# 注意 npm i react@16.4.2 npm i react-dom@16.4.2 ![Logo](admin/material.png) # yunkong2.material ================= [![NPM version](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/yunkong2.material.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/yunkong2.material) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/yunkong2.material.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/yunkong2.material) [![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/yunkong2.material.png?downloads=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/yunkong2.material/) React and Material UI interface. ![Screenshots](img/screenshot1.png) ## Installation **Important!** This adapter cannot be installed directly from github. Only from npm. ## Usage It is very important to know, that adapter shows only devices that added to some categories, like *rooms* or *function*. Better if every device belongs to both categories. Because every device has the type and place. ## Supported types ### Switch ### Dimmer ### Media player ### Volume ### Group volume ## ToDO * Cams (over extra Adapter) * events (over extra Adapter) * Main screen * Charts * Narrow menu * vacuum cleaner * show bar for sliders to indicate position * support of quality codes * Maps (OpensStreetMap) * Switch to default screen after X seconds * Order states in info * Use icons in weather and not text ## Credits - Used icons from flaticon - Volume knob from [here](https://codepen.io/blucube/pen/cudAz) By [Ed Hicks](https://twitter.com/blucube) - Inspired by a [dribbble shot](https://dribbble.com/shots/753124-Volume-Knob) by [Ricardo Salazar](https://twitter.com/rickss) ## Changelog ### 0.10.4 (2018.09.15) * (bluefox) fix error with settings ### 0.10.3 (2018.09.02) * (bluefox) implement color temperature * (bluefox) implement cache of objects ### 0.10.1 (2018.09.02) * (bluefox) GUI corrections ### 0.10.0 (2018.08.30) * (bluefox) RGB was corrected ### 0.9.12 (2018.08.19) * (bluefox) RGB was implemented ### 0.9.11 (2018.08.14) * (bluefox) Fixed error with empty page ### 0.9.10 (2018.08.08) * (bluefox) Crop of images was implemented * (bluefox) Background of tiles is possible * (bluefox) Double width of every tile is possible * (bluefox) Group light control * (bluefox) Custom URLs implemented ### 0.9.9 (2018.08.03) * (bluefox) Order of tiles is implemented * (bluefox) Support of dwd data ### 0.9.7 (2018.07.30) * (bluefox) Implemented the weather widget ### 0.9.4 (2018.07.26) * (bluefox) Bug-fixes ### 0.9.3 (2018.07.25) * (bluefox) Many changes ### 0.9.2 (2018.07.21) * (bluefox) Update logic was implemented (only with web 2.4.1) ### 0.9.1 (2018.07.20) * (bluefox) Volume control was implemented ### 0.8.9 (2018.07.17) * (bluefox) React app ### 0.5.7 (2018.01.24) * (bluefox) Ready for cloud services ### 0.5.6 (2017.10.11) * (bluefox) fix undefined names * (bluefox) fix detection of switches ### 0.5.3 (2017.08.11) * (bluefox) fix dimmer ### 0.5.2 (2017.07.30) * (bluefox) fix action icons ### 0.5.1 * (bluefox) edit of visibility ## License CC-BY-NC Copyright (c) 2017-2018 bluefox Commercial use is not allowed without permission.