/* jshint -W097 */ /* jshint strict:false */ /* jslint node: true */ /* jshint expr: true */ var expect = require('chai').expect; var fs = require('fs'); describe('Test package.json and io-package.json', function() { it('Test package files', function (done) { console.log(); var fileContentIOPackage = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../io-package.json', 'utf8'); var ioPackage = JSON.parse(fileContentIOPackage); var fileContentNPMPackage = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../package.json', 'utf8'); var npmPackage = JSON.parse(fileContentNPMPackage); expect(ioPackage).to.be.an('object'); expect(npmPackage).to.be.an('object'); expect(ioPackage.common.version, 'ERROR: Version number in io-package.json needs to exist').to.exist; expect(npmPackage.version, 'ERROR: Version number in package.json needs to exist').to.exist; expect(ioPackage.common.version, 'ERROR: Version numbers in package.json and io-package.json needs to match').to.be.equal(npmPackage.version); if (!ioPackage.common.news || !ioPackage.common.news[ioPackage.common.version]) { console.log('WARNING: No news entry for current version exists in io-package.json, no rollback in Admin possible!'); console.log(); } expect(npmPackage.author, 'ERROR: Author in package.json needs to exist').to.exist; expect(ioPackage.common.authors, 'ERROR: Authors in io-package.json needs to exist').to.exist; if (ioPackage.common.name.indexOf('template') !== 0) { if (Array.isArray(ioPackage.common.authors)) { expect(ioPackage.common.authors.length, 'ERROR: Author in io-package.json needs to be set').to.not.be.equal(0); if (ioPackage.common.authors.length === 1) { expect(ioPackage.common.authors[0], 'ERROR: Author in io-package.json needs to be a real name').to.not.be.equal('my Name '); } } else { expect(ioPackage.common.authors, 'ERROR: Author in io-package.json needs to be a real name').to.not.be.equal('my Name '); } } else { console.log('WARNING: Testing for set authors field in io-package skipped because template adapter'); console.log(); } expect(fs.existsSync(__dirname + '/../README.md'), 'ERROR: README.md needs to exist! Please create one with description, detail information and changelog. English is mandatory.').to.be.true; if (!ioPackage.common.titleLang || typeof ioPackage.common.titleLang !== 'object') { console.log('WARNING: titleLang is not existing in io-package.json. Please add'); console.log(); } if ( ioPackage.common.title.indexOf('yunkong2') !== -1 || ioPackage.common.title.indexOf('yunkong2') !== -1 || ioPackage.common.title.indexOf('adapter') !== -1 || ioPackage.common.title.indexOf('Adapter') !== -1 ) { console.log('WARNING: title contains Adapter or yunkong2. It is clear anyway, that it is adapter for yunkong2.'); console.log(); } if (ioPackage.common.name.indexOf('vis-') !== 0) { if (!ioPackage.common.materialize || !fs.existsSync(__dirname + '/../admin/index_m.html') || !fs.existsSync(__dirname + '/../gulpfile.js')) { console.log('WARNING: Admin3 support is missing! Please add it'); console.log(); } if (ioPackage.common.materialize) { expect(fs.existsSync(__dirname + '/../admin/index_m.html'), 'Admin3 support is enabled in io-package.json, but index_m.html is missing!').to.be.true; } } var licenseFileExists = fs.existsSync(__dirname + '/../LICENSE'); var fileContentReadme = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../README.md', 'utf8'); if (fileContentReadme.indexOf('## Changelog') === -1) { console.log('Warning: The README.md should have a section ## Changelog'); console.log(); } expect((licenseFileExists || fileContentReadme.indexOf('## License') !== -1), 'A LICENSE must exist as LICENSE file or as part of the README.md').to.be.true; if (!licenseFileExists) { console.log('Warning: The License should also exist as LICENSE file'); console.log(); } if (fileContentReadme.indexOf('## License') === -1) { console.log('Warning: The README.md should also have a section ## License to be shown in Admin3'); console.log(); } done(); }); });