- [require - load some module](#require---load-some-module)
- [Buffer](#buffer)
- [log - Gives out the message into log](#log---gives-out-the-message-into-log)
- [exec - execute some OS command, like "cp file1 file2"](#exec---execute-some-os-command-like-cp-file1-file2)
- [on - Subscribe on changes or updates of some state](#on---subscribe-on-changes-or-updates-of-some-state)
- [subscribe - same as on](#subscribe---same-as-on)
- [unsubscribe](#unsubscribe)
- [getSubscriptions](#getsubscriptions)
- [schedule](#schedule)
- [Time schedule](#time-schedule)
- [Astro- function](#astro--function)
- [clearSchedule](#clearschedule)
- [getAttr](#getattr)
- [getAstroDate](#getastrodate)
- [isAstroDay](#isastroday)
- [compareTime](#comparetime)
- [setState](#setstate)
- [setStateDelayed](#setstatedelayed)
- [clearStateDelayed](#clearstatedelayed)
- [getStateDelayed](#getstatedelayed)
- [getState](#getstate)
- [getObject](#getobject)
- [setObject](#setobject)
- [extendObject](#extendobject)
- [getIdByName](#getidbyname)
- [getEnums](#getenums)
- [createState](#createstate)
- [deleteState](#deletestate)
- [sendTo](#sendto)
- [sendToHost](#sendtohost)
- [setInterval](#setinterval)
- [clearInterval](#clearinterval)
- [setTimeout](#settimeout)
- [clearTimeout](#cleartimeout)
- [formatDate](#formatdate)
- [getDateObject](#getDateObject)
- [formatValue](#formatvalue)
- [adapterSubscribe](#adaptersubscribe)
- [adapterUnsubscribe](#adapterunsubscribe)
- [$ - Selector](#---selector)
- [readFile](#readfile)
- [writeFile](#writefile)
- [delFile](#delFile)
- [onStop](#onstop)
- [getHistory](#gethistory)
- [runScript](#runscript)
- [startScript](#startscript)
- [stopScript](#stopscript)
- [isScriptActive](#isscriptactive)
- [name](#name)
- [instance](#instance)
- [Scripts activity](#scripts-activity)
- [Changelog](#changelog)
## Note
If in the script some modules or functions are used with callbacks or cyclic calls, except setTimeout/setInterval,
so they will be called again and again even if the new version of script exists or script is deleted. For example the following script:
var http = require('http');
// Read www.google.com page
http.request('www.google.com', function(res) {
res.on('data', function (chunk) {
log('BODY: ' + chunk);
}).on('error', function(e) {
log('problem with request: ' + e.message, 'error');
was deleted by user before callback returns. The callback will be executed anyway. To fix this feature **restart** the javascript adapter.
You can use `cb` function to wrap you callback, like this
http.request('www.google.com', cb(function(res) {
res.on('data', function (chunk) {
log('BODY: ' + chunk);
}).on('error', cb(function(e) {
log('problem with request: ' + e.message, 'error');
to be sure, that no callback will be called if script is deleted or modified.
## Global functions
You can define the global scripts in the "global" folder.
All global scripts are available on all instances. If global script is disabled, it will not be used.
Global script will be just prepend to the normal script and compiled, so you cannot share data between scripts via global scrips. Use states for it.
To use global functions in TypeScript, you have to `declare` them first, so the compiler knows about the global functions. Example:
// global script:
// ==============
function globalFn(arg: string): void {
// actual implementation
// normal script:
// ==============
declare function globalFn(arg: string): void;
// use as normal:
#### Best practice:
Create two instances of javascript adapter: one "test" and one "production".
After the script is tested in the "test" instance, it can be moved to "production". By that you can restart the "test" instance as you want.
## Following functions can be used in scripts:
### require - load some module
var mod = require('module_name');
Following modules are pre-loaded: `fs`, `crypto`, `wake_on_lan`, `request`, `suncalc`, `util`, `path`, `os`, `net`, `events`, `dns`.
