// import all modules that are available in the sandbox // this has the nice side effect that we may augment the global scope import child_process = require("child_process"); type EmptyCallback = () => void; type ErrorCallback = (err?: string) => void; type GenericCallback = (err: string | null, result?: T) => void; // tslint:disable:no-namespace declare global { namespace iobJS { enum StateQuality { good = 0x00, // or undefined or null bad = 0x01, general_problem = 0x01, general_device_problem = 0x41, general_sensor_problem = 0x81, device_not_connected = 0x42, sensor_not_connected = 0x82, device_reports_error = 0x44, sensor_reports_error = 0x84, } interface State { /** The value of the state. */ val: any; /** Direction flag: false for desired value and true for actual value. Default: false. */ ack: boolean; /** Unix timestamp. Default: current time */ ts: number; /** Unix timestamp of the last time the value changed */ lc: number; /** Name of the adapter instance which set the value, e.g. "system.adapter.web.0" */ from: string; /** Optional time in seconds after which the state is reset to null */ expire?: number; /** Optional quality of the state value */ q?: StateQuality; /** Optional comment */ c?: string; } type ObjectType = "state" | "channel" | "device"; type CommonType = "number" | "string" | "boolean" | "array" | "object" | "mixed" | "file"; // Maybe this should extend Record, // but the extra properties aren't defined anywhere, // so I'd rather force the user to explicitly state // he knows what he's doing by casting to any interface ObjectCommon { /** name of this object */ name: string; // Icon and role aren't defined in SCHEMA.md, // but they are being used by some adapters /** Icon for this object */ icon?: string; /** role of the object */ role?: string; } interface StateCommon extends ObjectCommon { /** Type of this state. See https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker/blob/master/doc/SCHEMA.md#state-commonrole for a detailed description */ type?: CommonType; /** minimum value */ min?: number; /** maximum value */ max?: number; /** unit of the value */ unit?: string; /** the default value */ def?: any; /** description of this state */ desc?: string; /** if this state is readable */ read: boolean; /** if this state is writable */ write: boolean; /** role of the state (used in user interfaces to indicate which widget to choose) */ role: string; /** * Dictionary of possible values for this state in the form *
			 * {
			 *     "internal value 1": "displayed value 1",
			 *     "internal value 2": "displayed value 2",
			 *     ...
			 * }
* In old ioBroker versions, this could also be a string of the form * "val1:text1;val2:text2" (now deprecated) */ states?: Record | string; /** ID of a helper state indicating if the handler of this state is working */ workingID?: string; /** attached history information */ history?: any; } interface ChannelCommon extends ObjectCommon { /** description of this channel */ desc?: string; } type OtherCommon = ObjectCommon & { [propName: string]: any; }; interface BaseObject { /** The ID of this object */ _id?: string; native: Record; enums?: Record; type: string; // specified in the derived interfaces common: ObjectCommon; // acl?: ObjectACL; } interface StateObject extends BaseObject { type: "state"; common: StateCommon; // acl?: StateACL; } interface PartialStateObject extends Partial> { common?: Partial; // acl?: Partial; } interface ChannelObject extends BaseObject { type: "channel"; common: ChannelCommon; } interface PartialChannelObject extends Partial> { common?: Partial; } interface DeviceObject extends BaseObject { type: "device"; common: ObjectCommon; // TODO: any definition for device? } interface PartialDeviceObject extends Partial> { common?: Partial; } // TODO: specify definitions for each object type // I grouped them together because I'm lazy... interface OtherObject extends BaseObject { type: "adapter" | "config" | "enum" | "group" | "host" | "info" | "instance" | "meta" | "script" | "user"; common: OtherCommon; } interface PartialOtherObject extends Partial> { common?: Partial; } /** Represents the change of a state */ interface ChangedStateObject extends StateObject { common: StateCommon; native: Record; id?: string; name?: string; channelId?: string; channelName?: string; deviceId?: string; deviceName?: string; /** The IDs of enums this state is assigned to. For example ["enum.functions.Licht","enum.rooms.Garten"] */ enumIds?: string[]; /** The names of enums this state is assigned to. For example ["Licht","Garten"] */ enumNames?: string[]; /** new state */ state: State; /** @deprecated Use state instead **/ newState: State; /** previous state */ oldState: State; /** Name of the adapter instance which set the