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# node-red-contrib-web-worldmap
![NPM version](
9 years ago
A <a href="" target="mapinfo">Node-RED</a> node to provide world
9 years ago
map web page for plotting "things" on.
![Map Image](
6 years ago
### Updates
6 years ago
- v1.1.15 - Tidy of Info, Readme and NATO symbol options.
- v1.1.14 - Add proper NATO symbology via <a href="" target="mapinfo">milsymbol.js</a>
6 years ago
- v1.1.13 - Add ability to set a building using a GeoJSON Feature set. {name:"MyTower":building:{...feature sets...}}
see [CHANGELOG]( for full list.
## Install
6 years ago
Either use the Manage Palette option in the Node-RED Editor menu, or run the following command in your Node-RED user directory - typically `~/.node-red`
9 years ago
npm i --save node-red-contrib-web-worldmap
9 years ago
## Usage
9 years ago
Plots "things" on a map. The map will be served from `{httpRoot}/worldmap`
6 years ago
Use keyboard shortcut `⌘⇧m`, `ctrl-shift-m` to jump to the map.
9 years ago
The minimum **msg.payload** must contain `name`, `lat` and `lon` properties, e.g.
msg.payload = { name:"Joe", lat:51.05, lon:-1.35 }
9 years ago
`name` must be a unique identifier across the whole map. Repeated location updates to the same `name` move the point.
9 years ago
Optional properties include
6 years ago
- **deleted** : set to <i>true</i> to remove the named marker. (default <i>false</i>)
9 years ago
- **layer** : specify a layer on the map to add marker to.
- **speed** : combined with bearing, draws a vector.
- **bearing** : combined with speed, draws a vector.
- **accuracy** : combined with bearing, draws a polygon of possible direction.
- **icon** : <a href="" target="mapinfo">font awesome</a> icon name.
- **iconColor** : Standard CSS colour name or #rrggbb hex value.
- **SIDC** : NATO symbology code (instead of icon). See below.
- **building** : OSMbulding GeoJSON feature set to add 2.5D buildings to buildings layer. See below.
- **ttl** : time to live, how long an individual marker stays on map in seconds (overrides general maxage setting)
- **photoUrl** : adds an image pointed at by the url to the popup box.
- **videoUrl** : adds an mp4 video pointed at by the url to the popup box. Ideally 320x240 in size.
- **weblink** : adds a link to an external page for more information. Either set a url as a *string*, or an *object* like `{name:"BBC News", url:""}`
- **addtoheatmap** : set to <i>false</i> to exclude point from contributing to heatmap layer. (default true)
- **intensity** : set to a value of 0.1 - 1.0 to set the intensity of the point on heatmap layer. (default 1.0)
Any other `msg.payload` properties will be added to the icon popup text box.
9 years ago
### Icons
9 years ago
You may select any of the Font Awesome set of [icons](
6 years ago
If you use the name without the fa- prefix (eg `male`) you will get the icon inside a generic marker shape. If you use the fa- prefix (eg `fa-male`) you will get the icon on its own.
There are also several special icons...
9 years ago
- **plane** : a plane icon that aligns with the bearing of travel.
9 years ago
- **ship** : a ship icon that aligns with the bearing of travel.
9 years ago
- **car** : a car icon that aligns with the bearing of travel.
- **uav** : a small plane icon that aligns with the bearing of travel.
- **arrow** : a map GPS arrow type pointer that aligns with the bearing of travel.
- **wind** : a wind arrow that points in the direction the wind is coming FROM.
- **satellite** : a small satellite icon.
- **locate** : a 4 corner outline to locate a point without obscuring it.
- **friend** : pseudo NATO style blue rectangle.
- **hostile** : pseudo NATO style red circle.
- **neutral** : pseudo NATO style green square.
- **unknown** : pseudo NATO style yellow square.
- **earthquake** : black circle - diameter proportional to `msg.mag`.
9 years ago
#### NATO Symbology
You can use NATO symbols from <a href="" target="mapinfo">milsymbol.js</a>.
To do this you need to supply a `msg.SIDC` instead of an icon, for example:
msg.payload = { name: "Emergency Medical Operation",
lat: 51.05,
lon: -1.35,
options: { fillOpacity:0.8 }
SIDC codes can be generated using the online tool -
There are lots of extra options you can specify as `msg.options` - see the <a href="" target="mapinfo">milsymbol docs here</a>.
