Update 适配器.md

钟进 6 years ago
parent 9fddd73c90
commit f8b86fc630

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
- [实例配置](#instance-configuration)
- [如何读取状态](#how-to-read-state)
- [Commands and Statuses](#commands-and-statuses)
- [How to write state](#how-to-write-state)
- [如何写状态](#如何写状态)
- [Structure of state](#structure-of-state)
- [Running modes of adapter](#running-modes-of-adapter)
- [How to read object](#how-to-read-object)
@ -644,8 +644,7 @@ Date format will be available under ```adapter.dateFormat```.
#### How to read state
#### 如何读取状态
#### 如何读状态
- event subscription 活动订阅(推荐)
@ -688,7 +687,6 @@ Pay attention, that result will be returned asynchronous.
#### Commands and Statuses
#### 命令和状态
@ -719,10 +717,9 @@ This change will not be executed by _hm-rpc_ adapter, because **ack** is _true_.
#### How to write state
#### 如何写状态
States can be written as commands or as statuses. For that ```adapter.setState``` and ```adapter.setForeignState``` must be used:
状态可以写为命令或状态,States can be written as commands or as statuses. For that ```adapter.setState``` and ```adapter.setForeignState``` must be used:
adapter.setForeignState('otherAdapter.X.someState', 1); // Control other adapter (there is no need to control own state, we can do it directly)
@ -735,37 +732,44 @@ adapter.setState('myState', 1, true, function (err) {
**Note**: Following commands are identical
adapter.setState('myState', 1, false);
adapter.setState('myState', 1);
#### Structure of state
#### state 结构
State is a javascript object with following attributes:
- **val**: Value of state (desired value or actual value)
- **ack**: direction flag. **false** for desired value and **true** for actual value. Default: false (command)
- **ts**: time stamp as the number of milliseconds between midnight of January 1, 1970 and the specified date. Result of method getTime() of Javascript object Date. Default: actual time.
- **lc**: last change time stamp. Same format as **ts**, but the time stamp of value change. It can be so that the value will be updated, but the value will stay the same. In this case **lc** will not be changed.
- **from**: name of the adapter instance, that set the value, e.g. "system.adapter.web.0" (In case of vis)
- **expire**: (optional) there is a possibility to set the expire timeout in seconds. After this period of time the variable will be set to "null". It will be used e.g. by "active" states of the adapter instances. If adapter instance will not trigger "active" state in 30 seconds it will be marked as **down**. To set state with expiration use following code ```setState('variable', {val: true, expire: 30})```
- **ts**: 时间戳记为1970年1月1日午夜到指定日期之间的毫秒数。Javascript对象Date的方法getTime的结果。默认值实际时间。
- **lc**: 最后更改时间戳。 Same format as **ts**, but the time stamp of value change. It can be so that the value will be updated, but the value will stay the same. In this case **lc** will not be changed.
- **from**: 适配器实例的名称, that set the value, e.g. "system.adapter.web.0" (In case of vis)
- **expire**: (optional) 以秒为单位设置过期超时。在这段时间之后变量将被设置为“null”。它将用于例如适配器实例的“活动”状态。如果适配器实例在30秒内不会触发“活动”状态则它将被标记为关闭。there is a possibility to set the expire timeout in seconds. After this period of time the variable will be set to "null". It will be used e.g. by "active" states of the adapter instances. If adapter instance will not trigger "active" state in 30 seconds it will be marked as **down**. To set state with expiration use following code ```setState('variable', {val: true, expire: 30})```
- **q**: (optional) Quality. See [here](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker/blob/master/doc/SCHEMA.md#states) the description
#### Running modes of adapter
#### 适配器的运行模式
Adapter can run in different [modes](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker/blob/master/doc/SCHEMA.md#adapterinstance-commonmode). The mode for adapter can me defined over ```common.mode``` attribute.
- **none** - this adapter will not be started.
- **daemon** - always running process (will be restarted if process exits)
- **none** - 不会启动此适配器.
- **daemon** - 始终运行进程(如果进程退出,将重新启动)
- **subscribe** - is started when state system.adapter.<adapter-name>.<instance-number>.alive changes to true. Is killed when .alive changes to false and sets .alive to false if process exits (will not be restarted when process exits)
- **schedule** - is started by schedule found in system.adapter.<adapter-name>.<instance-number>.common.schedule - reacts on changes of .schedule by rescheduling with new state
- **once** - this adapter will be started every time the system.adapter.<adapter-name>.<instance-number> object changed. **It will not be restarted after termination.**
Normally adapters should use mode **daemon**.
If adapter just checks something every X minutes it should use mode "schedule" and define cron schedule in common.schedule (e.g. "1 * * * *" - every hour)
#### How to read object
#### 读取对象
Objects can be read with getObject or getForeignObject command:
