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"common": {
"name": "simple-api",
"version": "2.0.0",
"title": "simpleAPI Adapter",
"desc": "This adapter allows to read and write yunkong2 objects and state with web RESTful API",
"authors": [
"bluefox <>",
"Apollon77 <>"
"license": "MIT",
"platform": "Node.js",
"mode": "daemon",
"loglevel": "info",
"icon": "simple-api.png",
"webExtension": "lib/simpleapi.js",
"readme": "",
"keywords": ["web", "simpleAPI", "RESTful", "communication"],
"enabled": true,
"extIcon": "",
"type": "communication",
"stopBeforeUpdate": true,
"localLink": "%protocol%://%ip%:%port%/get/system.adapter.simple-api.%instance%.uptime?prettyPrint",
"dependencies": [{"js-controller": ">=0.15.0"}]
"native": {
"port": 8087,
"auth": false,
"secure": false,
"bind": "",
"certPublic": "",
"certPrivate": "",
"certChained": "",
"defaultUser": "admin",
"onlyAllowWhenUserIsOwner": false,
"webInstance": "",
"leEnabled": false,
"leUpdate": false,
"leCheckPort": 80