/** * A JavaScript library for using OpenWeatherMap's layers and OWM's city/station data for leaflet based maps without hassle. * License: CC0 (Creative Commons Zero), see http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ * Project page: https://github.com/buche/leaflet-openweathermap/ */ L.OWM = L.TileLayer.extend({ baseUrl: "http://{s}.tile.openweathermap.org/map/{layername}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", options: { maxZoom: 18, showLegend: true, legendImagePath: null, legendPosition: 'bottomleft', attribution: 'Weather from OpenWeatherMap' }, initialize: function (options) { L.Util.setOptions(this, options); this._map = null; this._legendControl = null; this._legendId = null; L.TileLayer.prototype.initialize.call(this, this._owmtileurl, options); }, onAdd: function(map) { this._map = map; if (this.options.showLegend && this.options.legendImagePath != null) { this._legendControl = this._getLegendControl(); this._legendId = this._legendControl.addLegend(this.options.legendImagePath); } L.TileLayer.prototype.onAdd.call(this, map); }, onRemove: function(map) { if (this._legendControl != null) { this._legendControl.removeLegend(this._legendId); this._legendControl = null; this._legendId = null; } L.TileLayer.prototype.onRemove.call(this, map); this._map = null; }, _getLegendControl: function() { if (typeof this._map._owm_legendcontrol == 'undefined' || !this._map._owm_legendcontrol) { this._map._owm_legendcontrol = new L.OWM.LegendControl({position: this.options.legendPosition}); this._map.addControl(this._map._owm_legendcontrol); } return this._map._owm_legendcontrol; } }); (function () { L.OWM.Precipitation = L.OWM.extend({ _owmtileurl: L.OWM.prototype.baseUrl.replace('{layername}', 'precipitation') }); L.OWM.precipitation = function (options) { return new L.OWM.Precipitation(options); }; L.OWM.PrecipitationClassic = L.OWM.extend({ _owmtileurl: L.OWM.prototype.baseUrl.replace('{layername}', 'precipitation_cls') }); L.OWM.precipitationClassic = function (options) { var layer = new L.OWM.PrecipitationClassic(options); if (layer.options.legendImagePath == null) { layer.options.legendImagePath = 'http://openweathermap.org/img/a/PR.png'; } return layer; }; L.OWM.Rain = L.OWM.extend({ _owmtileurl: L.OWM.prototype.baseUrl.replace('{layername}', 'rain') }); L.OWM.rain = function (options) { return new L.OWM.Rain(options); }; L.OWM.RainClassic = L.OWM.extend({ _owmtileurl: L.OWM.prototype.baseUrl.replace('{layername}', 'rain_cls') }); L.OWM.rainClassic = function (options) { var layer = new L.OWM.RainClassic(options); if (layer.options.legendImagePath == null) { layer.options.legendImagePath = 'http://openweathermap.org/img/a/RN.png'; } return layer; }; L.OWM.Snow = L.OWM.extend({ _owmtileurl: L.OWM.prototype.baseUrl.replace('{layername}', 'snow') }); L.OWM.snow = function (options) { var layer = new L.OWM.Snow(options); if (layer.options.legendImagePath == null) { layer.options.legendImagePath = 'http://openweathermap.org/img/a/SN.png'; } return layer; }; L.OWM.Clouds = L.OWM.extend({ _owmtileurl: L.OWM.prototype.baseUrl.replace('{layername}', 'clouds') }); L.OWM.clouds = function (options) { return new L.OWM.Clouds(options); }; L.OWM.CloudsClassic = L.OWM.extend({ _owmtileurl: L.OWM.prototype.baseUrl.replace('{layername}', 'clouds_cls') }); L.OWM.cloudsClassic = function (options) { var layer = new L.OWM.CloudsClassic(options); if (layer.options.legendImagePath == null) { layer.options.legendImagePath = 'http://openweathermap.org/img/a/NT.png'; } return layer; }; L.OWM.Pressure = L.OWM.extend({ _owmtileurl: L.OWM.prototype.baseUrl.replace('{layername}', 'pressure') }); L.OWM.pressure = function (options) { var layer = new L.OWM.Pressure(options); if (layer.options.legendImagePath == null) { layer.options.legendImagePath = 'http://openweathermap.org/img/a/PN.png'; } return layer; }; L.OWM.PressureContour = L.OWM.extend({ _owmtileurl: L.OWM.prototype.baseUrl.replace('{layername}', 'pressure_cntr') }); L.OWM.pressureContour = function (options) { return new L.OWM.PressureContour(options); }; L.OWM.Temperature = L.OWM.extend({ _owmtileurl: L.OWM.prototype.baseUrl.replace('{layername}', 'temp') }); L.OWM.temperature = function (options) { var layer = new L.OWM.Temperature(options); if (layer.options.legendImagePath == null) { layer.options.legendImagePath = 'http://openweathermap.org/img/a/TT.png'; } return layer; }; L.OWM.Wind = L.OWM.extend({ _owmtileurl: L.OWM.prototype.baseUrl.replace('{layername}', 'wind') }); L.OWM.wind = function (options) { var layer = new L.OWM.Wind(options); if (layer.options.legendImagePath == null) { layer.options.legendImagePath = 'http://openweathermap.org/img/a/UV.png'; } return layer; }; }()); L.OWM.LegendControl = L.Control.extend({ options: { position: "bottomleft" }, initialize: function(options) { L.Util.setOptions(this, options); this._container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'owm-legend-container'); this._container.style.display = 'none'; this._legendCounter = 0; this._legendContainer = new Array(); }, onAdd: function(map) { return this._container; }, addLegend: function(legendImagePath) { var legendId = this._legendCounter++; this._legendContainer[legendId] = legendImagePath; this._redrawLegend(); this._container.style.display = 'block'; return legendId; }, removeLegend: function(legendId) { if (typeof this._legendContainer[legendId] != 'undefined') { delete this._legendContainer[legendId]; } // reset counter if no legend is in collection var containerEmpty = true; for (var idx in this._legendContainer) { containerEmpty = false; break; } if (containerEmpty) { this._legendCounter = 0; this._container.style.display = 'none'; } this._redrawLegend(); }, _redrawLegend: function() { this._container.innerHTML = ''; // clear container var isLeft = this.options.position.indexOf('left') !== -1; var cssFloat = isLeft ? 'left' : 'right'; for (var idx in this._legendContainer) { if (isNaN(idx)) { continue; } var imgPath = this._legendContainer[idx]; var item = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'owm-legend-item', this._container); item.style.cssFloat = cssFloat; if (isLeft) { item.style.marginRight = '10px'; } else { item.style.marginLeft = '10px'; } item.innerHTML = ''; } } }); /** * Layer for current weather (cities and stations). */ L.OWM.Current = L.Class.extend({ includes: L.Mixin.Events, options: { appId: null, // get your free Application ID at www.openweathermap.org type: 'city', // available types: 'city', 'station' lang: 'en', // available: 'en', 'de', 'ru', 'fr', 'nl', 'es', 'ca' (not every language is finished yet) minZoom: 7, interval: 0, // interval for rereading city/station data in minutes progressControl: true, // available: true, false imageLoadingUrl: 'owmloading.gif', // URL of loading image relative to HTML document imageLoadingBgUrl: null, // URL of background image for progress control temperatureUnit: 'C', // available: 'K' (Kelvin), 'C' (Celsius), 'F' (Fahrenheit) temperatureDigits: 1, speedUnit: 'ms', // available: 'ms' (m/s), 'kmh' (km/h), 'mph' (mph) speedDigits: 0, popup: true, // available: true, false keepPopup: true, // available: true, false showOwmStationLink: true, // available: true, false showWindSpeed: 'both', // available: 'speed', 'beaufort', 'both' showWindDirection: 'both', // available: 'deg', 'desc', 'both' showTimestamp: true, // available: true, false showTempMinMax: true, // available: true, false useLocalTime: true, // available: true, false clusterSize: 150, imageUrlCity: 'http://openweathermap.org/img/w/{icon}.png', imageWidth: 50, imageHeight: 50, imageUrlStation: 'http://openweathermap.org/img/s/istation.png', imageWidthStation: 25, imageHeightStation: 25, imageUrlPlane: 'http://openweathermap.org/img/s/iplane.png', imageWidthPlane: 25, imageHeightPlane: 25, markerFunction: null, // user defined function for marker creation popupFunction: null, // user defined function for popup creation caching: true, // use caching of current weather data cacheMaxAge: 15, // maximum age of cache content in minutes before it gets invalidated keepOnMinZoom: false // keep or remove markers when zoom < minZoom }, initialize: function(options) { L.setOptions(this, options); this._layer = L.layerGroup(); this._timeoutId = null; this._requests = {}; this._markers = new Array(); this._markedMarker = null; this._map = null; this._urlTemplate = 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/box/{type}?{appId}cnt=300&format=json&units=metric&bbox={minlon},{minlat},{maxlon},{maxlat},10'; this._directions = ['N', 'NNE', 'NE', 'ENE', 'E', 'ESE', 'SE', 'SSE', 'S', 'SSW', 'SW', 'WSW', 'W', 'WNW', 'NW', 'NNW', 'N']; this._msbft = [0.3, 1.6, 3.4, 5.5, 8.0, 10.8, 13.9, 17.2, 20.8, 24.5, 28.5, 32.7, 37.0, 41.5, 46.2, 51.0, 56.1, 61.3]; // Beaufort scala this._tempUnits = { K: 'K', C: '°C', F: 'F'}; this._progressCtrl = null; if (this.options.progressControl) { var bgIcon; if (this.options.imageLoadingBgUrl) { bgIcon = this.options.imageLoadingBgUrl; } else { bgIcon = this.options.imageUrlCity.replace('{icon}', '10d'); if (this.options.type != 'city') { var bgIcon = this.options.imageUrlStation; } } this._progressCtrl = L.OWM.progressControl({ type: this.options.type , bgImage: bgIcon , imageLoadingUrl: this.options.imageLoadingUrl , owmInstance: this }); } this._cache = L.OWM.currentCache({ maxAge: this.options.cacheMaxAge }); }, onAdd: function(map) { this._map = map; this._map.addLayer(this._layer); this._map.on('moveend', this.update, this); // add progress control if (this._progressCtrl != null) { this._map.addControl(this._progressCtrl); } this.update(); }, onRemove: function(map) { // clear timeout if (this._timeoutId !