To use other modules, enter the name of the module in the configuration dialog. yunkong2 will install the module, after which you can require and use it in your scripts.
**Notice** - module *request* is available via variable *request*. There is no need to write `var request = require('request');`.
### Buffer
Buffer - Node.js Buffer, read here [http://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html](http://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html)
### log - Gives out the message into log
log(msg, sev);
Message is a string and sev is one of the following: 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error'.
Default severity is ***'info'***
### exec - execute some OS command, like "cp file1 file2"
exec(cmd, callback);
Execute system command and get the outputs.
// reboot linux system :)
// Get the list of files and directories in /var/log
exec('ls /var/log', function (error, stdout, stderr) {
console.log('stdout: ' + stdout);
**Notice:** you must enable *Enable command "setObject"* option to call it.
### on - Subscribe on changes or updates of some state
on(pattern, callbackOrId, value);
The callback function will return the object as parameter with following content:
| | "eq" | (equal) New value must be equal to old one (state.val == oldState.val) |
| | "ne" | (not equal) New value must be not equal to the old one (state.val != oldState.val) **If pattern is id-string this value is used by default** |
| | "gt" | (greater) New value must be greater than old value (state.val > oldState.val) |
| | "ge" | (greater or equal) New value must be greater or equal to old one (state.val >= oldState.val) |
| | "lt" | (smaller) New value must be smaller than old one (state.val <oldState.val)|
| | "le" | (smaller or equal) New value must be smaller or equal to old value (state.val <= oldState.val) |
| | "any" | Trigger will be raised if just the new value comes |
| | | |
| val | mixed | New value must be equal to given one |
| valNe | mixed | New value must be not equal to given one |
| valGt | mixed | New value must be greater than given one |
| valGe | mixed | New value must be greater or equal to given one |
| valLt | mixed | New value must be smaller than given one |
| valLe | mixed | New value must be smaller or equal to given one |
| | | |
| ack | boolean | Acknowledged state of new value is equal to given one |
| | | |
| oldVal | mixed | Previous value must be equal to given one |
| oldValNe | mixed | Previous value must be not equal to given one |
| oldValGt | mixed | Previous value must be greater than given one |
| oldValGe | mixed | Previous value must be greater or equal to given one |
| oldValLt | mixed | Previous value must be smaller than given one |
| oldValLe | mixed | Previous value must be smaller or equal to given one |
| | | |
| oldAck | bool | Acknowledged state of previous value is equal to given one |
| | | |
| ts | string | New value time stamp must be equal to given one (state.ts == ts) |
| tsGt | string | New value time stamp must be not equal to the given one (state.ts != ts) |
| tsGe | string | New value time stamp must be greater than given value (state.ts > ts) |
| tsLt | string | New value time stamp must be greater or equal to given one (state.ts >= ts) |
| tsLe | string | New value time stamp must be smaller than given one (state.ts <ts)|
| | | |
| oldTs | string | Previous time stamp must be equal to given one (oldState.ts == ts) |
| oldTsGt | string | Previous time stamp must be not equal to the given one (oldState.ts != ts) |
| oldTsGe | string | Previous time stamp must be greater than given value (oldState.ts > ts) |
| oldTsLt | string | Previous time stamp must be greater or equal to given one (oldState.ts >= ts) |
| oldTsLe | string | Previous time stamp must be smaller than given one (oldState.ts <ts)|
| | | |
| lc | string | Last change time stamp must be equal to given one (state.lc == lc) |
| lcGt | string | Last change time stamp must be not equal to the given one (state.lc != lc) |
| lcGe | string | Last change time stamp must be greater than given value (state.lc > lc) |
| lcLt | string | Last change time stamp must be greater or equal to given one (state.lc >= lc) |
| lcLe | string | Last change time stamp must be smaller than given one (state.lc <lc)|
| | | |
