/** * Copyright 2015, 2019 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ module.exports = function(RED) { "use strict"; var path = require("path"); var express = require("express"); var compression = require("compression"); var sockjs = require('sockjs'); var sockets = {}; RED.log.info("Worldmap version " + require('./package.json').version ); // add the cgi module for serving local maps.... RED.httpNode.use("/cgi-bin/mapserv", require('cgi')(__dirname + '/mapserv')); function worldMap(node, n) { RED.nodes.createNode(node,n); node.lat = n.lat || ""; node.lon = n.lon || ""; node.zoom = n.zoom || ""; node.layer = n.layer || ""; node.cluster = n.cluster || ""; node.maxage = n.maxage || ""; if (n.maxage == 0) { node.maxage = "0"; } node.showmenu = n.usermenu || "show"; node.layers = n.layers || "show"; node.panlock = n.panlock || "false"; node.zoomlock = n.zoomlock || "false"; node.panit = n.panit || "false"; node.hiderightclick = n.hiderightclick || "false"; node.coords = n.coords || "none"; node.showgrid = n.showgrid || "false"; node.path = n.path || "/worldmap"; if (node.path.charAt(0) != "/") { node.path = "/" + node.path; } if (!sockets[node.path]) { var libPath = path.posix.join(RED.settings.httpNodeRoot, node.path, 'leaflet', 'sockjs.min.js'); var sockPath = path.posix.join(RED.settings.httpNodeRoot,node.path,'socket'); sockets[node.path] = sockjs.createServer({prefix:sockPath, sockjs_url:libPath, log:function() { return; }}); sockets[node.path].installHandlers(RED.server); } //node.log("Serving "+__dirname+" as "+node.path); node.log("started at "+node.path); var clients = {}; RED.httpNode.use(compression()); RED.httpNode.use(node.path, express.static(__dirname + '/worldmap')); var callback = function(client) { //client.setMaxListeners(0); clients[client.id] = client; client.on('data', function(message) { message = JSON.parse(message); if (message.action === "connected") { var c = {init:true}; if (node.lat && node.lat.length > 0) { c.lat = node.lat; } if (node.lon && node.lon.length > 0) { c.lon = node.lon; } if (node.zoom && node.zoom.length > 0) { c.zoom = node.zoom; } if (node.layer && node.layer.length > 0) { c.layer = node.layer; } if (node.cluster && node.cluster.length > 0) { c.cluster = node.cluster; } if (node.maxage && node.maxage.length > 0) { c.maxage = node.maxage; } c.showmenu = node.showmenu; c.panit = node.panit; c.panlock = node.panlock; c.zoomlock = node.zoomlock; c.showlayers = node.layers; c.grid = {showgrid:node.showgrid}; c.hiderightclick = node.hiderightclick; c.coords = node.coords; client.write(JSON.stringify({command:c})); } }); client.on('close', function() { delete clients[client.id]; node.status({fill:"green",shape:"ring",text:"connected "+Object.keys(clients).length,_sessionid:client.id}); }); node.status({fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"connected "+Object.keys(clients).length,_sessionid:client.id}); } node.on('input', function(msg) { if (msg.hasOwnProperty("_sessionid")) { if (clients.hasOwnProperty(msg._sessionid)) { clients[msg._sessionid].write(JSON.stringify(msg.payload)); } } else { for (var c in clients) { if (clients.hasOwnProperty(c)) { clients[c].write(JSON.stringify(msg.payload)); } } } }); node.on("close", function() { for (var c in clients) { if (clients.hasOwnProperty(c)) { clients[c].end(); } } clients = {}; sockets[node.path].removeListener('connection', callback); for (var i=0; i < RED.httpNode._router.stack.length; i++) { var r = RED.httpNode._router.stack[i]; if ((r.name === "serveStatic") && (r.regexp.test(node.path))) { RED.httpNode._router.stack.splice(i, 1) } } node.status({}); }); sockets[node.path].on('connection', callback); } var WorldMap = function(n) { worldMap(this, n); } RED.nodes.registerType("worldmap",WorldMap); function HTML(ui, config) { var width = config.width; if (width == 0) { var group = RED.nodes.getNode(config.group); if (group) { width = group.config.width; } } var height = config.height; if (height == 0) { height = 10; } var size = ui.getSizes(); var frameWidth = (size.sx +size.cx) *width - size.cx - 1; var frameHeight = (size.sy +size.cy) *height - size.cy - 2; var url = encodeURI(config.path); var html = `