== null) { window.clearTimeout(this._timeoutId); this._timeoutId = null; } // remove progress control if (this._progressCtrl != null) { this._map.removeControl(this._progressCtrl); } // remove layer and markers this._map.off('moveend', this.update, this); this._map.removeLayer(this._layer); this._layer.clearLayers(); this._map = null; this._cache.clear(); }, getAttribution: function() { return 'Weather from OpenWeatherMap'; }, update: function() { // clear existing timeout if (this._timeoutId) { window.clearTimeout(this._timeoutId); this._timeoutId = null; } var _this = this; // clear requests for all types for (var typ in this._requests) { var request = this._requests[typ]; this.fire('owmloadingend', {type: typ}); request.abort(); } this._requests = {}; if (this._map.getZoom() < this.options.minZoom) { this.fire('owmloadingend', {type: _this.options.type}); if (!this.options.keepOnMinZoom) { this._layer.clearLayers(); } return; } // try to get cached data first var bounds = this._map.getBounds(); var data = null; if (this.options.caching) { data = this._cache.get(bounds.getWest(), bounds.getSouth(), bounds.getEast(), bounds.getNorth()); } if (data !== null) { // using cached data this._processRequestedData(this, data); } else { // fetch new data from OWM this.fire('owmloadingstart', {type: _this.options.type}); var url = this._urlTemplate .replace('{appId}', this.options.appId ? 'APPID=' + this.options.appId + '&' : '') .replace('{type}', this.options.type) .replace('{minlon}', bounds.getWest()) .replace('{minlat}', bounds.getSouth()) .replace('{maxlon}', bounds.getEast()) .replace('{maxlat}', bounds.getNorth()) ; this._requests[this.options.type] = L.OWM.Utils.jsonp(url, function(data) { delete _this._requests[_this.options.type]; if (!_this._map) { // Nothing to do if layer is gone but this request is still active return; } if (_this.options.caching) { _this._cache.set(data, _this._map.getBounds()); } _this._processRequestedData(_this, typeof data.list == 'undefined' ? new Array() : data.list); _this.fire('owmloadingend', {type: _this.options.type}); }); } if (this.options.interval && this.options.interval > 0) { this._timeoutId = window.setTimeout(function() {_this.update()}, 60000*this.options.interval); } }, _processRequestedData: function(_this, data) { // read all stations/cities var stations = {}; for (var i in data) { var stat = data[i]; if (!_this._map) { // maybe layer is gone while we are looping here return; } // only use stations/cities having a minimum distance of some pixels on the map var pt = _this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(new L.LatLng(stat.coord.lat, stat.coord.lon)); var key = '' + (Math.round(pt.x/_this.options.clusterSize)) + "_" + (Math.round(pt.y/_this.options.clusterSize)); if (!stations[key] || parseInt(stations[key].rang) < parseInt(stat.rang)) { stations[key] = stat; } } // hide LayerGroup from map and remove old markers var markerWithPopup = null; if (_this.options.keepPopup) { markerWithPopup = _this._getMarkerWithPopup(_this._markers); } if (_this._map && _this._map.hasLayer(_this._layer)) { _this._map.removeLayer(_this._layer); } _this._layer.clearLayers(); // add the stations/cities as markers to the LayerGroup _this._markers = new Array(); for (var key in stations) { var marker; if (_this.options.markerFunction != null && typeof _this.options.markerFunction == 'function') { marker = _this.options.markerFunction.call(_this, stations[key]); } else { marker = _this._createMarker(stations[key]); } marker.options.owmId = stations[key].id; _this._layer.addLayer(marker); _this._markers.push(marker); if (_this.options.popup) { if (_this.options.popupFunction != null && typeof _this.options.popupFunction == 'function') { marker.bindPopup(_this.options.popupFunction.call(_this, stations[key])); } else { marker.bindPopup(_this._createPopup(stations[key])); } } if (markerWithPopup != null && typeof markerWithPopup.options.owmId != 'undefined' && markerWithPopup.options.owmId == marker.options.owmId) { markerWithPopup = marker; } } // add the LayerGroup to the map _this._map && _this._map.addLayer(_this._layer); if (markerWithPopup != null) { markerWithPopup.openPopup(); } _this.fire('owmlayeradd', {markers: _this._markers}); }, _getMarkerWithPopup: function(markers) { var marker = null; for (var idx in markers) { var m = markers[idx]; if (m._popup && m._map && m._map.hasLayer(m._popup)) { marker = m; break; } } return marker; }, _createPopup: function(station) { var showLink = typeof station.id != 'undefined' && this.options.showOwmStationLink; var txt = '
'; if (showLink) { var typ = 'station'; if (typeof station.weather != 'undefined') { typ = 'city'; } txt += ''; } txt += station.name; if (showLink) { txt += ''; } txt += '
'; if (typeof station.weather != 'undefined' && typeof station.weather[0] != 'undefined') { if (typeof station.weather[0].description != 'undefined' && typeof station.weather[0].id != 'undefined') { txt += '
' + this.i18n('id'+station.weather[0].id, station.weather[0].description + ' (' + station.weather[0].id + ')') + '
