### Change Log for Node-RED Worldmap - v2.3.3 - Fix satellite view max zoom - v2.3.2 - Add better geojson support - name plus geojson properties - v2.3.1 - Stop adding point when you add a circle - v2.3.0 - Add colour options for drawing layer - v2.2.1 - Better implementation of legend create/show/hide - v2.2.0 - Add rangering arcs function - v2.1.6 - Add legend command to allow inserting an html legend - v2.1.5 - Fix squawk icon color handling - v2.1.4 - Fix alt and speed as strings - v2.1.3 - Fix web page file path error - v2.1.2 - Fix layercontrol remove bug. Issue #116 - v2.1.1 - fix bug in repeated add with polygon - v2.1.0 - add ui-worldmap node to make embedding in Dashboard easier. Let -in node specify connection actions only. - v2.0.22 - fix SIDC missing property - v2.0.21 - allow adding overlays without making them visible (visible:false). Issue #108 - v2.0.20 - ensure `fit` option is boolean, Issue #109. Fix track layers, Issue #110. - v2.0.18 - Stop map contextmenu bleedthrough to marker. Add compress middleware. - v2.0.17 - Let clear command also clear tracks from tracks node - v2.0.16 - Revert use of ES6 import. Keep IE11 happy for while - v2.0.13 - Fix tracks colour - v2.0.12 - Ensure default icon is in place if not specified (regression) - v2.0.9 - Only update maxage on screen once it exists - v2.0.8 - Drop beta flag, re-organise index, js and css files. Now using leaflet 1.4 - v2.0.7-beta - Switch Ruler control to be independent of Draw library. - v2.0.6-beta - Re-enable editing of draw layer, add rectangles to lines and areas. Make individual objects editable. - v2.0.5-beta - Fix clustering on zoom (update old library) - v2.0.4-beta - Add helicopter icon. Correct Leaflet.Coordinates file name. Fix right contextmenu. - v2.0.3-beta - Let circles have popups. Better drawing of ellipses - v2.0.2-beta - Let lines and areas also have popups - v2.0.1-beta - Add optional graticule. - v2.0.0-beta - Move to leaflet 1.4.x plus all plugins updated - v1.5.40 - Only enable on.location function when not in an iframe. Issue #89. Tidy html. - v1.5.39 - Add weather-lite icons - v1.5.38 - Add Esri dark grey and ocean, re-add hikebike, layers - v1.5.37 - Add .trackpoints to override default number in tracks node. Let tracks optionally be on different layers. Fix marker changing layers Issue #85 - v1.5.36 - Fix contextmenu $name substitution - v1.5.35 - Add msp.delete command to remove any layers not needed at start (array of names). Issue #83. - v1.5.34 - Add command.contextmenu to set non-marker context menu (defaults to add marker). - v1.5.33 - Let blank input disable contextmenu completely. Tidy up help, update dialog polyfill. - v1.5.32 - Add .contextmenu custom right click menu Issue #73, Fix map lock, Close websocket on unload - v1.5.31 - Fix pan first at start, and coords overlay. Issues #81 and #82 - v1.5.30 - Add tooltip option, ability to remove base layer, search on icon, show mouse pointer co-ordinates - v1.5.29 - remove lat/lon from popup if using .popup property. Allow icon to be loaded from http. - v1.5.28 - Tidy up popup location and timing. Auto add countries overlay if no internet. - v1.5.27 - Add hide right click option to config panel - v1.5.26 - Ensure all map tiles loaded over https - v1.5.25 - Add button command to allow user to add and remove buttons - v1.5.24 - ensure hiderightclick does do that, and popup always has close button. Issue #69, #70 - v1.5.23 - Let icon support use of emoji specified as :emoji name: - v1.5.22 - Slight adjust to label positions for default map marker icon. Add .lineColor for bearing lines - v1.5.21 - Add .label option to display permanent label. Clean up some excess debug logging - v1.5.20 - Let worldmap in node send message after out node has initialised - v1.5.19 - Fix map path label - v1.5.18 - Update Leaflet.vector-markers to 0.0.6 (https://github.com/hiasinho/Leaflet.vector-markers) - v1.5.17 - Allow setting maxage to 0 (infinite) correctly - Issue #64 - v1.5.16 - Allow setting panlock, zoomlock and hiderightclick via commands - Issue #60 - v1.5.15 - Allow setting clusterAt to 0 to fully disable it - Issue #61 - v1.5.14 - Stop delete marker feedback to allow updating multiple maps - Issue #59 - v1.5.13 - Send click message to websocket on marker click - Issue #56, #57 - v1.5.11 - Let search also try geocoding lookup if not found in marks. - v1.5.10 - Allow latest mark added to open popup, and allow `popped=false` to close. - v1.5.7 - Tidy up sidc entry, and drag-ability of nodes on drawing layer. - v1.5.6 - Add search command and clear