'use strict'; var dgram = require('dgram'); var port = 50005; var MULTICAST_ADDR = ''; function MHServer(hostname, logger, config, info, ips, secret) { var server = null; var count = 0; var initTimer = null; var buffer = {}; var lastFrame = {}; var crypto; var that = this; var authList = {}; config = Object.assign({}, config); // make a copy if (config.objects) { config.objects = { type: config.objects.type, host: config.objects.host, port: config.objects.port, user: config.objects.user, pass: config.objects.pass }; } if (config.states) { config.states = { type: config.states.type, host: config.states.host, port: config.states.port, user: config.states.user, pass: config.states.pass, options: config.states.options, maxQueue: config.states.maxQueue }; } function send(msg, rinfo) { if (server) { setImmediate(function () { var text = JSON.stringify(msg); try { server.send(text, 0, text.length, rinfo.port, rinfo.address); } catch (e) { logger.warn('host.' + hostname + ' cannot send answer to ' + rinfo.address + ':' + rinfo.port + ': ' + e); } }); } } // delete all old connections function checkAuthList(ts) { ts = ts || new Date().getTime(); for (var id in authList) { if (authList.hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (!authList[id]) { delete authList[id]; } else if (ts - authList[id].ts > 31000) { delete authList[id]; } } } } function isSlave(oHost, sHots, ownIps) { return !(oHost === 'localhost' || oHost === '' || ownIps.indexOf(oHost) !== -1); } function sha(secret, salt, callback) { // calculate sha256 crypto = crypto || require('crypto'); var hash = crypto.createHash('sha256'); hash.on('readable', function () { var data = hash.read(); if (data) { callback(data.toString('hex')); } }); hash.write(secret + salt); hash.end(); } // hello => auth => browse function process(msg, rinfo) { if (!msg) return; var ts = new Date().getTime(); checkAuthList(ts); var id = rinfo.address + ':' + rinfo.port; switch (msg.cmd) { case 'browse': if (secret && msg.password && authList[id]) { sha(secret, authList[id].salt, function (shaText) { if (shaText !== msg.password) { send({ auth: config.multihostService.secure, cmd: msg.cmd, id: msg.id, result: 'invalid password' }, rinfo); } else { authList[id].auth = true; send({ auth: config.multihostService.secure, cmd: msg.cmd, id: msg.id, objects: config.objects, states: config.states, info: info, hostname: hostname, slave: isSlave(config.objects.host, config.states.host, ips), result: 'ok' }, rinfo); } }); return; } if (!config.multihostService.secure || (authList[id] && authList[id].auth)) { send({ auth: config.multihostService.secure, cmd: msg.cmd, id: msg.id, objects: config.objects, states: config.states, info: info, hostname: hostname, slave: isSlave(config.objects.host, config.states.host, ips), result: 'ok' }, rinfo); } else { authList[id] = { time: ts, salt: (Math.random() * 1000000 + ts).toString().substring(0, 16), auth: false }; // padding if (authList[id].salt.length < 16) { authList[id].salt += new Array(16 - authList[id].salt.length).join('_'); } send({ auth: config.multihostService.secure, cmd: msg.cmd, id: msg.id, result: 'not authenticated', salt: authList[id].salt }, rinfo); } break; default: send({ cmd: msg.cmd, id: msg.id, result: 'unknown command' }, rinfo); break; } } this.init = function () { if (initTimer) { clearTimeout(initTimer); initTimer = null; } if (count > 10) { logger.warn('host.' + hostname + ' Port ' + port + ' is occupied. Service stopped.'); return; } server = dgram.createSocket('udp4'); server.on('error', function (err) { logger.error('host.' + hostname + ' multihost service error: ' + err.stack); server.close(); server = null; if (!initTimer) { initTimer = setTimeout(function () { initTimer = null; that.init(); }, 5000); } }); server.on('close', function (err) { server = null; if (!initTimer) { initTimer = setTimeout(function () { initTimer = null; that.init(); }, 5000); } }); server.on('message', function (msg, rinfo) { // following messages are allowed var text = msg.toString(); var now = new Date().getTime(); var id = rinfo.address + ':' + rinfo.port; for (var ids in buffer) { if (!lastFrame[ids]) { delete buffer[ids]; } else if (now - lastFrame[ids] > 1000) { delete buffer[ids]; delete lastFrame[ids]; } } if (lastFrame[id] && now - lastFrame[id] > 1000) { buffer[id] = ''; } lastFrame[id] = now; if (!buffer[id] && text[0] !== '{') { // ignore message logger.warn('host.' + hostname + ' Message ignored: ' + text); } else { buffer[id] = (buffer[id] || '') + msg.toString(); if (buffer[id] && buffer[id][buffer[id].length - 1] === '}') { try { var data = JSON.parse(buffer[id]); buffer[id] = ''; if (data) { process(data, rinfo); } } catch (e) { // may be not yet complete. } } } }); server.on('listening', function () { server.addMembership(MULTICAST_ADDR); var address = server.address(); logger.warn('host.' + hostname + ' multihost service started on ' + address.address + ':' + address.port); }); server.bind(50005); }; this.close = function (callback) { if (initTimer) { clearTimeout(initTimer); initTimer = null; } if (server) { try { server.close(callback); server = null; } catch (e) { server = null; callback && callback() } } else if (callback) { callback(); } }; this.init(); return this; } module.exports = MHServer;