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6 years ago
* klf200 adapter
* file io-package.json comments:
* {
* "common": {
* "name": "klf200", // name has to be set and has to be equal to adapters folder name and main file name excluding extension
* "version": "0.0.0", // use "Semantic Versioning"! see
* "title": "Node.js klf200 Adapter", // Adapter title shown in User Interfaces
* "authors": [ // Array of authord
* "name <>"
* ]
* "desc": "klf200 adapter", // Adapter description shown in User Interfaces. Can be a language object {de:"...",ru:"..."} or a string
* "platform": "Javascript/Node.js", // possible values "javascript", "javascript/Node.js" - more coming
* "mode": "daemon", // possible values "daemon", "schedule", "subscribe"
* "materialize": true, // support of admin3
* "schedule": "0 0 * * *" // cron-style schedule. Only needed if mode=schedule
* "loglevel": "info" // Adapters Log Level
* },
* "native": { // the native object is available via adapter.config in your adapters code - use it for configuration
* "test1": true,
* "test2": 42,
* "mySelect": "auto"
* }
* }
/* jshint -W097 */// jshint strict:false
/*jslint node: true */
'use strict';
// you have to require the utils module and call adapter function
const utils = require(__dirname + '/lib/utils'); // Get common adapter utils
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const klf200api = require('klf-200-api');
const mapTypeId = require(__dirname + '/lib/mapTypeId'); // Mapping of typeId values to channel role names
const klfutils = require(__dirname + '/lib/klfutils');
// you have to call the adapter function and pass a options object
// name has to be set and has to be equal to adapters folder name and main file name excluding extension
// adapter will be restarted automatically every time as the configuration changed, e.g system.adapter.klf200.0
let adapter = utils.Adapter('klf200');
// Define some constant values
const deviceScenes = 'scenes';
const deviceProducts = 'products';
const run = 'run';
const category = 'category';
const scenesCount = 'scenesCount';
const silent = 'silent';
const productsCount = 'productsCount';
const level = 'level';
const levelTypes = [1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 13, 16, 17, 18, 24];
const delayBetweenSceneRunsInMS = 30000;
// Cash for previous states
let previousStates = {};
let sceneIsRunning = {};
// Trace unhandled errors
process.on('unhandledRejection', r => {
adapter.log.error(`Unhandled promise rejection: ${r}`);
// is called when adapter shuts down - callback has to be called under any circumstances!
adapter.on('unload', function (callback) {
try {'cleaned everything up...');
} catch (e) {
// // is called if a subscribed object changes
// adapter.on('objectChange', function (id, obj) {
// // Warning, obj can be null if it was deleted
//'objectChange ' + id + ' ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
// });
// is called if a subscribed state changes
adapter.on('stateChange', function (id, state) {
// // Warning, state can be null if it was deleted
// you can use the ack flag to detect if it is status (true) or command (false)
if (state && !state.ack) {
// Get previous state (for rollback if state change isn't possible)
let oldState = null;
if (id.match(/^klf200\.[0-9]+\.products\.[0-9]+\.level$/)) {
// Set old state to 0% if no previous state was found
oldState = 0;
} else if (id.match(/^klf200\.[0-9]+\.scenes\.[0-9]+\.run$/) && state.val === true)
// Set old state to false if no previous state was found
oldState = false;
if (previousStates[id]) {
oldState = previousStates[id].state.val;
// If scene is still running => abort state change
if (sceneIsRunning[adapter.instance] === true)
adapter.log.warn('Adapter is still running a scene, please wait until finished.');
adapter.setStateAsync(id, oldState, true);
Promise.coroutine(function* () {
try {
// Check for product, e.g. id = klf200.0.products.0.level
if (id.match(/^klf200\.[0-9]+\.products\.[0-9]+\.level$/)) {
let sceneId = yield getSceneForProductLevel(id, state.val);
let stateIdForScene = `${deviceScenes}.${sceneId.sceneId}.${run}`;
// Set scene to running
yield adapter.setStateAsync(stateIdForScene, true, true);
yield runScene(sceneId.sceneId);
// Set scene to not running
yield adapter.setStateAsync(stateIdForScene, false, true);
yield adapter.setStateAsync(id, state.val, true);
} else if (id.match(/^klf200\.[0-9]+\.scenes\.[0-9]+\.run$/) && state.val === true)
// Check for scene, e.g. id = and for set to running
let idDCS = adapter.idToDCS(id);
let sceneId = parseInt(;
// Get corresponding channel for native object with related products
let channel = yield adapter.getObjectAsync(`${deviceScenes}.${sceneId}`);
channel.native = channel.native || {};
channel.native.products = channel.native.products || [];
let products = yield adapter.getChannelsOfAsync(deviceProducts);
// Set scene to running
yield adapter.setStateAsync(id, true, true);
yield runScene(sceneId);
// Set scene to not running
yield adapter.setStateAsync(id, false, true);
// Set corresponding products to their correct level
yield, function(product) {
let productId = products.reduce(function(prev, prod) {
if ( === return;
return adapter.setStateAsync(`${deviceProducts}.${productId}.level`, product.status, true);
} catch (err) {
adapter.log.error(`Error during state change for ${id}: ${err}`);
yield adapter.setStateAsync(id, oldState, true);
} else if (state && state.ack) {
previousStates[id] = {state: state};
// Some message was sent to adapter instance over message box. Used by email, pushover, text2speech, ...
