Update io-package.json

钟进 6 years ago
parent 77c22efb9b
commit 3a2ffbf515

@ -1,204 +1,52 @@
"common": {
"name": "socketio",
"version": "2.1.1",
"title": "socket.io",
"desc": {
"en": "This adapter allows to communicate different web applications with yunkong2",
"de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht die Kommunikation verschiedener Web-Anwendungen mit yunkong2",
"ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет соединяться различным веб-приложениям с yunkong2",
"pt": "Este adaptador permite comunicar diferentes aplicativos da web com yunkong2",
"nl": "Met deze adapter kunt u verschillende webtoepassingen communiceren met yunkong2",
"fr": "Cet adaptateur permet de communiquer différentes applications web avec yunkong2",
"it": "Questo adattatore consente di comunicare diverse applicazioni Web con yunkong2",
"es": "Este adaptador permite comunicar diferentes aplicaciones web con yunkong2",
"pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia komunikację z różnymi aplikacjami WWW za pomocą yunkong2"
"news": {
"2.1.1": {
"en": "Used socket.io Version 1.7.5\nAuthentication problem was fixed",
"de": "Gebrauchte socket.io Version 1.7.5\nAuthentifizierungsproblem wurde behoben",
"ru": "Используемая версия socket.io 1.7.5\nИсправлена ​​проблема аутентификации",
"pt": "Usado socket.io versão 1.7.5\nProblema de autenticação foi corrigido",
"nl": "Gebruikte socket.io versie 1.7.5\nVerificatieprobleem is opgelost",
"fr": "Version socket.io utilisée 1.7.5\nLe problème d'authentification a été corrigé",
"it": "Usato socket.io Versione 1.7.5\nIl problema di autenticazione è stato risolto",
"es": "Utiliza socket.io versión 1.7.5\nSe corrigió el problema de autenticación",
"pl": "Użyty socket.io Wersja 1.7.5\nNaprawiono problem z uwierzytelnianiem"
"2.1.0": {
"en": "Used socket.io Version 1.7.4",
"de": "Gebrauchte socket.io Version 1.7.4",
"ru": "Используемая версия socket.io 1.7.4",
"pt": "Usado socket.io Versão 1.7.4",
"nl": "Gebruikte socket.io versie 1.7.4",
"fr": "Version socket.io utilisée 1.7.4",
"it": "Usato socket.io Versione 1.7.4",
"es": "Utiliza socket.io versión 1.7.4",
"pl": "Używane socket.io Wersja 1.7.4"
"2.0.1": {
"en": "The support of the old browsers was dropped, e.g. iPad 1",
"de": "Die Unterstützung der alten Browser abgebrochen, z.B. iPad 1",
"ru": "Поддержка старых браузеров была прекращена, например. iPad 1",
"pt": "O suporte dos navegadores antigos foi descartado, e. iPad 1",
"nl": "De ondersteuning van de oude browsers is weggevallen, b.v. iPad 1",
"fr": "Le support des anciens navigateurs a été supprimé, par ex. iPad 1",
"it": "Il supporto dei vecchi browser è stato eliminato, ad es. iPad 1",
"es": "El soporte de los navegadores antiguos se eliminó, p. iPad 1",
"pl": "Obsługa starych przeglądarek została usunięta, np. iPad 1"
"1.9.0": {
"en": "Ready for Admin3",
"de": "Bereit für Admin3",
"ru": "Готово для администратора3",
"pt": "Pronto para Admin3",
"nl": "Klaar voor Admin3",
"fr": "Prêt pour Admin3",
"it": "Pronto per Admin3",
"es": "Listo para Admin3",
"pl": "Gotowy na administratora3"
"1.8.7": {
"en": "Tune cloud work",
"de": "Verbessern die Cloud-Funktionalität",
"ru": "Улучшения для облака"
"1.8.5": {
"en": "Escape [] in subscriptions",
"de": "Escape [] in Subscriptions",
"ru": "Escape [] in subscriptions"
"1.8.4": {
"en": "Check callback validity",
"de": "Prüfe ob Callback richtig ist",
"ru": "Проверка callbacks"
"1.8.3": {
"en": "Allow authentication via URL",
"de": "Erlaube die Authentifizierung via URL",
"ru": "Разрешена авторизация через URL"
"1.8.2": {
"en": "Fix cmdExec command",
"de": "Korrigiere cmdExec Komando",
"ru": "Исправлена команда cmdExec"
"1.8.1": {
"en": "Fix user access rights for sendToHost",
"de": "Korrigiere die Anwenderrechte für sendToHost",
"ru": "Исправлены права доступа для sendToHost"