value, e.g. "system.adapter.web.0" */ from?: string; /** Unix timestamp. Default: current time */ ts?: number; /** Unix timestamp of the last time the value changed */ lc?: number; /** Direction flag: false for desired value and true for actual value. Default: false. */ ack?: boolean; } type Object = StateObject | ChannelObject | DeviceObject | OtherObject; type PartialObject = PartialStateObject | PartialChannelObject | PartialDeviceObject | PartialOtherObject; type GetStateCallback = (err: string | null, state?: State) => void; type SetStateCallback = (err: string | null, id?: string) => void; type StateChangeHandler = (obj: ChangedStateObject) => void; type SetObjectCallback = (err: string | null, obj: { id: string }) => void; type GetObjectCallback = (err: string | null, obj: iobJS.Object) => void; type LogLevel = "silly" | "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error"; type ReadFileCallback = (err: string | null, file?: Buffer | string, mimeType?: string) => void; /** Callback information for a passed message */ interface MessageCallbackInfo { /** The original message payload */ message: string | object; /** ID of this callback */ id: number; // ??? ack: boolean; /** Timestamp of this message */ time: number; } type MessageCallback = (result?: any) => void; interface Subscription { name: string; pattern: string | RegExp | string[] | iobJS.SubscribeOptions | iobJS.SubscribeTime | iobJS.AstroSchedule; } interface SubscribeOptions { /** "and" or "or" logic to combine the conditions (default: "and") */ logic?: "and" | "or"; /** name is equal or matches to given one or name marches to any item in given list */ id?: string | string[] | SubscribeOptions[] | RegExp | RegExp[]; /** name is equal or matches to given one */ name?: string | string[] | RegExp; /** type of change */ change?: "eq" | "ne" | "gt" | "ge" | "lt" | "le" | "any"; val?: any; /** New value must not be equal to given one */ valNe?: any; /** New value must be greater than given one */ valGt?: any; /** New value must be greater or equal to given one */ valGe?: any; /** New value must be smaller than given one */ valLt?: any; /** New value must be smaller or equal to given one */ valLe?: any; /** Acknowledged state of new value is equal to given one */ ack?: boolean; /** Previous value must be equal to given one */ oldVal?: any; /** Previous value must be not equal to given one */ oldValNe?: any; /** Previous value must be greater than given one */ oldValGt?: any; /** Previous value must be greater or equal given one */ oldValGe?: any; /** Previous value must be smaller than given one */ oldValLt?: any; /** Previous value must be smaller or equal to given one */ oldValLe?: any; /** Acknowledged state of previous value is equal to given one */ oldAck?: boolean; /** New value time stamp must be equal to given one (state.ts == ts) */ ts?: string; /** New value time stamp must be not equal to the given one (state.ts != ts) */ tsGt?: string; /** New value time stamp must be greater than given value (state.ts > ts) */ tsGe?: string; /** New value time stamp must be greater or equal to given one (state.ts >= ts) */ tsLt?: string; /** New value time stamp must be smaller than given one (state.ts < ts) */ tsLe?: string; /** Previous time stamp must be equal to given one (oldState.ts == ts) */ oldTs?: string; /** Previous time stamp must be not equal to the given one (oldState.ts != ts) */ oldTsGt?: string; /** Previous time stamp must be greater than given value (oldState.ts > ts) */ oldTsGe?: string; /** Previous time stamp must be greater or equal to given one (oldState.ts >= ts) */ oldTsLt?: string; /** Previous time stamp must be smaller than given one (oldState.ts < ts) */ oldTsLe?: string; /** Last change time stamp must be equal to given one (state.lc == lc) */ lc?: string; /** Last change time stamp must be not equal to the given one (state.lc != lc) */ lcGt?: string; /** Last change time stamp must be greater than given value (state.lc > lc) */ lcGe?: string; /** Last change time stamp must be greater or equal to given one (state.lc >= lc) */ lcLt?: string; /** Last change time stamp must be smaller than given one (state.lc < lc) */ lcLe?: string; /** Previous last change time stamp must be equal to given one (oldState.lc == lc) */ oldLc?: string; /** Previous last change time stamp must be not equal to the given one (oldState.lc != lc) */ oldLcGt?: string; /** Previous last change time stamp must be greater than given value (oldState.lc > lc) */ oldLcGe?: string; /** Previous last change time stamp must be greater or equal to given one (oldState.lc >= lc) */ oldLcLt?: string; /** Previous last change time stamp must be smaller than given one (oldState.lc < lc) */ oldLcLe?: string; /** Channel ID must be equal or