| oldLc | string | Previous last change time stamp must be equal to given one (oldState.lc == lc) |
| oldLcGt | string | Previous last change time stamp must be not equal to the given one (oldState.lc != lc) |
| oldLcGe | string | Previous last change time stamp must be greater than given value (oldState.lc > lc) |
| oldLcLt | string | Previous last change time stamp must be greater or equal to given one (oldState.lc >= lc) |
| oldLcLe | string | Previous last change time stamp must be smaller than given one (oldState.lc <lc)|
| | | |
| channelId | string | Channel ID must be equal to given one |
| | RegExp | Channel ID matched to regular expression |
| | Array | Channel ID matched to a list of allowed channel IDs |
| | | |
| channelName | string | Channel name must be equal to given one |
| | RegExp | Channel name matched to regular expression |
| | Array | Channel name matched to a list of allowed channel names |
| | | |
| deviceId | string | Device ID must be equal to given one |
| | RegExp | Device ID matched to regular expression |
| | Array | Device ID matched to a list of allowed device IDs |
| | | |
| deviceName | string | Device name must be equal to given one |
| | RegExp | Device name matched to regular expression |
| | Array | Device name matched to a list of allowed device names |
| | | |
| enumId | string | State belongs to given enum |
| | RegExp | One enum ID of the state satisfies the given regular expression |
| | Array | One enum ID of the state is in the given list of enum IDs |
| | | |
| enumName | string | State belongs to given enum |
| | RegExp | One enum name of the state satisfies the given regular expression |
| | Array | One enum name of the state is in the given list of enum names |
| | | |
| from | string | New value is from defined adapter |
| | RegExp | New value is from an adapter that matches the regular expression |
| | Array | New value is from an adapter that appears in the given list of allowed adapters |
| | | |
| fromNe | string | New value is not from defined adapter |
| | RegExp | New value is not from an adapter that matches the regular expression |
| | Array | New value is not from an adapter that appears in the given list of forbidden adapters |
| | | |
| oldFrom | string | Old value is from defined adapter |
| | RegExp | Old value is from an adapter that matches the regular expression |
| | Array | Old value is from an adapter that appears in the given list of allowed adapters |
| | | |
| oldFromNe | string | Old value is not from defined adapter |
| | RegExp | Old value is not from an adapter that matches the regular expression |
| | Array | Old value is not from an adapter that appears in the given list of forbidden adapters |
Trigger on all states with ID `'*.STATE'` if they are acknowledged and have new value `true`.
id: /\.STATE$/,
val: true,
ack: true,
logic: "and"
**Note:** you can use RegExp directly:
on(/^system\.adapter\..*\.\d+\.memRss$/, function (obj) {
// same as
on({id: /^system\.adapter\..*\.\d+\.memRss$/, change: "ne"}, function (obj) {
To simply connect two states with each other, write:
on('stateId1', 'stateId2');
All changes of *stateId1* will be written to *stateId2*.
Please note, that by default "change" is equal to "any", except when only id as string is set (like `on("id", function (){});`). In last case change will be set to "ne".
If the `value` parameter is set in combination with state id as the second parameter, on any change the state will filled with the `value`.
on('stateId1', 'stateId2', 'triggered');
setState('stateId1', 'new value');
// stateId2 will be set to 'triggered'.
Function "on" returns handler back. This handler can be used by unsubscribe.
### subscribe - same as **[on](#on---subscribe-on-changes-or-updates-of-some-state)**
### unsubscribe
// or
Remove all subscriptions for given object ID or for given handler.
// By handler
var mySubscription = on({id: "javascript.0.myState", change: 'any'}, function (data) {
// unsubscribe after first trigger
if (unsubscribe(mySubscription)) {
log('Subscription deleted');
// by Object ID
on({id: "javascript.0.myState1", change: 'ne'}, function (data) {
log('Some event');
on({id: "javascript.0.myState1", change: 'any'}, function (data) {
// unsubscribe
if (unsubscribe("javascript.0.myState1")) {
log('All subscriptions deleted');
### getSubscriptions
Get the list of subscriptions.
