You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

36 lines
3.5 KiB

// DONT Forget to update sayitEngines in blockly.js (If you change this table)
var sayitEngines = {
"cn": {name: "中文语音", engine: "baidu", params: ['accessKey', 'secretKey']},
"en": {name: "Google - English", engine: "google", params: []},
"de": {name: "Google - Deutsch", engine: "google", params: []},
"ru": {name: "Google - Русский", engine: "google", params: []},
"en-US": {name: "PicoTTS - Englisch US", engine: "PicoTTS", params: []},
"en-GB": {name: "PicoTTS - Englisch GB", engine: "PicoTTS", params: []},
"de-DE": {name: "PicoTTS - Deutsch", engine: "PicoTTS", params: []},
"it-IT": {name: "PicoTTS - Italiano", engine: "PicoTTS", params: []},
"es-ES": {name: "PicoTTS - Espaniol", engine: "PicoTTS", params: []},
"fr-FR": {name: "PicoTTS - Français", engine: "PicoTTS", params: []},
var sayitOptions = {
"browser": {name: "Browser", params: ['engine', 'cache', 'instance'], mp3Required: true, checkLength: true, func: (typeof sayItBrowser !== 'undefined') ? sayItBrowser : null, server: true, libs: ['fs', 'crypto', 'http']},
"mp24ftp": {name: "MediaPlayer24+FTP", params: ['engine', 'cache', 'server', 'port', 'user', 'pass'], mp3Required: true, checkLength: true, func: (typeof sayItMP24ftp !== 'undefined') ? sayItMP24ftp : null, server: false, libs: ['fs', 'crypto', 'http', 'jsftp']},
"mp24": {name: "MediaPlayer24", params: ['server'], mp3Required: false, checkLength: true, func: (typeof sayItMP24 !== 'undefined') ? sayItMP24 : null, server: false, libs: ['fs', 'crypto', 'http']},
"system": {name: "System", params: ['engine', 'cache'], mp3Required: true, checkLength: false, func: (typeof sayItSystem !== 'undefined') ? sayItSystem : null, server: false, libs: ['fs', 'crypto', 'http', 'child_process', 'os']},
"windows": {name: "Windows default", params: [], mp3Required: false, checkLength: true, func: (typeof sayItWindows !== 'undefined') ? sayItWindows : null, server: false, libs: ['fs', 'child_process']},
"sonos": {name: "Sonos", params: ['engine', 'cache', 'device', 'web', 'webServer'], mp3Required: true, checkLength: true, func: (typeof sayItSonos !== 'undefined') ? sayItSonos : null, server: true, libs: ['fs', 'crypto', 'http']},
"chromecast": {name: "Chromecast", params: ['engine', 'cache', 'cDevice', 'web', 'webServer'], mp3Required: true, checkLength: true, func: (typeof sayItChromecast !== 'undefined') ? sayItChromecast : null, server: true, libs: ['fs', 'crypto', 'http']},
"mpd": {name: "MPD", params: ['engine', 'cache', 'mpd_device', 'web', 'webServer'], mp3Required: true, checkLength: true, func: (typeof sayItMpd !== 'undefined') ? sayItMpd : null, server: true, libs: ['fs', 'crypto', 'http']},
"googleHome": {name: "Google Home", params: ['engine', 'cache', 'server', 'web', 'webServer'], mp3Required: true, checkLength: true, func: (typeof sayItGoogleHome !== 'undefined') ? sayItGoogleHome : null, server: true, libs: ['fs', 'crypto', 'http', 'castv2-client']}
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.parent) {
module.exports.sayitEngines = sayitEngines;
module.exports.sayitOptions = sayitOptions;