match to given one */ channelId?: string | string[] | RegExp; /** Channel name must be equal or match to given one */ channelName?: string | string[] | RegExp; /** Device ID must be equal or match to given one */ deviceId?: string | string[] | RegExp; /** Device name must be equal or match to given one */ deviceName?: string | string[] | RegExp; /** State belongs to given enum or one enum ID of state satisfy the given regular expression */ enumId?: string | string[] | RegExp; /** State belongs to given enum or one enum name of state satisfy the given regular expression */ enumName?: string | string[] | RegExp; /** New value is from defined adapter */ from?: string | string[] | RegExp; /** New value is not from defined adapter */ fromNe?: string | string[] | RegExp; /** Old value is from defined adapter */ oldFrom?: string | string[] | RegExp; /** Old value is not from defined adapter */ oldFromNe?: string | string[] | RegExp; } interface QueryResult { /** State-ID */ [index: number]: string; /** Number of matched states */ length: number; /** * Executes a function for each state id in the result array * The execution is canceled if a callback returns false */ each: (callback?: (id: string, index: number) => boolean | void) => this; /** * Returns the first state found by this query. * If the adapter is configured to subscribe to all states on start, * this can be called synchronously and immediately returns the state. * Otherwise you need to provide a callback. */ getState: (callback?: GetStateCallback) => void | State; /** * Sets all queried states to the given value. */ setState: (id: string, state: string | number | boolean | State | Partial, ack?: boolean, callback?: SetStateCallback) => this; /** * Subscribes the given callback to changes of the matched states. */ on: (callback: StateChangeHandler) => this; } /** * * "sunrise": sunrise (top edge of the sun appears on the horizon) * * "sunriseEnd": sunrise ends (bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon) * * "goldenHourEnd": morning golden hour (soft light, best time for photography) ends * * "solarNoon": solar noon (sun is in the highest position) * * "goldenHour": evening golden hour starts * * "sunsetStart": sunset starts (bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon) * * "sunset": sunset (sun disappears below the horizon, evening civil twilight starts) * * "dusk": dusk (evening nautical twilight starts) * * "nauticalDusk": nautical dusk (evening astronomical twilight starts) * * "night": night starts (dark enough for astronomical observations) * * "nightEnd": night ends (morning astronomical twilight starts) * * "nauticalDawn": nautical dawn (morning nautical twilight starts) * * "dawn": dawn (morning nautical twilight ends, morning civil twilight starts) * * "nadir": nadir (darkest moment of the night, sun is in the lowest position) */ type AstroPattern = "sunrise" | "sunriseEnd" | "goldenHourEnd" | "solarNoon" | "goldenHour" | "sunsetStart" | "sunset" | "dusk" | "nauticalDusk" | "night" | "nightEnd" | "nauticalDawn" | "dawn" | "nadir"; interface AstroSchedule { astro: AstroPattern; /** * Shift to the astro schedule. */ shift?: number; } interface AstroDate { astro: AstroPattern; /** Offset to the astro event in minutes */ offset?: number; /** Date for which the astro time is wanted */ date?: Date; } /** * from https://github.com/node-schedule/node-schedule */ interface ScheduleRule { /** * Day of the month. */ date?: number | number[] | string | string[]; /** * Day of the week. */ dayOfWeek?: number | number[] | string | string[]; /** * Hour. */ hour?: number | number[] | string | string[]; /** * Minute. */ minute?: number | number[] | string | string[]; /** * Month. */ month?: number | number[] | string | string[]; /** * Second. */ second?: number | number[] | string | string[]; /** * Year. */ year?: number | number[] | string | string[]; /** * timezone which should be used * https://github.com/moment/moment-timezone */ tz?: string; } /** * from https://github.com/node-schedule/node-schedule */ interface ScheduleRuleConditional { /** * set a start time for schedule * a Data object or a dateString resp a number in milliseconds which can create a Date object */ start?: Date | string | number; /** * set an end time for schedule * a Data object or a dateString resp a number in milliseconds which can create a Date object */ end?: Date | string | number; /** * timezone which should be used * https://github.com/moment/moment-timezone */ tz?: string; /** * scheduling rule * schedule rule, a Data object or a dateString resp a number in milliseconds which can create a Date object */ rule: ScheduleRule | Date | string | number; } type SchedulePattern = ScheduleRule | ScheduleRuleConditional | Date | string | number; interface