'; } } var imgData = this._getImageData(station); txt += '
'; if (typeof station.main != 'undefined' && typeof station.main.temp != 'undefined') { txt += '' + this._temperatureConvert(station.main.temp) + ' ' + this._displayTemperatureUnit() + ''; } txt += '
'; txt += '
'; if (typeof station.main != 'undefined') { if (typeof station.main.humidity != 'undefined') { txt += '
' + this.i18n('humidity', 'Humidity') + ': ' + station.main.humidity + ' %
'; } if (typeof station.main.pressure != 'undefined') { txt += '
' + this.i18n('pressure', 'Pressure') + ': ' + station.main.pressure + ' hPa
'; } if (this.options.showTempMinMax) { if (typeof station.main.temp_max != 'undefined' && typeof station.main.temp_min != 'undefined') { txt += '
' + this.i18n('temp_minmax', 'Temp. min/max') + ': ' + this._temperatureConvert(station.main.temp_min) + ' / ' + this._temperatureConvert(station.main.temp_max) + ' ' + this._displayTemperatureUnit() + '
'; } } } if (typeof station.rain != 'undefined' && typeof station.rain['1h'] != 'undefined') { txt += '
' + this.i18n('rain_1h', 'Rain (1h)') + ': ' + station.rain['1h'] + ' ml
'; } if (typeof station.wind != 'undefined') { if (typeof station.wind.speed != 'undefined') { txt += '
'; if (this.options.showWindSpeed == 'beaufort' || this.options.showWindSpeed == 'both') { txt += this.i18n('windforce', 'Wind Force') + ': ' + this._windMsToBft(station.wind.speed); if (this.options.showWindSpeed == 'both') { txt += ' (' + this._convertSpeed(station.wind.speed) + ' ' + this._displaySpeedUnit() + ')'; } } else { txt += this.i18n('wind', 'Wind') + ': ' + this._convertSpeed(station.wind.speed) + ' ' + this._displaySpeedUnit(); } txt += '
'; } if (typeof station.wind.gust != 'undefined') { txt += '
'; if (this.options.showWindSpeed == 'beaufort' || this.options.showWindSpeed == 'both') { txt += this.i18n('gust', 'Gust') + ': ' + this._windMsToBft(station.wind.gust); if (this.options.showWindSpeed == 'both') { txt += ' (' + this._convertSpeed(station.wind.gust) + ' ' + this._displaySpeedUnit() + ')'; } } else { txt += this.i18n('gust', 'Gust') + ': ' + this._convertSpeed(station.wind.gust) + ' ' + this._displaySpeedUnit(); } txt += '
'; } if (typeof station.wind.deg != 'undefined') { txt += '
'; txt += this.i18n('direction', 'Windrichtung') + ': '; if (this.options.showWindDirection == 'desc' || this.options.showWindDirection == 'both') { txt += this._directions[(station.wind.deg/22.5).toFixed(0)]; if (this.options.showWindDirection == 'both') { txt += ' (' + station.wind.deg + '°)'; } } else { txt += station.wind.deg + '°'; } txt += '
'; } } if (typeof station.dt != 'undefined' && this.options.showTimestamp) { txt += '
'; txt += '(' + this._convertTimestamp(station.dt) + ')'; txt += '
'; } txt += '
'; return txt; }, _getImageData: function(station) { var imageUrl; var imageWidth = this.options.imageWidth; var imageHeight = this.options.imageHeight; var imageUrlTemplate = this.options.imageUrlCity; if (station.weather && station.weather[0] && station.weather[0].icon) { imageUrl = imageUrlTemplate.replace('{icon}', station.weather[0].icon); } else if (station.type && station.type == 1) { imageUrl = this.options.imageUrlPlane; imageWidth = this.options.imageWidthPlane; imageHeight = this.options.imageWidthPLane; } else { imageUrl = this.options.imageUrlStation; imageWidth = this.options.imageWidthStation; imageHeight = this.options.imageWidthStation; } return {url: imageUrl, width: imageWidth, height: imageHeight}; }, _createMarker: function(station) { var imageData = this._getImageData(station); var icon = L.divIcon({ className: '' , iconAnchor: new L.Point(25, imageData.height/2) , popupAnchor: new L.Point(0, -10) , html: this._icondivtext(station, imageData.url, imageData.width, imageData.height) }); var marker = L.marker([station.coord.lat, station.coord.lon], {icon: icon}); return marker; }, _icondivtext: function(station, imageurl, width, height) { var txt = ''; txt += '
' + ''; if (typeof station.main != 'undefined' && typeof station.main.temp != 'undefined') { txt += '
' + this._temperatureConvert(station.main.temp) + ' ' + this._displayTemperatureUnit() + '
'; } txt += '
