You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

521 lines
20 KiB

* jQuery gentleSelect plugin (version
* Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Shawn Chin.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* Requires:
* - jQuery
* Usage:
* (JS)
* // initialise like this
* var c = $('#cron').cron({
* initial: '9 10 * * *', # Initial value. default = "* * * * *"
* url_set: '/set/', # POST expecting {"cron": "12 10 * * 6"}
* });
* // you can update values later
* c.cron("value", "1 2 3 4 *");
* // you can also get the current value using the "value" option
* alert(c.cron("value"));
* (HTML)
* <div id='cron'></div>
* Notes:
* At this stage, we only support a subset of possible cron options.
* For example, each cron entry can only be digits or "*", no commas
* to denote multiple entries. We also limit the allowed combinations:
* - Every minute : * * * * *
* - Every hour : ? * * * *
* - Every day : ? ? * * *
* - Every week : ? ? * * ?
* - Every month : ? ? ? * *
* - Every year : ? ? ? ? *
(function($) {
var defaults = {
initial : "* * * * *",
minuteOpts : {
minWidth : 100, // only applies if columns and itemWidth not set
itemWidth : 30,
columns : 4,
rows : undefined,
title : "Minutes Past the Hour"
timeHourOpts : {
minWidth : 100, // only applies if columns and itemWidth not set
itemWidth : 20,
columns : 2,
rows : undefined,
title : "Time: Hour"
domOpts : {
minWidth : 100, // only applies if columns and itemWidth not set
itemWidth : 30,
columns : undefined,
rows : 10,
title : "Day of Month"
monthOpts : {
minWidth : 100, // only applies if columns and itemWidth not set
itemWidth : 100,
columns : 2,
rows : undefined,
title : undefined
dowOpts : {
minWidth : 100, // only applies if columns and itemWidth not set
itemWidth : undefined,
columns : undefined,
rows : undefined,
title : undefined
timeMinuteOpts : {
minWidth : 100, // only applies if columns and itemWidth not set
itemWidth : 20,
columns : 4,
rows : undefined,
title : "Time: Minute"
effectOpts : {
openSpeed : 400,
closeSpeed : 400,
openEffect : "slide",
closeEffect : "slide",
hideOnMouseOut : true
url_set : undefined,
customValues : undefined,
onChange: undefined, // callback function each time value changes
useGentleSelect: false
// ------- build some static data -------
var str_opt_dom = "";
var str_opt_month = "";
var str_opt_dow = "";
var str_opt_period = "";
var toDisplay = {};
var combinations = {};
// options for minutes in an hour
var str_opt_mih = "";
for (var i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
var j = (i < 10)? "0":"";
str_opt_mih += "<option value='"+i+"'>" + j + i + "</option>\n";
// options for hours in a day
var str_opt_hid = "";
for (var i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
var j = (i < 10)? "0":"";
str_opt_hid += "<option value='"+i+"'>" + j + i + "</option>\n";
function buildSelects(options) {
options = options || {};
// options for days of month
if (options.dom){
for (var i = 1; i < 32; i++) {
str_opt_dom += "<option value='"+i+"'>" + options.dom[i] + "</option>\n";
} else {
for (var i = 1; i < 32; i++) {
if (i == 1 || i == 21 || i == 31) { var suffix = "st"; }
else if (i == 2 || i == 22) { var suffix = "nd"; }
else if (i == 3 || i == 23) { var suffix = "rd"; }
else { var suffix = "th"; }
str_opt_dom += "<option value='"+i+"'>" + i + suffix + "</option>\n";
// options for months
var months = options.months || ["January", "February", "March", "April",
"May", "June", "July", "August",
"September", "October", "November", "December"];
for (var i = 0; i < months.length; i++) {
str_opt_month += "<option value='"+(i+1)+"'>" + months[i] + "</option>\n";
// options for day of week
var days = options.days || ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday",
"Friday", "Saturday"];
for (var i = 0; i < days.length; i++) {
str_opt_dow += "<option value='"+i+"'>" + days[i] + "</option>\n";
// options for period
options.periods = options.periods || ["minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "year"];
for (var i = 0; i < options.periods.length; i++) {
str_opt_period += "<option value='"+options.periods[i]+"'>" + options.periods[i] + "</option>\n";
// display matrix
toDisplay = {};
toDisplay[options.periods[0]] = []; // minute
toDisplay[options.periods[1]] = ["mins"]; // hour
toDisplay[options.periods[2]] = ["time"]; // day
toDisplay[options.periods[3]] = ["dow", "time"]; // week
toDisplay[options.periods[4]] = ["dom", "time"]; // month
toDisplay[options.periods[5]] = ["dom", "month", "time"]; // year
combinations = {};
combinations[options.periods[0]] = /^(\*\s){4}\*$/, // "* * * * *"
combinations[options.periods[1]] = /^\d{1,2}\s(\*\s){3}\*$/, // "? * * * *"
combinations[options.periods[2]] = /^(\d{1,2}\s){2}(\*\s){2}\*$/, // "? ? * * *"
combinations[options.periods[3]] = /^(\d{1,2}\s){2}(\*\s){2}\d{1,2}$/, // "? ? * * ?"
