![Logo](admin/doorgate.png) # yunkong2.doorgate ================= This adapter is a doorgate for the creation of an yunkong2 adapter. You do not need it at least that you plan developing your own adapter. It includes both code running within yunkong2 and as vis widget. If you only plan to create a vis widget then you should use the [yunkong2.vis-doorgate](https://git.spacen.net/yunkong2/yunkong2.vis-doorgate) instead. ## Steps 1. download and unpack this packet from github ```https://git.spacen.net/yunkong2/yunkong2.doorgate/archive/master.zip``` or clone git repository ```git clone --depth=1 https://git.spacen.net/yunkong2/yunkong2.doorgate.git``` 2. download required npm packets. Write in yunkong2.doorgate directory: ```npm install``` 3. set name of this doorgate. Call ```gulp rename --name doorrest --email yunkong2@onenetcom.com --author "onc"``` *mynewname* must be **lower** case and with no spaces. If gulp is not available, install gulp globally: ```npm install -g gulp-cli``` 4. rename directory from *yunkong2.doorgate* (can be *yunkong2.doorgate-master*) to *yunkong2.mynewname* 5. to use this doorgate you should copy it into *.../yunkong2/node_modules* directory and then create an instance for it with yunkong2.admin 6. create your adapter: * you might want to start with main.js (code running within yunkong2) and admin/index.html (the adapter settings page). * [Adapter-Development-Documentation](https://git.spacen.net/yunkong2/yunkong2/wiki/Adapter-Development-Documentation), * [Installation, setup and first steps with an yunkong2 Development Environment](https://git.spacen.net/yunkong2/yunkong2/wiki/Installation,-setup-and-first-steps-with-an-yunkong2-Development-Environment) * [Write and debug vis widgets](https://git.spacen.net/yunkong2/yunkong2/wiki/How-to-debug-vis-and-to-write-own-widget-set) * files under the www folders are made available under http://<yunkong2IP>:8082/<adapter-name>/ * for this to work the yunkong2.vis adapter has to be installed * delete this folder if you do not plan to export any files this way * call ```yunkong2 upload ``` after you change files in the www folder to get the new files uploaded to vis * the widget folder contains an example of a vis widget * you might want to start with *widget/.html* and *widget/js/.js* * call ```yunkong2 visdebug ``` to enable debugging and upload widget to "vis". (This works only from V0.7.15 of js-controller) * If you do not plan to export any widget then delete the whole widget folder and remove the ```"restartAdapters": ["vis"]``` statement from *io-package.json* * After admin/index.html is changed you must execute ```yunkong2 upload mynewname``` to see changes in admin console. The same is valid for any files in *admin* and *www* directory 7. change version: edit package.json and then call ```grunt p``` in your adapter directory. 8. share it with the community ## Requirements * your github repository must have name "yunkong2.". **B** is capital in "yunkong2", but in the package.json the *name* must be low case, because npm does not allow upper case letters. * *title* in io-package.json (common) is simple short name of adapter in english. *titleLang* is object that consist short names in many languages. *Lang* ist not german Länge, but english LANGuages. * Do not use in the title the words "yunkong2" or "Adapter". It is clear anyway, that it is adapter for yunkong2. ## Changelog ### 0.6.0 (2017.01.02) * (bluefox) Support of admin3 ### 0.5.0 * (vegetto) include vis widget ### 0.4.0 * (bluefox) fix errors with grunt ### 0.2.0 * (bluefox) initial release ## License The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2018 onc Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.