/* jshint -W097 */// jshint strict:false /*jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; var utils = require(__dirname + '/lib/utils'); // Get common adapter utils var adapter = utils.Adapter('owntracks'); //var LE = require(utils.controllerDir + '/lib/letsencrypt.js'); var createStreamServer = require('create-stream-server'); var mqtt = require('mqtt-connection'); var server; var clients = {}; var objects = {}; function decrypt(key, value) { var result = ''; for (var i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) { result += String.fromCharCode(key[i % key.length].charCodeAt(0) ^ value.charCodeAt(i)); } return result; } // is called when adapter shuts down - callback has to be called under any circumstances! adapter.on('unload', function (callback) { try { adapter.log.info('cleaned everything up...'); if (server) { server.destroy(); server = null; } callback(); } catch (e) { callback(); } }); adapter.on('ready', main); function createUser(user) { var id = adapter.namespace + '.users.' + user.replace(/\s|\./g, '_'); adapter.getForeignObject(id + '.battery', function (err, obj) { if (!obj) { adapter.setForeignObject(id + '.battery', { common: { name: 'Device battery level for ' + user, min: 0, max: 100, unit: '%', role: 'battery', type: 'number' }, type: 'state', native: {} }); } }); adapter.getForeignObject(id + '.latitude', function (err, obj) { if (!obj) { adapter.setForeignObject(id + '.latitude', { common: { name: 'Latitude for ' + user, role: 'gps.latitude', type: 'number' }, type: 'state', native: {} }); } }); adapter.getForeignObject(id + '.longitude', function (err, obj) { if (!obj) { adapter.setForeignObject(id + '.longitude', { common: { name: 'Longitude for ' + user, role: 'gps.longitude', type: 'number' }, type: 'state', native: {} }); } }); adapter.getForeignObject(id + '.accuracy', function (err, obj) { if (!obj) { adapter.setForeignObject(id + '.accuracy', { common: { name: 'Accuracy for ' + user, role: 'state', unit: 'm', type: 'number' }, type: 'state', native: {} }); } }); adapter.getForeignObject(id + '.timestamp', function (err, obj) { if (!obj) { adapter.setForeignObject(id + '.timestamp', { common: { name: 'Timestamp for ' + user, role: 'state', type: 'number' }, type: 'state', native: {} }); } }); adapter.getForeignObject(id + '.datetime', function (err, obj) { if (!obj) { adapter.setForeignObject(id + '.datetime', { common: { name: 'Datetime for ' + user, role: 'state', type: 'string' }, type: 'state', native: {} }); } }); } function sendState2Client(client, topic, payload) { // client has subscription for this ID if (client._subsID && client._subsID[topic]) { client.publish({topic: topic, payload: payload}); } else // Check patterns if (client._subs) { for (var s in client._subs) { if (!client._subs.hasOwnProperty(s)) continue; if (client._subs[s].regex.exec(topic)) { client.publish({topic: topic, payload: payload}); break; } } } } function processTopic(topic, payload, ignoreClient) { for (var k in clients) { // if get and set have different topic names, send state to issuing client too. if (clients[k] === ignoreClient) continue; sendState2Client(clients[k], topic, payload); } } var cltFunction = function (client) { client.on('connect', function (packet) { client.id = packet.clientId; if (adapter.config.user) { if (adapter.config.user != packet.username || adapter.config.pass != packet.password) { adapter.log.warn('Client [' + packet.clientId + '] has invalid password(' + packet.password + ') or username(' + packet.username + ')'); client.connack({returnCode: 4}); if (clients[client.id]) delete clients[client.id]; client.stream.end(); return; } } adapter.log.info('Client [' + packet.clientId + '] connected'); client.connack({returnCode: 0}); clients[client.id] = client; }); client.on('publish', function (packet) { var isAck = true; var topic = packet.topic; var message = packet.payload; adapter.log.debug('publish "' + topic + '": ' + message); if (packet.qos == 1) { client.puback({ messageId: packet.messageId}); } else if (packet.qos == 2) { client.pubrec({ messageId: packet.messageId}); } // "owntracks/yunkong2/klte": // { // "_type":"location", // location, lwt, transition, configuration, beacon, cmd, steps, card, waypoint // "acc":50, // accuracy of location in meters // "batt":46, // is the device's battery level in percent (integer) // "lat":49.0026446, // latitude // "lon":8.3832128, // longitude // "tid":"te", // is a configurable tracker-ID - ignored // "tst":1472987109 // UNIX timestamp in seconds // } var parts = topic.split('/'); if (parts[1] !== adapter.config.user) { adapter.log.warn('publish "' + topic + '": invalid user name - "' + parts[1] + '"'); return; } if (!objects[parts[2]]) { // create object createUser(parts[2]); objects[parts[2]] = true; } processTopic(topic, message); try { var obj = JSON.parse(message); if (obj._type === 'location') { if (obj.acc !