SubscribeTime { time: SchedulePattern; } } // end namespace iobJS // ======================================================= // available functions in the sandbox // ======================================================= // The already pre-loaded request module const request: typeof import("request"); /** * The instance number of the JavaScript adapter this script runs in */ const instance: number; /** * The name of the current script */ const name: string; /** * The name of the current script */ const scriptName: string; /** * Queries all states with the given selector * @param selector See @link{https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.javascript#---selector} for a description */ function $(selector: string): iobJS.QueryResult; /** * Prints a message in the ioBroker log * @param message The message to print * @param severity (optional) severity of the message. default = "info" */ function log(message: string, severity?: iobJS.LogLevel); // TODO: Do we need this? // namespace console { // /** log message with debug level */ // function debug(message: string): void; // /** log message with info level (default output level for all adapters) */ // function info(message: string): void; // /** log message with warning severity */ // function warn(message: string): void; // /** log message with error severity */ // function error(message: string): void; // } /** * Executes a system command */ function exec(command: string, callback?: (err: Error, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void): child_process.ChildProcess; /** * Sends an email using the email adapter. * See the adapter documentation for a description of the msg parameter. */ function email(msg: any): void; /** * Sends a pushover message using the pushover adapter. * See the adapter documentation for a description of the msg parameter. */ function pushover(msg: any): void; /** * Causes all changes of the state with id1 to the state with id2. * The return value can be used to unsubscribe later */ function on(id1: string, id2: string): any; /** * Causes all changes of the state with id1 to the state with id2 */ function subscribe(id1: string, id2: string): any; /** * Watches the state with id1 for changes and overwrites the state with id2 with value2 when any occur. * @param id1 The state to watch for changes * @param id2 The state to update when changes occur * @param value2 The value to write into state `id2` when `id1` gets changed */ function on(id1: string, id2: string, value2: any): any; /** * Watches the state with id1 for changes and overwrites the state with id2 with value2 when any occur. * @param id1 The state to watch for changes * @param id2 The state to update when changes occur * @param value2 The value to write into state `id2` when `id1` gets changed */ function subscribe(id1: string, id2: string, value2: any): any; /** * Subscribe to changes of the matched states. */ function on(pattern: string | RegExp | string[], handler: iobJS.StateChangeHandler): any; function on(options: iobJS.SubscribeOptions, handler: iobJS.StateChangeHandler): any; function on(schedule: iobJS.SubscribeTime, handler: iobJS.StateChangeHandler): any; function on(astro: iobJS.AstroSchedule, handler: iobJS.StateChangeHandler): any; /** * Subscribe to changes of the matched states. */ function subscribe(pattern: string | RegExp | string[], handler: iobJS.StateChangeHandler): any; function subscribe(options: iobJS.SubscribeOptions, handler: iobJS.StateChangeHandler): any; function subscribe(schedule: iobJS.SubscribeTime, handler: iobJS.StateChangeHandler): any; function subscribe(astro: iobJS.AstroSchedule, handler: iobJS.StateChangeHandler): any; /** * Returns the list of all currently active subscriptions */ function getSubscriptions(): { [id: string]: iobJS.Subscription[] }; /** * Unsubscribe from changes of the given object ID(s) or handler(s) */ function unsubscribe(id: string | string[]): boolean; function unsubscribe(handler: any | any[]): boolean; function adapterSubscribe(id: string): void; function adapterUnsubscribe(id: string): void; /** * Schedules a function to be executed on a defined schedule. * The return value can be used to clear the schedule later. */ function schedule(pattern: string | iobJS.SchedulePattern, callback: () => void): any; function schedule(date: Date, callback: () => void): any; function schedule(astro: iobJS.AstroSchedule, callback: () => void): any; /** * Clears a schedule. Returns true if it was successful. */ function clearSchedule(schedule: any): boolean; /** * Calculates the astro time which corresponds to the given pattern. * For valid patterns, see @link{https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.javascript#astro--function} * @param date (optional) The