/* eslint-disable indent,semi */ /** * Create a Canvas as ImageOverlay to draw the Lat/Lon Graticule, * and show the axis tick label on the edge of the map. * Author: lanwei@cloudybay.com.tw */ (function (window, document, undefined) { L.LatLngGraticule = L.Layer.extend({ includes: (L.Evented.prototype || L.Mixin.Events), options: { showLabel: true, opacity: 1, weight: 0.8, color: '#aaa', font: '12px Verdana', dashArray: [0,0], lngLineCurved: 0, latLineCurved: 0, zoomInterval: [ {start: 2, end: 2, interval: 40}, {start: 3, end: 3, interval: 20}, {start: 4, end: 4, interval: 10}, {start: 5, end: 7, interval: 5}, {start: 8, end: 20, interval: 1} ], sides: ['N', 'S', 'E', 'W'] }, initialize: function (options) { L.setOptions(this, options); var defaultFontName = 'Verdana'; var _ff = this.options.font.split(' '); if (_ff.length < 2) { this.options.font += ' ' + defaultFontName; } if (!this.options.fontColor) { this.options.fontColor = this.options.color; } if (this.options.zoomInterval) { if (this.options.zoomInterval.latitude) { this.options.latInterval = this.options.zoomInterval.latitude; if (!this.options.zoomInterval.longitude) { this.options.lngInterval = this.options.zoomInterval.latitude; } } if (this.options.zoomInterval.longitude) { this.options.lngInterval = this.options.zoomInterval.longitude; if (!this.options.zoomInterval.latitude) { this.options.latInterval = this.options.zoomInterval.longitude; } } if (!this.options.latInterval) { this.options.latInterval = this.options.zoomInterval; } if (!this.options.lngInterval) { this.options.lngInterval = this.options.zoomInterval; } } }, onAdd: function (map) { this._map = map; if (!this._canvas) { this._initCanvas(); } map._panes.overlayPane.appendChild(this._canvas); map.on('viewreset', this._reset, this); map.on('move', this._reset, this); map.on('moveend', this._reset, this); if (map.options.zoomAnimation && L.Browser.any3d) { map.on('zoomanim', this._animateZoom, this); } this._reset(); }, onRemove: function (map) { L.DomUtil.remove(this._canvas); map.off('viewreset', this._reset, this); map.off('move', this._reset, this); map.off('moveend', this._reset, this); if (map.options.zoomAnimation) { map.off('zoomanim', this._animateZoom, this); } }, addTo: function (map) { map.addLayer(this); return this; }, setOpacity: function (opacity) { this.options.opacity = opacity; this._updateOpacity(); return this; }, bringToFront: function () { if (this._canvas) { //this._map._panes.overlayPane.appendChild(this._canvas); } return this; }, bringToBack: function () { var pane = this._map._panes.overlayPane; if (this._canvas) { //pane.insertBefore(this._canvas, pane.firstChild); } return this; }, getAttribution: function () { return this.options.attribution; }, _initCanvas: function () { this._canvas = L.DomUtil.create('canvas', ''); if (this._map.options.zoomAnimation && L.Browser.any3d) { L.DomUtil.addClass(this._canvas, 'leaflet-zoom-animated'); } else { L.DomUtil.addClass(this._canvas, 'leaflet-zoom-hide'); } this._updateOpacity(); L.extend(this._canvas, { onselectstart: L.Util.falseFn, onmousemove: L.Util.falseFn, onload: L.bind(this._onCanvasLoad, this) }); }, _animateZoom: function (e) { var map = this._map, canvas = this._canvas, scale = map.getZoomScale(e.zoom), nw = map.containerPointToLatLng([0, 0]), se = map.containerPointToLatLng([canvas.width, canvas.height]), topLeft = map._latLngToNewLayerPoint(nw, e.zoom, e.center), size = map._latLngToNewLayerPoint(se, e.zoom, e.center)._subtract(topLeft), origin = topLeft._add(size._multiplyBy((1 / 2) * (1 - 1 / scale))); L.DomUtil.setTransform(canvas, origin, scale); }, _reset: function () { var canvas = this._canvas, size = this._map.getSize(), lt = this._map.containerPointToLayerPoint([0, 0]); L.DomUtil.setPosition(canvas, lt); canvas.width = size.x; canvas.height = size.y; canvas.style.width = size.x + 'px'; canvas.style.height = size.y + 'px'; this.__calcInterval(); this.