'; return txt; }, _temperatureConvert: function(tempC) { var temp = tempC; switch (this.options.temperatureUnit) { case 'K': temp = (tempC + 273.15); break; case 'C': break; case 'F': temp = ((tempC + 273.15)*1.8-459.67); break; } return temp.toFixed(this.options.temperatureDigits); }, _displayTemperatureUnit: function() { var unit = this._tempUnits['K']; if (typeof this._tempUnits[this.options.temperatureUnit] != 'undefined') { unit = this._tempUnits[this.options.temperatureUnit]; } return unit; }, _windMsToBft: function(ms) { var bft = 18; for (var key in this._msbft) { if (ms < this._msbft[key]) { bft = key; break; } } return bft; }, _displaySpeedUnit: function() { var unit = 'm/s'; switch (this.options.speedUnit) { case 'kmh': unit = 'km/h' break; case 'mph': unit = 'mph' break; } return unit; }, _convertSpeed: function(speed) { var sp = speed; switch (this.options.speedUnit) { case 'kmh': sp = 3.6*sp; break; case 'mph': sp = 2.236*sp; break; } return sp.toFixed(this.options.speedDigits); }, _convertTimestamp: function(tstmp) { if (this.options.useLocalTime) { return (new Date(tstmp*1000)); } else { return (new Date(tstmp*1000)).toUTCString(); } }, i18n: function(key, fallback) { var lang = this.options.lang; if (typeof L.OWM.Utils.i18n != 'undefined' && typeof L.OWM.Utils.i18n[lang] != 'undefined' && typeof L.OWM.Utils.i18n[lang][key] != 'undefined') { return L.OWM.Utils.i18n[lang][key] } return fallback; } }); L.OWM.current = function(options) { return new L.OWM.Current(options); }; L.OWM.ProgressControl = L.Control.extend({ includes: L.Mixin.Events, options: { position: "topleft", type: 'city', bgImage: null // bgImage is set in L.OWM.Current when creating this ProgressControll instance }, initialize: function(options) { L.Util.setOptions(this, options); this._container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-control-layers'); if (this.options.bgImage != null) { this._container.style.backgroundImage ='url(' + this.options.bgImage + ')'; this._container.style.backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat'; this._container.style.backgroundPosition = 'center center'; } L.DomEvent.disableClickPropagation(this._container); this._container.innerHTML = ''; }, onAdd: function(map) { this._map = map; this.options.owmInstance.on('owmloadingstart', this._activate, this); this.options.owmInstance.on('owmloadingend', this._deactivate, this); return this._container; }, _activate: function(e) { if (e.target.options.type == this.options.type) { this._container.style.display = 'block'; } }, _deactivate: function(e) { if (e.target.options.type == this.options.type) { this._container.style.display = 'none'; } }, onRemove: function(map) { this.options.owmInstance.off('owmloadingstart', this._activate, this); this.options.owmInstance.off('owmloadingend', this._deactivate, this); this._container.style.display = 'none'; this._map = null; } }); L.OWM.progressControl = function(options) { return new L.OWM.ProgressControl(options); }; L.OWM.CurrentCache = L.Class.extend({ options: { maxAge: 15 // age in minutes before cache data is invalidated }, initialize: function(options) { L.Util.setOptions(this, options); this.clear(); }, clear: function() { this._cachedData = null; this._cachedTime = 0; this._cachedBBox = {minLon: 181, minLat: 91, maxLon: -181, maxLat: -91}; }, get: function(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat) { if (this._cachedData == null) { // no cached data available return null; } if ((new Date()).getTime() - this._cachedTime > 60000*this.options.maxAge) { // cached data is too old this.clear(); return null; } if (minLon <= this._cachedBBox.minLon || minLat <= this._cachedBBox.minLat || maxLon >= this._cachedBBox.maxLon || maxLat >= this._cachedBBox.maxLat) { // new area is outside of cached area this.clear(); return null; } // clip cached data to bounds var clippedStations = new Array(); var cnt = 0; for (var k in this._cachedData.list) { var station = this._cachedData.list[k]; if (station.coord.lon >= minLon && station.coord.lon <= maxLon && station.coord.lat >= minLat && station.coord.lat <= maxLat) { clippedStations[k] = station; cnt++; } } return clippedStations; }, set: function(data, bounds) { this._cachedData = data; this._cachedBBox.minLon = bounds.getWest(); this._cachedBBox.minLat = bounds.getSouth(); this._cachedBBox.maxLon = bounds.getEast(); this._cachedBBox.maxLat = bounds.getNorth(); this._cachedTime = (new Date()).getTime(); } }); L.OWM.currentCache = function(options) { return new L.OWM.CurrentCache(options); }; L.OWM.Utils = { callbacks: {}, callbackCounter: 0, jsonp: function(url, callbackFn) { var _this = this; var elem = document.createElement('script'); var counter = this.callbackCounter++; var callback = 'L.OWM.Utils.callbacks[' + counter + ']'; var abort = function() { if (elem.parentNode) { return elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem); } }; this.callbacks[counter] = function(data) { delete _this.callbacks[counter]; return callbackFn(data); }; elem.src = '' + url + (url.