更新 main.js

钟进 6 years ago
parent 36025dac53
commit 524596ac25

@ -726,246 +726,6 @@ function parseConfig(callback) {
iterateAddresses(true, deviceId, device.coils, 'coils', 'coils', localOptions);
iterateAddresses(false, deviceId, device.inputRegs, 'inputRegisters', 'inputRegs', localOptions);
iterateAddresses(false, deviceId, device.holdingRegs, 'holdingRegisters', 'holdingRegs', localOptions);
/*let regs = adapter.config.disInputs;
let res = device.disInputs;
if (regs && regs.length) {
res.addressLow = 0xFFFFFFFF;
res.addressHigh = 0;
for (i = regs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
address = parseInt(regs[i].address, 10);
if (address < 0) {
adapter.log.error('Invalid discrete inputs address: ' + address);
regs.splice(i, 1);
regs[i].id = 'discreteInputs.';
if (showAliases) {
regs[i].id += address2alias('disInputs', address, directAddresses, res.offset, options.multiDeviceId, regs[i].deviceId);
} else {
regs[i].id += address;
regs[i].id += (regs[i].name ? '_' + (regs[i].name.replace('.', '_').replace(' ', '_')) : '');
if (regs.length) {
if (!doNotRoundAddressToWord) {
res.addressLow = Math.floor(regs[0].address / 16) * 16;
res.addressHigh = regs[regs.length - 1].address;
res.length = res.addressHigh - res.addressLow + 1;
if (!doNotRoundAddressToWord && (res.length % 16)) {
res.length = (Math.floor(res.length / 16) + 1) * 16;
} else {
res.length = 0;
// Coils
regs = adapter.config.coils;
res = device.coils;
if (regs && regs.length) {
res.addressLow = 0xFFFFFFFF;
res.addressHigh = 0;
for (i = regs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
address = parseInt(regs[i].address, 10);
if (address < 0) {
adapter.log.error('Invalid coils address: ' + address);
regs.splice(i, 1);
regs[i].id = 'coils.';
if (showAliases) {
regs[i].id += address2alias('coils', address, directAddresses, res.offset, options.multiDeviceId, regs[i].deviceId);
} else {
regs[i].id += address;
regs[i].id += (regs[i].name ? '_' + (regs[i].name.replace('.', '_').replace(' ', '_')) : '');
if (options.config.slave || regs[i].poll) {
if (address < res.addressLow) res.addressLow = address;
if (address > res.addressHigh) res.addressHigh = address;
if (regs.length) {
if (!doNotRoundAddressToWord) {
res.addressLow = Math.floor(res.addressLow / 16) * 16;
res.length = res.addressHigh - res.addressLow + 1;
if (!doNotRoundAddressToWord && (res.length % 16)) {
res.length = (Math.floor(res.length / 16) + 1) * 16;
} else {
regs.length = 0;
if (regs.mapping) {
for (i = 0; i < regs.length; i++) {
regs.mapping[regs[i].address - res.addressLow] = adapter.namespace + '.' + regs[i].id;
// Input registers
regs = adapter.config.inputRegs;
res = device.inputRegs;
if (regs.length) {
for (i = regs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
address = parseInt(regs[i].address, 10);
if (address < 0) {
adapter.log.error('Invalid input register address: ' + address);
regs.splice(i, 1);
regs[i].type = regs[i].type || 'uint16be';
regs[i].offset = parseFloat(regs[i].offset) || 0;
regs[i].factor = parseFloat(regs[i].factor) || 1;
if (regs[i].type === 'string') {
regs[i].len = parseInt(regs[i].len) || 1;
} else {
regs[i].len = type_items_len[regs[i].type];
regs[i].len = regs[i].len || 1;
if (!regs[i].len) regs[i].len = parseInt(regs[i].len) || 1;
regs[i].id = 'inputRegisters.';
if (showAliases) {
regs[i].id += address2alias('inputRegs', address, directAddresses, res.offset, options.multiDeviceId, regs[i].deviceId);
} else {
regs[i].id += address;
regs[i].id += (regs[i].name ? '_' + (regs[i].name.replace('.', '_').replace(' ', '_')) : '');
lastAddress = null;
startIndex = 0;
for (i = 0; i < regs.length; i++) {
address = parseInt(regs[i].address, 10);
if (address < 0) continue;
if (lastAddress === null) {
startIndex = i;
blockStart = address;
lastAddress = address + regs[i].len;
// try to detect next block
if (res.blocks) {
if ((address - lastAddress > 10 && regs[i].len < 10) || (lastAddress - blockStart >= options.config.maxBlock)) {
if (res.blocks.map(obj => obj.start).indexOf(blockStart) === -1) {
res.blocks.push({start: blockStart, count: lastAddress - blockStart, startIndex: startIndex, endIndex: i});
blockStart = address;
startIndex = i;
lastAddress = address + regs[i].len;
if (res.blocks && res.blocks.map(obj => obj.start).indexOf(blockStart) === -1) {
res.blocks.push({start: blockStart, count: lastAddress - blockStart, startIndex: startIndex, endIndex: i});
if (regs.length) {
res.addressLow = regs[0].address;
res.addressHigh = regs[regs.length - 1].address + regs[regs.length - 1].len;
res.length = res.addressHigh - res.addressLow;
} else {
regs.length = 0;
// Holding registers
regs = adapter.config.holdingRegs;
res = device.holdingRegs;
if (regs.length) {
res.addressLow = 0xFFFFFFFF;
res.addressHigh = 0;
for (i = regs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
