90 lines
3.8 KiB
90 lines
3.8 KiB
"common": {
"name": "pushover",
"version": "1.1.0",
"news": {
"1.1.0": {
"en": "Admin3 is supported now",
"de": "Admin3 wird jetzt unterstützt",
"ru": "Admin3 теперь поддерживается",
"pt": "Admin3 é suportado agora",
"nl": "Admin3 wordt nu ondersteund",
"fr": "Admin3 est pris en charge maintenant",
"it": "Admin3 è supportato ora",
"es": "Admin3 es compatible ahora",
"pl": "Admin3 jest teraz obsługiwany"
"1.0.4": {
"en": "callback is now possible (to receive the receipt from pushover if you use priority = 2)",
"de": "Callback ist jetzt möglich (um den Beleg von pushover zu erhalten, wenn Sie Priorität = 2 verwenden)",
"ru": "теперь возможен обратный вызов (чтобы получить результат от pushover, если вы используете приоритет = 2)"
"1.0.3": {
"en": "Change priorities in blockly",
"de": "Ändere Prioritäten in Blockly",
"ru": "Изменены значения приоритетов в blockly"
"1.0.2": {
"en": "support of blockly",
"de": "Blockly-Unterstützung",
"ru": "Поддержка blockly"
"1.0.1": {
"en": "filter out double messages",
"de": "Ausfiltern doppelte Meldungen",
"ru": "Отфильтровывать двойные сообщения"
"1.0.0": {
"en": "fix timestamp\nupdate grunt packages",
"de": "fix timestamp\nupdate grunt packages",
"ru": "fix timestamp\nupdate grunt packages"
"title": "Pushover",
"desc": {
"en": "This adapter allows to send pushover notifications from ioBroker",
"de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht das Senden von Pushover-Benachrichtigungen von ioBroker",
"ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет отправлять pushover-уведомления от ioBroker",
"pt": "Este adaptador permite enviar notificações pushover do ioBroker",
"nl": "Met deze adapter kunt u pushover-meldingen van ioBroker verzenden",
"fr": "Cet adaptateur permet d'envoyer des notifications de transfert depuis ioBroker",
"it": "Questo adattatore consente di inviare notifiche pushover da ioBroker",
"es": "Este adaptador permite enviar notificaciones fáciles de ioBroker",
"pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia wysyłanie powiadomień push z programu ioBroker"
"authors": [
"bluefox <dogafox@gmail.com>"
"license": "MIT",
"platform": "Javascript/Node.js",
"mode": "daemon",
"availableModes": [
"loglevel": "info",
"messagebox": true,
"materialize": true,
"subscribe": "messagebox",
"readme": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.pushover/blob/master/README.md",
"wakeup": true,
"enabled": true,
"icon": "pushover.png",
"keywords": [
"extIcon": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.pushover/master/admin/pushover.png",
"type": "messaging",
"blockly": true
"native": {
"user": "xxxxx",
"token": "xxxxx",
"title": "ioBroker",
"sound": "",
"priority": 0
"objects": []