"1.8.0": {
"en": "Support the access to admin via yunkong2.pro",
"de": "Unterstützung von Zugriff auf admin über yunkong2.pro",
"ru": "Поддержка доступа к admin через yunkong2.pro"
"1.7.5": {
"en": "fix error if subscribe is empty",
"de": "Fehler gefixt, falls subscribe ist leer",
"ru": "Исправлена ошибка, если subscribe пуст"
"1.7.4": {
"en": "fix error with authentication",
"de": "Korrigiere Authentifizierung",
"ru": "Исправлена аутентификация"
"1.7.3": {
"en": "support of socket extensions",
"de": "Unterstützung von Socketerweiterungen",
"ru": "Поддержка плагинов для socket"
"1.7.2": {
"en": "Fix unsubscribe of states",
"de": "Korrigiere unsubscribe von Zuständen",
"ru": "Исправлено unsubscribe для состояний"
"1.7.1": {
"en": "Fix authentication for app",
"de": "Die Authentifizierung mit APP wurde korrigiert",
"ru": "Аутентификация с app работает снова"
"1.7.0": {
"en": "сompatible only with new admin",
"de": "Nur mit neuem Admin kompatibel",
"ru": "Совместимо только с новым админ-драйвером"
"1.6.1": {
"en": "fix error by checking user name",
"de": "Fehler mit Namensprüfung behoben",
"ru": "Исправлена ошибка при проверке имени"
"1.6.0": {
"en": "support of letsencrypt certificates",
"de": "Unterstützung von letsencrypt Zertifikaten",
"ru": "Поддержка letsencrypt сертификатов"
"1.5.4": {
"en": "fix error in socket.js",
"de": "fix error in socket.js",
"ru": "fix error in socket.js"
"1.5.3": {
"en": "support of force only web sockets transport",
"de": "support of force only web sockets transport",
"ru": "support of force only web sockets transport"
"1.5.2": {
"en": "support of chained certificates",
"de": "support of chained certificates",
"ru": "support of chained certificates"
"1.5.1": {
"en": "add sendToHost command",
"de": "add sendToHost command",
"ru": "add sendToHost command"
"authors": [
"bluefox <dogafox@gmail.com>"
"license": "MIT",
"platform": "Javascript/Node.js",
"mode": "daemon",
"loglevel": "info",
"readme": "https://git.spacen.net/yunkong2/yunkong2.socketio/blob/master/README.md",
"icon": "socketio.png",
"keywords": ["web", "socket.io", "communication"],
"enabled": true,
"extIcon": "https://git.spacen.net/yunkong2/yunkong2.socketio/master/admin/socketio.png",
"type": "communication",
"stopBeforeUpdate": true,
"materialize": true,
"dependencies": [{"js-controller": ">=0.12.0"}]
"native": {
"port": 8084,
"auth": false,
"secure": false,
"bind": "",
"ttl": 3600,
"certPublic": "",
"certPrivate": "",
"certChained": "",
"defaultUser": "admin",
"forceWebSockets": false,
"leEnabled": false,
"leUpdate": false,
"leCheckPort": 80
"objects": [
"_id": "connected",
"type": "state",
"common": {
"name": "Info about connected socket clients",
"type": "string",
"read": true,
"write": false,
"role": "text"
"common": {
"name": "socketio",
"version": "2.1.1",
"title": "socket.io",
"desc": {
"en": "This adapter allows to communicate different web applications with yunkong2"
"license": "MIT",
"platform": "Node.js",
"mode": "daemon",
"loglevel": "info",
"readme": "https://git.spacen.net/yunkong2/yunkong2.socketio/blob/master/README.md",
"icon": "socketio.png",
"keywords": ["web", "socket.io", "communication"],
"enabled": true,
"extIcon": "https://git.spacen.net/yunkong2/yunkong2.socketio/raw/master/admin/socketio.png",
"type": "communication",
"stopBeforeUpdate": true,
"materialize": true,
"dependencies": [{"js-controller": ">=0.12.0"}]
"native": {
"port": 8084,
"auth": false,
"secure": false,
"bind": "",
"ttl": 3600,
"certPublic": "",
"certPrivate": "",
"certChained": "",
"defaultUser": "admin",
"forceWebSockets": false,
"leEnabled": false,
"leUpdate": false,
"leCheckPort": 80
"objects": [
"_id": "connected",
"type": "state",
"common": {
"name": "Info about connected socket clients",
"type": "string",
"read": true,
"write": false,
"role": "text"