### Buildings
The OSM Buildings layer is available in the layers menu. You can replace this with a building of your own by
sending a msg.payload containing a name and a building property. The building property should be
a GeoJSON Feature Collection as per the OSMBuildings spec.
msg.payload = { name:"My Block", building: {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"wallColor": "rgb(0,0,255)",
"roofColor": "rgb(128,128,255)",
"height": 50,
"minHeight": 0,
"piso": 0
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
[-1.398163, 51.026591],
[-1.397781, 51.026597],
[-1.397751, 51.025430],
[-1.398148, 51.025427],
[-1.398163, 51.026591]
] }
**Note**: the object you supply will replace the whole buildings layer. To delete the building send a msg with a name and the building property set to "" (blank string).
### Areas and Lines
9 years ago
If the payload contains an **area** property - that is an array of co-ordinates, e.g.
... , area: [ [51.05, -0.08], [51.5, -1], [51.2, -0.047] ], ...
9 years ago
then rather than draw a point and icon it draws the polygon. Likewise if it contains a
**line** property it will draw the polyline.
9 years ago
- **iconColor** : can set the colour of the polygon or line.
- **name** : is used as the id key - so can be redrawn/moved.
- **layer** : declares which layer you put it on..
9 years ago
### Circles
If the payload contains a **radius** property, as well as name, lat and lon, then rather
than draw a point it will draw a circle. The *radius* property is specified in meters.
msg.payload = { lat:51.05, lon:-1.35, name:"A3090", radius:3000 }
As per Areas and Lines you may also specify *iconColor*, and *layer*.
If the payload contains a **sdlat** and **sdlon** property instead of *radius* an ellipse will be drawn. The sdlat and sdlon propertys specify the semi-axes of the ellipse.
These are specified in the Latitude/Longitude format.
### Options
Areas, Lines and Circles can also specify more optional properties:
- color
- fillColor
- stroke
- weight
- opacity
- fill
- fillOpacity
- clickable (if true sets the passed in name as Popup)
## Drawing
A single *right click* will allow you to add a point to the map - you must specify the `name` and optionally the `icon` and `layer`.
Right-clicking on an icon will allow you to delete it.
If you select the **drawing** layer you can also add polylines, polygons and rectangles.
All these events generate messages that can be received by using a **worldmap in** node. For example:
{ "action": "connected" }
{ "action": "point", "lat": "50.60634", "lon": "-1.66580", "point": "joe,male,mylayer" }
{ "action": "delete", "name": "joe" }
{ "action": "layer", "name": "Esri Satellite" }
{ "action": "draw", "type": "rectangle", "points": [ { "lat": 50.61243889044519, "lng": -1.5913009643554688 }, { "lat": 50.66665471366635, "lng": -1.5913009643554688 }, { "lat": 50.66665471366635, "lng": -1.4742279052734375 }, { "lat": 50.61243889044519, "lng": -1.4742279052734375 } ] }
## Control
9 years ago
You can also control the map via the node, by sending in a msg.payload containing a **command** object.
9 years ago
Optional properties include
- **lat** - move map to specified latitude.
- **lon** - move map to specified longitude.
- **zoom** - move map to specified zoom level (1 - world, 13 to 20 max zoom depending on map).
- **layer** - set map to specified layer name (can be a base layer or an overlay layer).
9 years ago
- **map** - Object containing details of a new map layer:
- **name** - name of the map base layer OR **overlay** - name of overlay layer
9 years ago
- **url** - url of the map layer
- **opt** - options object for the new layer
- **wms** - boolean, specifies if the data is provided by a Web Map Service
- **bounds** - sets the bounds of an Overlay-Image. 2 Dimensional Array that defines the top-left and bottom-right Corners (lat/lng Points)
- **heatmap** - set heatmap options object see
- **clear** - layer name - to clear a complete layer and remove from layer menu
9 years ago
#### To switch layer, move map and zoom
9 years ago
msg.payload.command = {layer:"Esri Relief", lat:51, lon:3, zoom:10 };
9 years ago
#### To draw a heavily customized Circle on a layer
msg.payload.command = {
#### To add a new base layer
9 years ago = {
opt:{ maxZoom:19, attribution:"&copy; OpenStreetMap" }
9 years ago
#### To add a new geoJSON overlay = {
geojson:{ your geojson feature as an object },
6 years ago
opt:{ optional geojson options, style, filter, onEach, Feature, etc }
see for more details about options
#### To add an Image Overlay
var imageBounds = [[40.712216, -74.22655], [40.773941, -74.12544]];
msg.payload = { command : {lat:40.74, lon:-74.175, zoom:13 } }; = {
overlay:"New York Historical",
bounds: imageBounds,
opt:{ opacity:1.0, attribution:"&copy; University of Texas" }
#### To clear a layer from the map
msg.payload.command.clear = "name of your layer/overlay to remove";
### Using a local Map Server (WMS server)
IMHO the easiest map server to make work is the <a href="" target="mapinfo">mapserver</a> package in Ubuntu / Debian. Usually you will start with
sudo apt-get install mapserver-bin cgi-mapserver gdal-bin
Configuring that, setting up your tiles, and creating a .map file is way beyond the scope of this README so I will leave that as an exercise for the reader. Once set up you should have a cgi process you can run called `mapserv`, and a `.map` file that describes the layers available from the server.