`; return html; } function checkConfig(node, conf) { if (!conf || !conf.hasOwnProperty("group")) { node.error("no group"); return false; } return true; } var ui = undefined; try { ui = RED.require("node-red-dashboard")(RED); if (ui) { function UIWorldMap(config) { try { var node = this; worldMap(node, config); var done = null; if (checkConfig(node, config)) { var html = HTML(ui, config); done = ui.addWidget({ node: node, order: config.order, group: config.group, width: config.width, height: config.height, format: html, templateScope: "local", emitOnlyNewValues: false, forwardInputMessages: false, storeFrontEndInputAsState: false, convertBack: function (value) { return value; }, beforeEmit: function(msg, value) { return { msg: { items: value } }; }, beforeSend: function (msg, orig) { if (orig) { return orig.msg; } }, initController: function($scope, events) { } }); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } node.on("close", function() { if (done) { done(); } }); } RED.nodes.registerType("ui_worldmap", UIWorldMap); } } catch(e) { RED.log.info("Node-RED Dashboard not found - ui_worldmap not installed."); } var WorldMapIn = function(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.path = n.path || "/worldmap"; this.events = n.events || "all"; if (this.path.charAt(0) != "/") { this.path = "/" + this.path; } if (!sockets[this.path]) { var libPath = path.posix.join(RED.settings.httpNodeRoot, this.path, 'leaflet', 'sockjs.min.js'); var sockPath = path.posix.join(RED.settings.httpNodeRoot,this.path,'socket'); sockets[this.path] = sockjs.createServer({prefix:sockPath, sockjs_url:libPath, log:function() { return; }}); sockets[this.path].installHandlers(RED.server); } var node = this; var clients = {}; var callback = function(client) { //client.setMaxListeners(0); clients[client.id] = client; node.status({fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"connected "+Object.keys(clients).length,_sessionid:client.id}); client.on('data', function(message) { message = JSON.parse(message); if (node.events !== "connect") { setImmediate(function() {node.send({payload:message, topic:node.path.substr(1), _sessionid:client.id})}); } else { if (message.hasOwnProperty("action") && (message.action === "connected")) { setImmediate(function() {node.send({payload:message, topic:node.path.substr(1), _sessionid:client.id})}); } } }); client.on('close', function() { delete clients[client.id]; node.status({fill:"green",shape:"ring",text:"connected "+Object.keys(clients).length,_sessionid:client.id}); if (node.events !== "connect") { node.send({payload:{action:"disconnect", clients:Object.keys(clients).length}, topic:node.path.substr(1), _sessionid:client.id}); } }); } node.on("close", function() { for (var c in clients) { if (clients.hasOwnProperty(c)) { clients[c].end(); } } clients = {}; sockets[this.path].removeListener('connection', callback); node.status({}); }); sockets[this.path].on('connection', callback); } RED.nodes.registerType("worldmap in",WorldMapIn); var WorldMapTracks = function(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.depth = parseInt(Number(n.depth) || 20); this.pointsarray = {}; this.layer = n.layer || "combined"; // separate, single var node = this; node.on("input", function(msg) { if (msg.hasOwnProperty("payload") && msg.payload.hasOwnProperty("name")) { var newmsg = RED.util.cloneMessage(msg); if (msg.payload.deleted) { delete node.pointsarray[msg.payload.name]; //newmsg.payload.name = msg.payload.name + "_"; node.send(newmsg); // send the track to be deleted return; } if (!msg.payload.hasOwnProperty("lat") || !msg.payload.hasOwnProperty("lon")) { return; } if (!node.pointsarray.hasOwnProperty(msg.payload.name)) { node.pointsarray[msg.payload.name] = []; } if (msg.payload.hasOwnProperty("trackpoints") && !isNaN(parseInt(msg.payload.trackpoints)) ) { var tl = parseInt(msg.payload.trackpoints); if (tl < 0) { tl = 0; } if (node.pointsarray[msg.payload.name].length > tl) { node.pointsarray[msg.payload.name] = node.pointsarray[msg.payload.name].slice(-tl); } node.depth = tl; } if (node.depth < 2) { return; } // if set less than 2 then don't bother. var still = false; if (node.pointsarray[msg.payload.name].length > 0) { var oldlat = node.pointsarray[msg.payload.name][node.pointsarray[msg.payload.name].length-1].lat; var oldlon = node.pointsarray[msg.payload.name][node.pointsarray[msg.payload.name].length-1].lon; if (msg.payload.lat === oldlat && msg.payload.lon === oldlon) { still = true; } } if (!still) { node.pointsarray[msg.payload.name].push(msg.payload); if (node.pointsarray[msg.payload.name].length > node.depth) { node.pointsarray[msg.payload.name].shift(); } } var line = []; for (var i=0; i 1) { // only send track if two points or more newmsg.payload.line = line; newmsg.payload.name = msg.payload.name + "_"; if (node.layer === "separate") { newmsg.payload.layer = msg.payload.layer + " tracks"; if (newmsg.payload.layer.indexOf('_') === 0) { newmsg.payload.layer = newmsg.payload.layer.substr(1); } } if (node.layer === "single") { newmsg.payload.layer = "Tracks"; } node.send(newmsg); // send the track } } if (msg.hasOwnProperty("payload") && msg.payload.hasOwnProperty("command") && msg.payload.command.hasOwnProperty("clear")) { for (var p in node.pointsarray) { if (node.pointsarray.hasOwnProperty(p)) { if (node.pointsarray[p][0].layer === msg.payload.command.clear) { delete node.pointsarray[p]; } } } } }); node.on("close", function() { node.pointsarray = {}; }); } RED.nodes.registerType("worldmap-tracks",WorldMapTracks); RED.httpNode.get("/.ui-worldmap", function(req, res) { res.send(ui ? "true": "false"); }); }