client) }); // response for QoS2 client.on('pubrec', packet => { if (clients[client.id] && client.__secret !== clients[client.id].__secret) { return adapter.log.warn(`Old client ${client.id} with secret ${client.__secret} sends pubrec. Ignore! Actual secret is ${clients[client.id].__secret}`); } if (persistentSessions[client.id]) { persistentSessions[client.id].lastSeen = Date.now(); } let pos = null; // remove this message from queue client._messages.forEach((e, i) => { if (e.messageId === packet.messageId) { pos = i; return false; } }); if (pos !== -1) { client.pubrel({ messageId: packet.messageId }); } else { adapter.log.warn(`Client [${client.id}] Received pubrec on ${client.id} for unknown messageId ${packet.messageId}`); } }); // response for QoS2 client.on('pubcomp', packet => { if (clients[client.id] && client.__secret !== clients[client.id].__secret) { return adapter.log.warn(`Old client ${client.id} with secret ${client.__secret} sends pubcomp. Ignore! Actual secret is ${clients[client.id].__secret}`); } if (persistentSessions[client.id]) { persistentSessions[client.id].lastSeen = Date.now(); } let pos = null; // remove this message from queue client._messages.forEach((e, i) => { if (e.messageId === packet.messageId) { pos = i; return false; } }); if (pos !== null) { client._messages.splice(pos, 1); } else { adapter.log.warn(`Client [${client.id}] Received pubcomp for unknown message ID: ${packet.messageId}`); } }); // response for QoS2 client.on('pubrel', packet => { if (clients[client.id] && client.__secret !== clients[client.id].__secret) { return adapter.log.warn(`Old client ${client.id} with secret ${client.__secret} sends pubrel. Ignore! Actual secret is ${clients[client.id].__secret}`); } if (persistentSessions[client.id]) { persistentSessions[client.id].lastSeen = Date.now(); } let pos = null; // remove this message from queue client._messages.forEach((e, i) => { if (e.messageId === packet.messageId) { pos = i; return false; } }); if (pos !== -1) { client.pubcomp({ messageId: packet.messageId }); receivedTopic(client._messages[pos], client); } else { adapter.log.warn(`Client [${client.id}] Received pubrel on ${client.id} for unknown messageId ${packet.messageId}`); } }); // response for QoS1 client.on('puback', packet => { if (clients[client.id] && client.__secret !== clients[client.id].__secret) { return adapter.log.warn(`Old client ${client.id} with secret ${client.__secret} sends puback. Ignore! Actual secret is ${clients[client.id].__secret}`); } if (persistentSessions[client.id]) { persistentSessions[client.id].lastSeen = Date.now(); } // remove this message from queue let pos = null; // remove this message from queue client._messages.forEach((e, i) => { if (e.messageId === packet.messageId) { pos = i; return false; } }); if (pos !== null) { adapter.log.debug(`Client [${client.id}] Received puback for ${client.id} message ID: ${packet.messageId}`); client._messages.splice(pos, 1); } else { adapter.log.warn(`Client [${client.id}] Received puback for unknown message ID: ${packet.messageId}`); } }); client.on('unsubscribe', packet => { if (clients[client.id] && client.__secret !== clients[client.id].__secret) { return adapter.log.warn(`Old client ${client.id} with secret ${client.__secret} sends unsubscribe. Ignore! Actual secret is ${clients[client.id].__secret}`); } if (persistentSessions[client.id]) { persistentSessions[client.id].lastSeen = Date.now(); } client.unsuback({messageId: packet.messageId}); }); client.on('subscribe', packet => { if (clients[client.id] && client.__secret !== clients[client.id].__secret) { return adapter.log.warn(`Old client ${client.id} with secret ${client.__secret} sends unsubscribe. Ignore! Actual secret is ${clients[client.id].__secret}`); } if (persistentSessions[client.id]) { persistentSessions[client.id].lastSeen = Date.now(); } let granted = []; // just confirm the request. // we expect subscribe for 'cmnd.sonoff.#' for (let i = 0; i < packet.subscriptions.length; i++) { granted.push(packet.subscriptions[i].qos); } client.suback({granted: granted, messageId: packet.messageId}); }); client.on('pingreq', (/*packet*/) => { if (clients[client.id] && client.__secret !== clients[client.id].__secret) { return adapter.log.warn(`Old client ${client.id} with secret ${client.__secret} sends pingreq. Ignore! Actual secret is ${clients[client.id].__secret}`); } if (persistentSessions[client.id]) { persistentSessions[client.id].lastSeen = Date.now(); } adapter.log.debug(`Client [${client.id}] pingreq`); client.pingresp(); }); }); config.port = parseInt(config.port, 10) || 1883; config.retransmitInterval = config.retransmitInterval || 2000; config.retransmitCount = config.retransmitCount || 10; if (config.storeClientsTime === undefined) { config.storeClientsTime = 1440; } else { config.storeClientsTime = parseInt(config.storeClientsTime, 10) || 0; } config.defaultQoS = parseInt(config.defaultQoS, 10) || 0; // Update connection state updateClients(); // to start server.listen(config.port, config.bind, () => { adapter.log.info('Starting MQTT ' + (config.user ? 'authenticated ' : '') + ' server on port ' + config.port); resendTimer = setInterval(() => { if (!resending) { checkResends(); } }, adapter.config.retransmitInterval || 2000); }); })(adapter.config); return this; } module.exports = MQTTServer;