Create and edit these into an executeable file called **mapserv**, located in this node's directory, typically
`~/.node-red/node_modules/node-red-contrib-web-worldmap/mapserv`, for example:
#! /bin/sh
# set this to the path of your WMS map file (which in turn points to your tiles)
# and set this to the path of your cgi-mapserv executable
You can then add a new WMS Base layer by injecting a message like = {
name: "Local WMS",
url: 'http://localhost:1880/cgi-bin/mapserv', // we will serve the tiles from this node locally.
opt: {
layers: 'gb', // specifies a layer in your map file
format: 'image/png',
transparent: true,
attribution: "© Ordnance Survey, UK"
wms: true // set to true for WMS type mapserver
## Demo Flow
9 years ago
The following example gets recent earthquakes from USGS, parses the result,
formats up the msg as per above and sends to the node to plot on the map.
9 years ago
It also shows how to zoom and move the map or add a new layer.
[{"id":"f7950c21.019f5","type":"worldmap","z":"896b28a8.437658","name":"","x":670,"y":680,"wires":[]},{"id":"bb057b8a.4fe2c8","type":"inject","z":"896b28a8.437658","name":"","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"none","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"x":110,"y":640,"wires":[["b8545e85.5ba4c"]]},{"id":"b8545e85.5ba4c","type":"function","z":"896b28a8.437658","name":"add new layer","func":"msg.payload = {};\nmsg.payload.command = {};\n\nvar u = 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png';\nvar o = JSON.stringify({ maxZoom: 19, attribution: '&copy; OpenStreetMap'});\n\ = {name:\"OSMhot\", url:u, opt:o};\nmsg.payload.command.layer = \"OSMhot\";\n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":340,"y":640,"wires":[["f7950c21.019f5"]]},{"id":"e6cc0a05.14edd8","type":"function","z":"896b28a8.437658","name":"USGS Quake monitor csv re-parse","func":" = msg.payload.latitude;\nmsg.payload.lon = msg.payload.longitude;\nmsg.payload.layer = \"earthquake\";\ =;\nmsg.payload.icon = \"globe\";\nmsg.payload.iconColor = \"orange\";\n\ndelete msg.payload.latitude;\ndelete msg.payload.longitude;\t\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":460,"y":780,"wires":[["f7950c21.019f5"]]},{"id":"84b8388.5e943c8","type":"function","z":"896b28a8.437658","name":"move and zoom","func":"msg.payload = { command:{layer:\"Esri Terrain\",lat:0,lon:0,zoom:3} };\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":340,"y":680,"wires":[["f7950c21.019f5"]]},{"id":"5c317188.d2f31","type":"csv","z":"896b28a8.437658","name":"","sep":",","hdrin":true,"hdrout":"","multi":"one","ret":"\\n","temp":"","x":310,"y":720,"wires":[["e6cc0a05.14edd8"]]},{"id":"cfafad11.2f299","type":"inject","z":"896b28a8.437658","name":"","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"none","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"x":110,"y":680,"wires":[["84b8388.5e943c8"]]},{"id":"f0d75b03.39d618","type":"http request","z":"896b28a8.437658","name":"","method":"GET","url":"","x":190,"y":780,"wires":[["5c317188.d2f31"]]},{"id":"87da03a.eb8a3","type":"inject","z":"896b28a8.437658","name":"Quakes","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"none","repeat":"900","crontab":"","once":false,"x":120,"y":720,"wires":[["f0d75b03.39d618"]]}]
9 years ago
Car icon made by <a href="" title="Freepik">Freepik</a> from <a href="" title="Flaticon"></a> is licensed by <a href="" title="Creative Commons BY 3.0" target="mapinfo">CC 3.0 BY</a>.</div>