You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

515 lines
18 KiB

6 years ago
* Given a cronspec, return the human-readable string.
* @param {string} cronspec
* @param withSeconds
* @param {Object=} locale
function cronToText(cronspec, withSeconds, locale) {
'use strict';
// Constant array to convert valid names to values
var NAMES = {
JAN: 1, FEB: 2, MAR: 3, APR: 4, MAY: 5, JUN: 6, JUL: 7, AUG: 8,
SEP: 9, OCT: 10, NOV: 11, DEC: 12,
SUN: 1, MON: 2, TUE: 3, WED: 4, THU: 5, FRI: 6, SAT: 7
// Parsable replacements for common expressions
'* * * * * *': '0/1 * * * * *',
'@YEARLY': '0 0 1 1 *',
'@ANNUALLY': '0 0 1 1 *',
'@MONTHLY': '0 0 1 * *',
'@WEEKLY': '0 0 * * 0',
'@DAILY': '0 0 * * *',
'@HOURLY': '0 * * * *'
// Contains the index, min, and max for each of the constraints
var FIELDS = {
s: [0, 0, 59], // seconds
m: [1, 0, 59], // minutes
h: [2, 0, 23], // hours
D: [3, 1, 31], // day of month
M: [4, 1, 12], // month
Y: [6, 1970, 2099], // year
d: [5, 1, 7, 1] // day of week
* Returns the value + offset if value is a number, otherwise it
* attempts to look up the value in the NAMES table and returns
* that result instead.
* @param {Number,String} value: The value that should be parsed
* @param {Number=} offset: Any offset that must be added to the value
* @param {Number=} max
* @returns {Number|null}
function getValue(value) {
var offset = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[1];
var max = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? 9999 : arguments[2];
return isNaN(value) ? NAMES[value] || null : Math.min(+value + offset, max);
* Returns a deep clone of a schedule skipping any day of week
* constraints.
* @param {Object} sched: The schedule that will be cloned
* @returns {Object}
function cloneSchedule(sched) {
var clone = {},
for (field in sched) {
if (field !== 'dc' && field !== 'd') {
clone[field] = sched[field].slice(0);
return clone;
* Adds values to the specified constraint in the current schedule.
* @param {Object} sched: The schedule to add the constraint to
* @param {String} name: Name of constraint to add
* @param {Number} min: Minimum value for this constraint
* @param {Number} max: Maximum value for this constraint
* @param {Number=} inc: The increment to use between min and max
function add(sched, name, min, max) {
var inc = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[4];
var i = min;
if (!sched[name]) {
sched[name] = [];
while (i <= max) {
if (sched[name].indexOf(i) < 0) {
i += inc || 1;
sched[name].sort(function (a, b) {
return a - b;
* Adds a hash item (of the form x#y or xL) to the schedule.
* @param {Object} schedules: The current schedule array to add to
* @param {Object} curSched: The current schedule to add to
* @param {Number} value: The value to add (x of x#y or xL)
* @param {Number} hash: The hash value to add (y of x#y)
function addHash(schedules, curSched, value, hash) {
// if there are any existing day of week constraints that
// aren't equal to the one we're adding, create a new
// composite schedule
if (curSched.d && !curSched.dc || curSched.dc && curSched.dc.indexOf(hash) < 0) {
curSched = schedules[schedules.length - 1];
add(curSched, 'd', value, value);
add(curSched, 'dc', hash, hash);
* @param {Object} s: The existing set of schedules
* @param {Object} curSched: The current schedule to add to
* @param {Number} value
function addWeekday(s, curSched, value) {
var except1 = {},
except2 = {};
if (value === 1) {
// cron doesn't pass month boundaries, so if 1st is a
// weekend then we need to use 2nd or 3rd instead
add(curSched, 'D', 1, 3);
add(curSched, 'd', NAMES.MON, NAMES.FRI);
add(except1, 'D', 2, 2);
add(except1, 'd', NAMES.TUE, NAMES.FRI);
add(except2, 'D', 3, 3);
add(except2, 'd', NAMES.TUE, NAMES.FRI);
} else {
// normally you want the closest day, so if v is a
// Saturday, use the previous Friday. If it's a
// sunday, use the following Monday.
add(curSched, 'D', value - 1, value + 1);
add(curSched, 'd', NAMES.MON, NAMES.FRI);
add(except1, 'D', value - 1, value - 1);
add(except1, 'd', NAMES.MON, NAMES.THU);
add(except2, 'D', value + 1, value + 1);
add(except2, 'd', NAMES.TUE, NAMES.FRI);
* Adds a range item (of the form x-y/z) to the schedule.