search functionality. - v1.5.5 - Allow multiple overlays to be enabled at once - Issue #53 - v1.5.4 - Allow remote update of the split position via `msg.command.split` - v1.5.3 - Add side by side mode (via `msg.command` only). - v1.5.2 - Make manually added icons moveable by default. - v1.5.0 - Add multi-map capability - can now have multiple map endpoints. Issue #40 PR #51 - Also add built-in world countries overlay layer for offline use. - v1.4.6 - allow more variation in fa-icon modifiers, so fa-3x and fa-spin work. - v1.4.5 - fix clearing overlays - v1.4.4 - add a couple of extra overlay layers, roads, rail, sea - v1.4.3 - support custom icon for GPX and KML. Better readme for geojson. - v1.4.2 - add NVG layer capability - v1.4.1 - let `msg.payload.popup` set the popup contents. - v1.4.0 - only send to specific _ sessionid if specified. - v1.3.7 - rescale NATO symbols (less variation, not so small) - v1.3.6 - setting `msg.payload.draggable = true` will allow a marker to be moved and create a move event on the input node. - v1.3.5 - parse numeric inputs (speed, bearing etc) to remove any extra text. - v1.3.4 - Add ISS icon - v1.3.3 - Bugfix for inline satellite icon - v1.3.2 - Bugfix for inline svg icons - v1.3.1 - Allow `msg.payload.popped = true` to auto open the info popup. - v1.3.0 - Add initial 3D page (worldmap/index3d.html), Add ability to add KML, GPX and TOPOJSON overlay layers and optional zoom to fit. Change all http: links to https: - v1.2.4 - Let weblink also specify target page. eg `msg.payload.weblink = {name:"BBC News", url:"http://news.bbc.co.uk", target:"_new"}` - v1.2.3 - Add higher maxZoom values for some layers - v1.2.2 - Re-fix simultaneous command plus payload - v1.2.1 - Sort out map initialisation - especially clusterAt values - v1.2.0 - Bump version (should have done it for adding velocity layer). Tidy up deletion of marker and tracks. - v1.1.16 - Add Velocity layer - for velocity grid type overlays (eg wind, currents, etc) - v1.1.15 - Tidy of Info, Readme and NATO symbol options. - v1.1.14 - Add proper NATO symbology via milsymbol.js - v1.1.13 - Add ability to set a building using a GeoJSON Feature set. {name:"MyTower":building:{...feature sets...}} - v1.1.12 - README changes, split out CHANGELOG.md - v1.1.11 - fix websocket multiple connections - v1.1.9 - add ability to add geoJSON layers - v1.1.8 - add videoUrl property to allow mp4 insert in popup - v1.1.7 - extend path correctly - Issue #28 - v1.1.6 - cleanup/remove excess logging - v1.1.5 - add ttl property to set expiry time (secs) of individual marker, and let command clear:"layername" delete a complete layer. - v1.1.4 - Let layer control be visible or not - v1.1.3 - more typos. - v1.1.1 - fix adding layer to embedded map in iframe - v1.1.0 - Move to sockjs (smaller than socket.io). Remove layers that are no longer served for free, Issue #24. Remove polygons as well as markers on timeout. - v1.0.35 - Try to better center fa-icon and remove black square (Windows) - Issue #25 - v1.0.34 - Fix for icon not specified - v1.0.33 - Add fa-icon without marker - v1.0.32 - Add uav icon, update README - v1.0.31 - Add arrow and wind icons - v1.0.30 - Add ability to send an array of data points or commands. Add overlay map. Allow more drawing options for lines, areas, circles. - v1.0.29 - Add, tracks node, Fix websocket on Windows - v1.0.28 - Move websocket to specific path, and support satellite node - v1.0.26 - Add info on how to use with local WMS server - v1.0.24 - Add `.weblink` property to allow links out to other information. - v1.0.23 - Add msg.payload.command.heatmap to allow setting of heatmap config. - v1.0.22 - Add example how to embed into Node-RED-Dashboard template. - v1.0.21 - If you specify range and icon then you get a marker and a range circle, if you just specify range with no icon, you just get a circle, and vice versa. - v1.0.20 - Add buildings overlay. - v1.0.19 - Add circle mode - specify name, lat, lon and radius. - v1.0.18 - Correct .photourl property to match .photoUrl as per docs - v1.0.17 - Removed Mapquest maps. Bug fixes - reduced leakage of listeners being added. - v1.0.12 - Added ability to set initial start position, zoom level and base map layer. - v1.0.x - now uses socket.io to connect to backend - means this node now has an input connection (like "proper" nodes should :-), and you no longer need a websocket node in parallel. Obviously this is a breaking change hence the major version number bump. Also thus adds a `worldmap in` node to handle events coming from the map interaction.