diff --git a/io-package.json b/io-package.json index f71a13d..70a23c6 100644 --- a/io-package.json +++ b/io-package.json @@ -1,106 +1,42 @@ -{ - "common": { - "name": "simple-api", - "version": "2.0.0", - "news": { - "2.0.0": { - "en": "BREAKING CHANGE: getBulk is returning data in a different structure", - "de": "BREAKING CHANGE: getBulk gibt Daten in einer anderen Struktur zurück", - "ru": "BREAKING CHANGE: getBulk возвращает данные в другой структуре", - "pt": "BREAKING CHANGE: o getBulk está retornando dados em uma estrutura diferente", - "nl": "BREAKING CHANGE: getBulk retourneert gegevens in een andere structuur", - "fr": "BREAKING CHANGE: getBulk renvoie des données dans une structure différente", - "it": "BREAKING CHANGE: getBulk restituisce i dati in una struttura diversa", - "es": "BREAKING CHANGE: getBulk está devolviendo datos en una estructura diferente", - "pl": "ZMIANA ZMIAN: getBulk zwraca dane w innej strukturze" - }, - "1.6.3": { - "en": "Return used character encoding (UTF-8)", - "de": "Zeichencodierung zurückgegeben (UTF-8)", - "ru": "Возвращаемое кодирование символов (UTF-8)", - "pt": "Retornar a codificação de caracteres usados ​​(UTF-8)", - "nl": "Gebruikte tekencodering retourneren (UTF-8)", - "fr": "Renvoie le codage de caractères utilisé (UTF-8)", - "it": "Restituisci codifica caratteri usati (UTF-8)", - "es": "Devuelve la codificación de caracteres usados ​​(UTF-8)", - "pl": "Zwróć używane kodowanie znaków (UTF-8)" - }, - "1.6.2": { - "en": "Fix decoding problems", - "de": "Dekodierungsprobleme behoben", - "ru": "Fix decoding problems" - }, - "1.6.1": { - "en": "Fix statuscode for setBulk and optimize permission errors", - "de": "Statuscode für setBulk korrigiert und Rechte-Fehler optimiert", - "ru": "Fix statuscode for setBulk and optimize permission errors" - }, - "1.6.0": { - "en": "Optimize Permission handling and add possibility to only allow access to states where user is also owner (needs js-contrioller 1.1.1!), fix handling of url-encoded values", - "de": "Berechtigungsbehandlung optimiert und Möglichkeit eingebaut nur den Zugriff auf Zustände zu erlauben wo der Benutzer auch Besitzer ist (benötigt js-controller 1.1.1), Behandlung von URL-kodierten Werten korrigiert", - "ru": "Optimize Permission handling and add possibility to only allow access to states where user is also owner (needs js-contrioller 1.1.1!), fix handling of url-encoded values" - }, - "1.5.1": { - "en": "Add new POST method setValueFromBody", - "de": "Neue POST-Methode setValueFromBody hinzugefügt", - "ru": "Add new POST method setValueFromBody" - }, - "1.4.0": { - "en": "can be used as web-extension", - "de": "Kann als Web-Extension benutzt werden", - "ru": "Может использоватся, как Web-плагин" - }, - "1.3.0": { - "en": "сompatible only with new admin", - "de": "Nur mit neuem Admin kompatibel", - "ru": "Совместимо только с новым админ-драйвером" - }, - "1.2.0": { - "en": "support of letsencrypt certificates", - "de": "Unterstützung von letsencrypt Zertifikaten", - "ru": "Поддержка letsencrypt сертификатов" - }, - "1.1.1": { - "en": "support of chained certificates", - "de": "support of chained certificates", - "ru": "support of chained certificates" - } - }, - "title": "simpleAPI Adapter", - "desc": "This adapter allows to read and write yunkong2 objects and state with web RESTful API", - "authors": [ - "bluefox ", - "Apollon77 " - ], - "license": "MIT", - "platform": "Javascript/Node.js", - "mode": "daemon", - "loglevel": "info", - "icon": "simple-api.png", - "webExtension": "lib/simpleapi.js", - "readme": "https://git.spacen.net/yunkong2/yunkong2.simple-api/blob/master/README.md", - "keywords": ["web", "simpleAPI", "RESTful", "communication"], - "enabled": true, - "extIcon": "https://git.spacen.net/yunkong2/yunkong2.simple-api/master/admin/simple-api.png", - "type": "communication", - "stopBeforeUpdate": true, - "localLink": "%protocol%://%ip%:%port%/get/system.adapter.simple-api.%instance%.uptime?prettyPrint", - "dependencies": [{"js-controller": ">=0.15.0"}] - }, - "native": { - "port": 8087, - "auth": false, - "secure": false, - "bind": "", - "certPublic": "", - "certPrivate": "", - "certChained": "", - "defaultUser": "admin", - "onlyAllowWhenUserIsOwner": false, - "webInstance": "", - - "leEnabled": false, - "leUpdate": false, - "leCheckPort": 80 - } -} +{ + "common": { + "name": "simple-api", + "version": "2.0.0", + "title": "simpleAPI Adapter", + "desc": "This adapter allows to read and write yunkong2 objects and state with web RESTful API", + "authors": [ + "bluefox ", + "Apollon77 " + ], + "license": "MIT", + "platform": "Node.js", + "mode": "daemon", + "loglevel": "info", + "icon": "simple-api.png", + "webExtension": "lib/simpleapi.js", + "readme": "https://git.spacen.net/yunkong2/yunkong2.simple-api/blob/master/README.md", + "keywords": ["web", "simpleAPI", "RESTful", "communication"], + "enabled": true, + "extIcon": "https://git.spacen.net/yunkong2/yunkong2.simple-api/raw/master/admin/simple-api.png", + "type": "communication", + "stopBeforeUpdate": true, + "localLink": "%protocol%://%ip%:%port%/get/system.adapter.simple-api.%instance%.uptime?prettyPrint", + "dependencies": [{"js-controller": ">=0.15.0"}] + }, + "native": { + "port": 8087, + "auth": false, + "secure": false, + "bind": "", + "certPublic": "", + "certPrivate": "", + "certChained": "", + "defaultUser": "admin", + "onlyAllowWhenUserIsOwner": false, + "webInstance": "", + + "leEnabled": false, + "leUpdate": false, + "leCheckPort": 80 + } +}