Example of result:
"megad.0.dataPointName" : [
"name" : "script.js.NameOfScript",
"pattern" : {
"id" : "megad.0.dataPointName",
"change" : "ne"
### schedule
schedule(pattern, callback);
Time scheduler with astro function.
#### Time schedule
Pattern can be a string with [Cron-Syntax](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron), which consists of 5 (without seconds) or 6 (with seconds) digits:
* * * ** *
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ └───── day of week (0 - 6) (0 to 6 are Sunday to Saturday, or use names; 7 is Sunday, the same as 0)
The pattern can also be an object, it is used especially if seconds are required:
the object could have the following properties:
schedule({second: [20, 25]}, function () {
log("Will be triggered at xx:xx:20 and xx:xx:25 of every minute!");
schedule({hour: 12, minute: 30}, function () {
log("Will be triggered at 12:30!");
Pattern can be a Javascript Date object (some specific time point) - in this case only it will be triggered only one time.
If start or end times for a schedule are needed this could also be implemented with usage of an object. In this scenario the object have the properties:
start and end defines a Date object a DateString or a number of milliseconds since 01 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
Rule is a schedule string with [Cron-Syntax](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron) or an object:
let startTime = new Date(Date.now() + 5000);
let endTime = new Date(startTime.getTime() + 5000);
-`"night"`: night starts (dark enough for astronomical observations)
-`"nightEnd"`: night ends (morning astronomical twilight starts)
-`"nauticalDawn"`: nautical dawn (morning nautical twilight starts)
-`"dawn"`: dawn (morning nautical twilight ends, morning civil twilight starts)
-`"nadir"`: nadir (darkest moment of the night, sun is in the lowest position)
**Note:** to use "astro"-function the "latitude" and "longitude" must be defined in javascript adapter settings.
**Note:** On some places sometines it could be so, that no night/nightEnd exists. Please read [here](https://git.spacen.net/mourner/suncalc/issues/70) about it.
**Note:** you can use "on" function for schedule with small modification:
on({time: "*/2 * ** *"}, function () {
log((new Date()).toString() + " - Will be triggered every 2 minutes!");
on({time: {hour: 12, minute: 30}}, function () {
log((new Date()).toString() + " - Will be triggered at 12:30!");
on({astro: "sunset", shift: 10}, function () {
log((new Date()).toString() + " - 10 minutes after sunset!");
### clearSchedule
If **no** "astro" function used you can cancel the schedule later. To allow this the schedule object must be saved:
var sch = schedule("*/2 * ** *", function () { /* ... */ });
// later:
### getAttr
getAttr({attr1: {attr2: 5}}, 'attr1.attr2');
Returns an attribute of the object. Path to attribute can be nested, like in the example.
If the first attribute is string, the function will try to parse the string as JSON string.
### getAstroDate
getAstroDate(pattern, date);
Returns a javascript Date object for the specified pattern. For valid pattern values see the [Astro](#astro--function) section in the *schedule* function.
The returned Date object is calculated for the passed *date*. If no date is provided, the current day is used.
var sunriseEnd = getAstroDate("sunriseEnd");
log("Sunrise ends today at " + sunriseEnd.toLocaleTimeString());
var today = new Date();
var tomorrow = today.setDate(today.getDate() + 1);
var tomorrowNigh = getAstroDate("night", tomorrow);
### isAstroDay
Returns `true` if the current time is between the astro sunrise and sunset.
returns id of the object with given name. If there are more than one object with this name the result will be an array. If _alwaysArray_ flag is set, the result will be always an array if some ID found.