combinations[options.periods[4]] = /^(\d{1,2}\s){3}\*\s\*$/, // "? ? ? * *"
combinations[options.periods[5]] = /^(\d{1,2}\s){4}\*$/ // "? ? ? ? *"
// ------------------ internal functions ---------------
function defined(obj) {
if (typeof obj == "undefined") { return false; }
else { return true; }
function undefinedOrObject(obj) {
return (!defined(obj) || typeof obj == "object")
function getCronType(cron_str, opts) {
// if customValues defined, check for matches there first
if (defined(opts.customValues)) {
for (key in opts.customValues) {
if (cron_str == opts.customValues[key]) { return key; }
// check format of initial cron value
var valid_cron = /^((\d{1,2}|\*)\s){4}(\d{1,2}|\*)$/
if (typeof cron_str != "string" || !valid_cron.test(cron_str)) {
$.error("cron: invalid initial value");
return undefined;
// check actual cron values
var d = cron_str.split(" ");
// mm, hh, DD, MM, DOW
var minval = [ 0, 0, 1, 1, 0];
var maxval = [59, 23, 31, 12, 6];
for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i++) {
if (d[i] == "*") continue;
var v = parseInt(d[i]);
if (defined(v) && v <= maxval[i] && v >= minval[i]) continue;
$.error("cron: invalid value found (col "+(i+1)+") in " + o.initial);
return undefined;
// determine combination
for (var t in combinations) {
if (combinations[t].test(cron_str)) { return t; }
// unknown combination
$.error("cron: valid but unsupported cron format. sorry.");
return undefined;
function hasError(c, o) {
if (!defined(getCronType(o.initial, o))) { return true; }
if (!undefinedOrObject(o.customValues)) { return true; }
// ensure that customValues keys do not coincide with existing fields
if (defined(o.customValues)) {
for (key in o.customValues) {
if (combinations.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
$.error("cron: reserved keyword '" + key +
"' should not be used as customValues key.");
return true;
return false;
function getCurrentValue(c) {
var o ='options');
var b ="block");
var min = hour = day = month = dow = "*";
var selectedPeriod = b["period"].find("select").val();
if (selectedPeriod == o.periods[0]) {
// minute
} else if (selectedPeriod == o.periods[1]) {
min = b["mins"].find("select").val();
} else if (selectedPeriod == o.periods[2]) {
min = b["time"].find("select.cron-time-min").val();
hour = b["time"].find("select.cron-time-hour").val();
} else if (selectedPeriod == o.periods[3]) {
min = b["time"].find("select.cron-time-min").val();
hour = b["time"].find("select.cron-time-hour").val();
dow = b["dow"].find("select").val();
} else if (selectedPeriod == o.periods[4]) {
min = b["time"].find("select.cron-time-min").val();
hour = b["time"].find("select.cron-time-hour").val();
day = b["dom"].find("select").val();
} else if (selectedPeriod == o.periods[5]) {
min = b["time"].find("select.cron-time-min").val();
hour = b["time"].find("select.cron-time-hour").val();
day = b["dom"].find("select").val();
month = b["month"].find("select").val();
} else {
// default
// we assume this only happens when customValues is set
return selectedPeriod;
return [min, hour, day, month, dow].join(" ");
// ------------------- PUBLIC METHODS -----------------
var methods = {
init : function(opts) {
// init options
var options = opts ? opts : {}; /* default to empty obj */
var o = $.extend([], defaults, options);
var eo = $.extend({}, defaults.effectOpts, options.effectOpts);
$.extend(o, {
minuteOpts : $.extend({}, defaults.minuteOpts, eo, options.minuteOpts),
domOpts : $.extend({}, defaults.domOpts, eo, options.domOpts),
monthOpts : $.extend({}, defaults.monthOpts, eo, options.monthOpts),
dowOpts : $.extend({}, defaults.dowOpts, eo, options.dowOpts),
timeHourOpts : $.extend({}, defaults.timeHourOpts, eo, options.timeHourOpts),
timeMinuteOpts : $.extend({}, defaults.timeMinuteOpts, eo, options.timeMinuteOpts)
// error checking
if (hasError(this, o)) { return this; }
// ---- define select boxes in the right order -----
var block = [], custom_periods = "", cv = o.customValues;
if (defined(cv)) { // prepend custom values if specified
for (var key in cv) {
custom_periods += "<option value='" + cv[key] + "'>" + key + "</option>\n";
block["period"] = $("<span class='cron-period'>"
+ (o.every || "Every") + " <select name='cron-period'>" + custom_periods
+ str_opt_period + "</select> </span>")
.data("root", this);
var select = block["period"].find("select");
select.bind("change.cron", event_handlers.periodChanged)
.data("root", this);
if (o.useGentleSelect) select.gentleSelect(eo);
block["dom"] = $("<span class='cron-block cron-block-dom'>"
+ " " + (o.onThe || "on the") + " <select name='cron-dom'>" + str_opt_dom
+ "</select> </span>")