__draw(true); }, _onCanvasLoad: function () { this.fire('load'); }, _updateOpacity: function () { L.DomUtil.setOpacity(this._canvas, this.options.opacity); }, __format_lat: function(lat) { if (this.options.latFormatTickLabel) { return this.options.latFormatTickLabel(lat); } // todo: format type of float if (lat < 0) { return '' + (lat*-1) + this.options.sides[1]; } else if (lat > 0) { return '' + lat + this.options.sides[0]; } return '' + lat; }, __format_lng: function(lng) { if (this.options.lngFormatTickLabel) { return this.options.lngFormatTickLabel(lng); } // todo: format type of float if (lng > 180) { return '' + (360 - lng) + this.options.sides[3]; } else if (lng > 0 && lng < 180) { return '' + lng + this.options.sides[2]; } else if (lng < 0 && lng > -180) { return '' + (lng*-1) + this.options.sides[3]; } else if (lng == -180) { return '' + (lng*-1); } else if (lng < -180) { return '' + (360 + lng) + this.options.sides[3]; } return '' + lng; }, __calcInterval: function() { var zoom = this._map.getZoom(); if (this._currZoom != zoom) { this._currLngInterval = 0; this._currLatInterval = 0; this._currZoom = zoom; } var interv; if (!this._currLngInterval) { try { for (var idx in this.options.lngInterval) { var dict = this.options.lngInterval[idx]; if (dict.start <= zoom) { if (dict.end && dict.end >= zoom) { this._currLngInterval = dict.interval; break; } } } } catch(e) { this._currLngInterval = 0; } } if (!this._currLatInterval) { try { for (var idx in this.options.latInterval) { var dict = this.options.latInterval[idx]; if (dict.start <= zoom) { if (dict.end && dict.end >= zoom) { this._currLatInterval = dict.interval; break; } } } } catch(e) { this._currLatInterval = 0; } } }, __draw: function(label) { function _parse_px_to_int(txt) { if (txt.length > 2) { if (txt.charAt(txt.length-2) == 'p') { txt = txt.substr(0, txt.length-2); } } try { return parseInt(txt, 10); } catch(e) {} return 0; }; var self = this, canvas = this._canvas, map = this._map, curvedLon = this.options.lngLineCurved, curvedLat = this.options.latLineCurved; if (L.Browser.canvas && map) { if (!this._currLngInterval || !this._currLatInterval) { this.__calcInterval(); } var latInterval = this._currLatInterval, lngInterval = this._currLngInterval; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.lineWidth = this.options.weight; ctx.strokeStyle = this.options.color; ctx.fillStyle = this.options.fontColor; ctx.setLineDash(this.options.dashArray); if (this.options.font) { ctx.font = this.options.font; } var txtWidth = ctx.measureText('0').width; var txtHeight = 12; try { var _font_size = ctx.font.trim().split(' ')[0]; txtHeight = _parse_px_to_int(_font_size); } catch(e) {} var ww = canvas.width, hh = canvas.height; var lt = map.containerPointToLatLng(L.point(0, 0)); var rt = map.containerPointToLatLng(L.point(ww, 0)); var rb = map.containerPointToLatLng(L.point(ww, hh)); var _lat_b = rb.lat, _lat_t = lt.lat; var _lon_l = lt.lng, _lon_r = rt.lng; var _point_per_lat = (_lat_t - _lat_b) / (hh * 0.2); if (isNaN(_point_per_lat)) { return; } if (_point_per_lat < 1) { _point_per_lat = 1; } if (_lat_b < -90) { _lat_b = -90; } else { _lat_b = parseInt(_lat_b - _point_per_lat, 10); } if (_lat_t > 90) { _lat_t = 90; } else { _lat_t = parseInt(_lat_t + _point_per_lat, 10); } var _point_per_lon = (_lon_r - _lon_l) / (ww * 0.2); if (_point_per_lon < 1) { _point_per_lon = 1; } if (_lon_l > 0 && _lon_r < 0) { _lon_r += 360; } _lon_r = parseInt(_lon_r + _point_per_lon, 10); _lon_l = parseInt(_lon_l - _point_per_lon, 10); var ll, latstr, lngstr, _lon_delta = 0.5; function __draw_lat_line(self, lat_tick) { ll = self._latLngToCanvasPoint(L.latLng(lat_tick, _lon_l)); latstr = self.