"Set certificates or load it first in the system settings (right top).":{"cn":"Set certificates or load it first in the system settings (right top).","en":"Set certificates or load it first in the system settings (right top)."},
"Unsecure_Auth":{"cn":"The password will be sent via unsecure connection. To protect your passwords enable the secure connection (HTTPS)!","en":"The password will be sent via unsecure connection. To protect your passwords enable the secure connection (HTTPS)!"},
"tooltip_auth":{"cn":"Require a login and a password to access the admin page. This can be managed on the users tab.","en":"Require a login and a password to access the admin page. This can be managed on the users tab."},
"tooltip_autoUpdate":{"cn":"Check periodically for updates of adapter","en":"Check periodically for updates of adapter"},
"tooltip_bind":{"cn":"IP address where the admin will listen on","en":"IP address where the admin will listen on"},
"tooltip_certChained":{"cn":"Chained certificate. Root certificate + Public certificate. Please manage it in the system configs.","en":"Chained certificate. Root certificate + Public certificate. Please manage it in the system configs."},
"tooltip_certPrivate":{"cn":"Private certificate. Please manage it in the system configs.","en":"Private certificate. Please manage it in the system configs."},
"tooltip_certPublic":{"cn":"Public certificate. Please manage it in the system configs.","en":"Public certificate. Please manage it in the system configs."},
"tooltip_defaultUser":{"cn":"Auto-login with this user","en":"Auto-login with this user"},
"tooltip_lePort":{"cn":"Port for challenge server. Let's Encrypt supports only port 80, but with corresponding settings in your router, any port can be used","en":"Port for challenge server. Let's Encrypt supports only port 80, but with corresponding settings in your router, any port can be used"},
"tooltip_leUpdate":{"cn":"This instance will update Let's Encrypt certificates every 3 months","en":"This instance will update Let's Encrypt certificates every 3 months"},
"tooltip_port":{"cn":"Port for admin interface. It must be available. If running on linux with no root you cannot use ports below 1000.","en":"Port for admin interface. It must be available. If running on linux with no root you cannot use ports below 1000."},
"tooltip_secure":{"cn":"Enable SSL protocol. Admin will be available via https:// and not http://","en":"Enable SSL protocol. Admin will be available via https:// and not http://"},
"tooltip_thresholdValue":{"cn":"If the browser receives too many events in 3 seconds, refresh will be stopped","en":"If the browser receives too many events in 3 seconds, refresh will be stopped"},
"tooltip_ttl":{"cn":"Login timeout. After this time the user will be automatically logged off.","en":"Login timeout. After this time the user will be automatically logged off."},