date for which the astro time should be calculated. Default = today * @param offsetMinutes (optional) The amount of minutes to be added to the return value. */ function getAstroDate(pattern: string, date?: number, offsetMinutes?: number): Date; /** * Determines if now is between sunrise and sunset. */ function isAstroDay(): boolean; /** * Sets a state to the given value * @param id The ID of the state to be set */ function setState(id: string, state: string | number | boolean | iobJS.State | Partial, callback?: iobJS.SetStateCallback): void; function setState(id: string, state: string | number | boolean | iobJS.State | Partial, ack: boolean, callback?: iobJS.SetStateCallback): void; /** * Sets a state to the given value after a timeout has passed. * Returns the timer so it can be manually cleared with clearStateDelayed * @param id The ID of the state to be set * @param delay The delay in milliseconds * @param clearRunning (optional) Whether an existing timeout for this state should be cleared */ function setStateDelayed(id: string, state: string | number | boolean | iobJS.State | Partial, delay: number, clearRunning: boolean, callback?: iobJS.SetStateCallback): any; function setStateDelayed(id: string, state: string | number | boolean | iobJS.State | Partial, ack: boolean, clearRunning: boolean, callback?: iobJS.SetStateCallback): any; function setStateDelayed(id: string, state: string | number | boolean | iobJS.State | Partial, ack: boolean, delay: number, callback?: iobJS.SetStateCallback): any; function setStateDelayed(id: string, state: string | number | boolean | iobJS.State | Partial, delay: number, callback?: iobJS.SetStateCallback): any; function setStateDelayed(id: string, state: string | number | boolean | iobJS.State | Partial, callback?: iobJS.SetStateCallback): any; function setStateDelayed(id: string, state: string | number | boolean | iobJS.State | Partial, ack: boolean, delay: number, clearRunning: boolean, callback?: iobJS.SetStateCallback): any; /** * Clears a timer created by setStateDelayed * @param id The state id for which the timer should be cleared * @param timerID (optional) ID of the specific timer to clear. If none is given, all timers are cleared. */ function clearStateDelayed(id: string, timerID?: any): boolean; /** * Returns the state with the given ID. * If the adapter is configured to subscribe to all states on start, * this can be called synchronously and immediately returns the state. * Otherwise you need to provide a callback. */ function getState(id: string, callback: iobJS.GetStateCallback): void; function getState(id: string): iobJS.State; /** * Checks if the state with the given ID exists */ function existsState(id: string): boolean; /** * Checks if the object with the given ID exists */ function existsObject(id: string): boolean; /** * Returns the IDs of the states with the given name * @param forceArray (optional) Ensures that the return value is always an array, even if only one ID was found. */ function getIdByName(name: string, forceArray?: boolean): string | string[]; /** * Reads an object from the object db */ function getObject(id: string, enumName?: string): iobJS.Object; /** Creates or overwrites an object in the object db */ function setObject(id: string, obj: iobJS.Object, callback?: iobJS.SetObjectCallback): void; /** Extend an object and create it if it might not exist */ function extendObject(id: string, objPart: iobJS.PartialObject, callback?: iobJS.SetObjectCallback): void; function getEnums(enumName?: string): any; /** * Creates a state and the corresponding object under the javascript namespace. * @param name The name of the state without the namespace * @param initValue (optional) Initial value of the state * @param forceCreation (optional) Override the state if it already exists * @param common (optional) Common part of the state object * @param native (optional) Native part of the state object * @param callback (optional) Called after the state was created */ function createState(name: string, callback?: iobJS.SetStateCallback): void; function createState(name: string, initValue: any, callback?: iobJS.SetStateCallback): void; function createState(name: string, initValue: any, forceCreation: boolean, callback?: iobJS.SetStateCallback): void; function createState(name: string, initValue: any, forceCreation: boolean, common: Partial, callback?: iobJS.SetStateCallback): void; function createState(name: string, initValue: any, forceCreation: boolean, common: Partial, native: any, callback?: iobJS.SetStateCallback): void; function createState(name: string, common: Partial, callback?: iobJS.SetStateCallback): void; function createState(name: string, initValue: any, common: Partial, callback?: iobJS.SetStateCallback): void; function