address = parseInt(regs[i].address, 10);
if (address < 0) {
adapter.log.error('Invalid holding register address: ' + address);
regs.splice(i, 1);
regs[i].type = regs[i].type || 'uint16be';
regs[i].offset = parseFloat(regs[i].offset) || 0;
regs[i].factor = parseFloat(regs[i].factor) || 1;
if (regs[i].type === 'string') {
regs[i].len = parseInt(regs[i].len) || 1;
} else {
regs[i].len = type_items_len[regs[i].type];
regs[i].len = regs[i].len || 1;
regs[i].id = 'holdingRegisters.';
if (showAliases) {
regs[i].id += address2alias('holdingRegs', address, directAddresses, res.offset, options.multiDeviceId, regs[i].deviceId);
} else {
regs[i].id += address;
regs[i].id += (regs[i].name ? '_' + (regs[i].name.replace('.', '_').replace(' ', '_')) : '');
// collect cyclic write registers
if (regs[i].cw) {
res.cyclicWrite.push(adapter.namespace + '.' + regs[i].id);
if (options.config.slave || regs[i].poll) {
if (address < res.addressLow) res.addressLow = address;
if (address + regs[i].len > res.addressHigh) res.addressHigh = address + regs[i].len;
lastAddress = null;
startIndex = 0;
for (i = 0; i < regs.length; i++) {
address = parseInt(regs[i].address, 10);
if (address < 0) continue;
if (lastAddress === null) {
startIndex = i;
blockStart = address;
lastAddress = address + regs[i].len;
// try to detect next block
if (res.blocks) {
if ((address - lastAddress > 10 && regs[i].len < 10) || (lastAddress - blockStart >= options.config.maxBlock)) {
if (res.blocks.map(obj => obj.start).indexOf(blockStart) === -1) {
res.blocks.push({start: blockStart, count: lastAddress - blockStart, startIndex: startIndex, endIndex: i});
blockStart = address;
startIndex = i;
lastAddress = address + regs[i].len;
if (res.blocks && res.blocks.map(obj => obj.start).indexOf(blockStart) === -1) {
res.blocks.push({start: blockStart, count: lastAddress - blockStart, startIndex: startIndex, endIndex: i});
if (regs.length) {
res.length = res.addressHigh - res.addressLow;
} else {
res.length = 0;
lastAddress = null;
if (regs.mapping) {
for (i = 0; i < regs.length; i++) {
res.mapping[regs[i].address - res.addressLow] = adapter.namespace + '.' + regs[i].id;
// ------------- create states and objects ----------------------------
checkObjects(adapter.config, 'disInputs', 'discreteInputs', 'Discrete inputs', tasks, newObjects);
@ -980,152 +740,6 @@ function parseConfig(callback) {
device.holdingRegs.fullIds = adapter.config.holdingRegs.filter(e => e.deviceId === deviceId).map(e => e.fullId);
/*for (i = 0; regs.length > i; i++) {
id = adapter.namespace + '.' + regs[i].id;
regs[i].fullId = id;
objects[id] = {
_id: regs[i].id,
type: 'state',
common: {
name: regs[i].description,
role: regs[i].role,
type: 'boolean',
read: true,
write: false,
def: false
native: {
regType: 'disInputs',
address: regs[i].address
id: regs[i].id,
name: 'add',
obj: objects[id]
id: id,
name: 'syncEnums',
obj: regs[i].room
regs = adapter.config.coils;
for (i = 0; regs.length > i; i++) {
id = adapter.namespace + '.' + regs[i].id;
regs[i].fullId = id;
objects[id] = {
_id: regs[i].id,
type: 'state',
common: {
name: regs[i].description,
role: regs[i].role,
type: 'boolean',
read: true,
write: true,
def: false
native: {
regType: 'coils',
address: regs[i].address,
poll: regs[i].poll,
wp: regs[i].wp
id: regs[i].id,
name: 'add',
obj: objects[id]
id: id,
name: 'syncEnums',
obj: regs[i].room
regs = adapter.config.inputRegs;
for (i = 0; regs.length > i; i++) {
id = adapter.namespace + '.' + regs[i].id;
regs[i].fullId = id;
objects[id] = {
_id: regs[i].id,
type: 'state',
common: {
name: regs[i].description,
role: regs[i].role,
type: 'number',
read: true,
write: false,
def: 0,
unit: regs[i].unit || ''
native: {
regType: 'inputRegs',
address: regs[i].address,
type: regs[i].type,
len: regs[i].len,
offset: regs[i].offset,
factor: regs[i].factor
id: regs[i].id,
name: 'add',
obj: objects[id]
id: id,
name: 'syncEnums',
obj: regs[i].room
regs = adapter.config.holdingRegs;
for (i = 0; regs.length > i; i++) {
id = adapter.namespace + '.' + regs[i].id;
regs[i].fullId = id;
objects[id] = {
_id: regs[i].id,
type: 'state',
common: {
name: regs[i].description,
role: regs[i].role,
type: 'number',
read: true,
write: true,
def: 0,
unit: regs[i].unit || ''
native: {
regType: 'holdingRegs',
address: regs[i].address,
poll: regs[i].poll,
// wp: adapter.config.coils[i].wp
type: regs[i].type,
len: regs[i].len,
offset: regs[i].offset,
factor: regs[i].factor
id: regs[i].id,
name: 'add',
obj: objects[id]
id: id,
name: 'syncEnums',
obj: regs[i].room
if (!options.config.multiDeviceId) {
@ -1194,6 +808,7 @@ function parseConfig(callback) {
function main() {
parseConfig(options => {
let Modbus;
if (options.config.slave) {
Modbus = require(__dirname + '/lib/slave');
} else {
@ -1201,6 +816,7 @@ function main() {
modbus = new Modbus(options, adapter);