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? '&' : '?') + 'callback=' + callback; elem.type = 'text/javascript'; document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(elem); return { abort: abort }; }, i18n: { en: { owmlinktitle: 'Details at OpenWeatherMap' , temperature: 'Temperature' , temp_minmax: 'Temp. min/max' , wind: 'Wind' , gust: 'Gust' , windforce: 'Wind Force' , direction: 'Direction' , rain_1h: 'Rain' , humidity: 'Humidity' , pressure: 'Pressure' // weather conditions, see http://openweathermap.org/wiki/API/Weather_Condition_Codes , id200: 'Thunderstorm with Light Rain' , id201: 'Thunderstorm with Rain' , id202: 'Thunderstorm with Heavy Rain' , id210: 'Light Thunderstorm' , id211: 'Thunderstorm' , id212: 'Heavy Thunderstorm' , id221: 'Ragged Thunderstorm' , id230: 'Thunderstorm with Light Drizzle' , id231: 'Thunderstorm with Drizzle' , id232: 'Thunderstorm with Heavy Drizzle' , id300: 'Light Intensity Drizzle' , id301: 'Drizzle' , id302: 'Heavy Intensity Drizzle' , id310: 'Light Intensity Drizzle Rain' , id311: 'Drizzle Rain' , id312: 'Heavy Intensity Drizzle Rain' , id321: 'Shower Drizzle' , id500: 'Light Rain' , id501: 'Moderate Rain' , id502: 'Heavy Intensity Rain' , id503: 'Very Heavy Rain' , id504: 'Extreme Rain' , id511: 'Freezing Rain' , id520: 'Light Intensity Shower Rain' , id521: 'Shower Rain' , id522: 'Heavy Intensity Shower Rain' , id600: 'Light Snow' , id601: 'Snow' , id602: 'Heavy Snow' , id611: 'Sleet' , id621: 'Shower Snow' , id622: 'Heavy Shower Snow' , id701: 'Mist' , id711: 'Smoke' , id721: 'Haze' , id731: 'Sand/Dust Whirls' , id741: 'Fog' , id751: 'Sand' , id800: 'Sky is Clear' , id801: 'Few Clouds' , id802: 'Scattered Clouds' , id803: 'Broken Clouds' , id804: 'Overcast Clouds' , id900: 'Tornado' , id901: 'Tropical Storm' , id902: 'Hurricane' , id903: 'Cold' , id904: 'Hot' , id905: 'Windy' , id906: 'Hail' }, de: { owmlinktitle: 'Details bei OpenWeatherMap' , temperature: 'Temperatur' , temp_minmax: 'Temp. min/max' , wind: 'Wind' , gust: 'Windböen' , windforce: 'Windstärke' , direction: 'Windrichtung' , rain_1h: 'Regen' , humidity: 'Luftfeuchtigkeit' , pressure: 'Luftdruck' // Wetterbedingungen, siehe http://openweathermap.org/wiki/API/Weather_Condition_Codes , id200: 'Gewitter mit leichtem Regen' // 'Thunderstorm with Light Rain' , id201: 'Gewitter mit Regen' // 'Thunderstorm with Rain' , id202: 'Gewitter mit Starkregen' // 'Thunderstorm with Heavy Rain' , id210: 'Leichtes Gewitter' // 'Light Thunderstorm' , id211: 'Mäßiges Gewitter' // 'Thunderstorm' , id212: 'Starkes Gewitter' // 'Heavy Thunderstorm' // , id221: 'Ragged Thunderstorm' // , id230: 'Thunderstorm with Light Drizzle' // , id231: 'Thunderstorm with Drizzle' // , id232: 'Thunderstorm with Heavy Drizzle' , id300: 'Leichter Nieselregen' // 'Light Intensity Drizzle' , id301: 'Nieselregen' // 'Drizzle' , id302: 'Starker Nieselregen' // 'Heavy Intensity Drizzle' // , id310: 'Light Intensity Drizzle Rain' // , id311: 'Drizzle Rain' // , id312: 'Heavy Intensity Drizzle Rain' // , id321: 'Shower Drizzle' , id500: 'Leichter Regen' // 'Light Rain' , id501: 'Mäßiger Regen' // 'Moderate Rain' , id502: 'Starker Regen' // 'Heavy Intensity Rain' , id503: 'Ergiebiger Regen' // 'Very Heavy Rain' , id504: 'Starkregen' // 'Extreme Rain' , id511: 'Gefrierender Regen' // 'Freezing Rain' , id520: 'Leichte Regenschauer' // 'Light Intensity Shower Rain' , id521: 'Mäßige Regenschauer' // 'Shower Rain' , id522: 'Wolkenbruchartige Regenschauer' // 'Heavy Intensity Shower Rain' , id600: 'Leichter Schneefall' // 'Light Snow' , id601: 'Mäßiger Schneefall' // 'Snow' , id602: 'Starker Schneefall' // 'Heavy Snow' , id611: 'Schneeregen' // 'Sleet' , id621: 'Schneeschauer' // 'Shower Snow' , id622: 'Starke Schneeschauer' // 'Heavy Shower Snow' , id701: 'Dunst' // 'Mist' , id711: 'Rauch' // 'Smoke' , id721: 'Eingetrübt' // 'Haze' , id731: 'Sand-/Staubwirbel' // 'Sand/Dust Whirls' , id741: 'Nebel' // 'Fog' , id751: 'Sand' // 'Sand' , id800: 'Wolkenlos' // 'Sky is Clear' , id800d: 'Sonnig' // 'Sky is Clear' at day , id800n: 'Klar' // 'Sky is Clear' at night , id801: 'Leicht bewölkt' // 'Few Clouds' , id802: 'Wolkig' // 'Scattered Clouds' , id803: 'Stark bewölkt' // 'Broken Clouds' , id804: 'Bedeckt' // 'Overcast Clouds' , id900: 'Tornado' // 'Tornado' , id901: 'Tropischer Sturm' // 'Tropical Storm' , id902: 'Orkan' // 'Hurricane' , id903: 'Kälte' // 'Cold' , id904: 'Hitze' // 'Hot' , id905: 'Windig' // 'Windy' , id906: 'Hagel' // 'Hail' }, ru: { owmlinktitle: 'Информация в OpenWeatherMap' , temperature: 'Температура' , temp_minmax: 'Макс./Мин. темп' , wind: 'Ветер' , gust: 'Порывы' , windforce: 'Сила' , direction: 'направление' , rain_1h: 'Дождь' , humidity: 'Влажность' , pressure: 'Давление' // weather conditions, see http://openweathermap.org/wiki/API/Weather_Condition_Codes // , id200: 'Thunderstorm with Light Rain' // , id201: 'Thunderstorm with Rain' // , id202: 'Thunderstorm with Heavy Rain' // , id210: 'Light Thunderstorm' // , id211: 'Thunderstorm' // , id212: 'Heavy Thunderstorm' // , id221: 'Ragged Thunderstorm' // , id230: 'Thunderstorm with Light Drizzle' // , id231: 'Thunderstorm with Drizzle' // , id232: 'Thunderstorm with Heavy Drizzle' // , id300: 'Light Intensity Drizzle' , id301: 'Морось' // 'Drizzle' // , id302: 'Heavy Intensity Drizzle' // , id310: 'Light Intensity Drizzle Rain' // , id311: 'Drizzle Rain' // , id312: 'Heavy Intensity Drizzle Rain' // , id321: 'Shower Drizzle' , id500: 'Небольшой