* @param {String} item: The cron expression item to add
* @param {Object} curSched: The current schedule to add to
* @param {String} name: The name to use for this constraint
* @param {Number} min: The min value for the constraint
* @param {Number} max: The max value for the constraint
* @param {Number} offset: The offset to apply to the cron value
function addRange(item, curSched, name, min, max, offset) {
// parse range/x
var incSplit = item.split('/'),
inc = +incSplit[1],
range = incSplit[0];
// parse x-y or * or 0
if (range !== '*' && range !== '0') {
var rangeSplit = range.split('-');
min = getValue(rangeSplit[0], offset, max);
// fix for issue #13, range may be single digit
max = getValue(rangeSplit[1], offset, max) || max;
add(curSched, name, min, max, inc);
* Parses a particular item within a cron expression.
* @param {String} item: The cron expression item to parse
* @param {Object} s: The existing set of schedules
* @param {String} name: The name to use for this constraint
* @param {Number} min: The min value for the constraint
* @param {Number} max: The max value for the constraint
* @param {Number} offset: The offset to apply to the cron value
function parse(item, s, name, min, max, offset) {
var value,
schedules = s.schedules,
curSched = schedules[schedules.length - 1];
// L just means min - 1 (this also makes it work for any field)
if (item === 'L') {
item = (min - 1).toString(10);
// parse x
if ((value = getValue(item, offset, max)) !== null) {
add(curSched, name, value, value);
// parse xW
else if ((value = getValue(item.replace('W', ''), offset, max)) !== null) {
addWeekday(s, curSched, value);
// parse xL
else if ((value = getValue(item.replace('L', ''), offset, max)) !== null) {
addHash(schedules, curSched, value, min - 1);
// parse x#y
else if ((split = item.split('#')).length === 2) {
value = getValue(split[0], offset, max);
addHash(schedules, curSched, value, getValue(split[1]));
// parse x-y or x-y/z or */z or 0/z
else {
addRange(item, curSched, name, min, max, offset);
* Returns true if the item is either of the form x#y or xL.
* @param {String} item: The expression item to check
function isHash(item) {
return item.indexOf('#') > -1 || item.indexOf('L') > 0;
function itemSorter(a, b) {
return isHash(a) && !isHash(b) ? 1 : a - b;
* Parses each of the fields in a cron expression. The expression must
* include the seconds field, the year field is optional.
* @param {String} expr: The cron expression to parse
function parseExpr(expr) {
var schedule = { schedules: [{}], exceptions: [] },
components = expr.replace(/(\s)+/g, ' ').split(' '),
for (field in FIELDS) {
f = FIELDS[field];
component = components[f[0]];
if (component && component !== '*' && component !== '?') {
// need to sort so that any #'s come last, otherwise
// schedule clones to handle # won't contain all of the
// other constraints
items = component.split(',').sort(itemSorter);
var i,
length = items.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
parse(items[i], schedule, field, f[1], f[2], f[3]);
return schedule;
* Make cron expression parsable.
* @param {String} expr: The cron expression to prepare
function prepareExpr(expr) {
var prepared = expr.toUpperCase();
return REPLACEMENTS[prepared] || prepared;
function parseCron(expr, hasSeconds) {
var e = prepareExpr(expr);
return parseExpr(hasSeconds ? e : '0 ' + e);
var schedule = parseCron(cronspec, withSeconds);
locale = locale || LOCALE;
function absFloor(number) {
if (number < 0) {
return Math.ceil(number);
} else {
return Math.floor(number);
function toInt(argumentForCoercion) {
var coercedNumber = +argumentForCoercion,
value = 0;
if (coercedNumber !== 0 && isFinite(coercedNumber)) {
value = absFloor(coercedNumber);
return value;
function ordinal(number) {
var b = number % 10,
output = (toInt(number % 100 / 10) === 1) ? :
(b === 1) ? :
(b === 2) ? locale.ORDINALS.nd :
(b === 3) ? locale.ORDINALS.rd :;
return number + output;
* For an array of numbers, e.g. a list of hours in a schedule,
* return a string listing out all of the values (complete with
* "and" plus ordinal text on the last item).
* @param {Number[]} numbers
* @returns {string}
function numberList(numbers) {
if (numbers.length < 2) {
return ordinal(numbers);
var lastVal = numbers.pop();
return numbers.join(', ') + ' ' + locale['and'] + ' ' + ordinal(lastVal);
* Parse a number into day of week, or a month name;
* used in dateList below.
* @param {Number|String} value
* @param {String} type
* @returns {String}
function numberToDateName(value, type) {
if (type === 'dow') {
return locale.DOW[value - 1];
} else if (type === 'mon') {
return locale.MONTH[value - 1];
* From an array of numbers corresponding to dates (given in type: either
* days of the week, or months), return a string listing all the values.
* @param {Number[]} numbers
* @param {String} type
* @returns {String}
function dateList(numbers, type) {
if (numbers.length < 2) {
return numberToDateName('' + numbers[0], type);
var lastVal = '' + numbers.pop();
var outputText = '';
for (var i = 0, value; value = numbers[i]; i++) {
if (outputText.length > 0) {
outputText += ', ';
outputText += numberToDateName(value, type);
return outputText + ' ' + locale['and'] + ' ' + numberToDateName(lastVal, type);
* Pad to equivalent of sprintf('%02d').