// adapter.on('message', function (obj) {
// if (typeof obj == 'object' && obj.message) {
// if (obj.command == 'send') {
// // e.g. send email or pushover or whatever
// console.log('send command');
// // Send response in callback if required
// if (obj.callback) adapter.sendTo(obj.from, obj.command, 'Message received', obj.callback);
// }
// }
// });
// is called when databases are connected and adapter received configuration.
// start here!
adapter.on('ready', function () {
function initStates () {
// Connect to KLF interface and read data
let connection = new klf200api.connection(;
Promise.coroutine(function* () {
try {
yield connection.loginAsync(adapter.config.password);'Connected to interface.');
yield adapter.createDeviceAsync(deviceProducts, { name: deviceProducts, desc: "Product list" });
yield adapter.setObjectAsync(`${deviceProducts}.productsFound`, {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Number of products found',
role: 'value',
type: 'number',
min: 0,
def: 0,
read: true,
write: false,
desc: 'Number of products connected to the interface'
native: []
yield adapter.setStateAsync(`${deviceProducts}.productsFound`, { val: 0, ack: true, q: 0x42 });
yield adapter.createDeviceAsync(deviceScenes, { name: deviceScenes, desc: "Scene list" });
yield adapter.setObjectAsync(`${deviceScenes}.scenesFound`, {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Number of scenes found',
role: 'value',
type: 'number',
min: 0,
def: 0,
read: true,
write: false,
desc: 'Number of scenes defined in the interface'
native: []
yield adapter.setStateAsync(`${deviceScenes}.scenesFound`, { val: 0, ack: true, q: 0x42 });'Getting installed products...');
let products = yield new klf200api.products(connection).getAsync();`Found ${products.length} product(s).`);
yield adapter.setStateAsync(`${deviceProducts}.productsFound`, { val: products.length, ack: true });
let productsFoundObject = yield adapter.getObjectAsync(`${deviceProducts}.productsFound`);
let oldProducts = productsFoundObject.native || [];
productsFoundObject.native = products || {};
// Get differences of products
let productDifferences = klfutils.getKlfProductDifferences(oldProducts, products);
// Remove deleted products
yield Promise.mapSeries(productDifferences.deletedProducts, function (product) {
adapter.log.debug(`Removing product ${}`);
return adapter.deleteChannelAsync(deviceProducts,;
// Add new products
yield Promise.mapSeries(productDifferences.newProducts, function (product) {
adapter.log.debug(`Found new product ${}`);
return createProductStateAsync(product);
// Change products
yield Promise.mapSeries(productDifferences.changedProducts, function (product) {
adapter.log.debug(`Found changed product ${}`);
const productId =;
return adapter.setStateAsync(`${deviceProducts}.${productId}.${scenesCount}`, { val: product.scenes.length || 0, ack: true })
function () {
if (levelTypes.find((val) => { return val === product.typeId; }))
return adapter.setStateAsync(`${deviceProducts}.${productId}.${level}`, { val: 0, ack: true, q: 0x42 }); // Quality issue, because we can only assume the opening level
});'Getting scenes...');
let scenes = yield new klf200api.scenes(connection).getAsync();`Found ${scenes.length} scene(s).`);
yield adapter.setStateAsync(`${deviceScenes}.scenesFound`, { val: scenes.length, ack: true });
let scenesFoundObject = yield adapter.getObjectAsync(`${deviceScenes}.scenesFound`);
let oldScenes = scenesFoundObject.native || [];
scenesFoundObject.native = scenes || {};
// Get differences of scenes
let sceneDifferences = klfutils.getKlfSceneDifferences(oldScenes, scenes);
// Remove delete products
yield Promise.mapSeries(sceneDifferences.deletedScenes, function (scene) {
adapter.log.debug(`Removing scene ${}`);
return adapter.deleteChannelAsync(deviceScenes,;
// Add new scenes
yield Promise.mapSeries(sceneDifferences.newScenes, function (scene) {
adapter.log.debug(`Found new scene ${}`);
return createSceneStateAsync(scene);
// Change scenes
yield Promise.mapSeries(sceneDifferences.changedScenes, function (scene) {
adapter.log.debug(`Found changed scene ${}`);
const sceneId =;
return adapter.setStateAsync(`${deviceScenes}.${sceneId}.${silent}`, { val: scene.silent, ack: true });
catch (err) {