### getEnums
Get the list of existing enumerations with members, like:
-`millisecondsOrDate`: number of milliseconds from state.ts or state.lc (Number milliseconds from 1970.01.01 00:00:00) or javascript *new Date()* object or number of milliseconds from *(new Date().getTime())*
-`format`: Can be `null`, so the system time format will be used, otherwise
* YYYY, JJJJ, ГГГГ - full year, e.g 2015
* YY, JJ, ГГ - short year, e.g 15
* MM, ММ(cyrillic) - full month, e.g. 01
* M, М(cyrillic) - short month, e.g. 1
* DD, TT, ДД - full day, e.g. 02
* D, T, Д - short day, e.g. 2
* hh, SS, чч - full hours, e.g. 03
* h, S, ч - short hours, e.g. 3
* mm, мм(cyrillic) - full minutes, e.g. 04
* m, м(cyrillic) - short minutes, e.g. 4
* ss, сс(cyrillic) - full seconds, e.g. 05
* s, с(cyrillic) - short seconds, e.g. 5
* sss, ссс(cyrillic) - milliseconds
* WW, НН(cyrillic) - full week day as text
* W, Н(cyrillic) - short week day as text
* OO, ОО(cyrillic) - full month as text
* OOO, ООО(cyrillic) - full month as text as genitiv
* O, О(cyrillic) - short month as text
#### Example
formatDate(new Date(), "YYYY-MM-DD") // => Date "2015-02-24"
formatDate(new Date(), "hh:mm") // => Hours and minutes "17:41"
formatDate(new Date(), "WW") // => Day of week "Tuesday"
formatDate(new Date(), "W") // => Day of week "Tu"
### getDateObject
getDateObject (stringOrNumber);
Converts string or number to Date object.
If only hours are given it will add current date to it and will try to convert.
getDateObject("20:00") // => "Tue Aug 09 2016 20:00:00 GMT+0200"
### formatValue
formatValue(value, decimals, format);
Formats any value (strings too) to number. Replaces point with comma if configured in system.
Decimals specify digits after comma. Default value is 2.
Format is optional:
- '.,': 1234.567 => 1.234,56
- ',.': 1234.567 => 1,234.56
- ' .': 1234.567 => 1 234.56
### adapterSubscribe
Sends to adapter message "subscribe" to inform adapter. If adapter has common flag "subscribable" in case of function "subscribe" this function will be called automatically.
### adapterUnsubscribe
Sends to adapter message "unsubscribe" to inform adapter to not poll the values.
Prefixes ***(not implemented - should be discussed)*** :
* \# - take by name and not by id
* . - filter by role
* § - filter by room
-`$('state[id=*.STATE]')` or `$('state[state.id=*.STATE]')` or `$('*.STATE')` - select all states where id ends with ".STATE".
-`$('state[id='hm-rpc.0.*]')` or `$('hm-rpc.0.*')` - returns all states of adapter instance hm-rpc.0
-`$('channel(rooms=Living room)')` - all states in room "Living room"
-`$('channel{TYPE=BLIND}[state.id=*.LEVEL]')` - Get all shutter of Homematic
-`$('channel[role=switch](rooms=Living room)[state.id=*.STATE]').setState(false)` - Switch all states with .STATE of channels with role "switch" in "Living room" to false
-`$('channel[state.id=*.STATE](functions=Windows)').each(function (id, i) {log(id);});` - print all states of enum "windows" in log
-`$('.switch §"Living room")` - Take states with all switches in 'Living room' ***(not implemented - should be discussed)***
-`$('channel .switch §"Living room")` - Take states with all switches in 'Living room' ***(not implemented - should be discussed)***
readFile(adapter, fileName, function (error, bytes) {});
The result will be given in callback.
Read file from DB from folder "javascript".
Argument *adapter* can be omitted.
// read vis views
readFile('vis.0', '/main/vis-views.json', function (error, data) {
console.log(data.substring(0, 50));
// The same as
//readFile('/../vis.0/main/vis-views.json', function (error) {
// console.log(data.substring(0, 50));
By default working directory/adapter is "javascript.0".
### writeFile
writeFile(adapter, fileName, bytes, function (error) { });
The optional error code will be given in callback. Argument *adapter* can be ommited.
fileName is the name of file in DB. All files are stored in folder "javascript". if you want to write to other folders, e.g. to "/vis.0/" use setFile for that.