== undefined) { adapter.setState('users.' + parts[2] + '.accuracy', {val: obj.acc, ts: obj.tst * 1000, ack: true}); } if (obj.batt !== undefined) { adapter.setState('users.' + parts[2] + '.battery', {val: obj.batt, ts: obj.tst * 1000, ack: true}); } if (obj.lon !== undefined) { adapter.setState('users.' + parts[2] + '.longitude', {val: obj.lon, ts: obj.tst * 1000, ack: true}); } if (obj.lat !== undefined) { adapter.setState('users.' + parts[2] + '.latitude', {val: obj.lat, ts: obj.tst * 1000, ack: true}); } if (obj.tst !== undefined) { adapter.setState('users.' + parts[2] + '.timestamp', {val: obj.tst, ts: obj.tst * 1000, ack: true}); var date = new Date(obj.tst * 1000); var day = '0' + date.getDate(); var month = '0' + (date.getMonth() + 1); var year = date.getFullYear(); var hours = '0' + date.getHours(); var minutes = '0' + date.getMinutes(); var seconds = '0' + date.getSeconds(); var formattedTime = day.substr(-2) + '.' + month.substr(-2) + '.' + year + ' ' + hours.substr(-2) + ':' + minutes.substr(-2) + ':' + seconds.substr(-2); adapter.setState('users.' + parts[2] + '.datetime', {val: formattedTime, ts: obj.tst * 1000, ack: true}); } } } catch (e) { adapter.log.error('Cannot parse payload: ' + message); } }); client.on('subscribe', function (packet) { var granted = []; if (!client._subsID) client._subsID = {}; if (!client._subs) client._subs = {}; for (var i = 0; i < packet.subscriptions.length; i++) { granted.push(packet.subscriptions[i].qos); var topic = packet.subscriptions[i].topic; adapter.log.debug('Subscribe on ' + topic); // if pattern without wildchars if (topic.indexOf('*') === -1 && topic.indexOf('#') === -1 && topic.indexOf('+') === -1) { client._subsID[topic] = { qos: packet.subscriptions[i].qos }; } else { // "owntracks/+/+/info" => owntracks\/.+\/.+\/info var pattern = topic.replace(/\//g, '\\/').replace(/\+/g, '[^\\/]+').replace(/\*/g, '.*'); pattern = '^' + pattern + '$'; // add simple pattern client._subs[topic] = { regex: new RegExp(pattern), qos: packet.subscriptions[i].qos, pattern: topic }; } } client.suback({granted: granted, messageId: packet.messageId}); //Subscribe on owntracks/+/+ //Subscribe on owntracks/+/+/info //Subscribe on owntracks/yunkong2/denis/cmd //Subscribe on owntracks/+/+/event //Subscribe on owntracks/+/+/waypoint // send to client all images if (adapter.config.pictures && adapter.config.pictures.length) { setTimeout(function () { for (var p = 0; p < adapter.config.pictures.length; p++) { var text = adapter.config.pictures[p].base64.split(',')[1]; // string has form data:;base64,TEXT== sendState2Client(client, 'owntracks/' + adapter.config.user + '/' + adapter.config.pictures[p].name + '/info', JSON.stringify({ _type: 'card', name: adapter.config.pictures[p].name, face: text }) ); } }, 200); } }); client.on('pingreq', function (packet) { adapter.log.debug('Client [' + client.id + '] pingreq'); client.pingresp(); }); client.on('disconnect', function (packet) { adapter.log.info('Client [' + client.id + '] disconnected'); client.stream.end(); }); client.on('close', function (err) { adapter.log.info('Client [' + client.id + '] closed'); delete clients[client.id]; }); client.on('error', function (err) { adapter.log.warn('[' + client.id + '] ' + err); }); }; function initMqttServer(config) { var serverConfig = {}; var options = { ssl: config.certificates, emitEvents: true // default }; config.port = parseInt(config.port, 10) || 1883; if (config.ssl) { serverConfig.mqtts = 'ssl://' + config.port; if (config.webSocket) { serverConfig.mqtwss = 'wss://' + (config.port + 1); } } else { serverConfig.mqtts = 'tcp://' + config.port; if (config.webSocket) { serverConfig.mqtwss = 'ws://' + (config.port + 1); } } server = createStreamServer(serverConfig, options, function (clientStream) { cltFunction(mqtt(clientStream, { notData: !options.emitEvents })); }); // to start server.listen(function () { if (config.ssl) { adapter.log.info('Starting MQTT (Secure) ' + (config.user ? 'authenticated ' : '') + 'server on port ' + config.port); if (config.webSocket) { adapter.log.info('Starting MQTT-WebSocket (Secure) ' + (config.user ? 'authenticated ' : '') + 'server on port ' + (config.port + 1)); } } else { adapter.log.info('Starting MQTT ' + (config.user ? 'authenticated ' : '') + 'server on port ' + config.port); if (config.webSocket) { adapter.log.info('Starting MQTT-WebSocket ' + (config.user ? 'authenticated ' : '') + 'server on port ' + (config.port + 1)); } } }); } function main() { //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable adapter.config.pass = decrypt('Zgfr56gFe87jJOM', adapter.config.pass); if (!adapter.config.user) { adapter.log.error('Empty user name not allowed!'); process.stop(-1); return; } if (adapter.config.secure) { // Load certificates adapter.getCertificates(function (err, certificates, leConfig) { adapter.config.certificates = certificates; adapter.config.leConfig = leConfig; initMqttServer(adapter.config); }); } else { initMqttServer(adapter.config); } }