дождь' //'Light Rain' , id501: 'Дождь' // 'Moderate Rain' , id502: 'Сильный дождь' //'Heavy Intensity Rain' , id503: 'Очень сильный дождь' //'Very Heavy Rain' , id504: 'Сильный ливень' // 'Extreme Rain' , id511: 'Ледяной дождь' // 'Freezing Rain' , id520: 'Кратковременный слабый дождь' //'Light Intensity Shower Rain' , id521: 'Кратковременный дождь' //'Shower Rain' , id522: 'Кратковременный сильный дождь' //'Heavy Intensity Shower Rain' , id600: 'Слабый снег' // 'Light Snow' , id601: 'Снег' // 'Snow' , id602: 'Сильный снег' // 'Heavy Snow' , id611: 'Снег с дождем' //'Sleet' , id621: 'Кратковременный снег' // 'Shower Snow' , id622: 'Кратковременный сильный снег' //'Heavy Shower Snow' // , id701: 'Mist' , id711: 'Задымление' //'Smoke' // , id721: 'Haze' // , id731: 'Sand/Dust Whirls' // , id741: 'Fog' // , id751: 'Sand' , id800: 'Ясно' // 'Sky is Clear' , id801: 'Малооблачно' // 'Few Clouds' , id802: 'Переменная облачность' // 'Scattered Clouds' , id803: 'Облачно с прояснениями' // 'Broken Clouds' , id804: 'Облачно' // 'Overcast Clouds' , id900: 'Торнадо' // 'Tornado' // , id901: 'Tropical Storm' , id902: 'Ураган' // 'Hurricane' , id903: 'Холод'//'Cold' , id904: 'Жара'//'Hot' , id905: 'Ветрено'//'Windy' , id906: 'Γрад' // 'Hail' }, fr: { owmlinktitle: 'Détails à OpenWeatherMap' , temperature: 'Température' , temp_minmax: 'Temp. min/max' , wind: 'Vent' , gust: 'Rafales' , windforce: 'Force du vent' , direction: 'Direction' , rain_1h: 'Pluie' , humidity: 'Humidité' , pressure: 'Pression' // Les conditions météorologiques, voir http://openweathermap.org/wiki/API/Weather_Condition_Codes , id200: 'Orage avec pluie légère' // 'Thunderstorm with Light Rain' , id201: 'Orage avec pluie' // 'Thunderstorm with Rain' , id202: 'Orage avec fortes précipitations' // 'Thunderstorm with Heavy Rain' // , id210: 'Light Thunderstorm' , id211: 'Orage' , id212: 'Orage violent' // 'Heavy Thunderstorm' // , id221: 'Ragged Thunderstorm' , id230: 'Orage avec bruine faible' // 'Thunderstorm with Light Drizzle' , id231: 'Orage avec bruine' // 'Thunderstorm with Drizzle' // , id232: 'Thunderstorm with Heavy Drizzle' // , id300: 'Light Intensity Drizzle' , id301: 'Bruine' // 'Drizzle' // , id302: 'Heavy Intensity Drizzle' // , id310: 'Light Intensity Drizzle Rain' // , id311: 'Drizzle Rain' // , id312: 'Heavy Intensity Drizzle Rain' // , id321: 'Shower Drizzle' , id500: 'Pluie légère' // 'Light Rain' , id501: 'Pluie modérée' // 'Moderate Rain' , id502: 'Pluie battante' // 'Heavy Intensity Rain' // , id503: 'Very Heavy Rain' // , id504: 'Extreme Rain' , id511: 'Pluie verglassante' // 'Freezing Rain' , id520: 'Averses de pluie fine' // 'Light Intensity Shower Rain' // , id521: 'Shower Rain' // , id522: 'Heavy Intensity Shower Rain' , id600: 'Légers flocons' // 'Light Snow' , id601: 'Neige' // 'Snow' , id602: 'Fortes chutes de neige' // 'Heavy Snow' , id611: 'Neige fondue' // 'Sleet' , id621: 'Averses de neige' // 'Shower Snow' , id622: 'Fortes chutes de neige' // 'Heavy Shower Snow' , id701: 'Brume' // 'Mist' , id711: 'Fumée' // 'Smoke' , id721: 'Brume' // 'Haze' , id731: 'Tourbillons de sable/poussière' // 'Sand/Dust Whirls' , id741: 'Brouillard' // 'Fog' // , id751: 'Sand' , id800: 'Ciel dégagé' // 'Sky is Clear' , id801: 'Ciel voilé' , id802: 'Nuageux' // 'Scattered Clouds' , id803: 'Nuageux' // 'Broken Clouds' , id804: 'Ciel couvert' // 'Overcast Clouds' , id900: 'Tornade' // 'Tornado' , id901: 'Tempête tropicale'// 'Tropical Storm' , id902: 'Ouragan' // 'Hurricane' , id903: 'Froid' // 'Cold' , id904: 'Chaleur' // 'Hot' , id905: 'Venteux' // 'Windy' , id906: 'Grêle' // 'Hail' }, nl: { //dutch translation owmlinktitle: 'Details op OpenWeatherMap' , temperature: 'Temperatuur' , temp_minmax: 'Temp. min/max' , wind: 'Wind' , gust: 'Windvlaag' , windforce: 'Windkracht' , direction: 'Richting' , rain_1h: 'Regen' , humidity: 'Luchtvochtigheid' , pressure: 'Luchtdruk' // weeercondities, see http://openweathermap.org/wiki/API/Weather_Condition_Codes , id200: 'Onweer met lichte regen' , id201: 'Onweer met met regen' , id202: 'Onweer met hevige regen' , id210: 'Lichte onweersbui' , id211: 'Onweersbui' , id212: 'Hevig onweer' , id221: 'Onregelmatige onweersbui' , id230: 'Onweer met licht motregen' , id231: 'Onweer met motregen' , id232: 'Onweer met hevige motregen' , id300: 'Lichte motregen' , id301: 'Motregen' , id302: 'Hevige motregen' , id310: 'Lichte motregen / regen' , id311: 'Motregen / regen' , id312: 'Hevige motregen / regen' , id321: 'Douche motregen' , id500: 'Lichte regen' , id501: 'Gematigde regen' , id502: 'Hevige regen' , id503: 'Erg hevige regen' , id504: 'Extreme regen' , id511: 'Hagel' , id520: 'Lichte miezerregen' , id521: 'Miezerregen' , id522: 'Hevige miezerregen' , id600: 'Lichte sneeuwval' , id601: 'Sneeuw' , id602: 'Hevige sneeuwval' , id611: 'Ijzel' , id621: 'Douche sneeuw' , id622: 'Hevige douche sneeuw' , id701: 'Mist' , id711: 'Rook' , id721: 