createState(name: string, common: Partial, native: any, callback?: iobJS.SetStateCallback): void; function createState(name: string, initValue: any, common: Partial, native: any, callback?: iobJS.SetStateCallback): void; /** * Deletes the state with the given ID * @param callback (optional) Is called after the state was deleted (or not). */ function deleteState(id: string, callback?: GenericCallback): void; /** * Sends a message to a specific instance or all instances of some specific adapter. * @param instanceName The instance to send this message to. * If the ID of an instance is given (e.g. "admin.0"), only this instance will receive the message. * If the name of an adapter is given (e.g. "admin"), all instances of this adapter will receive it. * @param command (optional) Command name of the target instance. Default: "send" * @param message The message (e.g. params) to send. */ function sendTo(instanceName: string, message: string | object, callback?: iobJS.MessageCallback | iobJS.MessageCallbackInfo): void; function sendTo(instanceName: string, command: string, message: string | object, callback?: iobJS.MessageCallback | iobJS.MessageCallbackInfo): void; type CompareTimeOperations = "between" | "not between" | ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=" | "==" | "<>" ; /** * Compares two or more times * @param timeToCompare - The time to compare with startTime and/or endTime. If none is given, the current time is used */ function compareTime( startTime: string | number | Date | iobJS.AstroDate, endTime: string | number | Date | iobJS.AstroDate, operation: CompareTimeOperations, timeToCompare?: string | number | Date | iobJS.AstroDate, ): boolean; /** Sets up a callback which is called when the script stops */ function onStop(callback: (cb?: () => void) => void, timeout?: number): void; function formatValue(value: number | string, format?: any): string; function formatValue(value: number | string, decimals: number, format?: any): string; function formatDate(dateObj: string | Date | number, format: string, language?: string): string; function formatDate(dateObj: string | Date | number, isDuration: boolean | string, format: string, language?: string): string; function getDateObject(date: number | string | Date): Date; /** * Writes a file. * @param id Name of the root directory. This should be the adapter instance, e.g. "admin.0" * @param name File name * @param data Contents of the file * @param callback Is called when the operation has finished (successfully or not) */ function writeFile(id: string, name: string, data: Buffer | string, callback: ErrorCallback): void; /** * Reads a file. * @param id Name of the root directory. This should be the adapter instance, e.g. "admin.0" * @param name File name * @param callback Is called when the operation has finished (successfully or not) */ function readFile(id: string, name: string, callback: iobJS.ReadFileCallback): void; /** * Deletes a file. * @param id Name of the root directory. This should be the adapter instance, e.g. "admin.0" * @param name File name * @param callback Is called when the operation has finished (successfully or not) */ function unlink(id: string, name: string, callback: ErrorCallback): void; /** * Deletes a file. * @param id Name of the root directory. This should be the adapter instance, e.g. "admin.0" * @param name File name * @param callback Is called when the operation has finished (successfully or not) */ function delFile(id: string, name: string, callback: ErrorCallback): void; function getHistory(instance: any, options: any, callback: any): any; /** * Starts or restarts a script by name * @param scriptName (optional) Name of the script. If none is given, the current script is (re)started. */ function runScript(scriptName?: string, callback?: ErrorCallback): boolean; /** * Starts or restarts a script by name * @param scriptName (optional) Name of the script. If none is given, the current script is (re)started. */ function startScript(scriptName, ignoreIfStarted, callback?: GenericCallback): boolean; /** * Stops a script by name * @param scriptName (optional) Name of the script. If none is given, the current script is stopped. */ function stopScript(scriptName, callback?: GenericCallback): boolean; function isScriptActive(scriptName): boolean; /** Converts a value to an integer */ function toInt(val: any): number; /** Converts a value to a floating point number */ function toFloat(val: any): number; /** Converts a value to a boolean */ function toBoolean(val: any): boolean; /** * Digs in an object for the property value at the given path. * @param obj The object to dig in * @param path The path of the property to dig for in the given object */ function getAttr(obj: string | Record, path: string | string[]): any; }