.data("root", this);
select = block["dom"].find("select").data("root", this);
if (o.useGentleSelect) select.gentleSelect(o.domOpts);
block["month"] = $("<span class='cron-block cron-block-month'>"
+ " " + (o.of || "of") + " <select name='cron-month'>" + str_opt_month
+ "</select> </span>")
.data("root", this);
select = block["month"].find("select").data("root", this);
if (o.useGentleSelect) select.gentleSelect(o.monthOpts);
block["mins"] = $("<span class='cron-block cron-block-mins'>"
+ " " + ( || "at") + " <select name='cron-mins'>" + str_opt_mih
+ "</select> " + o.minuteOpts.title + " </span>")
.data("root", this);
select = block["mins"].find("select").data("root", this);
if (o.useGentleSelect) select.gentleSelect(o.minuteOpts);
block["dow"] = $("<span class='cron-block cron-block-dow'>"
+ " " + (o.on || "on") + " <select name='cron-dow'>" + str_opt_dow
+ "</select> </span>")
.data("root", this);
select = block["dow"].find("select").data("root", this);
if (o.useGentleSelect) select.gentleSelect(o.dowOpts);
block["time"] = $("<span class='cron-block cron-block-time'>"
+ " " + ( || "at") + " <select name='cron-time-hour' class='cron-time-hour'>" + str_opt_hid
+ "</select>:<select name='cron-time-min' class='cron-time-min'>" + str_opt_mih
+ " </span>")
.data("root", this);
select = block["time"].find("select.cron-time-hour").data("root", this);
if (o.useGentleSelect) select.gentleSelect(o.timeHourOpts);
select = block["time"].find("select.cron-time-min").data("root", this);
if (o.useGentleSelect) select.gentleSelect(o.timeMinuteOpts);
block["controls"] = $("<span class='cron-controls'>&laquo; save "
+ "<span class='cron-button cron-button-save'></span>"
+ " </span>")
.data("root", this)
.bind("click.cron", event_handlers.saveClicked)
.data("root", this)
this.find("select").bind("change.cron-callback", event_handlers.somethingChanged);"options", o).data("block", block); // store options and block pointer"current_value", o.initial); // remember base value to detect changes
return methods["value"].call(this, o.initial); // set initial value
value : function(cron_str) {
// when no args, act as getter
if (!cron_str) { return getCurrentValue(this); }
var o ='options');
var block ="block");
var useGentleSelect = o.useGentleSelect;
var t = getCronType(cron_str, o);
if (!defined(t)) { return false; }
if (defined(o.customValues) && o.customValues.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
t = o.customValues[t];
} else {
var d = cron_str.split(" ");
var v = {
"mins" : d[0],
"hour" : d[1],
"dom" : d[2],
"month" : d[3],
"dow" : d[4]
// update appropriate select boxes
var targets = toDisplay[t];
for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
var tgt = targets[i];
if (tgt == "time") {
var btgt = block[tgt].find("select.cron-time-hour").val(v["hour"]);
if (useGentleSelect) btgt.gentleSelect("update");
btgt = block[tgt].find("select.cron-time-min").val(v["mins"]);
if (useGentleSelect) btgt.gentleSelect("update");
} else {;
var btgt = block[tgt].find("select").val(v[tgt]);
if (useGentleSelect) btgt.gentleSelect("update");
// trigger change event
var bp = block["period"].find("select").val(t);
if (useGentleSelect) bp.gentleSelect("update");
return this;
var event_handlers = {
periodChanged : function() {
var root = $(this).data("root");
var block ="block"),
opt ="options");
var period = $(this).val();
root.find("span.cron-block").hide(); // first, hide all blocks
if (toDisplay.hasOwnProperty(period)) { // not custom value
var b = toDisplay[$(this).val()];
for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
somethingChanged : function() {
root = $(this).data("root");
// if AJAX url defined, show "save"/"reset" button
if (defined("options").url_set)) {
if ( !="current_value")) { // if changed
} else { // values manually reverted
} else {"block")["controls"].hide();
// chain in user defined event handler, if specified
var oc ="options").onChange;
if (defined(oc) && $.isFunction(oc)) {;
saveClicked : function() {
var btn = $(this);
var root ="root");
var cron_str =;
if (btn.hasClass("cron-loading")) { return; } // in progress
type : "POST",
url :"options").url_set,
data : { "cron" : cron_str },
success : function() {"current_value", cron_str);
// data changed since "save" clicked?
if (cron_str == {
error : function() {
alert("An error occured when submitting your request. Try again?");
$.fn.cron = function(method) {
if (methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(this,, 1));
} else if (typeof method === 'object' || ! method) {
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
$.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.cron' );