The file that looks like `'/subfolder/file.txt'` will be stored under `"/javascript/subfolder/file.txt"` and can be accessed over web server with `"http://ip:8082/javascript/subfolder/file.txt"`
// store screenshot in DB
var fs = require('fs');
var data = fs.readFileSync('/tmp/screenshot.png');
writeFile(null, '/screenshots/1.png', data, function (error) {
console.log('file written');
// The same as
//writeFile('/screenshots/1.png', data, function (error) {
// console.log('file written');
// store file in '/vis.0' in DB
var fs = require('fs');
var data = fs.readFileSync('/tmp/screenshot.png');
writeFile('vis.0', '/screenshots/1.png', data, function (error) {
console.log('file written');
### delFile
delFile(adapter, fileName, function (error) {});
Delete file or directory. fileName is the name of file or directory in DB.
This function is alias for *unlink*.
### onStop
onStop (function(){ /* do something when script is stopped */ }, timeout);
Install callback, that will be called if script stopped. Used e.g. to stop communication or to close connections.
// establish connection
var conn = require('net');
// ...
// close connection if script stopped
onStop(function (callback) {
if (conn) {
// close connection
}, 2000 /*ms*/);
`timeout` is 1000ms by default.
### getHistory
getHistory(instance, options, function (error, result, options, instance) {});
Read history from specified instance. if no instance specified the system default history instance will be taken.
// Read history of 'system.adapter.admin.0.memRss' from sql driver
var end = new Date().getTime();
getHistory('sql.0', {
id: 'system.adapter.admin.0.memRss',
start: end - 3600000,
end: end,
aggregate: 'm4',
timeout: 2000
}, function (err, result) {
if (err) console.error(err);
if (result) {
for (var i = 0; i <result.length;i++){
console.log(result[i].id + ' ' + new Date(result[i].ts).toISOString());
Possible options you can find [here](https://git.spacen.net/yunkong2/yunkong2.history#access-values-from-javascript-adapter).
Additionally to these parameters you must specify "id" and you may specify timeout (default: 20000ms).
One more example:
// Get last 50 entries from default history instance with no aggregation:
id: 'system.adapter.admin.0.alive',
aggregate: 'none',
count: 50
}, function (err, result) {
if (err) console.error(err);
if (result) {
for (var i = 0; i <result.length;i++){
console.log(result[i].id + ' ' + new Date(result[i].ts).toISOString());
**Note: ** of course history must be first enabled for selected ID in admin.
### runScript
Starts or restarts other scripts (and itself too) by name.
Starts the script. If ignoreIfStarted set to true, nothing will be done if script yet running, elsewise the script will be restarted.
startScript('scriptName', true); // start script if not started
### stopScript
stopScript('scriptName', callback);
If stopScript is called without arguments, it will stop itself:
### isScriptActive
Returns if script enabled or disabled. Please note, that that does not give back if the script now running or not. Script can be finished, but still activated.
### name
log('Script ' + name + ' started!');
It is not a function. It is a variable with script name, that is visible in script's scope.
### instance
log('Script ' + name + ' started by ' + instance + '!');
It is not a function. It is a variable with javascript instance, that is visible in script's scope.
## Option - "Do not subscribe all states on start"
There are two modes of subscribe on states:
- Adapter subscribes on all changes at start and receives all changes of all states (it is easy to use getStates(id), but required more CPU and RAM):
- Adapter subscribes every time on specified ID if "on/subscribe" called. In this mode the adapter receives only updates for desired states.
It is very perform and RAM efficiency, but you cannot access states directly in getState. You must use callback to get the result of state:
getState('someID', function (error, state) {
It is because the adapter does not have the value of state in RAM and must ask central DB for the value.
## Scripts activity
There is a possibility to enabled and disable scripts via states. For every script the state will be created with name **javascript.INSTANCE.scriptEnabled.SCRIPT_NAME**.
Scripts can be activated and deactivated by controlling of this state with ack=false.