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75 lines
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6 years ago
"common": {
"name": "nut",
"version": "1.1.3",
"news": {
"1.1.3": {
"en": "Fix Admin",
"de": "Fixe Admin",
"ru": "Fix Admin",
"pt": "Corrigir Admin",
"nl": "Admin oplossen",
"fr": "Fix Admin",
"it": "Correggi Admin",
"es": "Fix Admin",
"pl": "Napraw administratora"
"1.1.2": {
"en": "fix status parsing",
"de": "Statuserkennung verbessert",
"ru": "fix status parsing"
"1.1.1": {
"en": "enhance error handling",
"de": "Fehlerbehandlung verbessert",
"ru": "enhance error handling"
"1.1.0": {
"en": "Add possibility to call commands on the UPS",
"de": "Möglichkeit hinzugefügt Kommandos auf der USV auszuführen",
"ru": "Add possibility to call commands on the UPS"
"1.0.0": {
"en": "change mode from schedule to deamon, implement message support to receive messages from upsmon, add status.severity",
"de": "Adapter arbeitet nun als Deamon, Notify-Support per upsmon hinzugefügt, status.severity hinzugefügt",
"ru": "change mode from schedule to deamon, implement message support to receive messages from upsmon, add status.severity"
"0.3.1": {
"en": "add better usable status states under 'status' channel",
"de": "Besser nutzbare Stati States unter 'status' eingefügt",
"ru": "add better usable status states under 'status' channel"
"authors": [
"Apollon77 <>"
"title": "Network UPS Adapter",
"desc": "Read all data from your UPS/USV via nut protocol",
"platform": "Javascript/Node.js",
"mode": "daemon",
"messagebox": true,
"subscribe": "messagebox",
"stopBeforeUpdate": true,
"icon": "nut.png",
"extIcon": "",
"readme": "",
"license": "MIT",
"npmLibs": [],
"type": "hardware",
"keywords": ["iobroker", "nut", "ups", "usv"],
"loglevel": "info",
"enabled": false
"native": {
"host_ip": "",
"host_port": "3493",
"ups_name": "nutName",
"update_interval": 300,
"username": "",
"password": ""
"objects": [],
"instanceObjects": []