You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

32 lines
3.7 KiB

/*global systemDictionary:true */
'use strict';
systemDictionary = {
"Gateway Key:": { "en": "Gateway Key:", "de": "Gateway Schlussel:", "ru": "Gateway ключ:", "pt": "Chave do Gateway:", "nl": "Gateway-sleutel:", "fr": "Clé de la passerelle:", "it": "Chiave di accesso:", "es": "Clave de acceso:", "pl": "Klucz bramki:"},
"Listen on all IPs": { "en": "Listen on all IPs", "de": "Auf allen IP Adressen hören", "ru": "Слушать на всех адресах", "pt": "Ouça todos os IPs", "nl": "Luister op alle IP's", "fr": "Écoutez sur toutes les adresses IP", "it": "Ascolta su tutti gli IP", "es": "Escuchar en todas las direcciones IP", "pl": "Posłuchaj na wszystkich IP"},
"MiHome Smarthome settings": { "en": "MiHome Smarthome settings", "de": "MiHome Smarthome settings", "ru": "MiHome Smarthome settings", "pt": "Configurações de MiHome Smarthome", "nl": "MiHome Smarthome-instellingen", "fr": "MiHome Smarthome paramètres", "it": "Impostazioni MiHome Smarthome", "es": "Ajustes MiHome Smarthome", "pl": "Ustawienia MiHome Smarthome"},
"yunkong2 IP:": { "en": "yunkong2 IP:", "de": "yunkong2 IP:", "ru": "yunkong2 IP:", "pt": "yunkong2 IP:", "nl": "yunkong2 IP:", "fr": "yunkong2 IP:", "it": "IP yunkong2:", "es": "yunkong2 IP:", "pl": "IP yunkong2:"},
"yunkong2 Port:": { "en": "yunkong2 Port:", "de": "yunkong2 Port:", "ru": "yunkong2 порт:", "pt": "yunkong2 Port:", "nl": "yunkong2 Port:", "fr": "yunkong2 Port:", "it": "porta yunkong2:", "es": "Puerto yunkong2:", "pl": "Port yunkong2:"},
"heartbeatTimeout": {
"en": "Heartbeat timeout (ms)",
"de": "Heartbeat-Timeout (ms)",
"ru": "Тайм-аут сердечного ритма (мс)",
"pt": "Tempo limite de pulsação (ms)",
"nl": "Heartbeat time-out (ms)",
"fr": "Délai d'attente de pulsation (ms)",
"it": "Timeout heartbeat (ms)",
"es": "Tiempo de latido del corazón (ms)",
"pl": "Limit czasu bicia serca (ms)"
"restartInterval": {
"en": "Re-connection interval (ms)",
"de": "Re-Verbindungsintervall (ms)",
"ru": "Интервал повторного подключения (мс)",
"pt": "Intervalo de reconexão (ms)",
"nl": "Re-connection interval (ms)",
"fr": "Intervalle de reconnexion (ms)",
"it": "Intervallo di ricollegamento (ms)",
"es": "Intervalo de reconexión (ms)",
"pl": "Interwał ponownego połączenia (ms)"