'Nevel' , id731: 'Zand/stof werveling' , id741: 'Mist' , id751: 'Zand' , id800: 'Onbewolkt' , id801: 'Licht bewolkt' , id802: 'Half bewolkt' , id803: 'Overwegend bewolkt' , id804: 'Bewolkt' , id900: 'Tornado' , id901: 'Tropische Storm' , id902: 'Orkaan' , id903: 'Koud' , id904: 'Heet' , id905: 'Winderig' , id906: 'Hagel' }, es: { //spanish translation owmlinktitle: 'Detalles en OpenWeatherMap' , temperature: 'Temperatura' , temp_minmax: 'Temp. mín/máx' , wind: 'Viento' , gust: 'Ráfagas' , windforce: 'Fuerza del viento' , direction: 'Dirección' , rain_1h: 'Lluvia' , humidity: 'Humedad' , pressure: 'Presión' // weather conditions, see http://openweathermap.org/weather-conditions // Thunderstorm , id200: 'Tormenta con lluvia débil' , id201: 'Tormenta con lluvia' , id202: 'Tormenta con lluvia fuerte' , id210: 'Tormenta débil' , id211: 'Tormenta' , id212: 'Tormenta fuerte' , id221: 'Tormenta irregular' , id230: 'Tormenta con llovizna débil' , id231: 'Tormenta con llovizna' , id232: 'Tormenta con llovizna fuerte' // Drizzle , id300: 'Llovizna débil' , id301: 'Llovizna' , id302: 'Llovizna fuerte' , id310: 'Lluvia/llovizna débil' , id311: 'Lluvia/llovizna' , id312: 'Lluvia/llovizna fuerte' , id321: 'Chubasco de llovizna' // Rain , id500: 'Lluvia débil' , id501: 'Lluvia moderada' , id502: 'Lluvia fuerte' , id503: 'Lluvia muy fuerte' , id504: 'Lluvia extrema' , id511: 'Granizo' , id520: 'Chubasco de lluvia débil' , id521: 'Chubasco de lluvia' , id522: 'Chubasco de lluvia fuerte' , id531: 'Chubasco de lluvia irregular' // Snow , id600: 'Nieve débil' , id601: 'Nieve' , id602: 'Nieve fuerte' , id611: 'Aguanieve' , id612: 'Chubasco de aguanieve' , id615: 'Lluvia y nieve débiles' , id616: 'Lluvia y nieve' , id620: 'Chubasco de nieve débil' , id621: 'Chubasco de nieve' , id622: 'Chubasco de nieve fuerte' // Atmosphere , id701: 'Bruma' , id711: 'Humo' , id721: 'Neblina' , id731: 'Torbellinos de arena/polvo' , id741: 'Niebla' , id751: 'Arena' , id761: 'Polvo' , id762: 'Ceniza volcánica' , id771: 'Tempestad' , id781: 'Tornado' // Clouds , id800: 'Cielo despejado' , id801: 'Algunas nubes' , id802: 'Nubes dispersas' , id803: 'Intérvalos nubosos' , id804: 'Nublado' // Extreme , id900: 'Tornado' , id901: 'Tormenta tropical' , id902: 'Huracán' , id903: 'Bajas temperaturas' , id904: 'Altas temperaturas' , id905: 'Ventoso' , id906: 'Granizo' // Additional , id951: 'Calma' , id952: 'Brisa ligera' , id953: 'Brisa suave' , id954: 'Brisa moderada' , id955: 'Brisa fresca' , id956: 'Brisa fuerte' , id957: 'Viento fuerte, próximo a vendaval' , id958: 'Vendaval' , id959: 'Vendaval fuerte' , id960: 'Tempestad' , id961: 'Tempestad violenta' , id962: 'Huracán' }, ca: { //catalan translation owmlinktitle: 'Detalls en OpenWeatherMap' , temperature: 'Temperatura' , temp_minmax: 'Temp. mín/màx' , wind: 'Vent' , gust: 'Ràfegues' , windforce: 'Força del vent' , direction: 'Direcció' , rain_1h: 'Pluja' , humidity: 'Humitat' , pressure: 'Pressió' // weather conditions, see http://openweathermap.org/weather-conditions // Thunderstorm , id200: 'Tempesta amb pluja feble' , id201: 'Tempesta amb pluja' , id202: 'Tempesta amb pluja forta' , id210: 'Tempesta feble' , id211: 'Tempesta' , id212: 'Tempesta forta' , id221: 'Tempesta irregular' , id230: 'Tempesta amb plugim feble' , id231: 'Tempesta amb plugim' , id232: 'Tempesta amb plugim fort' // Drizzle , id300: 'Plugim feble' , id301: 'Plugim' , id302: 'Plugim fort' , id310: 'Pluja/plugim feble' , id311: 'Pluja/plugim' , id312: 'Pluja/plugim fort' , id321: 'Ruixat de plugim' // Rain , id500: 'Pluja feble' , id501: 'Pluja moderada' , id502: 'Pluja forta' , id503: 'Pluja molt forta' , id504: 'Pluja extrema' , id511: 'Calabruix' , id520: 'Ruixat de pluja feble' , id521: 'Ruixat de pluja' , id522: 'Ruixat de pluja fort' , id531: 'Ruixat de pluja irregular' // Snow , id600: 'Neu feble' , id601: 'Neu' , id602: 'Neu forta' , id611: 'Aiguaneu' , id612: 'Ruixat de aguanieve' , id615: 'Pluja i neu febles' , id616: 'Pluja i neu' , id620: 'Ruixat de neu feble' , id621: 'Ruixat de neu' , id622: 'Ruixat de neu fort' // Atmosphere , id701: 'Bruma' , id711: 'Fum' , id721: 'Boirina' , id731: 'Torbellinos de arena/polvo' , id741: 'Boira' , id751: 'Sorra' , id761: 'Pols' , id762: 'Cendra volcànica' , id771: 'Tempestat' , id781: 'Tornado' // Clouds , id800: 'Cel clar' , id801: 'Alguns núvols' , id802: 'Núvols dispersos' , id803: 'Intervals nuvolosos' , id804: 'Ennuvolat' // Extreme , id900: 'Tornado' , id901: 'Tempesta tropical' , id902: 'Huracà' , id903: 'Temperatures baixes' , id904: 'Temperatures altes' , id905: 'Ventós' , id906: 'Calabruix' // Additional , id951: 'Calma' , id952: 'Brisa lleugera' , id953: 'Brisa suau' , id954: 'Brisa moderada' , id955: 'Brisa fresca' , id956: 'Brisa forta' , id957: 'Vent fort, pròxim a vendaval' , id958: 'Ventada' , id959: 'Ventada forta' , id960: 'Tempesta' , id961: 'Tempesta violenta' , id962: 'Huracà' } } };