* @param {Number} x
* @returns {string}
function zeroPad(x) {
return (x < 10) ? '0' + x : x;
* Given a schedule, generate a friendly sentence description.
* @param {Object} schedule
* @returns {string}
function scheduleToSentence(schedule, withSeconds) {
var outputText = locale.Every + ' ';
if (schedule['h'] && schedule['m'] && schedule['h'].length <= 2 && schedule['m'].length <= 2 && withSeconds && schedule['s'] && schedule['s'].length <= 2 ) {
// If there are only one or two specified values for
// hour or minute, print them in HH:MM:SS format
var hm = [];
for (var i = 0; i < schedule['h'].length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < schedule['m'].length; j++) {
for (var k = 0; k < schedule['s'].length; k++) {
hm.push(zeroPad(schedule['h'][i]) + ':' + zeroPad(schedule['m'][j]) + ':' + zeroPad(schedule['s'][k]));
if (hm.length < 2) {
outputText = locale['At'] + ' ' + hm[0];
} else {
var lastVal = hm.pop();
outputText = locale['At'] + ' ' + hm.join(', ') + ' ' + locale.and + ' ' + lastVal;
if (!schedule['d'] && !schedule['D']) {
outputText += ' ' + locale['every day'] + ' ';
} else
if (schedule['h'] && schedule['m'] && schedule['h'].length <= 2 && schedule['m'].length <= 2) {
// If there are only one or two specified values for
// hour or minute, print them in HH:MM format
var hm = [];
for (var i = 0; i < schedule['h'].length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < schedule['m'].length; j++) {
hm.push(zeroPad(schedule['h'][i]) + ':' + zeroPad(schedule['m'][j]));
if (hm.length < 2) {
outputText = locale['At'] + ' ' + hm[0];
} else {
var lastVal = hm.pop();
outputText = locale['At'] + ' ' + hm.join(', ') + ' ' + locale.and + ' ' + lastVal;
if (!schedule['d'] && !schedule['D']) {
outputText += ' ' + locale['every day'] + ' ';
} else {
// Otherwise, list out every specified hour/minute value.
if (schedule['h']) { // runs only at specific hours
if (schedule['m']) { // and only at specific minutes
if (withSeconds) {
if (!schedule['s'] || schedule['s'].length === 60) {
outputText += locale['second of every'] + ' ' + numberList(schedule['m']) + ' ' + locale['minute past the'] + ' ' + numberList(schedule['h']) + ' ' + locale['hour'];
} else {
outputText += numberList(schedule['s']) + ' ' + locale['second of every'] + ' ' +numberList(schedule['m']) + ' ' + locale['minute past the'] + ' ' + numberList(schedule['h']) + ' ' + locale['hour'];
} else {
outputText += numberList(schedule['m']) + ' ' + locale['minute past the'] + ' ' + numberList(schedule['h']) + ' ' + locale['hour'];
} else { // specific hours, but every minute
if (withSeconds) {
if (!schedule['s'] || schedule['s'].length === 60) {
outputText += locale['second of every'] + ' ' + locale['minute of'] + ' ' + numberList(schedule['h']) + ' ' + locale['hour'];
} else {
outputText += numberList(schedule['s']) + ' ' + locale['second of every'] + ' ' + locale['minute of'] + ' ' + numberList(schedule['h']) + ' ' + locale['hour'];
} else {
outputText += locale['minute of'] + ' ' + numberList(schedule['h']) + ' ' + locale['hour'];
} else if (schedule['m']) { // every hour, but specific minutes
if (withSeconds) {
if (!schedule['s'] || schedule['s'].length === 60) {
outputText += locale['second of every'] + ' ' + numberList(schedule['m']) + ' ' + locale['minute every hour'];
} else {
outputText += numberList(schedule['s']) + ' ' + locale['second of every'] + ' ' + numberList(schedule['m']) + ' ' + locale['minute every hour'];
} else {
outputText += numberList(schedule['m']) + ' ' + locale['minute every hour'];
} else if (withSeconds) {
if (!schedule['s'] || schedule['s'].length === 60) {
outputText += locale['second'];
} else {
outputText += numberList(schedule['s']) + ' ' + locale['second'];
} else { // cronspec has "*" for both hour and minute
outputText += locale['minute'];
if (schedule['D']) { // runs only on specific day(s) of month
outputText += (locale['on the'] ? ' ' + locale['on the'] + ' ' : ' ') + numberList(schedule['D']);
if (!schedule['M']) {
outputText += ' ' + locale['of every month'];
if (schedule['d']) { // runs only on specific day(s) of week
if (schedule['D']) {
// if both day fields are specified, cron uses both;
outputText += ' ' + locale['and every'] + ' ';
} else {
outputText += ' ' + locale['on'] + ' ';
outputText += dateList(schedule['d'], 'dow');
if (schedule['M']) {
// runs only in specific months; put this output last
outputText += ' ' + locale['in'] + ' ' + dateList(schedule['M'], 'mon');
return outputText;
return scheduleToSentence(schedule.schedules[0], withSeconds);