systemDictionary = { "simpleAPI adapter settings": { "de": "simpleAPI adapter settings", "ru": "simpleAPI adapter settings" }, "Run as:": {"de": "Laufen unter Anwender:", "ru": "Запустить от пользователя:"}, "Allow only when User is Owner:": {"de": "Nue erlauben wenn Anwender auch Besitzer ist:", "ru": "Allow only when User is Owner:"}, "IP:": {"de": "IP:", "ru": "IP:"}, "Port:": {"de": "Port:", "ru": "Порт:"}, "Secure(HTTPS):": {"de": "Verschlüsselung(HTTPS):", "ru": "Шифрование(HTTPS):"}, "Authentication:": {"de": "Authentifikation:", "ru": "Аутентификация:"}, "Public certificate:": {"en": "Public certificate:", "de": "Publikzertifikat:", "ru": "'Public' сертификат:"}, "Private certificate:": {"en": "Private certificate:", "de": "Privatzertifikat:", "ru": "'Private' сертификат:"}, "Chained certificate:": {"en": "Chained certificate:", "de": "Kettenzertifikat:", "ru": "'Chained' сертификат:"}, "Extend WEB adapter:": {"en": "Extend WEB adapter:", "de": "Erweitere WEB Adapter:", "ru": "Подключить к WEB драйверу:"}, "all": {"en": "all", "de": "alle", "ru": "все"}, "Listen on all IPs": {"en": "Listen on all IPs", "de": "Alle IPs zulassen", "ru": "Открыть для всех IP адресов"}, "Let's Encrypt settings": { "en": "Let's Encrypt settings", "de": "Einstellungen Let's Encrypt", "ru": "Настройкт Let's Encrypt" }, "Use Lets Encrypt certificates:": { "en": "Use Let's Encrypt certificates:", "de": "Benutzen Let's Encrypt Zertifikate:", "ru": "Использовать сертификаты Let's Encrypt:" }, "Use this instance for automatic update:": { "en": "Use this instance for automatic update:", "de": "Benutze diese Instanz für automatische Updates:", "ru": "Обновлять сертификаты в этом драйвере:" }, "Port to check the domain:": { "en": "Port to check the domain:", "de": "Port um die Domain zu prüfen:", "ru": "Порт для проверки доменного имени:" }, "Set certificates or load it first in the system settings (right top).": { "en": "Set certificates or load it first in the system settings (right top).", "de": "Setze Zertificate oder lade die erst unter System/Einstellungen (oben rechts).", "ru": "Нужно выбрать сертификаты или сначала загрузить их в системных настройках (вверху справа)." } };