adapter.log.error(`Error during initialization occured: ${err}`);
finally {
if (connection.token) {'Disconnected from interface.');
yield connection.logoutAsync();
function main() {
// The adapters config (in the instance object everything under the attribute "native") is accessible via
// adapter.config:
// Promisifying has to be done at this time, because some methods are generated during initialization only
// (e.g. setState)
if (undefined === adapter.objects.getObjectViewAsync)
adapter.objects.getObjectViewAsync = Promise.promisify(adapter.objects.getObjectView);
}'Host: ' +;'Polling interval (minutes): ' + adapter.config.pollInterval);
// Set internal adapter running state to false
sceneIsRunning[adapter.instance] = false;
// Subscribe to all level states
// Subscribe to all silent states
// Subscribe to all run states
// /**
// *
// * For every state in the system there has to be also an object of type state
// *
// * Here a simple klf200 for a boolean variable named "testVariable"
// *
// * Because every adapter instance uses its own unique namespace variable names can't collide with other adapters variables
// *
// */
// adapter.setObject('testVariable', {
// type: 'state',
// common: {
// name: 'testVariable',
// type: 'boolean',
// role: 'indicator'
// },
// native: {}
// });
// // in this klf200 all states changes inside the adapters namespace are subscribed
// adapter.subscribeStates('*');
// /**
// * setState examples
// *
// * you will notice that each setState will cause the stateChange event to fire (because of above subscribeStates cmd)
// *
// */
// // the variable testVariable is set to true as command (ack=false)
// adapter.setState('testVariable', true);
// same thing, but the value is flagged "ack"
// ack should be always set to true if the value is received from or acknowledged from the target system
// adapter.setState('testVariable', {val: true, ack: true});
// // same thing, but the state is deleted after 30s (getState will return null afterwards)
// adapter.setState('testVariable', {val: true, ack: true, expire: 30});
// // examples for the checkPassword/checkGroup functions
// adapter.checkPassword('admin', 'yunkong2', function (res) {
// console.log('check user admin pw ioboker: ' + res);
// });
// adapter.checkGroup('admin', 'admin', function (res) {
// console.log('check group user admin group admin: ' + res);
// });
* Creates the product channels and states for the given product
* @param {product} product
* @returns {Promise} Returns a promise that will fulfill after all steps are finished.
function createProductStateAsync(product) {
if (!product)
return Promise.reject(new Error('Can\'t create states for empty product.'));
const productId =;
return adapter.createChannelAsync(deviceProducts, productId, { name:, role: mapTypeId.getRole(product.typeId) }, product)
.then(function () {
return adapter.createStateAsync(deviceProducts, productId, category, {
name: category,
role: 'text',
type: 'string',
read: true,
write: false,
desc: 'Category of the registered product'
.then(function () {
return adapter.setStateAsync(`${deviceProducts}.${productId}.${category}`, { val: product.category, ack: true });
.then(function () {
return adapter.createStateAsync(deviceProducts, productId, scenesCount, {
name: scenesCount,
role: 'value',
type: 'number',
read: true,
write: false,
desc: 'Number of scenes the product is used in'
.then(function () {
return adapter.setStateAsync(`${deviceProducts}.${productId}.${scenesCount}`, { val: product.scenes.length || 0, ack: true });
.then(function () {
if (levelTypes.find((val) => { return val === product.typeId; }))
return adapter.createStateAsync(deviceProducts, productId, level, {
name: level,
role: mapTypeId.getLevelType(product.typeId),
type: 'number',
min: 0,
max: 100,
unit: '%',
read: true,
write: true,
desc: 'Opening level in percent'
.then(function () {
return adapter.setStateAsync(`${deviceProducts}.${productId}.${level}`, { val: 0, ack: true, q: 0x42 }); // Quality issue, because we can only assume the opening level
return Promise.resolve();
* Creates the scene channels and states for the given scene
* @param {scene} scene
* @returns {Promise} Returns a promise that will fulfill after all steps are finished.