__format_lat(lat_tick); txtWidth = ctx.measureText(latstr).width; var spacer = self.options.showLabel && label ? txtWidth + 10 : 0; if (curvedLat) { if (typeof(curvedLat) == 'number') { _lon_delta = curvedLat; } var __lon_left = _lon_l, __lon_right = _lon_r; if (ll.x > 0) { var __lon_left = map.containerPointToLatLng(L.point(0, ll.y)); __lon_left = __lon_left.lng - _point_per_lon; ll.x = 0; } var rr = self._latLngToCanvasPoint(L.latLng(lat_tick, __lon_right)); if (rr.x < ww) { __lon_right = map.containerPointToLatLng(L.point(ww, rr.y)); __lon_right = __lon_right.lng + _point_per_lon; if (__lon_left > 0 && __lon_right < 0) { __lon_right += 360; } } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(ll.x + spacer, ll.y); var _prev_p = null; for (var j=__lon_left; j<=__lon_right; j+=_lon_delta) { rr = self._latLngToCanvasPoint(L.latLng(lat_tick, j)); ctx.lineTo(rr.x - spacer, rr.y); if (self.options.showLabel && label && _prev_p != null) { if (_prev_p.x < 0 && rr.x >= 0) { var _s = (rr.x - 0) / (rr.x - _prev_p.x); var _y = rr.y - ((rr.y - _prev_p.y) * _s); ctx.fillText(latstr, 0, _y + (txtHeight/2)); } else if (_prev_p.x <= (ww-txtWidth) && rr.x > (ww-txtWidth)) { var _s = (rr.x - ww) / (rr.x - _prev_p.x); var _y = rr.y - ((rr.y - _prev_p.y) * _s); ctx.fillText(latstr, ww-txtWidth, _y + (txtHeight/2)-2); } } _prev_p = {x:rr.x, y:rr.y, lon:j, lat:i}; } ctx.stroke(); } else { var __lon_right = _lon_r; var rr = self._latLngToCanvasPoint(L.latLng(lat_tick, __lon_right)); if (curvedLon) { __lon_right = map.containerPointToLatLng(L.point(0, rr.y)); __lon_right = __lon_right.lng; rr = self._latLngToCanvasPoint(L.latLng(lat_tick, __lon_right)); var __lon_left = map.containerPointToLatLng(L.point(ww, rr.y)); __lon_left = __lon_left.lng; ll = self._latLngToCanvasPoint(L.latLng(lat_tick, __lon_left)); } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(1 + spacer, ll.y); ctx.lineTo(rr.x-1 - spacer, rr.y); ctx.stroke(); if (self.options.showLabel && label) { var _yy = ll.y + (txtHeight/2)-2; ctx.fillText(latstr, 0, _yy); ctx.fillText(latstr, ww-txtWidth, _yy); } } }; if (latInterval > 0) { for (var i=latInterval; i<=_lat_t; i+=latInterval) { if (i >= _lat_b) { __draw_lat_line(this, i); } } for (var i=0; i>=_lat_b; i-=latInterval) { if (i <= _lat_t) { __draw_lat_line(this, i); } } } function __draw_lon_line(self, lon_tick) { lngstr = self.__format_lng(lon_tick); txtWidth = ctx.measureText(lngstr).width; var bb = self._latLngToCanvasPoint(L.latLng(_lat_b, lon_tick)); var spacer = self.options.showLabel && label ? txtHeight + 5 : 0; if (curvedLon) { if (typeof(curvedLon) == 'number') { _lat_delta = curvedLon; } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(bb.x, 5 + spacer); var _prev_p = null; for (var j=_lat_b; j<_lat_t; j+=_lat_delta) { var tt = self._latLngToCanvasPoint(L.latLng(j, lon_tick)); ctx.lineTo(tt.x, tt.y - spacer); if (self.options.showLabel && label && _prev_p != null) { if (_prev_p.y > 8 && tt.y <= 8) { ctx.fillText(lngstr, tt.x - (txtWidth/2), txtHeight + 5); } else if (_prev_p.y >= hh && tt.y < hh) { ctx.fillText(lngstr, tt.x - (txtWidth/2), hh-2); } } _prev_p = {x:tt.x, y:tt.y, lon:lon_tick, lat:j}; } ctx.stroke(); } else { var __lat_top = _lat_t; var tt = self._latLngToCanvasPoint(L.latLng(__lat_top, lon_tick)); if (curvedLat) { __lat_top = map.containerPointToLatLng(L.point(tt.x, 0)); __lat_top = __lat_top.lat; if (__lat_top > 90) { __lat_top = 90; } tt = self._latLngToCanvasPoint(L.latLng(__lat_top, lon_tick)); var __lat_bottom = map.containerPointToLatLng(L.point(bb.x, hh)); __lat_bottom = __lat_bottom.lat; if (__lat_bottom < -90) { __lat_bottom = -90; } bb = self._latLngToCanvasPoint(L.latLng(__lat_bottom, lon_tick)); } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(tt.x, 5 + spacer); ctx.lineTo(bb.x, hh-1 - spacer); ctx.stroke(); if (self.options.showLabel && label) { ctx.fillText(lngstr, tt.x - (txtWidth/2), txtHeight+5); ctx.fillText(lngstr, bb.x - (txtWidth/2), hh-3); } } }; if (lngInterval > 0) { for (var i=lngInterval; i<=_lon_r; i+=lngInterval) { if (i >= _lon_l) { __draw_lon_line(this, i); } } for (var i=0; i>=_lon_l; i-=lngInterval) { if (i <= _lon_r) { __draw_lon_line(this, i); } } } } }, _latLngToCanvasPoint: function(latlng) { var map = this._map; var projectedPoint = map.project(L.latLng(latlng)); projectedPoint._subtract(map.getPixelOrigin()); return L.point(projectedPoint).add(map._getMapPanePos()); } }); L.latlngGraticule = function (options) { return new L.LatLngGraticule(options); }; }(this, document));