function createSceneStateAsync(scene) {
if (!scene)
return Promise.reject(new Error('Can\'t create states for empty scene.'));
const sceneId =;
return adapter.createChannelAsync(deviceScenes, sceneId, { name:, role: 'scene' }, scene)
.then(function () {
return adapter.createStateAsync(deviceScenes, sceneId, silent, {
name: silent,
role: 'switch',
type: 'boolean',
read: true,
write: true,
desc: 'Silent mode of the scene'
.then(function () {
return adapter.setStateAsync(`${deviceScenes}.${sceneId}.${silent}`, { val: scene.silent, ack: true });
.then(function () {
return adapter.createStateAsync(deviceScenes, sceneId, productsCount, {
name: productsCount,
role: 'value',
type: 'number',
read: true,
write: false,
desc: 'Number of products in the scene'
.then(function () {
return adapter.setStateAsync(`${deviceScenes}.${sceneId}.${productsCount}`, { val: scene.products.length || 0, ack: true });
.then(function () {
return adapter.createStateAsync(deviceScenes, sceneId, run, {
name: run,
role: '',
type: 'boolean',
def: false,
read: false,
write: true,
desc: 'Shows the running state of a scene. Set to true to run a scene.'
.then(function () {
return adapter.setStateAsync(`${deviceScenes}.${sceneId}.${run}`, { val: false, ack: true, q: 0x42 }); // Quality issue, because we can only assume the running state
* Gets the corresponding scene to run a product to the specified level
* @param {string} id The id of the object representing the product you want to use.
* @param {number} level The level to which the product should be driven, usually between 0 and 100.
* E.g. use 50 to open a window (specified in the id parameter) to 50%.
* @returns {Promise} Returns a promise that will fulfill after all steps are finished.
* The resulting object of the fulfilled promise looks like this:
* <pre>
* <code language="javascript">
* {
* sceneId: 0,
* sceneName: 'Bath room window 50%'
* }
* </code>
* </pre>
* If no corresponding scene is found the promise will be rejected.
function getSceneForProductLevel(id, level) {
let productName;
return Promise.cast(Promise.coroutine(function* () {
try {
let idDCS = adapter.idToDCS(id);
let productChannelId = [idDCS.device,].join('.');
let productChannel = yield adapter.getObjectAsync(productChannelId);
productName =;
let scenesKey = ['klf200', adapter.instance, 'scenes', ''].join('.');
// This will get a list of all scenes with only a single product in it.
let scenes = yield adapter.objects.getObjectViewAsync(
'klf200', 'listSingleProductScenes',
{startkey: scenesKey, endkey: scenesKey + '\u9999'}
if (!scenes || !scenes.rows || !scenes.rows.length) return Promise.reject(new Error(`No matching scene for product ${productName} and level ${level}.`));
// Reduce array of products with corresponding names
let scenesReduced = scenes.rows.reduce(
function (currentResult, currentValue) {
// Add product name
currentResult[[0]] = currentResult[[0]] || { levels: {}};
// Add level name and scene id and name
currentResult[[0]].levels[[1]] = currentResult[[0]].levels[[1]] || { sceneId:, sceneName: };
return currentResult;
if (!scenesReduced[productName] || !scenesReduced[productName].levels[level]) return Promise.reject(new Error(`No matching scene for product ${productName} and level ${level}.`));
return scenesReduced[productName].levels[level];
} catch (err) {
let errHelper = err;
if (!(err instanceof Error)) {
errHelper = JSON.stringify(err);
adapter.log.error(`Error during lookup scene for product ${productName} and level ${level}: ${errHelper}`);
* Runs the given scene by name or by id
* @param {string|number} sceneNameOrId
* @returns {Promise} Returns a promise that will fulfill after the scene has run.
function runScene(sceneNameOrId) {
return Promise.cast(Promise.coroutine(function* () {
let connection = new klf200api.connection(;
try {
sceneIsRunning[adapter.instance] = true;
yield connection.loginAsync(adapter.config.password);'Connected to interface.');
yield Promise.all([new klf200api.scenes(connection).runAsync(sceneNameOrId), Promise.delay(delayBetweenSceneRunsInMS)]);
} catch (err) {
adapter.log.error(`Error during running scene ${sceneNameOrId} occured: ${err}`);
finally {
sceneIsRunning[adapter.instance] = false;
if (connection.token) {'Disconnected from interface.');
yield connection.logoutAsync();